| The Anniversary |

By Unorthodoxal

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Spirit of Vengeance ::: Viewers Discretion Is Advised ::: More

| P R O L O G U E |
S C O R N E D Pt. 1
S C O R N E D Pt. 2
S C O R N E D Pt. 3
|| The Intermittent ||
Thank you ! ᥫ᭡


400 15 67
By Unorthodoxal

[ P A I G E 27 ]

"What the fuck did you say to my kid, Mykel?"

"I didn't say anything to her Xylon! This must have all been your idea! You wanted her so badly? You should've been a man and come to get her to tell her the truth your damn self!"

Despite how sweet and heartwarming the letter from Deysany was, both Xylon and Akira came to realize that the messages that were between the lines were actually quite alarming.

Particularly for Xylon, the very last one.

As he had yet to admit who he truly was to her, this meant someone else had already done so.

Having already been on edge as motions were beginning to be put in place in regards to potentially breaking his case, this was yet another load on his shoulders.

"How else would she fucking know I'm her father?! And what the hell is you talking about? Why would I do anything to jeopardize our relationship when I'm not even in the fucking country?!"

"So that's what you did? Had her picked up so he could bring her to wherever the hell you are?!"

Xylon quickly sat up, swinging his legs off of the bed and turning his face up towards the phone.

"Picked up by who?! I don't even fuck with anyone that's in Boston right now to have even sent someone anywhere near her! Who the fuck you let touch my kid?! Was it that nigga Myles?! Is that who told her? "

"No, it wasn't Myles! That was Desiree's ex, and you know that. Why would I allow my niece to go with him? I'm not even sure if he knew!"

"Well obviously, yo' dumb ass let SOMEBODY remove her from yo' custody! He the only mothafucka' I can think of that is worried about her as far as I know! So, Mykel, who the fuck was it?! Where's my fucking kid and who told her?!"

"Why don't you ask Bryan?! Yes, Bryan Otero, YOUR uncle! The one who came by here sporting his damn authority badge, waving it in my niece's face, convincing her that she needed to go with him as if I wasn't her family too! Do you know how that makes me feel? He took her from me!"

"At this pernt, fuck yo' feelings! You know damn well that nigga don't fuck with me and you still let him take my kid!"

Xylon exclaimed, slamming his fist against the nightstand, staring at nothing in particular, attempting to regulate his breathing.

"I don't know how I let this happen, Xylon. I swear I don't. If I had just known--"

"I'm letting you know right now if ANYTHING happen to my daughter that's yo' ass! Deysany is in YO' custody. How dare you let some motherfucka' come and remove her from yo' house. I don't give a fuck who he is to me or her. What that nigga got on you, huh? You fucking him? "

"Xylon. No, I swear, I--"

Ending the call, Xylon tossed his phone onto the nightstand, dropping his head into his hands as he slowly counted down from ten.

"3... 2... 1."

"Xy?" Akira knocked softly, stepping into the door frame.


"I just came to tell you everything's all set."

Xylon stood up, snatching his phone, adjusting his tie, and making his way towards the front door, tossing his suit jacket over his shoulder.

"Pay attention because this is gonna go by kinda fast." He began, as the car beeped twice, signaling the doors had been unlocked.

"As far as anybody knows, we're here working," he says, slipping a badge into her pocket.

"Don't say your name, don't introduce yourself, and I'ma do all the talking. When we reach, I'ma start inspecting the scene. Teyana and Kari should be ready by then. When Kari's ready, he'll contact you through the headset, as will I if needed, but shouldn't be. We gotta make this fast. Your sister and your ex husband ain't too bright but they move quick. I'm tryna hurry and get to them befo' they try to flee."

Akira rolled her eyes as she slipped on her boots, tying her hair up.

"You don't have to tell me. Let's not forget I wasn't when we first met either, and I still have my moments."

"We working on it though, and you ain't them. C'mere."

Akira stood in front of him as he briskly attached a small mic set to her bra, tucking it under her shirt.

"Try not to move too much, or you'll fuck up my ears. I'on wanna hear all that extra static and shit."

Akira nodded as she then attached his mic set to his attire, concealing the wires under his dress shirt.

"Same to you. Xy?"

"Akira?" He led her towards the car, opening her door.

"You think she'll be there?"


Akira shot him a knowing look.

Xylon briefly paused his actions, turning to peer into her eyes, exhibiting a significant amount of warmth and concern. She could tell by the tired expression on his face and the bags under his eyes that he wasn't sleeping well. She instantly regretted her inquiry.

"Possibly, but I wouldn't hold my breath. By the way, shit been moving, I'm sure they know we coming and have her hiding out somewhere." He sighs.

"Guess we both got a kid to look for." He shifted the car into reverse and backed out of the driveway.

"Wait, what? Who are you looking for?"

"Deysany's missing."


"Otero took her." He released a breath. "He's the one who told her who I am."

"Why the fuck would he do that?"

Xylon sighed, allowing his foot to weigh on the gas, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Long story, short: My uncle, Bryan Otero, is my momma's little brother. He's the one who pulled the strings to get me on the force, making me a detective at such a young age. You think they'd let a little black nigga like me in with no extra hoops or proper training and shit? He broke a whole lot of rules for me."

"All this time your captain was your uncle? He doesn't even treat you like you're his nephew. He's literally trying to get you locked up, if not killed. Now he took your daughter?"

Xylon chuckled, brushing a thumb across his nose while peering over the steering wheel.

"We were family up until he realized I was actually better at his job than him, and everybody in the office started shooting me accolades for it. But he was in too deep, so he couldn't flat out just fire me or he would be snitching on himself. Then he started tryna' confine me to desk duty, along with Zach. He always intended to have our police unit under his belt. It's been his plan for years, especially after my grandpa passed away. My momma and him share my grandfather, Maxwell Xavier, but different mothers. He wasn't the biggest fan of my grandfather and made it known, but reluctantly, he still had a pretty good relationship with my mother."

"So he was jealous of you? Well, is still."

"Exactly. When Desiree got pregnant with the girls, who I only thought was Paige, I knew I needed a better paying job than what I did have at the time, and fast. So he promised he could spot me in as soon as I graduated and as long as I attended this program. I'm sure he was only doing it to hold it over my momma's head now that I think about it. More than likely hoping I wouldn't be shit. He was just waiting for me to fall on my ass, but he was wrong and underestimated me. He saw me coming up and being considered to take the lead, so he was adamant about tryna dead that shit, and my ass gave him the fucking casket with all this bullshit I been doin'. It was initially my momma tryna' live up to my grandpa, but that's not where her heart is. So I had to finish the job."

"Will you?"

"I'on know. Honestly, I might not even make it off the plane depending on what his ass has been up to."

"So you think he took Deysany to bait you? Why the hell would Mykel even give her to him?"

"He baiting me and I'ma take it. Because I got a big ass fucking mouth and I know how to chew off as much as I can bite. I don't know why she did it, but I hope her ass remember what I said to her on that phone as soon as she gets what's coming."

"Time to head back to Boston?"

"We flying out tomorrow."

"Things won't end once we get there, huh?"

"Nah. If anything, shit just gettin' started."

Parking the car, Xylon assigned his dark frames to his face while adjusting his hat. Stepping out of the car, he switched the safety on his gun before tucking it away into the front of his pants.

"Remember what I said," he warned Akira, resting his hand on the small of her back, leading her into the building.

Sirens polluted the sky, followed by different emergency service vehicles swarming the area. Do Not Cross tape stretched across the scene barricading entry, as Xylon crouched under the narrow strip of material, lifting it over their heads.

Flashing his badge, Xylon guided the two into the building, being greeted with shards of glass showering the floor, cameras shuttering, and small chatter distributing amongst the interviews being conducted.

"What the hell's going on in here?"

"You must be Detective Xavier. I'm Davi. It's a pleasure to meet you, right this way."

A short man introduced himself, diving right into the scene.

Xylon nodded, following behind him, glancing back at Akira, who scanned over the locale with scrutiny.

"Male victim, strangled, then exsanguinated, or maybe vice versa. Brace yourselves, it isn't pretty. We found blood on the grill, not matching his type, blood on the road back there, also not his type, and his car is dented like he hit a deer, or even a mountain lion."

"Y'all don't have those out here, do y'all?"

"Not at all."

"Sounds like a diversion."

"From what? We're not sure of or how."

As Davi continued filling the two in on the inessential details of the scene, Xylon lowered his lips to Akira's ear for further instruction.

"You see the pool table right there? Beside that bookcase is a stairwell. Take two flights down until you reach the red door. It should be locked, so that's what the pick and tension wrench are for; that's her office. The only thing you gotta do is get rid of Rodrigo Santoro over there, and then you can start making yo' way down. Can you handle 'dat?"


Separated from his side, Akira made her way over to the officer who was occupied with another man, collecting his statement.

"Excuse me ma'm, you're not supposed to be in here---"

"Yes, I am." Akira flashed her badge before setting it back into her pocket.

"I'm here with my partner, Detective Xylon Xavier. You're needed outside for the collected statement of the owner who has just arrived."

"Where is Catarina?"

"She's the one who sent me to you. She's headed down with the rest of the forensics team to investigate the bathroom."

"So why don't you just handle it?"

"I'm not here to debate or bargain, sir, I'm here to deliver an order as it was given to me. I have my own assignments. Either take it or I can let her know you have no intention of doing your job."

The officer huffed, slipping his pen and notepad into his back pocket before making his way out of the building.

"If you'll excuse me." He shook his head, marching past her.

Being sure the officer had completely exited the building and all eyes were adjourned from the area, Akira made her way down the stairs, following Xylon's directions exactly, before coming face to face with the red door as described.

She dug the tools out of her pocket and picked the lock as instructed, successfully gaining access to the office. Once making her entry, she was sure to close the door behind herself before examining the room.

"Somebody was in a rush."

The room reeked of old coffee as piles of paper cluttered the desk alongside pens and pencils scattered everywhere. An empty coffee mug lay toppled over, pointing to an array of sticky notes compiled along the empty white board.

To Akira, it was evident whoever was in this office either had no plans to leave or was in a rush to do so. She hadn't come across any family photos, or even a piece of evidence with a name to identify with whom the office belonged to just yet, but nonetheless, she was sure of who it was.

"Can you hear me?"

Darting her eyes frantically around the room, Akira's breathing then settled, touching the piece in her ear, sighing deeply.

"Yeah, Kari, I can hear you."

"Did I scare you?"


"Okay, good. Alright," Zachary scanned the screen monitors.

"I see you. Over in the corner near that tall book shelf, there should be a camera on the wall. It's apparent enough so you should be able to see it. "

"Okay, I found it."

"I believe this particular camera is hard-wired, so just remove the battery. Then store it so we can put it back."


"There's about two more, which are hidden ones from what I see, so I'll try to guide you towards them as accurately as I can. Then you can cut the lights off so you can blind the camera lenses with the LED flashlight."

Once Akira detected both camera locations and was able to successfully blind the lenses, she was ready to begin her search as quickly and thoroughly as possible. Her mission was to acquire an address along with as much new information or clues as she could find in regards to the paper handed off to Xylon at the club.

Truthfully, she was really skeptical about the whole ordeal, as she didn't understand how or why Veronica would be helping them by intentionally handing off a clue that could potentially assist in leading a man to her in which she could be harmed.

It just didn't seem right.

But she trusted Xylon to know what he was doing, and that's all she could do for now.

"Don't forget those tapes. Xylon and I will have the evidence of you and Zarya's presence manipulated and tampered."

"Me and Zarya? As in--"

"What the hell are you doing?"

"--his sister?" Akira turned around, coming face-to-face with the familiar woman.

"No, his mother. Yes, his sister."

"Don't they look just alike? Only she's uglier and-"

Zarya snatched the wires from both her and Akira's ears and clothes, shoving them into her bag.

"Don't let him talk your ear off. I got it from here. Now, are all the cameras disabled?"

"Yes, but no offense. When we went over the plans, Xylon never mentioned you being in them."

Zarya slyly smirked, allowing her heels to trot across the smooth tile beneath her, trailing over to retrieve a piece of paper lingering on the edge of the desk.

"You didn't? Hm. Surprise, surprise." She sarcastically sneered, rolling her eyes, letting her fingers graze over the material.

"I didn't even know you knew."

"Of course I knew. I knew about everything, honestly. I hope you didn't think I would let my little brother clean up this mess alone. He never does." She continued scanning the paper with her eyes.

"Oh, that's the paper Xylon gave me that he received from Veronica."

"Your sister, right?"

"You can say that," Akira shrugged.

"I'm all up to speed, in case you were wondering, by the way. Lovely family."

"I could say the same."

"Touché," her eyes narrowed and she exhaled. "What the hell does Red Pan Beans mean? I fucking hate riddles."

"It's probably some shit she picked up from Carlos. That's how he toyed with my mind on a daily basis. It was always a new riddle. I may or may not be sent to one of his men if I get it right."

"Sick. Were they ever literal?"

"Sometimes they were farfetched, usually on purpose because he needed money and I needed a fix. It was typically a win-lose situation."

"The boy, Victor? He was a part of all that, right? It has to be tough being close to his sister."

"She's not him."

Zarya nodded, pursing her lips.

"I suppose so. So you really didn't know I was coming? Or that I was involved? I mean, I guess I did move behind the scenes for the most part, but dammit, I'm offended." She dramatically placed a hand over her heart.

"Not at all."

"Xylon was always a sneaky little bastard," she chuckled, shaking her head.

"Between my mom and my dad, I don't know who acted more oblivious. But I guess you can get away with a lot more when you're making straight A's in school, acquiring Perfect Attendance awards, playing sports, and being personally invited to art shows across the southern region where your work is being displayed and venerated."

"Do you feel like they left you out in the cold?"

"No. I was just a lot more disciplined and scolded for my lack of it than he was. I was no valedictorian. But their constant weight on him is precisely why, when he finally moved to Boston, he ended up getting that damn girl pregnant. Hand me that highlighter in my purse, please?"

Akira did as she was told, watching as she marked small circles on the paper.

"Xylon was the golden child, and the most optimistic of us both, but he was sheltered. In my opinion, he wasn't really prepared for the real world. They never really took the time to educate him about the realities of being out there on his own. All he knew was school, books, good grades, art, and ball spirals. I guess he figured if he did it right, our father would come back to New Orleans and somehow we would reunite as the perfect family again. Granted, he did learn the hard way and was able to hold himself up for the most part, but sometimes he still has aspirations of fairytale endings. There always needs to be one, whether he's the villain or not."

Zarya navigated her narrowed eyes around the office, locking her eyes on a computer screen.

"But no one wants to live under a magnifying glass. Granted, they were doing it out of love and to hopefully grant him a better life, it's not normal. It's not realistic. The weight of being the perfect child, the weight of having to be crisp with everything that you do because every second your heart beats is under scrutiny and expected of perfection, can drive you into doing things that, by fair means, make you feel free. Smoking, drinking, sneaking out, riding around in cars with people you know you have no business being with."

"He wanted freedom. He wanted a way to take control of making his own decisions."

"That was the closest opportunity he had to do so as he pleased, so he took it. For a period of time, they thought I was dating this drug dealer by the name of Anino. Shadow, in Filipino, the neighborhood dope man. They always caught him pulling out of the driveway after dropping Xylon off. So even though I was single, I wasn't. I couldn't let him get caught up; it gave him too much of an adrenaline rush. I guess you could say I was an enabler. I'll take that. The one and only thing me and Anino did together and had in common was looking out for him. Sometimes we even faked the funk for my mom," she smiled small.

"Xylon always flung himself onto my bed ready to brag about how good or how much better he felt after one of his many adventures. He's never been a stranger to doing wrong and convincing himself that it feels right."

Much of what Zarya was expressing to Akira cleared up some of the curiosities about Xylon that suited her mind whenever she did have time to do so. What she didn't understand, though, was why she was doing so all of a sudden and why at this very moment.

It was an emotional dump full of oversharing that she was completely unprepared for and knew for sure wasn't on either of their agendas.

"The first time our mom found some weed in the house, I made sure to take the blame. I would rather get scolded and punished than have him toss himself over the edge and do something drastic. Xylon was no stranger to being temperamental, and he was always rebellious. I knew the minute they even attempted to take away the little bit of freedom he did have, that he would knock the table over. Xylon had ambition and goals; he wanted to be something. He wanted to be more than most of us in the hood ever made it to, and I couldn't let him throw that away simply just to say he did. He was obsessed with the idea of being his own person and doing right by himself, even if doing right by himself included others."

An upheaval of emotions suddenly engulfed Zarya, momentarily becoming disoriented as she hastily regained her senses, clearing her throat.

"He was for whatever would benefit him in the end, whatever he desired, and whatever made him happy. I believe my mom knew so too. That's why she took him on the road with her and had him transferred to an online school instead of me. You would think that would be even more suppressing, but overseas he had more freedom than he could ever imagine. He was free to discover and explore whatever it was his heart desired in a place where no one recognized him or knew his name. Traveling was his safe haven. Meanwhile, I got sent to Boston, mastered my studies, got a full ride to Harvard, passed the bar exam by the age of twenty-three, and made partner at twenty-four. So I guess it worked out best for the both of us."

With a small shove, Akira stumbled backwards, knocking the mouse off of the desk.

"Zarya, what the hell?"

"Look." She grabbed her arm, turning her to face the screen.

"Oh my God."

"Are you scared of dead bodies?" She peered at her.

"No." Her eyes continued to scan the now awakened monitor.

"I said all that to say this: Xylon is my little brother, and he always will be. Whether he knows it or not, I will always look out for him. I will always be there for him. I always have, as he's done for me. I know we didn't grow up as two peas in a pod and, for the most part, I kept my distance, but it'll never change how I feel about him. He's my family above everything. School, his art, sports, his career, his freedom, traveling, those adventures; Paige meant all that to him and more."

Zarya turned to Akira with pleading eyes.

"I need you to understand just how chasmic of a loss this was for him. I need you to understand the depth so you know who we're fighting for and why. If the law is his playground, if the law is the weed I need to save him from, then so be it, no matter what the repercussions are. When we touch down in the States, the battle we are about to face is bigger than you can ever imagine. A perilous war is brewing against him, and I am my brother's keeper. I can tell you're going to be in his life for a long time, and I just need to make sure the woman he chooses this time around is on the same page. Are you ready to risk conviction?"

"I'm far, far ahead of you. I made my decision months ago. That's a given."


She turned her attention back to the screen, shaking her head.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"I hope not, but... everything would make sense." She held up the paper beside the computer. "This is clearly a body, and the three lines match the ones here. One across the chest, one along the stomach area, and then across the top of the pelvic area. Maybe Xylon and Zachary were right."

"About what?"

"This is most likely the outline of a body incision. But this... Red Pan Beans, I still don't understand what it stands for or what it means, but it must have something to do with this body."

"Well, I think I just figured it out." Akira leveled her finger at the corner of the screen, revealing a short paragraph.

"I thought of a number of things that could potentially be, but this? No..." Zarya glared.

"This was too easy. There's no way everything just fell into our lap like this. Either they're dumb or someone's setting us up."

"Leading us right to them."

"But we still have to tell him."

"Of course we are. Have you ever experienced the wrath of Xylon?"

"I have."

Pursing her lips to the side, Zarya snapped a picture of the screen before grabbing her bag and cutting the light off, leading Akira back to the main room of the building.

"You're in luck today," she said, briefly locking eyes with hers. "You're about to experience us both. The devil does wear Prada."

She apprised, turning on her heels, making her way towards her brother.

Pulling up his sleeve, Xylon applied the glove onto his hand, peeling back the shirt from his body, examining the scars engraved across his chest.

"The victim was stabbed once. The knife was thrust under the ribcage, through the lung, and into the heart. The right ventricle was shredded with a sharp twist of the blade." Fatima, the medical examiner informed him.

"That's a combat maneuver for a silent kill. The lung collapses so the target can't scream." Xylon mumbled.

"Doesn't that require specialized training?" Fatima pointed out.

"They don't offer advanced knife fighting skills in basic."

"Also, I measured the wound track. The murder weapon is approximately seven inches long and non-serrated. "

"Sounds like a Ka-Bar knife to me. That usually comes with the uniform."

"So whoever did this is fighting for our country or has."

Taking heed of his sister, Xylon quickly stood up, attempting to block her view and back her away.

"You made it. You shouldn't be over here."

"Oh please, you and I both know I've seen worse. Kind of part of my job. I do take on most of the clients who commit a crime, malum in se."

Xylon smiled, removing his glove, disposing of it in the trash, walking past her.

"What? Is Malum prohibitum not dangerous enough for you? Too less of a challenge?"

"That's exactly why."

"I bet yo' professor thought yo' ass was crazy in school. You supposed to want the client who committed a regulatory infraction as opposed to a dangerous crime." He leaned his back against one of the tables, folding his arms across his chest.

"I guess it's a good thing I already graduated and followed Zarya's mind then, and not Harvard's, or I wouldn't have been able to assist you, huh?"

"Point made." He smirked, peering over at Akira, nodding his head over. "Y'all good?"

"We're done, if that's what you're asking."

Xylon nodded, retrieving his suit jacket and calling out to Davi.

"I'm heading down to the station, about to start these interrogations to see if we can get some answers. I'll hit you when we come up with something."

Davi nodded, saluting him, as Xylon motioned his head towards the door, leading them out of the building.

The trio piled into the car. A silence hovered over the vehicle, Zarya and Akira occasionally exchanging glances.

"You got the address?"

"Yeah we did. You want to go there now?"

"Look, I don't have any more time to waste. I gotta handle these bitches, excuse me for being profane, and then I gotta start making my way back to Boston. I want justice for my daughter but I have another one who needs me too. The quicker I get this shit over with, the quicker I can get back to her."

Neither of them were sure how they would approach the situation, but they knew it would have to be addressed and fast. After all, it was one of the main reasons they stepped foot into that establishment in the first place.

"Xylon, how much did Veronica tell you about herself?" Akira pumped, breaking the silence.

"I told you everything she did, damn near nothing. All she wanted was to give me this paper with a fucking riddle on it and to get rid of Carlos."

"I distinctly remember him mentioning she was sleeping with... your uncle." Her face slightly turned up at the realization.

"Bryan?!" Zarya exclaimed.


"Wow, she's even more pitiful than I thought."

"That's nasty, man," Xylon said, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Very. But anyway, with everything we discovered, it all started to make sense. A doctor, a cop, a body, and incentive." Zarya added.

"Carlos didn't exactly admit to how he set Paige up, but he did make it known that he wasn't alone and that there were accomplices. One who executed the order, he claims he was just a messenger for, and one who helped them get away with it. Your uncle is a well trained coordinator of the law, which means he knows the fine prints and exactly how to manipulate them. In a hospital setting, it's Carlos who makes the orders, which means he executed it and was right about being the messenger. This is deeper than what happened; this is about why it happened."

Xylon curled his eyebrows into each other, glancing in the rearview mirror. Xylon stared at Akira as his brown orbs eclipsed.

"What you tryna say?"

Akira removed the folded piece of paper from her purse, and launched the picture she took of the computer onto her phone screen. Zarya rested the items on the dashboard in front of him.

"We were so focused on trying to understand the correlation between the words themselves and the body when the whole time we should have been looking for the correlations between the words and what can't be seen, but insinuated."

"The layout is a depiction of Paige's body... someone is out there maneuvering the Earth with the same anatomy they told you was failing."

"And by the date," Zarya pointed to the screen. "It was premeditated." Everything they confiscated was noted to be in healthy condition. All this time, you were right Xylon... Paige was killed. " She averred just above a whisper, her voice trailing brittlely.

"Red- the color of the heart. Pan... is short for pancreas, where this incision line was drawn, as well as the other where her heart was removed. Beans, as in liver beans. Right there, was the incision they made to obtain her liver."

"They donated her organs, Xylon. Carlos, Veronica, and Otero were playing God. They put her to rest so that someone else could live. But you never signed or permitted them to be donated, did you?"

Xylon slammed his feet on the breaks, causing the car to jerk forward. Xylon's grip on the wheel strengthened, staring straight ahead just as a horn blared at him, continuing to drive past him.

Overwhelmed was an understatement.

He couldn't recall the last time he was this inundated and stressed since dealing with his last year with Paige, a time when he felt as if everything was spiraling out of control.

The period in which her life was presumed terminal.

From the absence of her mother, to the medical bills, her treatment, all the while still trying to keep her average five-year-old life normal, so that if the time may have come, she could transition peacefully.

It felt as if everything in his life was once again in turmoil, one right after the other.

So he prayed.

He prayed and prayed for God to expand his capacity because, truthfully, he was beginning to feel maxed out.

He prayed for strength, and he prayed to fight the aggrieved urgency to seek vengeance and resort back to the only way he knew how to free himself of the fire streaming in his veins.

"We shouldn't be too far away." Xylon spoke indistinctly, a blank expression cast over his face.

Neither Akira nor Zarya were sure of what to think or how to comport themselves following Xylon's deliberate refusal to display any sentiments in regards to the unveiling of their recent findings.

Which deeply concerned them because there was no way to tell how he would actually contend once the consummation of their report was completed.

If what they were saying was true, if their findings were accurate, Xylon would be forced to face the truth that his paternal guts had been guiding him to, spearing his brain for the past three years.

The premonition of imminent disaster was eating away at his existence every day. The reason his daughter's transition left him anything but peaceful was because hers was anything but peaceful at the hands of those they both believed had her best interest at heart.

The entity going bump in the night dominantly caged him into a permanent state of insomnia, his body restlessly tossing and turning. The constant desire to drown in the likes of spiritous beverages just to relieve his mind of the psychological suffocation.

Xylon realized he had been privileged to experience an inescapable clairvoyance in which he was guided to bring justice on behalf of his daughter. A predominant interaction between him and the universe condemns his cooperation so that he may implement his calling.

It was truly unsettling, devising him an inescapable anger.

Though he, in fact, did have an innominate idea of what could be the face of his daughter's tragedy, he could never prepare for the vindication. He could never prepare himself for the ugly truth of someone taking the fate of his baby girl's life into their own hands for the convenience of someone else.

Deliberately terminating any more of her time here on Earth so that someone else may be able to.

This deeply disturbed his spirit, completely dissolving any fragment of clemency left lingering in his bones.

On arrival, a wave of malaise hovered among the group. A thin line between thinking about everything and nothing seemed to be a common denominator.

What started as a calculated and tactical plan was about to become the product of sporadic endeavors measured by unhinged emotions and unsolicited actions.

Preparation was barren.

"Well, she's living pleasantly, isn't she?" Zarya rhetorically snided, analyzing the fairly large estate, making her way towards it.

Which was no surprise to either member of the party considering the amount of money granted to her following both Carlos and Marlon's death.

"Where you goin', Zarya?"

"Where do you think?"

"No, I can't let you. Ain't no telling how I'ma fuckin' react. I'on want you to get involved. You've got a whole fuckin' career."

"And so do you! I've dealt with shit a lot worse than this Xy. I'm here because I know what to do. I'm not a fucking rookie."

"I know what you've done, and you've done enough. I ain't lettin' you get involved! This ain't a debate."

"I'm not asking for your permission, Ezekiel. She was my niece too. Now let's go."

Xylon stood off to the side, taking a few pulls from his blunt before tossing it to the ground, smashing it with his shoe. Xylon adjusted his hat as he once again allowed his shades to drape over his now hooded red eyes, making his way toward the house.

Until suddenly, a local woman caught his attention, intently looking vacantly at him while holding a basket over her head.

"May the blessings and the light of your ancestors and spirit guides be upon you. Asé."

Xylon narrowed his eyes as she nodded, giving him a small yet warm smile before proceeding along her trek down the road to her destination.

Almost robotically, his feet dragged him from the car, treading him towards the house and up the small wooden porch, sparing the woman an occasional glance as she disappeared past the wailing trees.

Connecting his now risen fist to the door, Xylon's eyes immediately fell to the ground, clicking his jaw. His adrenaline began pumping through his veins like a live wire, instantaneously putting his body in shock.

Akira's hand slipped into his, brushing her thumb over his hand softly, briefly pairing their vision before pulling away as the rattling of the unfastening locks erupted into the still air.

"So you made it?"

The smile dancing on her face was minacious, yet radiating melancholy rays of shine. It was threatening and facetious.

Something they were all too familiar with.

"Come on in, I just finished making some grits... you know, your favorite, right Soleil? Oops, I mean Akira. That's your name now, isn't it?"

She turned and led them into the home.

Akira swallowed deeply, cutting her eyes deeply into her face.

"Oh right, you've never actually eaten grits, huh? Just rested your knees in them to my knowledge, my apologies." She giggled.

"Veronica, cut the shit. I'm not here to play catch up or make up for lost time, and you know that. Fortunately enough for you, I have a lot more patience than they do, so I would like to make this fast. What happened to Paige Xavier?"

"Nothing that wasn't bound to. It's not like I'm the one that did it. I did have some help from Marlon, God rest his soul." She riposted flatly, taking a seat on the barstool, sipping from her tea cup.

A gush of wind suddenly whisked past Akira, followed by an abrupt scream.

Zarya immediately wrapped her arm around her brother's body, attempting to pull him back.

"Xylon, c'mon, she's not worth it, you know this isn't what we're here for!"

"I don't give a fuck," he screamed, barring his hands around her neck.

"It takes a lot for me to get to this place, and once I'm there... ain't no goin' back! The rage engulfing my body right now is fuckin' excruciating and all I wanna do is get rid of it. So that's exactly what the fuck I'ma do."


"You murdered my kid." Xylon gritted, sinking his nails into the skin of her neck as his grip tightened.

"I had no choice!" Veronica breathlessly got out, as she screamed in agony at the sharp sensation piercing through her arm.

Akira leisurely trailed behind Veronica, smacking her hand against her face, applying the pressure of her fingers to her nose, holding her head back.

"Akira!" Zarya exclaimed.

"It'll be quick." She brushed her off.

"And why the fuck is that?" Xylon spat.

"Because she's not the only one who would have died!" she coughed.


Otero locked his arm around Xylon's neck, snatching him off of Veronica. Xylon groaned, throwing his head back, knocking it against his nose, breaking away from his hold, reaching for his gun.

"Awe fuck!"

Xylon panted, pairing the gun to his face, pressing it against his forehead, locking his eyes into the barrel before him.

"You're gonna love Florence Super Max. Twenty-three hour lockdown, no mail, no visitors, no phone calls." Otero gritted under his breath, staring him down. "No human contact for the rest of your pathetic life."

"Go away for life on account of taking yours? I don't mind that. I'm sure you know about that all too well, since you too my kid's. Your own fuckin' niece. "

"You running around mad at the fucking world because of something that none of us could prevent. You wanna know what really happened to Paige? Come on, let's go ask. Oh wait, we can't, because half the staff that worked on her team is fucking dead. What you gonna do? Talk to their tombstone? You fucked up, Xylon. You been fucking up. Admit it. You wanna blame everyone around you, but you won't blame yourself. Hold yourself accountable. All of this happened because you're hurt and I get it! She was your best friend, but you have to let her go. She's gone and there's nothing to blame but her terminal illness. You have another daughter here that was robbed eight years of life without you. Go be a father to the one who's still alive. Paige is gone and nothing you do is ever going to bring her back."

"Where's my fuckin' kid, Bryan?" Xylon's eyes drilled into his face, his jaw clicking incessantly.

"Uncle Xy?"

From the stairwell just a few feet away, Deysany emerged from behind the wall, peering around the corner.

Xylon quickly dropped the gun and shoved it into his back pocket.


"Are you really my dad, Uncle Xylon? Was he telling the truth? You didn't die?"


Deysany slowly shook her head, stepping back as the tears flooded her eyes.

"It's true!" She exclaimed as her lips trembled, blinking away her falling tears.

Rushing to her side, Xylon extended his arms, pulling her into him.

"Please let me explain."

"You lied to me!" She whacked his arms, blocking his attempted hug.

"You lied to me, you lied to me! All you and mommy did was lie to me! You were my favorite uncle, and now I don't even know who you are anymore! You're not my dad, because my daddy would have wanted me!" She wept, continuing to slam her fists against his chest.

"Deysany, please." He locked his arms around her fitful body, biting his lip to suppress the emotions threatening to overwhelm him.

"I just wanted my daddy, and you didn't want me, you only wanted her! I know you wish it were me that would have died instead of her. I know you do!"

"Deysany, please look at me. Death is real, yes, and it doesn't ever really feel like it. I know she's gone and yet I still have to swallow my heart down my throat when I think I see her in strangers. Now I see her in you and I know she's gone, but part of me will never stop hoping she'll come back. Don't take how I feel the wrong way, though. There's still mo' than enough room for you in my heart. This isn't the place to properly explain myself, and you deserve all my time, but for now, I need you to trust me. Trust that I wasn't doing this to be malicious or because I didn't want you. If it was up to me, you wouldn't have been without, but I need you to believe me. Please?" He pleaded.

Deysany exhaled wearily, immediately dropping her head onto his chest as Xylon held her close to him, kissing the top of her head.

"I love you, Deysany. I swear I do."


"Ana," Veronica called, breathlessly whipping her head around.

Akira's head rotated towards the end of the hall slowly, her face flaring with guilt and sadness.

"No. Kiara..."


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