Hello Darling - Ilianna Mikae...

By LollyDreamer

139K 2.8K 454

Ilianna ,known as many other alias over the years, has been living by her vow "never look back" for the last... More

- Puppy Love -
- May He Rot In Hell -
- Elijah's Back -
- 1821 -
- Mikaelson? -
- Ding Dong the bitch is back -
- Chaos -
- Dangerous Liaisons -
- Reminiscing History -
- Save Annie -
- All My Children -
- White Oak-
- Killer at Large -
- Bonnie And Clyde -
- Burn to Ash -
- The Murder Of One -
- I lov....
- Bark or Bite -
- Back to Hell -
- The Cure -
- Cheater, Cheater -
- You made your bed, Now lay in it-
- Weed Killer -
- Death can't haunt us darling -
- What did you do? -
- Immortal Demise -
- You Better Have A Good Reason For Calling -
- Time to play the game -
- The Whole Town Will Pay The Price -
- Ilianna's Obsession -
- Mystic Falls Humanity Police -
Act II
- Family feuds settled with a pointy stick -
- All this bull -
- My City Too -
- I remember her a better poet -
- I'm the main man -
- Silent Manipulation and World Domination -
- At the bottom of the ocean -
- he's a bastard -
- Prettiest urgent problem -
-Is there a word for total screaming genius -
- Chaotic Christmas -
- Last one you ever see -
- allow me to take the reins -
- Annie, are you okay ?-
- flying away -
- Not if I do it right -
- I submit to you -
- busy schedule -

- The Ripper -

8.1K 168 3
By LollyDreamer

Chicago 1920s

It was late one evening and Anna was living in Chicago. Chicago had become famous in the vampire community especially since the infamous originals had settled. Anna was wary of her secret being revealed especially since they were this close. The only reason she stayed in Chicago is because no one knew of her existence, only her uncle Elijah who had fallen of the face of the earth after 1919, New Orleans. It was a good thing she stayed though because she got the chance to be reunited with her love:
The infamous, ripper of Monterey

"Are you sure we should be here Annie" Valentina questioned.

"Stefan is here, I have to find him. He needs me" Anna replied looking down at her champagne glass now empty form drinking the last of the prosecco . Jazz music played in the background of Gloria's bar making most people in the room dance the classic 1920s dance. Laughter and cheering blurring Anna's vampire hearing but she could sense Stefan walking into the bar.

"Look what my eyes spy ladies....looking for a good time Mr Salvatore" Gloria said when she saw Stefan Salvatore enter the bar. At the sound of Stefan's name, Anna looked around frantically.

Anna saw Stefan walking down the steps where he bumped into a blonde vampire. Anna could feel jealously rise when she saw the longing gazes they gave each other but convinced her self not to make a scene.


"Pardon me," Anna said when she bumped into someone when she ran out of the bar. She had just witness Stefan finally moving on, I guess that would of happened after 50 years. And if that didn't hurt her, the fact it was with her aunt Rebekah made it even worse.

"Ilianna Mikaelson" At the sound of her true name, Anna looked up and saw none other than the bitch who stole Stefan from her.

"You have a nerve ... Katherine. I could kill you in the very room without any one noticing" Ilianna/Anna  hissed at the 500 year old vampire.

"But you won't" Katherine snapped back. "Because you know if you do, my contacts will tell Elijah were you are. We would't want uncle Elijah finding you, now would we" Katherine finished  sarcastically pouting at the original vampire.

"I don"t care" Anna lied, after meeting her uncle, Elijah had, had a close eye of her and it had taken her quite a while to hide from him. She finally was free from his shadow and she didn't want anything to jepodize it.

"Yes you do, I can sense you fear when Elijah's names is brought up" Katherine said smiling

"Elijah will kill you when he sees you, so I'm going to call your bluff" Anna said in confidence. Katherine only scoffed and ran away at vampire speed. Anna would not hear from here again for 90 years, when she found out about the trouble miss Pierce got into at Mystic Falls.


"The infamous Ripper of Monterey" Anna said trying to get the attention of her former love. Stefan was to busy feeding of a young girl to notice the older vampire judging him from above.

"What's it to you" Stefan slurred the blood pouring out from his mouth as he turned around.  When he saw Anna a glistern of emotion was shown in his eyes.

"Stefan" Anna said greeting him she sat down on the opposite side of the booth.

"Annie" he said shocked at his friend, his emotions were slowly starting to show. "You left!"

"Not exactly, I was ran out of town by Katherine, not my finest courageous moment"  Anna replied . Stefan smiled at his old friends witty remark.

The two then sat together talking about their life over the last deacdes and what had happened back in 1864. Anna had kept wondering, had Stefan turned his humanity on?

"What are you doing sitting here love." A blonde girl said her bright red lips contrasting against her pale white skin.

"Rebekah" Stefan said, Rebekah smiled and the two shared an intimate kiss leaving Anna sitting awkwardly  in front of them

"I do not know why you are talking to my boyfriend, but you need to leave. You do not want to irritate me" Rebekah said hissing at Anna and baring her fangs, in hope to scare her. Anna then knew this was not the time to agitate an original. Anna stood up leaving the two lovers to court privately when Stefan reached for her hand.

"When will I see you again?" He said smiling

"We will keep in touch Stefan, fate will make sure of that" Anna replied smiling as she walked away she bumped into a man and a vision appeared in her head

'"Please Niklaus, I have a child" A women said struggling to breath and the man was covered in blood held her above the floor by the throat.

"I can't have you telling anyone love" He replied an evil smirk appearing on his face. A sudden Snap could be heard which echoed in Anna's head.

Anna looked around the room when a hand touched her shoulder, she instantly shot around ready to attack but her murderous self defence stopped when she saw her best friend who was dressed in a red flapper girl dress and looked rather glum.

"He's here" Was the only words that came out of Valentina's mouth that sent a shiver down both the girls spins. They knew what they had to do, they had to run.


Mystic Falls 2011

"Damon I'm really not interested in meeting any of the whiny dopplegangers friends" Anna huffed as Damon walked towards the site a hundred was once killed.

"Will you just shut up!" Damon said huffing as he walked into the falling apart house. As soon as they walked in both vampires felt a familiar pain in their heads like 1000 headaches at once. Damon feel down in pain but being an original vampire allowed Anna to heal quicker. Bonnie came out of the shadows and instantly stopped the pain on the two vampires.

"Well look at you witchy" Anna replied pushing past the witch without any acknowledgement of gratiude. As Anna walked further into the creepy house she saw four dusty old coffins in the middle of the room. What had Stefan got himself into? Anna thought to herself but soon her questions would be answered as Bonnie and Damon also wandered into the room.

"Why are witches such bitches" Damon insulted his hand holding his head as the pain finally healed.

"Maybe the just don't like you, I know the feeling" Anna replied smiling. She then noticed something moving in the shadows, a dark figure walking ominously towards the two vampires and a witch. "Stefan" Anna said her voice soften at the sight of her long lost friend.

"Annie" Stefan said, once again like in the 20s his humanity showing. Both vampires ran towards each other and exchanged a bone breaking hug.

"Now are you going to tell me what the bloody hell you've got yourself into with an immortal physco" Anna said lightening the mood, Stefan smiled but tried continuing on his no-humanity expression.

Bonnie then excused herself so that her and Elena could go look for Bonnie's mum to get information on Klaus's looked coffin. Damon also went off with the Bennet witch so he could also help the search for Abby Bennet-Wilson. That left the two old friends to have a normal , kind of, conversation.

"You know Stefan, you have to give those coffins back. If you don't Klaus will kill you. I now you still love Elena and care about her, Klaus will use her against you to get your family back, you don't want that do you?" Anna said one hand in Stefan's hand and the other rested against his cheek.

"You don't get it Annie , Klaus took everything from me I need to get revenge from him" Stefan replied taking Anna's hand of his cheek and standing up to walk away.

"Don't stoop to his level Stefan, you know I don't care if you want to turn your humanity off but when it involves getting in the original hybrid's bad books, I do. Stefan your my best friend, I don't want you to die" Anna said a lone tear falling down her face at the thought of losing her best friend.

"I've got to go and make sure Elena and Bonnie are getting Abby to help" Stefan replied turning his back from Anna.

"Dopplebitch said her and Bonnie need to of this themselves, give them that. We have more important matters to attend to!" Anna said indicating to the five coffins. Stefan then vamp speed towards his best friend and mutter a quiet 'sorry' before a snap could be heard and Anna's lifeless body fell to the floor.

A/N The timeline is bit different to The vampire Dairies season 3, but most of it is the same. Hope you are liking this fan fiction so far. 

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