
By sarcastic_sass

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Hermione finds herself longing the company of the one person who'd sent her through a living hell 3 years pri... More



2.5K 130 10
By sarcastic_sass

The wake up was rough.

I hadn't slept well and morning had come all too quickly for my liking. Within minutes, I was dressed and seated at the High Table with my mentor. We looked down on the faces of the returning students. I scanned their little faces in search of one in particular. When I didn't see it, I turned to Snape, placing a hand on his arm. I hadn't needed to ask, his creased brow told me all I needed to know. 

He had not seen his daughter either. 

Classes resumed as though there had been no break since the last time they'd been in the dungeons. Sometime near lunch, after a class of third year Gryffindors and Ravenclaws left, a large, calloused hand grabbed mine, pulling me out the door and up the stairs at a frightening pace. I struggled to keep up, my mind reeling. "What is it?" I asked, jogging to meet his long, elegant steps. 

We had reached the Headmistress' office before he replied. The gargoyle leapt out of the way, letting us up the winding staircase, even without the password. We burst through the door, coming face to face with the older witch, who was scribbling furiously at a piece of parchment. The quill's tip was pressed so far into the paper, I was certain it would snap.

"Where is my daughter?" The Potions' Master seethed, his grip on my hand getting tighter. 

Her head snapped up, hard eyes meeting his gaze. "I am attempting to find that out as we speak. Your wife took her three days ago, insisting she would back at the castle by 8 am this morning. It is 8 am, she is nowhere to be seen and Ella Mitchell has gone missing!"

I swallowed thickly, gripping onto his arm. Could this be what Lucius Malfoy had come to tell him?

I felt his temper flare and he clenched his jaw. "What do you mean missing?" He spat. "Ella doesn't go missing, Ella hides in plain sight."

Minerva took a deep breath. "I received a letter only a few minutes ago. Ella has gone missing and Miss Dunbar will not be returning to complete her year as long as her mother is not found." She raised her hands in defeat. "Minister's words, Severus. I'm afraid my hands are tied. I've done all I can."

His hands curled into fists, knuckles turning white. "Hogwarts is the safest place for her. What of the baby? They should be here with me. I am their father." 

McGonagall's face fell. Whatever she had to say was not going to be good. "The Aurors think you played a part in her disappearance. They will be staying with their current guardian until this is all figured out."

My heart fell into my stomach. I felt sick. "Why would they think Professor Snape had anything to do with it?" I asked, my voice small, though I feared I already knew the answer.

My former teacher stood and turned to face the window. "They suspect foul play. Malfoy Manor was broken into yesterday, shortly before she was reported as a missing person."

"Who reported it?" He asked quietly. He was at his most dangerous, the calm before the storm. 

Minerva shrugged, shaking her head slightly. The door opened once again, this time, Harry and Ron coming in, headed straight for Snape. Ron was blue in the face, grabbing my wrist and pulling me away. "Ron, what are you doing?" He pushed me behind him, standing defensively before me, as though he were trying to protect me. Behind them, an army of Aurors and other ministry officials stormed in, crowding the office.

The boy I had once dearly loved pushed me further behind him when I tried to step away. "He's dangerous, 'Mione. I can't let you go any closer."

I fought my way to the man I adored, who was now being held down by three others, their wands pointed at his face. "What is the meaning of this? Let him go!"

A girl around my age turned to me, a sneer plastered across her face. "This is an interrogation, I am going to have to ask you to step away from the suspect."

I pointedly ignored her, kneeling in front of Severus, pushing hair from his face. I couldn't help but coo, taking his face between my hands, trying to soothe him. He was so very upset and now was not the time to lash out. As it was, they had nothing against him because he hadn't done anything. But they didn't need encouragement. If they believed him to be guilty, they would be hell-bent on finding evidence tying him to the incident, no matter how far-fetched. 

I was surprised to see that Harry was one of the Aurors holding him in place. There must have been more than they were telling us, because never in my life had a seen such a hateful look on his face. He was blinded by rage. What was going on? "Harry, stop it. Harry, let him go, you're hurting him."

Although he would have never said anything, the wince of pain in his features as his arms were yanked back was unmistakeable. My friend didn't move a muscle, it was as though he hadn't heard me. "Harry Potter, you let go of him now." 

He met my gaze and stepped away, the vein in his neck twitching. He called down the others, demanding that they release him. "Professor Snape, where were you last night?"

Dark eyes held mine, confusion swimming through them. "I was here, of course. Where the bloody hell else would I be?"

An older gentleman grabbed the hair at the nape of Snape's neck, jerking his head back abruptly, placing his wand at his throat. "I suggest you watch your tone, lad."

My hands came up to my mouth, holding back a gasp. Ron tried to offer me a hand to help me up, but I scuttled away hurriedly, standing up myself and approaching Harry. "He was here. He's telling the truth."

He turned to me, his face contorted with something angry. My best friend was unrecognisable, the loathing coming off him in waves was enough to drive a person mad. "Why should I believe some pretty little twit that has an unhealthy obsession with him?"

Minerva gasped, I simply stared wide-eyed. Ron's hand collided with his face. "What's gotten into you, mate? You don't insult our 'Mione!"

With one last withering glare, my dark haired friend ordered the others to drag the Potions' Master to the fireplace to escort him to the ministry. As the words left him, I heard the cry born from my lips. I pushed past Ron, reaching out to the wizard being pulled away by several others. I made it to him, holding his face in my hands. "Don't leave me." I whispered, tears rolling down my cheeks in streams. "Fight back, please."

He shook his head, leaning forward to kiss my cheek. As he did, I felt something slide into my pocket. When pulled away, he raised an eyebrow, eyeing the large pocket of my robes; he'd given me something he didn't want the others to know about. I nodded quickly, understanding the message. "I will return, Hermione. Do not fret, little bird."

And just like that, they were gone in a sea of green flames.

I couldn't believe what had just happened. It all went by so quickly. I hadn't had time to think. 

There was a warm hand on my shoulder, pressing heat. "You alright, 'Mione? Snape didn't hurt you, did he?"

I shook off Weasley's hand, stepping away, wrapping my arms around myself. "No!" I exclaimed. "He has done nothing of the sort. You would know had you listened!"

He reached out for me, his fingers just missing my wrist as I jerked it away. "Listen, love, we didn't have a choice."

I turned to him, jaw clenched. "You incorrigible moron, you never will change will you? Severus didn't do anything."

He sighed, raking a hand through his red hair. "I know he means a lot to you and you've had it rough lately with the press and all, but you can't possibly know what we do. He's been playing you, 'Mione. Twisting  you around his finger to make you believe he's innocent."

I scoffed. "Please enlighten me, Ronald, what do you know that I don't?"

The freckled boy took my hands in his, rubbing circles into my palms. "Ella Mitchell's body was found in an alley near Spinner's End." He steadied himself. "Her face was torn apart, completely mauled and marred. She was nearly unrecognisable."

I tore my hands from his. "She was found near his home, so, you think Severus did this?"

He sighed, and to my horror, a small smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "I knew you'd see things clearly. Listen, I know you don't want to hear this, but we know it was him. We have proof."

I thought I was going to vomit. McGonagall came around her desk and took me into her amrs, holding me tightly. "There must be some mistake, Mr Weasley. Professor Snape was among us last night."

Ron shrugged. "Our sources reveal that he was out late, early hours of the morning, even. Unless you can say for certain that he was in the castle, I'm afraid there isn't much I can do."

Minerva shook her head, a solemn tear sliding down her aged face. "We haven't anything."

I looked up quickly. "I do. I can prove it."

Ron's face scrunched up. He was very evidently confused. "How? How could you prove it? You're just his apprentice."

My temper flared and I fought with everything I had not to sock him. I straightened my shoulders and raised an eyebrow. "I was with him."

Were the situation less desperate, I would have found Ronald's reaction hilarious. His face was green, he looked as though he was going to pass out. "Please don't tell me you were- You and him..." I simply stared back, arching my eyebrow further as he stumbled over his words. "Hermione, please say something!"

I placed my hands on my hips. I held the upper hand here. "You asked me not to tell you."

He retched, doubling over. It reminded me of the time he had thrown up slugs for the better part of a morning in our second year. I had had enough of his shenanigans. 

With that, I pushed him to the fireplace. "Let's go, we're going to see Kingsley."    


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