The Baby (bump) Blues [FINISH...

By ch3ybaybee

229K 2.2K 398


The baby (bump) blues (Part 1)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 2)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 3)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 4)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 5)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 6)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 7)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 8)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 9)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 10)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 11)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 12)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 13)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 14)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 15)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 16)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 17)
The Baby Blues (Part 1)
The Baby Blues (Part 2)
The Baby Blues (Part 3)
The Baby Blues (Part 4)
The Baby Blues (Part 5)
The Baby Blues (Part 6)
The Baby Blues (Part 7)
The Baby Blues (Part 8)
The Baby Blues (Part 9)
The Baby Blues (Part 10)
The Baby Blues (Part 11)
The Baby Blues (Part 12)
The Baby Blues (Part 13)
The Baby Blues (Part 14)
The Baby Blues (Part 15)
The Baby Blues (Part 16)
The Baby Blues (Part 17)
The Baby Blues (Part 18)
The Baby Blues (Part 19)
The Baby Blues (Part 21)
The Baby Blues (Part 22)
The Baby Blues (Part 23)
The Baby Blues - Epilogue

The Baby Blues (Part 20)

4.3K 46 13
By ch3ybaybee

Love is overrated-

The next day school was torture. David met me at all of my classes and walked me to the next; he was bugging me about going out with him tonight. "I can't," I finally said. "If I go out with you then I don't have a babysitter, Libby has that photo shoot thingy." David smiled and took a bite of his bagel, "Who said anything about a babysitter? We made her together so why shouldn't she come on our date?' I sighed, he had me now. "Fine," I said. "Hayden and I will go out with you, happy?" His face brightened and he smiled his usual bad boy-cocky smile.

"Ecstatic." A chair scrapped next to us and I looked up to see Kelly; could my day get any better? "Hey guys, how are things?" "Good," David and I mumbled together. Kelly nodded and tasted her mashed potatoes. "Oh David, Mr. Patel wants you to come to the band room some time today, he has to talk to you about something." I arched and eyebrow and looked at her. "I didn't know he was here today." Kelly's smile faltered, "He wasn't, but he stopped by to do some work." I nodded, "Oh, cool. Maybe I'll stop by and see him; we have to choose a song for the upcoming pep rally." Kelly frowned, "He's not going to be here long, actually," She turned to face David. "It would be best if you went to see him now." David sighed and looked at her for the first time since she sat down, "Fine, whatever. I'll see you later." He said to me and knelt down to kiss my cheek. I shook my head and smiled at Kelly's evil grin--she stood up and followed after David.

I rolled my eyes and dug into my lunch. Clay joined me right before the bell rang, "So do you know anything about this photo shoot Libby is doing later?" I shook my head, "Nope, all I know is we were tanning naked yesterday for it." Clay's eyes got huge, "Seriously?" I nodded, "Yea, well I had on my underwear, but her and Clarissa were naked and then we skinny dipped." Clay's mouth fell slack and then he shook his head. "So you don't know anything? She's being weird about it." I shook my head again, "Nope, sorry. And you know, about Libby, I think she really does care about you...she's just weird about showing it." Clay sighed and touched my arm, "Thanks."

I watched him walk off to his friends and I groaned, one more class before I could go home. David showed up to class ten minutes late and he looked pissed. "What's up?" I asked him when he sat down next to me. He shook his head, "Nothing..." I glared at him and then straightened up in my seat. "Whatever, I don't want to know anyway." He looked over at me and sighed, "Okay, its Kelly. Mr. Patel wasn't even here, she was trying to seduce me." I laughed but quickly turned it to a cough when the teacher gave me a dirty look. "Seriously? Wow, she really grew up this summer"

David looked at me, "Tell me about it. She can't accept that I don't want her." His eyes caught and held mine for a minute and I felt my cheeks heat up. "Yea--"I managed to mumble. "Hate it when people don't get that." I sat through the rest of the class period trying to decide if I felt jealous about Kelly coming onto David or not; I decided, after the bell rang, that I wasn't jealous...but not for the reasons you might think...I wasn't jealous because he turned her down and I knew with certainty that he didn't like her.

I got to David's at five pm on the dot. He was standing outside, on the porch, smiling. He handed me a single, blue rose--ah, he remembered my favorite. "Thanks." I said, handing him Hayden. "Ma ma." She said to him, grabbing his hair. He shook his head and looked at me, "I'm going to loose my man card if she keeps calling me 'ma ma.'" I laughed at him and mocked punched his arm, "You loose your 'man card' by saying man card." David rolled his eyes at me and smiled, "So, are you ready to go?" I nodded and started towards my car.

"Where are you going?" He asked. "My car..." I said, trailing off. David shook his head, "We're taking my dad's car, he let me borrow it." David seemed to light up as he mentioned his father's car. He walked us over to the garage and opened it with a button. "You have a car seat?" I asked. "Duh," He said. When the door lifted I saw the car he was talking about; it was an old blue, Mercury Cougar--blue with a black stripe down it. "Wow," I said. "Jam..." I cut myself off. I was about to say 'Jamie would love this' because he would, but I wasn't going to talk about Jamie. David looked at me like he had known what I was about to say.

We climbed into the Mercury and David started off for our date. He didn't bring me anywhere fancy, and I wasn't excepting that; hell, it would have been awkward if we went anywhere fancy. We ate dinner at Chilies while Hayden watched from her booster seat. "I see she's eating more solid foods," David commented, watching her suck on a piece of bread. I nodded, "Yea, she loves food." David smiled at her and pinched one of her cheeks. "Do you still...well, you know?" He couldn't say cute. "Breast feed her? Yes, I do." His cheeks flushed just a little. This made me laugh, "Only first thing in the morning and right before bed to tire her out. Oh, and if she gets restless in the middle of the day, but she's cut down a lot."

We didn't talk much during dinner but we did share a bunch of laughs about Hayden and how cute she was being. People who walked passed our table had to stop to say 'hello' to her and tell us how adorable she was. When we got out of the restaurant it was already dark and the night had fallen quite cool. "Yay, fall is here." I said, cuddling Hayden closer to me. David put his arm around us and walked us towards his car. "Yea, it's kind of a relief, it's been way too hot." I agreed, I mean it was lovely living in Florida, but there were only four weather conditions: hot, hot and rainy, cold, or cold and rainy.

David took Hayden from me and strapped her into her car seat. When he got in next to me he smiled a his famous smile at me. My heart skipped a beat, "Don't do that." I told him, looking forward. "Do what?" He asked innocently. "Smile at me like that." I told him. "Why not?" He replied and I could tell he was enjoying this. "You know why." David chuckled, "No, I don't think I do." I sighed and leaned over in my seat, placing a soft kiss on David's cheek. His whole body froze up and his smile completely vanished. I know that he felt the jolt that had gone through the both of us, and I couldn't move away from him. My lips stayed near his skin and my breath hitched.

David turned his head and brushed his lips against mine, softly, but enough to set a fire throughout me. I pressed my lips against his harder and moved my hand to his cheek. Our tongues twirled together and I tasted the remains of his dinner and the piece of gum he was chewing now. Hayden laughed from the backseat, which helped me to break away from David. "Well," he said after a minute, starting his car. "That was one hell of a first date kiss." I folded my arms across my chest and glared at him. "Shut up."

He drove me back to his house and I saw Libby's car in the driveway. "I'm going to go in and see Libby, see how her shoot went. Kay?" David smiled, "I'll get Hayden." I closed my door and ran into the house; Libby was laying in her room, rocking out to her ipod. "Hey, Libby!" I called loudly, she didn't hear me. I ran and jumped on her bed, scaring the shit out of her.

"Holy crap! Don't do that." She protested, yanking the earphones out of her ears. I looked at her funnily, "Do you have a lisp?" Libby gave me an evil grin and stuck her tongue out of her mouth; there was a medium silver ball on her tongue. "No way." I said, "You got your tongue pierced!" She wiggled like a happy puppy, "Hell yea! It was a gift to myself for doing so kick ass on the shoot. They're doing a contest with the models, who ever gets the most buys wins." "Most buys?" I asked her. She shook her head, "They made several different copies of the magazine we're modeling in and put a different girl on the front cover so...whoever's magazine sells the most gets the prize." I nodded, "Well I'll buy a bunch of yours so you can win." I said, knocking her on the shoulder, she arched her eyebrow at me. "What?" I asked. "Oh, well I just thought you realized, you can't buy one of my magazines."

"Well, why not?" I asked her, confused. "Because you're not eighteen. Clarissa and I posed for Maxim, not Cosmo Girl." My mouth gaped open, "Maxim! Libby are you serious?" She smiled and shrugged, "So serious. Why the hell did you think I was tanning my boobs?" I threw my hands in the air, "I don't know, because you're OCD, not because you were posing in a gentlemen's magazine!" Libby rolled her eyes, "Oh chill. First of all, I'm eighteen so I'm allowed to pose in whatever magazine I want; and second, we're covered up, Clarissa more than me, but still. You don't see anything." I kept shaking my head, "What did Clay say about it?" Libby laid back on her bed, "I haven't told him, which is why I'm going to use this tongue ring to soft him up..." I cut her off. "Oh god, I knew you got that for perverse reasons." I covered my face with my hands. "Okay, I so didn't. I've always wanted a tongue ring, but it will come in handy for those reasons as well..." She was smiling again.

"Anyways, why are you here?" She asked me. "Your brother took me out on a date." I told her. She sat up again, "No way! I saw you two getting steamy in the pool but this is major." I blushed a shade redder but shook my head, "Not major, it was just a date. You know how I feel." Libby touched my arm, "Yes and I also know how my brother feels, and he's crazy about you, and I know that Jamie wants you to decide whether or not you want to be with my brother or him and you're never going to make up your mind if you don't give David a chance." I sighed, I totally hated it when she was right. "Yea, I guess."

When I left her room I called my mom; she answered on the third ring. "Yes dear?" I laughed, "I'm going to stay over here tonight, is that okay?" "Yea, it's fine." I was about to hang up, "Wait," She said. "Yea?" I asked, "Thanks for asking me, I know you've been a big girl for a long time, but it felt nice." I smiled to myself and hung up. David was in his room, cuddled with Hayden. I slipped out of my shorts and bra, leaving my shirt and underwear on, and crawled into bed next to him. He opened his eyes and smiled at me, "Are you leaving?" I shook my head, "No, I think I'll stay." He pulled Hayden and me closer to him and then we fell asleep.

The next morning was uncharacteristically cold for so early in the year. Crystal had come in early and taken Hayden to dress her warmly and somehow David and I had ended up intertwined together. When I opened my eyes I was startled to see that he was already awake and staring at me. He smiled which cause an automatic response in me to smile back. We stayed like that, staring at each other for a long time and then I shivered. "Cold?" He asked, pulling me closer. He wrapped one of his legs around my bare legs and rubbed his hand up and down my arm. I cuddled into David's neck and relaxed, breathing in and out peacefully--I'd never noticed how wonderful he smelled.

I felt his hand grip my arm and I stopped breathing, wondering what had caused his sudden mood change. His breathing was a little erratic and his grip was getting tighter. My nose brushed his neck when I tried to pull back to see his face...and he shivered. That's when I realized that it was me giving him that reaction.

I smiled to myself and pushed my lips against his neck. He groaned and moved so his body was hovering over mine.

"What are you doing to me?" He asked huskily. I smiled again and kissed him lightly. "I'm getting up to get breakfast." I told him and slipped out from under him and ran for the door. As I was running I realized that my boobs were sore and a little full so I headed to the kitchen.

Crystal was dancing around with Hayden on her hip, singing some weird song that I didn't recognize. "Crystal." I said, startling her. She turned to face me and smiled. "Sorry dear, didn't want to wake you guys up. You seemed so comfortable." I rolled my eyes at her. "I need the pump." She shook her head, "No need, take Hayden. I haven't fed her yet." I smiled relieved, the pump was kind of painful. Hayden latched onto the boob I offered her and I sighed. "That's good that you still breast feed." Crystal was telling me.

"A lot of mothers stop once their children start eating solid food." I shook my head. "My mom breast fed me until I was two. I mean obviously I had real food too, but I also had milk." Crystal smiled, "I breast fed David until he was a little over a year, but then I dried up so I had to stop."

"Ew, mom!" David complained from the kitchen doorway. "That is not something I want to know." Crystal and I started laughing which made Hayden grumpy

. She yanked on my hair to make me stay still. "Sorry baby." I told her. I let her feed on one boob and then switched to the other. When she was done I burped her and gave her back to Crystal. Libby crawled out of her room like an angry animal. "Why are you guys so loud?" Crystal smiled at Libby and pointed at a letter on the counter. "Mail came." She said. Libby staggered over to the envelope and opened it. "Ooh my check." She said, beaming.

Crystal walked around the counter and grabbed Libby's chin. "Open your mouth." She ordered. Libby opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out. "You got your tongue pierced!" Crystal shrieked. Libby started laughing and pulled back. "Yes I did. Kind of a little present for myself." Joseph came into the room then. "Why are you guys so loud this early?" He grumbled. Ah, like father like daughter.

"Your daughter got her tongue pierced." Crystal told him. Joseph wiped his face with his hand and reached for the coffee pot. "Did it hurt?" He asked. "Yea, a bit." Libby told him. "Cool. Can I see it?" He asked, turning to face her. Libby stuck her tongue out and he smiled. "That's my girl." Crystal fumed and stormed from the room. Hayden laughed from her high chair. "Do you think that was funny?" Libby asked, walking over to her

She stuck her tongue out and Hayden reached for the shiny object in her aunt's mouth. "Oh no, you're not tugging on this." I laughed. "Yea, she tugged on my nose ring once. Not very pleasant." "Lib," Joseph said. "I got that bike you wanted in the garage so whenever your free from your new busy schedule let me know." I looked over at her. "You got a bike?" Libby leaped up. "Motorcycle. Thanks daddy." She ran back towards her room and a few minutes later emerged dressed in her work clothes.

"My sister is so weird." David commented. I looked at him, "Why?" "Well she dresses like someone who doesn't care what people think about them. She acts like a tough ass but gets straight A's and goes to UF. She models and gets her tongue pierced and she works in the garage on cars and a motorcycle."

He shook his head. "She's more of a boy than you." David scoffed at me and then walked over to his daughter. "Your mommy called me a girl. I think she would know better than that considering me made you." I threw an apple at him. "Don't tell her that." David laughed and scooped her up.

"I think we're going to the park. Care to join us?" He asked me. I smiled at him and nodded. "Yea, I need a shower and a change of clothes, but I think I will."

So a kind of short chapter but like I said before, writers block! Hate it ://

I'm getting back in the flow though, so hopefully this is an okay chapter. Things are going to start picking up now.

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