I Need U ||BTS Jungkook X Rea...

By Marsh__Melody

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(Y/N) and her friends are going to the concert of their most favourite-est boy group, BTS. What will happen f... More

Chapter 1- An Introduction of 'I Need U'
Chapter 2- The Concert
Chapter 3- Dancing as a Group
Chapter 4- An invitation with the BTS pt. 1
Chapter 5- An invitation with the BTS pt. 2
Chapter 6- Dancing to boy groups
Chapter 7- Realization
Chapter 8- Kidnapped
Chapter 9- Summer Time Lovers
Chapter 10- Boracay
Chapter 11- The MV
Chapter 12- What is this emotion?
Chapter 13- An elevator prank
Chapter 14- A date?
Chapter 15- A past?
Chapter 16- Another encounter with Scarlet Vorage
Chapter 17- The 6th day
Chapter 18- Kidnapping Scene
Chapter 19- So soon?
Chapter 20- (H/Co)
Chapter 21- A sleepover with an American Singer
Chapter 22- The start of a new week
Chapter 23- Conversation through the phone
Chapter 24- The battle of the BANDS
Chapter 25- SVT concert
Chapter 26- Chaos
Chapter 27- 뷴백휸
Chapter 28- Did he really...?
Chapter 29- Comfort is what I need
Chapter 30- His Point Of View
Chapter 31- School..?
A New Book
Chapter 32- My Guardian
Chapter 34- Kim Jiyeon
Chapter 35- Attempted Murder
Chapter 36- Order in the Court
Chapter 37- An Accident
Chapter 38- I'm alright
Chapter 39- Something Happened???
Chapter 40- Our Happy Ending

Chapter 33- The Next Day

509 13 3
By Marsh__Melody

Your POV

"Cut!" The director said as Baekhyun and I filmed the scene where he told me to wait near the lockers after classes. The next scene was... hard to film.

"And action!" There they were. Scarlet and Jungkook. Walking hand in hand towards the exit of the school. I pretend not to look at them and just stayed focus on my phone.

"I'll be back, love" Jungkook said and walked away. That's when things have gone down.

"Tch. Kang Bo Min? More like Kang-Ga-Roo" Scarlet said as I glared at her laughing figure. When she saw me glare at her, she flinched. Whether I'm acting or not, my glare doesn't change and it can be puh-retty scary.

"W-what are you glaring for? I didn't do anything! Please spare me! I promise I won't do it again!" She acted as if I was belittling her and fell to the ground on her knees.

"What are you talking abou-" that's the time when Jungkook pinned me to the lockers quite harshly. I looked at him with fake fear in my eyes as he raised a fist. I flinched and closed my eyes as he let out a shaky breath.

"Don't come near me or my precious Seo Yang ever again" he said as he let go and I slid down the locker.

"Let's go" he said and walked away with Scarlet, who smirked.

"Kang Bo Min!" Baekhyun screamed as he hugged me tight.

"I saw everything... that little bastard. Just let it all out" he gritted his teeth as tears flowed from my eyes.

"Min Hyung... thank you" I said and smiled at him sweetly. He stood up and helped me stand up aswell.

"Let's go somewhere" he said cooly as he pulled me out of the school.

"B-but I have a curfew" I said as he let out a little smirk.

"Just tell them you're out with your friend" he said and I smiled, following him. The scene doesn't end there though. We actually went on a date. Friends date. Talking about life, our band mates and stuff. Our voices will be muffled because of the applied background music anyways so we just practically talk about anything while being sweet and all.

"Stay right here" he said as I crossed my arms.

"Remember what happened awhile ago when you told me to wait 'right here'?" I asked as he held both of my shoulders and crouched down to my height.

"It won't happen again" he said and ran inside a jewelry shop.

"What would that guy do inside a jewelry shop? Aigoo" I said my lines as I waited there. After a few minutes, I saw him going back to me with his hand behind him.

"What is it?" I asked as he revealed a necklace with half a heart that incraves, 'Together'.

"Aigoo... what is this for?!" I exclaimed as he put it on my neck.

"Don't worry. I have mine aswell" he said as he revealed necklace that was hiding on his shirt that is incraved 'Forever'. Tears spilledout from my eyes as I hugged him.

"Thank you" I said as he smiled.

"Your welcome" he said and with that, the film was a wrap. Baekhyun and I stayed like that for a few more minutes before separating.

"Aigoo. Is my little Byeol crying because of my gift?! That's so sweet!" He said as he ruffled my hair. He called me Byeol because the camera man was on us.

"Aish! It is called 'A.C.T.I.N.G" I said and crossed my arms as he smiled.

"Of course" he said while rolling his eyes.

"Yah! It really was" I said as he chuckled and gave me a noogie.

"Aigoo. You're so stubborn" he said as we both thanked the staffs and walked away.

"That was fun" I told Baekhyun as we walked down the sidewalks.

"It was, wasn't it?" He said as I nodded.

"Wait. There's one more place that I wanted to show you" he said and grabbed my wrist as he led me somewhere that I don't remember.

"Where?" I asked in pure confusion as we went down an alleyway. He pushed some boxes away and there, I saw a door that could fit someone who is as tall as mickey mouse.

"Crawl" he said with this suspicious smile but I crawled anyways.

"Nice view from here" he said as I let out a 'tsk'.

"Don't look, 뷴태" I said as he let out a chuckle.

"Alright" he said and closed his eyes. Once we got out of the dark hole, my eyes widened in amazement. I covered my mouth and quickly got out of the hole.

"Y-you... you found it" I said as he nodded. There is this beautiful scenery where the stars shine brightly, the tree sways calmly, the sound of the crickets is soothing, the ladybugs glowed... our memories lingered.

"I did. I always go to this place when my schedule gets rough. It's even more beautiful when you go here in the morning" he said as I hugged him.

"I can't believe you remembered. I feel so stupid for forgetting about this place" I said as he smiled and hugged me back.

"You're not stupid, (Y/N). I took my girlfriend here when I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend. You can take Jungkook here too if you want and you can keep the necklace since we WILL be together forever" he said as I looked at him.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded.

"I'll be there when you need me, (Y/N). Because I'm your best friend. Plus, I brought my girlfriend here so why not bring your boyfriend here too when you two finally made up? Don't get me wrong I'm furious that he broke your heart. Do you know how hard it is to make you break into a-" he said followed by his bright smile when I smiled.

"Smile" he finished.

"Aish. My oppa is such a goofball" I said and smiled brightly. After that, I took a look around the garden. Our secret garden. This secret garden of ours has been founded by Baekhyun and I the next day after our encounter. That was a long time that it made me feel nostalgic.

"Ready to go home?" He asked as I shook my head.

"I'll stay here a bit longer" I said.

"Alright. Stay safe. Goodnight" he said and left as I sat on the grass. I look up into the sky and smiled.

"That was some great acting, Kookie" I said and decided to sleep here, under the stars. My mind can think whatever it wants, my mouth can say what ever it wants, I can do whatever I want without being caught. My thoughts wandered towards Scarlet and as to why is she sabotaging my life with Jungkook.

It's not just out of love, right?


Jungkook's POV

"Kookie oppa~" I cringed as Scarlet clinged onto my arm.

"Oppa?" I asked as she nodded.

"Aren't you forgetting that you're older than me?" I asked as she giggled.

"Silly! You're just a few days younger than me so why bother?" She said as I faked a smile.

"Is that so?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yes oppa~" she said and clinged to me more.

"Tell me, noona. Why do you like me and not any other guy?" I asked as she leaned on my shoulder.

"So that I could ruin (Y/N)'s life" she said as my eyes widened.

"What?" I asked as she giggled.

"You see here, oppa, she's getting more famous than I am and all of my fans are turning their backs on me and went to support her and her friends but mostly her. Plus, I'm just taking back what's mine" she said and let out a laugh.

"Oh look. Here's my stop. Have a good evening" I said and ran off to my apartment while the hyungs sleep. As soon as I got in, I clicked send. Yes, I recorded the entire thing. Got a problem with that?

(Y/N) called and I answered immediately.

Me; You

Thanks but, why?

It's because I love you and you have one thing she doesn't have.

What is it?

How dare she call me oppa when she's clearly older than me?!

You're cute even through the phone, kookie~

Yah! It's kookie oppa to you!

Pfft! Alright, kookie oppa~

Aigoo! Why are you so cute?!

I dunno

Why is it so quiet around you... are you with Baekhyun sunbaenm?

If I was with Baekhyun right now, we'll probably get loud.

That sounds wrong...

You know what I mean, 뷴태.

Who are you calling 뷴태?!


Just get some sleep, pabo.

Okay. Goodnight, kookie oppa~


Un.Be.Li.Va.Ble. she hung up. How dare she leaving me all flustered?! The nerve of that cutie! Once I see her tommorow, I'll attack her with kisses.... and tickles.

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