
By sarcastic_sass

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Hermione finds herself longing the company of the one person who'd sent her through a living hell 3 years pri... More



3K 145 4
By sarcastic_sass

I woke up, disappointed that my wonderful dream had been cut short by someone stirring next to me, sliding their hand over my hip to wrap their arm around my waist, pressing their chest into my back. Warm breath tickled the back of my neck. I sighed at the sensation of skin on skin. It was so comforting. Something that I had not had enough of in the past.

My eyes opened quickly. Skin on skin? Where was I that someone was pressed closely against me, holding me as they slept? Disoriented, I turned in their arms, coming face to face with a very sleepy Professor Snape. His eyebrows creased, hiding his face in my hair.

"Good morning." I whispered, my voice hoarse.

He grunted in response, burying his nose further into my curls. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me. His actions were silly, almost childish in nature. "You sound confused." He mumbled, speaking against my shoulder, his words rumbling across my skin.

I shook my head, gathering my thoughts. "My dream felt so real. I suppose I was caught off-guard when I woke up."

He leaned back, meeting my eyes. "What, pray tell, were you dreaming of that had you so captivated?"

I bit my lip, exhaling slowly. I couldn't tell him just yet. I couldn't lie, either. He always knew when I was lying. I chose to share only part of the truth. "You. Us." I waved a finger between our bodies. "This."

At the mentioning of my last word, he pulled me closer, turning to hover above me. "Is that so?" He asked, lowering his face to mine, catching my lips with his own. He kissed me slowly, carefully, intensely. My train of thought promptly derailed and fell into the abyss, never again to be found. He left me completely breathless. By the time he had leaned away, I was panting. "And what exactly, Miss Granger," He continued, nipping the underneath of my jaw, leaving a trail of feathery kisses down to my collarbone and back up. "is this?"

His voice was a sensual, exciting sin. His touch lit my nerves on fire. Every kiss leaving a burning on my skin, begging for more, but never receiving enough to be satisfied. A gasp left my slightly parted lips as he found a rather sensitive spot beneath my ear. "You're wicked." I breathed, my eyes fluttering shut.

I was graced with a chuckle, a low hum, from deep within his chest that reverberated through his entire torso. I took his moment of distraction to take his mouth,  darting my tongue past his lips, grazing his teeth and palate. He welcomed my actions, returning them with ardour, one hand trailing down my body, grabbing hold of my left hip. I sighed at the motioned, allowing him to pull me closer, making his way down my neck again. His teeth caught on the ridge of a scar along my shoulder, causing me to flinch slightly. The slight pain was quickly pushed aside by pleasure, the scar already long forgotten. "You haven't yet answered..." He purred, his lips ghosting mine.

The man truly was a force to be reckoned with. He smirked, leaning back, his features roguish. His hair was tousled from my hands running through it, his cheeks pink, his lips swollen. I sneered at him. "You are really quite terrible, you know that?"

He shrugged, a few strands of hair tickling my face as they fell forward. "I suppose that would depend, wouldn't it?"

I raised an eyebrow. "I am absolutely certain that you're just terrible." I retorted, placing a kiss to the underneath of his jaw, making my way down the side of his throat. "Regardless of the situation or factor."

He rolled his eyes, rolling over so that I was caught in his arms, looking down at him. "You, my dear, are insufferable."

I smiled, dropping a kiss to his lips. "Am I?"

He nodded, pushing the hair back from my face. "Completely and utterly."

He sat up, pulling me to him. He looked deep into my eyes, caressing my face with his fingers, tucking away stray curls. "Something wrong?" I asked, running my hands along his shoulders, taking in the warmth of his skin.

He shook his head, his lips quirking into a sort of half smile. "Nothing at all." He pressed his lips to mine again, leaving a lingering kiss on my lips. One that tasted of him and left a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart. "Time to get up."

I poured, taking his face in my hands and bringing him in close. "But it's the holidays. Can't we sleep in a little longer?"

The man I loved dearly sighed. "Not today, I'm afraid. I've got a meeting with the governours regarding my apprentice. Apparently, the Head of the Board had a few words with the minister."

My stomach twisted, guilt wrenching it. "I'm so sorry. I never meant fo-"

He silenced me with a kiss. "You did nothing wrong. Kingsley doesn't even believe the claims Ella has made." He gave me a knowing look, raising an eyebrow in his notorious way. "I do, however, insist you be on your best behaviour today."

I nodded, biting my lip. I couldn't risk messing up in front the board. I'd get sacked before I could pass my examinations, and kiss my career goodbye. No more Hogwarts.

Severus eyes me curiously, something questioning in his eyes. Before I could ask what it was he was thinking about, he slipped from beneath me, and stood, making his way across the room.

I couldn't help but eye him hungrily. I most definitely had not imagined how beautifully sculpted the alabaster marble that was Severus Snape. Merlin, the man was toned and muscled in all the right places.

Memories of the night before came to me in flashes. We had discovered another part of each other, we had become a single unity. I hadn't been sure where I ended and he began, but I didn't mind. I was perfectly happy getting lost in the untouched bliss that he brought onto me. I could only hope that he had felt it too.

"Daydreaming?" He inquired, taking a hand through his overgrown hair.

I nodded slowly, my hazy brain coming back to reality. "It seems you have that effect on me."

He thought a moment, crossing his arms across his chest. "That is a handy piece of information that I intend to take advantage of."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course you will. What else than prey upon an opponent's weak spots?"

He chuckled lightly. "I resent that." He said, heading into the bathroom. "I'm going to shower."

I sneaked in behind him as he closed the door, pressing a kiss between his shoulders. "Mind if I join you?"


Finally sitting at the staff table, I practically dove into breakfast, piling a bit of everything onto my plate. Merlin, I was starved. I felt as though I hadn't eaten in days. Snape eyed me, amusement lingering in his features, as he took a seat next to me. "Skill you learned from the Weasleys?"

I gasped and hit him with my napkin, flicking it in his direction before laying it across my lap. "Cheeky."

McGonagall's voice was in my ear a split second later. "Getting along well, I see."

I stuck my tongue out and turned to my previous Head of House. "He's impossible, Headmistress."

He laughed lightly, the sound making my heart soar. "Very mature, Hermione."

The older witch raised her eyebrows. "Hermione?" She asked. "That's forward."

I shrugged. "I hate being called Miss Granger by the people I work with. Makes me feel less important." I kicked Snape's leg beneath the table. 

Smooth. I nearly said it aloud when I felt him enter my thoughts.

His dark eyebrow quirked upward, a slight smirk decorating his lips. Some of us have the tendency to be as subtle as an Erumpent, I say you are out of line given the circumstances.

I turned to him, scrunching my face. "Are you really going to play the teacher card? You're such a git at times."

With that, I stood from my seat and left the hall, my food hardly touched. I'd lost my appetite. What had started off as playful banter had ended in insults. It seemed to always finish that way with him. The damned man didn't know how to have fun. He took everything so seriously. 

I was absentmindedly making my way down the hall when I heard my name being called from the entrance of the dining room.

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