Tris and Tobias, a family.


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Tris and Tobias, a couple of years into the future. There will be heartbreak, loveydovey stuff, but it will m... More

Tris and Tobias April Fools
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter Tobias
Chapter Tris
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter fourtris
Chapter 11
Chaper 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 14 1/2
Author's note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 on please.
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 5

8.3K 167 105


I call Christina to let her know that we are having a party.


"Hello, this is Christina." She says.

"Hey Christina, I just wanted to let you know that me and Tobias are having a party. No alcohol, so don't let Will bring any. It is at my apartment, and in about an hour and a half. Okay?" I breath in really fast after saying all that.

"Oh! Yes I will let Will know. Is it the whole *cough cough* thing?" She says and laughs a bit at the end.

"Yes it is. We are inviting our friends over, and then we are going to announce it. Then our plan will go into action. I bought dauntless cake. *cough cough*" I say. She laughs.

"Okay, see you in an hour and a half Tris!" She says.

"Kay, bye!" I mimic the day she told me she first kissed Will. We laugh and hang up. I turn to Tobias.

"Well, that was easy," I say to him.

"Haha I guess," He says, then kisses me. I pull away and say,

"Nuh uh uh! We've got people to call!" I say to him wagging my index finger at him. He grunts.

"Fine, but after you're all mine," He says laughing. I laugh too. I love him so much. I almost forgot about the baby until I start to feel really hungry.

"Can you take care of the calling thing? I'm really hungry all of a sudden," I said.

"Sure. Go and eat something. I love you," He says. He is so hot. I love those muscles that you can see through his shirt. Damn it. Stupid hormones. I'm already acting up a bit.

"Thanks hun! I love you more!" I say. I lean in and give him a kiss, then turn on my heel and head to the kitchen.

Hmm...what do I want...Oh! I see pancakes in the back of the fridge. I take them out and warm them up. They smell good, but they're missing something. Ham? No. Lettuce? Wait a minute. What about pickles? Oh yeah that sounds good right now. Even just thinking about them is making my stomach grumble. I laugh, and get out some pickles. I put the pickles on my pancake plate and put the rest of the food away. I take my plate to the dining table and start eating. Tobias gives me a questioning look.

"What?" I say to him. Then I realize what I'm eating.

"You're eating pickles with pancakes. I think the cravings are already coming Tris," He says.

"Hmm. Yeah, I guess so," I say and continue eating. My bump is only noticeable a little bit, therefore only when I'm walking. And it would take a bit to realize that was what it was. I finish up my brunch and clean up.

I'm in front of the full length mirror in mine and Tobias's room. I lift up my shirt, and look at how big I already am. I put my hand on my stomach, it feels natural to do that. Tobias comes in and sees me. He comes up to me and kneels down. He is now sitting on his knees. He kisses my stomach. He gets up and hugs me, and puts his arms around me. Then his hands meet mine on my stomach, covering my bump. I can't believe I am going to be a mother, and Tobias is going to be a father. I wonder what the gender is.

"Did you finish inviting everyone?" I ask him.

"Yep, and they all agreed not to bring alcohol. I may have had to threaten some of them." He says. I laugh. That is the Tobias I know. There is a knock on the door.

"I got it," I tell Tobias. I go to the door and open it.

"Tris!" Yells Christina.

"Christina! Come in, come in. Hi Will! Once everyone is here, Four and I have some news," I tell him. Me and Christina give each other a small smile. We go over to the couch.

"It's Christina and Will, Four!" I yell to him. He comes into the room.

"Oh, hey guys! Did Tris tell you what was going on?" Says Tobias.

"Yeah, and don't worry man. I didn't brig any alcohol. Christina wouldn't let me," Says Will. I give Christina a high five. Will sighs. We all laugh. Then there is another knock on the door.

"I'll get it this time, Tris," Says Tobias.

"Okay, just yell to me who it is," I say.

I hear the door open and close.

"It's Zeke, Shauna, Uriah, Marlene, Lynn and Al!" He yells. Wow. I think they might have all just grouped together then came here.


Yes everyone is still alive in my story. I LOVE IT!!!

"Is that everyone, Four?" I ask once he comes in.

"No, we are still going to have to wait for Peter and Tori," He says.

Just then there is another knock on the door. I'm pretty sure Al got it, because when I get to the door, Al is letting in Tori, and waiting for Peter, who is at the end of the hall running towards our door.

"Hi Tori! Hi Peter!" I say. I give Tori a hug.

"Hey Tris! How's life?" She says casually.

"You'll find out soon enough!" I say. We all go to the couch and sit. Tobias and I stand up.

"We uh, have some news for you guys." Says Tobias. "Tris is pregnant!"

Every single person in this room is cheering and clapping. They all come up one by one and give us hugs. Christina hugs me the longest, and I sit next to her the rest of the party. I tell everyone that I am going to bring out dessert, and Christina follows.

Once we are alone in the kitchen, she takes out the hot sauce bottle. I take out the dauntless cake I bought, and Christina puts a bunch of hot sauce into one of the pieces. I keep track of which one is the infected one. We bring out the cake, and give it around. I give Tobias his piece of cake, and we all dig in.

As soon as Tobias takes a bite, he yells.

"Ahhh what is in this?!?! TRIS!!!" He yells. Christina and I burst out laughing.

"APRIL FOOLS!!!" I yell. Everybody bursts out laughing, even Tobias. We all finish our cake, except Tobias. He won't even take the other piece that is completely normal! OOOOO I got him good! We say our goodbyes, and get ready to go to sleep.

"Can we now continue?" He says. I completely forgot about that.

"Tobias, I'm really tired. And I don't want to do anything right now, other than sleep," I say.

"Okay, at least cuddle with me then?" He asks.

"As if that's never going to happen!" I say. I crawl into his arms. His hands find my stomach, and he rests them there. I love him.

"I love you Tobias. You are my one and only," I tell him.

"I love you too, Tris." He says. Then he talks to the baby.

"I love you too, baby! I can't wait to meet you! I bet you are going to be so cute, and you will grow up to be strong like your mother, and tall and wise like me," He says. I hit his arm playfully.

"Hey! I'm wise too! I bet it will be a girl. What do you think?" I say.

"I don't know, how about we go and find out the gender tomorrow? I mean I know it's early, but they have the technology," He says.

"Yeah, they probably do. I'm still betting on a girl though. Let's go to sleep, I'm tired." I say. Tobias laughs and kisses the top of my head.

"Goodnight, my wonderful family," Tobias says. I smile and fall asleep quickly.

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