Welcome To Hell

By ShihoFujioka

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This story involves teenagers who are bullied throughout their high school life by their peers...Now they're... More

Where am I...?
Welcome To Hell.
The Game Starts.
File 1: The Nerd Case
Philip Fioyd Case
Philip Fioyd-The Nerd
Philip Fioyd's Breaking Point
Whose The Fucktard Now?
File 2: The Retard Case
Betty Pines Case
Betty Pines-The Retard
Betty Pines' Breaking Point
Stupid Bitch
File 3: The Goth Case
Raven Grey's Case
Raven Grey-The Goth Boy
Raven Grey: Fuck My Life...
Raven Grey's Breaking Point
The Revenge Of The Crow
File 4: The Fat Girl Case
Chloe Mathis' Case
Chloe Mathis-The Fat Girl
Boy Problems
Chloe Mathis' Breaking Point
Killing One Another...
File 5: The Gay Couple Case
Oliver Griffin-The Gay Boy...
His Father Is A Bad Man...
Billy Roy Meets Oliver Griffin.
Oliver's Darkest Secret
The Horrible Truth...
The Couple's Breaking Point
Death By. Acid
File 6: The Negro Case
Melvin Cartson-The Negro
Melvin's Breaking Point
Burn In Hell~!
Words Hurt...
A Traitor...?
Who Is The Traitor???
Mass Murders and Suicides
The Outcasts
Something Familiar...
Beverly's Case
Who Is The Mastermind???
No Way....
Disable The Microchips!!!
Young Love Dies...
Stand My Ground
It's All Over...
Lone Heart Beats True...

A Date With Me?

211 11 15
By ShihoFujioka

"Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it...In the worst way possible that is..."

Chloe was in the cafeteria with Roxie and Amanda. While the other two girls chat and eat, Chloe was more or less, just playing with her food...

Today, they were having Hotdogs, fries, and beans. For drink...just milk or water...their choice.

Amanda: Chloe?

Chloe looks up from her food at her friend.

Chloe: Yes?

Roxie: Are you okay, girl? You haven't even touched your hotdog yet.

Chloe: Oh...It's nothing...I'm fine.

Amanda: Oh come on! You can tell us anything! Did something happened?

Chloe: Well...I guess I can ask you guys one thing.

Roxie: Okay. Spill.

Chloe:....Am I fat?

Amanda and Roxie looked at her in shock. They both stared at each other in bewilderment before looking back at Chloe.

Roxie: Uh. No. Chloe. What makes you say that?

Chloe: My classmates. They're always calling me fat or pig. Along with some other names...

Amanda: Don't listen to them... They're just being bullies...

Chloe: I'm trying not too. But no matter what I do...They're always finding a way to tease me...

Roxie: How?

Chloe: While I was in the bathroom this morning...One of the girls dumped dirty water on me and called me a pig...telling me that pigs love mud and dirty water....

Roxie: Childish...That would explain why you're wearing different clothes today...

Chloe: It's getting worse and worse...I don't know what to do... Everytime they called me fat...I just don't feel like eating...

Amanda: Chloe...Don't listen to them. If you don't eat...You become anoxeric...

Chloe:...What does that mean?

Roxie: It means you'll hurt yourself by not eating. Plus, you could die from that...

Amanda: True. Please Chloe. I don't want you to get hurt...

Chloe made a smile at them.

Chloe: Thank girls.

Roxie: No probs~!

Amanda: So...Are you going to eat?

Chloe looks at her food. It will get cold if she don't eat...She nodded and begin to eat a little...only a little...

Suddenly, Chloe heard someone calling her name. She looked to see the boy she met.

Chloe: H-Hi Cody.

Roxie: Ooooh~! Whose Cody?

Chloe: J-Just a boy I met today....

Amanda: Looks like you got a crush.

Chloe: W-What don't be silly. W-We're just friends.

Roxie: Sure you are~!

Chloe: Besides...Why would he even like me anyway...I-I'm...

Roxie: Don't say you're fat because you know you're not...Just give him a chance.

Chloe scoffs at her friends and looks at Cody with a smile as he walks towards her.

Cody: S'up girl.

Chloe: Nothing much. You?

Cody: Bored and wanted to talk to you. Also...Would you like to go out sometime. I'll pay.

Chloe: R-Really?

Cody: Yeah. So what do you say?

Chloe: O-Of course! (I can't believe this is actually happening!)

???: WHAT?!!!!!!

Everyone in the cafeteria froze and look to see Katie going over to their spot.

Amanda: (Uh-oh...Here's come trouble...)

Cody gave Katie a frown.

Cody: Hello Katie.

Katie: H-How could you! You're supposed to be my boyfriend!

Chloe: (Wait?! 'Her' boyfriend?!!!!)

Cody: Katie. For the thousandth time I told you. I don't date sluts who runs off with multiple men! You had your chance to make up for what you did to me! But no...You just had to date my best friend Andre and cheat in front of me.

Katie: B-But...Babe...

Cody: Don't 'babe' me. I don't wanna hear it. You along with Andre broke my heart and our friendship. So we are DONE. D.O.N.E. DONE!

He then goes over to Chloe.

Cody: For now on. It's me and Chloe.

Chloe made a small smile while Roxie and Amanda squeal a little.

Katie: You're dating her now?! She's a fat pig who eats everything in the entire cafeteria.

Chloe: I am not a pig!

Katie: Shut up Piggie. Was I talking to you?

Cody: Enough! Katie. Leave.

Katie looked hurt before glaring and growling at Chloe.

Katie: You'll regret this! I'm make your life miserable you fucking cow!

Katie then ran off leaving everyone in shock.

Cody: Don't worry about her Chloe.

Chloe: I'm trying my best not too.

Cody: Great. So. About that date?

Chloe: How about after school?

Cody: Sure. And I'll drive you home.

Chloe: Okay!

Things were looking up for Chloe and they were finally going her way...

....Or so she thought...

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