We're Just Living Reckless (B...

By Konnah

287K 3.5K 486

Alexandra Morgan just started dating her best friend in the world, Ben Bruce. But he wants to spend every nig... More

We're Just Living Reckless (Ben Bruce Fan Fiction)
i smell a rat.
Flash Delrium
When We First Met.
Out Run My Bullets
Perfect Couples Make Me Sick.
Party Til You Pass Out, Drink Til Your Dead
Great Choice
You Stupid Girl
Surprise, Surprise
Looking For Trouble
You Know She Can Take It
Familiar Faces
Take What You Want
Your Excused
Old Yellow Bricks
Crying Lightning
Say What?
Your So Funny
Guess Whose Coming For Dinner
I Feel A Weakness Coming On
I Don't Know How To Feel Now
I'm Glad You Came
Young Blood
Take Me On A Journey
The Fuck.
Together Apart And The Same Old Same Old
Teenage Heart Throb
Doe Deer
How It Happened
Wake Up
Be Safe
Such Good Taste
Cheeky Bastard
Wanna Hangout?
Call Me
Here she is
Home is where the heart is. I guess.

Welcome Home

6.7K 80 19
By Konnah

"Myca! Let me out dammit!" I kicked the car door and she shook her head. Myca had found the child lock in Cam's car and she locked me in. "Nope! This is the final part of the plan. He has to wait."

"Myca!" I whined pouting my bottom lip out.

"Luci is cuter. Wait here." She smiled and walked toward the airport doors.

"Ugh!" I threw myself back into the seat and crossed my arms. I wanted to get this over with really. Myca had convinced me to wear shorter shorts then I was used to and a chest hugging shirt. I just wanted to get this over so i could be with Ben and we could go home. I smiled after looking at the ring and put my hand over my stomach smiling. Now, is there a way out? I hit the unlock button but the door wouldn't open.

The trunk! Oh yeah, I'm seeing Ben now.

Ben's POV:

"Where's Alex?" I put my duffel bag down and asked Myca.

She pulled away from her and Danny's tongue war enough to say, "She's outside."

"And she didn't want to come in?"

"Oh, she did. Trust me. By the way, Cameron did you know you have child locks in your car?"

"Yeah."Cameron nodded."Did she get locked in?"

Myca shrugged and looked at the one kennel that had Liz in it."Whose dog did you steal?"

"Ha ha." I said flatly. "This is Alex's surprise."

"You bought her 2 things?" Myca looked up at me.

"Besides me and the dog? No. Why?"

"Oh no..."She mouthed and before she could open her mouth. Someone tackled me.

"Myca you shrew! You locked me in but, I found a way out. Bennnn." Alex kissed and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her waist but, pulled away immediately. I looked her up and down and stared at her face. "Why are you dressed like that?"

"Myca said you would like it." She shrugged.

"I did. Won't lie." Myca nodded.

I shook my head and kissed her. She looked, hate to say this now, better then before and I just wanted us to get home.If you get what I'm saying... "I have your surprise." I said winking.

"I know! I got it."

"Wha? No. I opened the cage and she smiled. "Awh, did you steal it?"

I tilted my head and she smioled."Joking, she's so cute."

"Yeah, what other surprise was there?"

"This ring. Duh." She put her hand out and I took it. So odd for me to hold her hand like this.

"Oi! Is he proposing?!" James yelled.

"Hey." Alex smiled at them.

"Hey."Sam spoke up.

I pulled Alex's arm away from the rest of the group and spoke to her. "Can I see it?"

Alex's POV:

Ben pulled me in a rather not so nice way and held his hand out. "Can I see it?"

"Sure." I gave it to him and he threw it somewhere in this damn airport."Ben?"

"Who gave it to you?"


"Who gave you that?"

"It came in the mail, why?"

"Did the box say?"

"No. It just said surprise."

"Goddammit."Ben sighed. "Let's go home now."

"Why? Ben can you just answer me once?"

"That ring belonged to Jeanette. A girl I dated. Josh's sister. I don't kow why you got it."

" Jeanette?" I was frozen. She was the one who was at the store when Myca and I were buying things."I saw her."

"Did she do anything?"

"No but, Josh has been threatening me with you."

"I swear when I get my hands on that fuck-," I hugged him and he stood looking down a second."Like you said, we're going home now." I smiled looking up at Ben smiling. He returned the favor by giving me and knee shaking kiss.

I missed him so much.

"What? Your leaving?" I sat down on our bed and crossed my arms. Ben had been home for only 2 hours. Liz sat in my lap.

"I know but, this is the last time before we move."

I sighed. Meaning after this he was all mine until the album came out, which was in another 3 or 4 months.  "I just wanted you to be home with us."I smiled and pat Liz. Ben sat down next to me and kissed me. "I know, I do too. But, he said one last time. Then we're good." He pet Liz and put his hand on my stomach, "Trust me I really wish I could stay. But, I'll be here in the morning."

"That makes it better." I picked up a magizine and laid down. He stood and put a jacket on. "I'll be home in a few, alright?"


"Hey," He pushed the magizine away and smiled."I love you."

I caved in. "I love you too."

He smiled and pet Liz to make her roll over.

I pretended to be buried in the article on Chris Motionless from Motionless In White. Ben ruffled my hair and kissed my forhead leaving with The rest of the guys. I checked my phone and sighed again. I guess Myca was happy both her loves were home. Danny and her other pup Belle.

I looked at Liz who was waging her tail and running in circles on the bed. "Suppose your hungry, eh?"

Bens POV:

As we cut across the park I began ato get irritated.Of course I wanted to be home with Alex. But, no fucking Willard wanted us fresh off the plane to discuss the move and the album date. I sighed. "Why the fuck did he want us now? I had to hear him bitch the entire flight, I sure as hell don't want to hear it now. Besides who the fuck has the name 'Willard?' Already sounds like a bloke." 

"Chill man." Cameron shrugged. "After this we can all go home."

"ABout damn time."Danny muttered.

I  sucked it up and reached in my pocket for my phone. I could atleast text Alex instead of listen to our dicknose manager. I didn't hate him, I just got pissed off over how he would interfere with Alex.

"Fuck. Forgot my phone."

"You won't need it." Speak of the devil. Willard Feschi, our bum manager stood smiling at us from the doorway of a pub.

I rolled my eyes and let everyone go in first, I sucked in the last of my sanity and walked in. "Ben! Heard your a soon to be father! Whose the nameless broad?"

I clenched my teeth and took a seat the furthest from him. "It's actually Alex."

He shrugged."Same thing."

I stared at him raging, while Danny tried to speak before I said something that left us managerless and jobless.*

"Night boys."

"Night." We nodded as Danny walked a seperate road and we countinued home.

"Ugh, I would say I'd kick his asss, but I'm too tired to." I yawned.

"Same here." James shook his head to keep himself up.

"1 more month then we're leaving here."

"Yeah...Bet sad, huh?"Sam smiled small.

"A little, but we have enough touring here to not miss it too bad." I shrugged.

"Right." Sam agreed. He was okay to me now. He said he was sorry when we got to the airport.

We were walking a shortcut through the park when I sighed. "Fuck."


A group of kids, I really didn't want to see was there looking back at us. "Oi! Look at the fags 'ere! Where'd you guys come from?"

"Your mums house." I smiled countinued walking.

"What?" His voice made me cringe a little. He was walking towards me but, Cameron walked on the other side of me. Asshole thought he was protecting me but, it was really to protect me from him.

"Tyler shut up." It was another voice that made me not only cringe, but ball a fist. 


"Ben. Your home. That's good. How's Alex?"

"Fuck you, You know how she is. Stalking her isn't enough?"

"It really isn't. How was the tour?"

"Stay away from her and I both." I could feel my teeth gritting.

"I was just curious. What about the baby?" I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to me. "Stay the fuck away."

He just smiled and shook his head. "I feel bad for it. Having a beautiful mum and a prick for a d-," He couldn't finish co's I punched the fucker in his mouth. He stumbled onto his ass and looked back up at me. Blood trailing from his mouth onto his chin.

His friends lunged towards me but, mine were better. They beat the shit out of them.

 He got back up pushing my side, throwing him and I to the ground. It looked worse then it felt. I swung my knee and it hit him in the stomach. He leaned back and I punched under his jaw hearing something crack. Blood was in the grass now. I felt proud until I looked down. Bastard. Some of that was mine. He grabbed my neck and pulled me down puching my jaw. I felt my side burn when I realized he punched it.

One good thing about this prick pretending to be nice and wearing collared shirts was I could tist them to choke him. He stopped hitting me and coughed grabbing for his shirt and my hand. I let go and punched his nose this time. Was he fucking crying?

I drug him by the collar of his shirt to the pole of the swings and threw him against it. His back made the metal ring. He fell onto the ground cursing at me. "Fucking slag. You treat everything like shit. I hope your fucking kid dies." I swung my foot and kicked him in the stomach. He clutched it and before I could get my foot through his skull Sam pulled me away shaking his head.

He pushed me away and I kept looking back at the scum on the ground. Out of no where a girl went to him and helped him up. I was pissed. He wanted to fucking talk shit baout my family and couldn't even fight for it. Pussy. I wasted my time to beat the shit out of him and he could've made it worth while. Fucking bastard. I could've been home by now.

But, no. Prick made me fight him.

We got to the house quick to avoid being covered in blood...Well I did. And Alex jumped, "What the fucking Christ?!"

She had a pan in her hand raised above her head. She lowered it and put her hand over her heart sighing, "Oh my god. Oh my god. Don't do that. Did you guys have a photo shoot."

I would've laughed but, I smiled. "No. Saw Josh."

"What?" She stared at me. "Is that?"

"Both of ours." I shook my head. "He's going to leave us alone."

She hugged me and I flinched. I probably had a few bruises and cuts, but it was worth it. 

"I love all you really." She smiled.

"We love you."James smiled.

"Dammit you took my line."

 He shrugged and I noticed all three of them talking to Danny on speaker. 

"Yeah, Ben almost murdered someone!"

I shook my head again and Alex just looked at me. "What?"

"What if...he goes to the police or something?"

"Babe, he was stalking you. And we could say it was defense for all those threats."

She nodded and kissed me again. 

Alex's POV:

I sat in bed with Ben lying next to me sleep. Liz was asleep on her bed. My face hurt. I was crying. I knew Ben loved me, but not enough to risk something like that for me. I sucked in and I felt him stir. "Alex?" He yawned and took my hand. "Are you crying?"

I shook my head and he sat up wrapping his arms around me so I was leaning on him with my head on his shoulder. "What's wrong?"

I pulled the covers up to under my eyes and buried my face in them. "I really love you."

"Ah I love you too. Why are you crying?"

My chest got that feeling. That feeling you get when your heart hurts and you just want to kiss someone. "You almost killed him for me."

"Not really you."

I sighed and looked away and he kissed my hair, "For us." He let his right hand move down and rest over my stomach. I looked up to him smiling. 

"You could've been hurt worse." Which didn't say alot cos he had alot of bruises and a 3 inch scar on his stomach.

"But, I'm not."

"He could've killed you and I- I-," I hid my face again and he kissed my cheek trying to kiss my lips. Ben pulled the sheet down enoughto see my eyes and I bit my lip.

"I know. But, I'm not okay? Your making me a little worried about what I did and I don't want to worry. I'm right here and I'm with you." He smiled small and I kissed him.  I fell back and he got ontop of me just kissing me. We would've gone further but, Liz jumped onto the bed. "Dammit."

I giggled and moved closer in his arms. Is this what love felt like? Cos I like it.


***Re Up-Upload:DDDDDDDD

Had the other part literally publishing and my internet cashed-_-Gotta love thungerstorms am I right? 

This is so long cos I wanted it to be. Stick that in your juicebox and suck it.

Suck it and see.

Lawl I'm making Dot Dot Curve and Arctic Monkeys refernces...Yeah, I'm just gonna go >.>

***Shoutout to @YouthGoneWild_ for being my cool new bestfriend who is always curious:3

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