[DISCONTINUE] Persona 5 | Aki...

By ANIMEgirlfan173

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[DISCONTINUE] Author: ANIMEgirlfan173 (Me) Note: ■ The real name of the protagonist is Ren Amamiya, I'm using... More

🎶 Openings 🎶
🎶 Endings 🎶
♡ Fan Arts ♡
Me reacting to this story
Chapter #1 ~ Let Us Start The Game
Chapter #2 ~ The Encounter
Chapter #3 ~ The Trickster Arises
Chapter #4 ~ The Troublemaker Awakens
Chapter #5 ~ Ms. Attitude Awakens
Chapter #6 ~ True Thanks?
Chapter #7 ~ Risking To Change Kamoshida?
Chapter #8 ~ Hard To-Get-Along
Chapter #9 ~ A Beautiful Rose As Thorns!
Chapter #10 ~ Steal It, If You Can!
Chapter #10.5 ~ Confession
Chapter #11 ~ The Phantoms
Chapter #12 ~ They Don't Know Who I am At All
Chapter #13 ~ Our Next Target Is...
Chapter #14 ~ He Is My Other Self
Chapter #15 ~ End this and use your own artwork
Chapter #18 ~ Magination Thoughts?
Chapter #19 ~ Another Mystery, Another to Solve
Chapter #20 ~ Meeting Yusuke Kitagawa
Chapter #22 ~ More Secrets, More To Investigate
Chapter #23 ~ Mr. Artist Pervert Awakens
Chapter #24 ~ Changing Madarame's Heart
Chapter #25 ~ The Reward (MUST READ!)
Chapter #26 ~ (Y/N)'s Childhood Past
Chapter #27 ~ My Answer
Chapter #28 ~ The High School Detective
Chapter #30 ~ No One See's The True Me
Chapter #31 ~ Do You Promise...?
Chapter #32 ~ Finding The Lucky Charm
Chapter #33 ~ Makoto Knows EVERYTHING! And...
Chapter #34 ~ What Is The Meaning Of This?
Chapter #35 ~ Beautiful Student Council Awakens
Chapter #36 ~ Changing Kaneshiro's Heart
Chapter #37 ~ It's Are Deal (Yukata Or Nah?)
Chapter #38 ~ The Fireworks Festival And Alibaba?
Chapter #39 ~ Who Is Alibaba?
Chapter #40 ~ Futaba's Backstory [Op & Ed 2]
Chapter #41 ~ Into Futaba's Palace
Chapter #42 ~ Meeting Futaba Sakura
Chapter #43 ~ The Genius Hacker Awakens (THE LAST HINT!)
A/N: Changed The Story Title Or Nah?
Chapter #44 ~ Creating A Sisterly Bond With Futaba
Previously Chapters ~ The Arcana's
Chapter #45 ~ Trip To The Beach
Chapter #46 ~ The Love Triangle's Begins
Chapter #47 ~ Futaba's Feelings
Chapter #48 ~ Trip To Hawaii [A/N: OC Profile 1/2]
Chapter #49 ~ Is It Time?! Or Not Yet... [OC Profile 2/2]
Chapter #50 ~ Encountering Again...
Chapter #51 ~ What Happen 10 Years Ago? [Part 1] & [Special 50.1K]
Chapter #52 ~ What Happened 10 Years Ago? [Part 2] & [Opening 2.0]
Chapter #53 ~ What Happen 10 Years Ago? [Part 3] & [Ending 1]
Chapter #54 ~ What Happen 10 Years Ago? [Final 1/2]
Chapter #55 ~ Ghost-girl Is... WHAT??!! [FINAL 2/2]
Chapter #56 ~ (Y/N)'s Palace?
Joker's Real Name Reveal In The Anime [Shout-out To Darkrose-chan]
Chapter #57 ~ Starting Over Again
Chapter #58 ~ Loosing Morgana
Chapter #59 ~ Meet Beauty Thief & Connections to Akechi
My Real Thoughts of This Book

Chapter #29 ~ What Is Love?

3.9K 82 75
By ANIMEgirlfan173

(A/N: HOLY MACARONI! WHAT IS UP GUYS! How are you guys doing? And i know you guys are waiting a new update, and i know some of you guys are getting bored of reading this... So i decide that i'm gonna spice this up a little bit. So you guys will not gonna get bored. Also i have a channel check it out, here's the link--I don't know, why i'm putting this...:


Tell me if this link don't work-- ANYWAYS ENOUGH TALKING, LET THE FUN BEGIN!)

Everyone was done eating the hot pot. "I can't eat another bite..." Ryuji is full. "That was delicious, Lady Anne. I'm sure you'll make a wonderful bride some--" Morgana didn't finished his words. "*Yawn* Sorry, i'm gonna have to borrow the sofa." Anne lay down at the sofa. 

And Morgana notice that Yusuke is thinking something... "What's wrong, Yusuke?" Morgana asked. "...We haven't finished our meal. What about the porridge or even udon...?" Yusuke asked. "Just leave it for next time, man..." Ryuji said. And Anne is snoring. Which means she's asleep. "She's asleep already...!?" Morgana was surprise.

"It'd be weird if she wasn't tired. We should let her sleep." Ryuji said. "Are you tired, (Y/N)?" Morgana said. "No i'm fine." (Y/N) said. "By the way, Ryuji... How do you know Anne?" Yusuke asked. "Huh? Oh, we went to middle school together." Ryuji said. "What was Lady Anne like back then?" Morgana asked. 

"Not so different from now. Once we got to high school, we ended up in different classes and stopped talkin'... I don't think she had many friends. I mean she grew up overseas, plus there's her looks. The popular kids hate her; the quite ones stay away." Ryuji said.

"I see... So, what about you three?" Yusuke asked. "Us...?" (Y/N) asked. "This is a great opportunity to get know each other better. You know every detail of my past at this point. It's only fair you tell me every detail of yours." Yusuke said. 

"So you got nothin' to lose, huh? All right, I'll tell you. It's just a normal story about a rotten kid though. My dad left when i was  young... Ever since then it's just been me and my mom. I was tryin' to get a track scholarship so i could  make things easier for her. In the end, i just screwed it all up. Turns out i'm a pretty bad son, huh? .....Back  when i was a first-year, my mom got a called out to school for raisin' my hand at Kamoshida. All the teachers kept houndin' her for what i did, but she just stayed quiet through it all... I'll never forget the look she had on her face though... On the way home, she... She apologized to me. For bein' a single mom and all..." Ryuji tells everything through his life.

"So that's what happened... They say at school that everyone is equal, but in reality that's a gross oversimplification... ...I understand how you feel." Yusuke said. "By the way, what's your past (Y/N)?" Ryuji asked. "Me too... I was actually curious about that..." Yusuke said. "Me too..." Morgana said.

"I've never told you guys this, only Akira... But i guess is the time to tell you guys about my life.... When i was young i never knew my mom. Only my father... Ever since then is just me and my father... ...But my father was very strict to me... And he told me that i was Useless and Nobody... And i become emotionless... And everyone is calling me the same thing. Useless and Nobody... I was getting tired of what there saying me. Over and over again... And i felt that i don't belong to this world... And i was done for everyone and i wan't to... Die... ...But i still didn't give up, and continue my life... And when i became first year in Nasajimi high school... My father past away... Because of a car accident... And he didn't even say anything, which my life became... Worst... Then i met Yuki, Hannah, Miyu... And Hayato... They become my friends... But i didn't tell them about my past... *Chuckle* Then Hayato became my boyfriend... But at the end became worst again... Then i transfer to Shujin... And after that i met, Akira, Ryuji, Anne, and so on... And you guys change my life... You guys change me for who i was in the pass... And accepts me for, who i am..." (Y/N) tells about, what happened to her past.

"Wow..." Yusuke didn't expected that. "That was so... Dark." Morgana said. "Man those people's says that Useless and Nobody, stuff... It makes me pissed me off..." Ryuji said. "And your father told you that your; Useless and Nobody... He doesn't deserved to be called; a parent..." Yusuke said. "Besides your not Useless and Nobody... YOU are (Y/N) (L/N)... You are special to the team, and make our leader to become stronger." Morgana said. (A/N: Awwww :3)

"H-Huh...?" (Y/N) was surprise, what she heard. "You know, when your not on Akira's side. Are leader becomes a little bit weak... But when your Akira's side, he feels like he can do anything..." Morgana said. "R-Really?!" (Y/N) asked. "When did i ever say that!?" Akira blush. "Besides you always bring the lucky charm to you." Morgana said. (Y/N) and Akira blush. And Yusuke and Ryuji was confuse.

"Huh..? Lucky charm?" Ryuji asked. "Y-You did t-that...?" (Y/N) asked, and slight blush. "What lucky charm...?" Yusuke asked. "Oh you know, (Y/N) gave a lucky charm to Akira. And he bring that everywhere." Morgana said. "I didn't even knew that." Ryuji said. "Is that showing; how you love are leader?" Yusuke asked. "I-I j-just m-made that... B-Because h-he's s-special t-to m-me..." (Y/N) said. "Awww, how cute." Morgana said. "N-No i-i mean... J-Just forget it!" (Y/N) blush madly. "Special... Huh... How cute." Morgana commented. "Just your mouth you cat!" (Y/N) said. "What was that!?" Morgana said. 

"OK... Enough of the cat fight." Yusuke said. "Lets just go back, what where talking." Morgana said. "Well when it comes to gettin' labeled, nobody's got it worse than Akira." Ryuji changed the subject. "Is this about his past?" Yusuke asked. "Now that i think about it, we never heard the details." Morgana said.

~Akira's Flashback~

"D*mn brat... I'll sue!" Drunk man has a blood on his forehead. "If keep this up... Then I'll report about the money! Is that fine with you!?" Struggling women asked. "All i have to say is that you did it on your own, and it's over." Drunk man said. "But... I just did as i was told..." Struggling women said. "Who do you think i am?" Drunk man asked. "No..." Struggling women said.

"Hey. Make this statement to the cops. 'This kid suddenly attacked me.' Got it?" Drunk man said. And Akira was shocked. 

"If you even try to say anything else, you know what'll happen to you, right?" Drunk man reminds. "Huh? But--" Struggling women didn't finished her word. "This is bullsh*t." Akira said. "Shut up. You're done for. You're gonna learn what happens when you cross me..." Drunk man said. And two police came across them. to see what's going on.

"Excuse me, folks. We received a complaint about an argument here. Is something the matter?" Burly policeman asked. And the drunk man looked at the police. "Oh! It's you sir." Burly policeman was surprise. "So, what happened? Explain it to the good officer." Drunk man said.

"......" Struggling women stayed quite, but she speaks up. "That young man suddenly attacked him... He shoved this gentleman to the ground. And this man... Got injured..." Struggling women lied. (A/N: MAN I'M GONNA RAGED QUICK!!! WHO'S WITH ME!? I'M SO PISSED OFF!!!)

And Akira was shocked, that the struggling women lied. "...It's as she says. Also... Make sure you deal with this so my name isn't mentioned at all. You understand what that means, correct?" Drunk man reminds. "Y-Yes, sir! Hey, cuff him!" Burly policeman said. "U-Understood." Thin policeman said. (A/N: You son of a... BITCHFUCKINGASSHOLEBULLSHIT!!!!!!!!! AJASIDGUIFGWIFGWIFGWIFUGWIFGWIGFIWFIU!!!!!)

~Ends The Flashback~

"Just listenin' to it pissed me off... Godd*mmit." Ryuji punch the table. "You got an assault on your record just for that? That is just bullsh*t. And also that women just stayed quite the whole time... Does she not even gonna helped you. For what you did to her." (Y/N) is pissed of as well. (A/N: Awww, Reader~chans, cares a lot of Akira ;3) 

(A/N: And also guys. There's one person told me in the comments that Akira's parent's kick him out of the house when he try to help the women. And i was like... THAT'S BULLSH*T!... And this comment was very long time now. And thanks animalsforever12 for telling me that. You guys should told me that also. Don't be shy, just tell to me :3 OK BACK TO THE STORY!)

animalsforever12 (I tagged her^^)

"That man is just the kind of person whose heart we should steal! Who is he, and where can we find him!?" Morgana asked. "I don't remember..." Akira doesn't remember anything. "You can't remember, huh...? Well it was night, and I'm sure you were in shock after getting arrested. I understand all too well the pain of not being able to remember important details of your life." Morgana said. "The victim's personal information is always kept secret. Identifying that man will prove difficult... Besides, the court already made their ruling, didn't they? Even if manage to get revenge, Akira's past record won't go away." Yusuke said.

"I can't stand it... This world is so messed up!" (Y/N) is so pissed off. "Plus, the weak're left to for fight themselves, while rotten adults get away with whatever they want!" Ryuji is pissed off as well. "And those in power don't do anything to help the situation." Morgana said. "Can't we fix this though? Nobody would even know... We just need to show the world what true justice is. We'll make them come to their senses." (Y/N) said.

"Your right, (Y/N)! That's gotta be what our powers're for!" Yusuke agrees to (Y/N). "I'm totalle in!" Ryuji agrees as well. "Sounds good to me. The flashier our missions are, the cooler we end up looking!" Morgana said. "You've all taught me so much." Yusuke said.

And Anne woke up. "...What're you guys getting all excited?" Anne asked. "Oh, sorry... Did we wake you up?" Ryuji asked. "Nah, not really. I've been up for a while now. Still, this weird feeling came over me while i was listening to you guys... ...It's almost feels like I've known you all forever... Do you think it's because our backgrounds are so similar?" Anne said.

"Well... It's sure ain't 'cause of anything good." Ryuji said. "Similar, huh... I'm the only one who doesn't fit in..." Morgana said. "Hm?" Everyone look at Morgana. "I don't have any past to look back on... No memories..." Morgana is sad. "Whaddya mean? We could search the whole world and we wouldn't find a bigger misfit than you. And the reason we're goin' to Mementos is to get your memories back, right?" Ryuji said.

"I'm sure your past will be just as trouble as ours." Yusuke said. "No doubt." Ryuji said. "Hmph, we'll see about that." Morgana said. "I actually feel like I've known Morgana for a really long time too. It's so strange... I can't really put it into words." Anne said. "Look, I'm helping you guys out for my own sake. Don't get me wrong! If you don't get stronger, investigating Mementos won't be anything nut a pipe dream!" Morgana said. "That sure was quick turnaround. One second you're depressed, the next you're actin' all tough..." Ryuji said.

"All joking aside... Let's take this seriously. We should go as far with it as we can... I want to punish those corrupt adults and give courage to people in trouble... Only we can do that!" Anne said. "Ha! You can say that again!" Ryuji said. "Being a member of the Phantom Thieves will surely help me grow, both as an artist and as person." Yusuke said.

"Of course. You're under my tutelage, after all. There's nothing we can't accomplish!" Morgana said. "Well... I hope we can keep this up. We should be all right with as our leader." Anne said. "Leave it to me." Akira said. And everyone nodded. And Anne look at the time. "...Whoa, it's this late?" Anne said. "I guess now's a good time to call it for the night!" Ryuji said. "Oh, that reminds me! The owner said you're free to crash here, Yusuke." Anne said. "That's... Very kind of him." Yusuke said. "You convinced him, didn't you? You go, Miss Older-dude-charmer!" Ryuji said. 

"What kind of nickname is that!?" Anne asked. "Hm, I won't be able to sleep unless I take a bath..." Yusuke said. "There's a bathhouse nearby, so you can go there. But i can't join you guys right now." (Y/N) said. "Ooh, that sounds great! I wanna come too! How 'bout you Anne?" Ryuji asked. "You guys go on ahead. I should get going. Well, good night, Morgana!" Anne grab her bag, and leave. "Damm*t... I need to turn back into a human soon. I can't let her get taken by someone else...!" Morgana mumbled.

"Well i should head going as well. Good night... Akira." (Y/N) smiles, and slight blush. And she grab her bag and leave. And Akira blush. "How sweet." Yusuke mumbled.

~At The Bathhouse~

"Ahh, huge bathtubs really are the best. Anne's missin' out." Ryuji is relaxing at the bathtub. "It's a bit hot though..." Yusuke said. And Ryuji look at the old guy, and the old guy is turning on the hot water. "Old guy like it hot, for some reason. ...I'm sure he'll stop eventually. You know, I've been wonderin' for a while now... But what do you think of Anne? As a 'girl,' I mean." Ryuji asked. "She's breathtaking." Akira straight answered. "Ooh, you straight up said it! Well, in her case, her looks totally make up for her overbearing personality." Ryuji said.

"I'll be sure to share what you've said with Anne." Yusuke said. "Please don't. Seriously..." Ryuji beg. "By the way, what do you think of (Y/N)?" Yusuke asked. 

"Uhhh, i dunno, for me she's just find. ...You should ask Akira though. He's the one who knows her more." Ryuji said. "Well leader, what are you gonna say?" Yusuke asked. 

Akira blush madly, he doesn't know what he's gonna say. He open he's mouth but he can't speak up. "C'mon leader say something." Ryuji said. Akira is blushing madly, and he decide to speak up. "She's... Special for me." Akira mumbled. "What was that?" Yusuke didn't heard, what Akira said. "...Ughhhh! It's frikin' hot!" Ryuji went out the tub. "How much do ya hafta add until you're satisfied, gramps!? ...I can't stand it anymore!" Ryuji said. "*Sigh* So what did you say, leader?" Yusuke asked. Akira blush so madly. "It's nothing..." Akira blush so dead. "Hmm..." Yusuke looks at Akira. 

"Anyways, let's meet up again early next week. I'll contact everyone!" Ryuji changed the subject. "OK..." Yusuke agrees. 

Akira put his right hand to his chest, and he felt his heartbeat is going fast, when he thinks about (Y/N). "(Y/N)... I..." Akira is blushing madly. (A/N: It's... So... ADORABLE!!!!)

~Your Point Of View~

(Y/N) is taking a bath to the bathtub. And (Y/N) is either blushing or her face is just red because of the hot water (A/N: And i don't know, if that legit happened. Just roll with it XD) "*Sigh* Akira been through a lot... What could i help...? Order to make him happy..." (Y/N) look at her reflect through the water. "The 'guy' that Akira mentioned... Can i...? Changed his heart...? Hmph... I need to know more about that 'guy'..." (Y/N) is planning something...

~Akira's Point Of View~

Akira was looking outside the window, and he's thinking very very deep. "*Sigh* Is so relaxing when you take a bath..." Yusuke commented. "It seem you have fun a little bit." Morgana said. "Hmm... Maybe a little bit." Yusuke said. And Morgana notice that Akira is thinking very deep. "Hey Akira, whatchu thinking?" Morgana asked. But Akira didn't replied, and he continue thinking.

"Sometimes, i don't even, don't know what he's thinking though..." Morgana commented. And Yusuke remembers something...

"Hey Akira, i didn't hear, what you said when we we're in the bathhouse. So what was your answer?" Yusuke asked. And Akira look at Yusuke, and he's face blush madly. "Huh...? What answer?" Morgana asked. "I asked him 'What he thinks about (Y/N)'?" Yusuke said to Morgana. "Ooohh, what's your answer...? Huh...?" Morgana is curious. 

Akira blush madly even before, he took a deep breath and exhale. "My answer is; She's special for me..." Akira finally spill it out from he's mouth. "Special... Huh...?" Yusuke said. "Awww, that was so cute." Morgana said. And Akira blush madly. "Say, how did you get feelings to (Y/N)...? I was wondering about that." Yusuke asked. "Me too. I wanna know." Morgana is curious.

Akira blush madly than before his face looks like a tomato. "Well... When i first met her. I... I thought she was just a normal girl... But when we went to the 'other world' my life change... Actually i was scared to know her more... Because maybe later she will know that i have a criminal record... And she knew it... But she didn't care that i have a criminal record. And she thank me for saving her life. And when i became a leader to this team, she supports me. And i feel like i became stronger... But when she's not around i feel like i'm down... Again..." Akira said.

"You really care (Y/N) a lot." Morgana said. "Is that, how you call love?" Yusuke asked. "What do you mean?" Morgana asked. "Actually i don't know much about love..." Yusuke said. "I would say yes. Besides love is a very strong power that can help people, when there down." Morgana said. And Akira is blushing again. "So would say that our leader is in love with (Y/N)." Yusuke said. W-What!?" Akira blush so madly. "I will say... Yes. Your absolutely right, about that." Morgana agrees with Yusuke. "Morgana!" Akira blush. "Actually believe it or not. But i think you and (Y/N) can be a great couple... One day." Yusuke said. And Akira blush. "I just thought the same thing... Besides i ship this two." Morgana said. "Stop shipping!" Akira said. "Nope." Morgana said.

Akira sighed and he smiles softly, and he place his right hand to his chest. And he's heart is beating so fast. "(Y/N) I... I... I love you..." Akira smiles, and look at the lucky charm. And just smiles.

~Your Point Of View~

(Y/N) was looking outside her window, and looking at the stars. (A/N: And she's already done taking a bath) "I live here like a year now... But is different now..." (Y/N) heard her phone rings, and she look, who's calling and it's Anne. And she accepts the call.

"Hello, Anne. Why did you call?" (Y/N) asked. "Hello (Y/N). Did i disturb you?" Anne is on the other line of the phone. "No not at all." (Y/N) said. "Anyways, just have a question to you... Is OK to asked?" Anne asked. "What is it?" (Y/N) asked. "I was wondering for now, and... How did you get closer to Akira...? I was just curious." Anne asked. "Well, uhhh... To be honest when i first met him. Somehow i have the guts to talk to him... I don't know, why but i feel like i can talk to him..." (Y/N) said. "I see... And one more question. Do you love Akira?" Anne asked. And (Y/N) blush madly.

"W-What!?" (Y/N) was surprise. "I'm just curious. Don't worry i'm not gonna say any word... Promise." Anne promised. (Y/N) touch her chest, and her heart is beating faster and faster. "I..." (Y/N) is very speechless right now. "Well..." Anne is waiting her answer. "I do..." (Y/N) mumbled. "What was that?" Anne didn't hear, what (Y/N) said. "I-Is nothing...!" (Y/N) said. "Well i know your nervous to say it. It's OK. Sorry for the disturbance... Welp good night." Anne hang up.

(Y/N) place her phone on her desk. And she looks at the window, and she smiles softly. "Akira... I... I love you..." (Y/N) blush and smiles softly.

(A/N: WELP!!! I HOPE THAT THIS CHAPTER MAKE YOU BLUSH!!! Well anyways. Hope you all like it. And also i don't know, what am i gonna title this. But ANYWAYS Hope you all have a wonderful day, and...)















What is this...?

Persona 5 ~ Rivers In The Desert (CC/Lyrics)

FINALLY I MADE MY OWN PERSONA 5 VIDEO, I'M SO HAPPY!!! :3 IS NOT A PERFECT VIDEO BUT STILL...! And if you wan't the lyrics, you have to open the CC. And if you like me that love the P5 songs, that is very stuck in your head. And it could get out... You can listen yo this so that, the song will be more stuck to your head...

Anyways that is for today, and...

ANIMEgirlfan173 IS OUT~!

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