Chapter #19 ~ Another Mystery, Another to Solve

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★ [Chapter Written by justyolo_

-----The Next Day: At Shujin-----

"...Man, that detective from yesterday really pissed me off!" Ryuji spatted, slamming his fist onto the vending machine beside him. "We're some kinda threat? Let's see him do it then! If someone else could help 'em we wouldn't be doin' stuff as the Phantom Thieves to start with!"

From behind, Ann walks towards the blonde, slapping him on his neck. "Ow!" He winced.

"You're being way too loud." She said, voice muffled by the chips she's chewing on.

"Who cares? Everybody's talking about this stuff anyways. It'd just be more suspicious if we were whispering." Ryuji argues, pausing for a moment as Ann continues to eat her chips. "Hey, you're really just gonna keep eating and eating those things by yourself!? Gimme some!" He said, stomping forward.

"Sorry, just at the last one." Ann responded, placing the snack down.

"You guys are too laid back. The police are getting involved now, you know." Morgana scolds, emerging from Akira's bag, slung over his shoulder.

"So you think it's true...? We'll be OK if we keep doing this...right?" Ann asked, dishearteningly.

"We can't let the cops scare us outta being phantom thieves." Ryuji retorted.

"But...what about that weird guy from Madarame's Palace...? Isn't there a lot we don't know?" She begins. Suddenly, a bright flash, followed by a loud click interrupts the conversation. Turning towards source, the student council president stands in front the group, pocketing her phone with the picture she had just taken.

"The hell?" Ryuji said, his face displayed a shocked expression.

"You four seem to be having so much fun. I'm a little jealous." Makoto said.

"Are you snooping on us again?" Ryuji sneered, displeased with her presence. "We said before, we don't know anything."

"Why do you think I'm here to question you? Could it be that you're hiding something?" She questioned. "My ears are always open to the troubles of my peers, you know."

"You're really that hungry for a good letter of recommendation? ...Of course you are. Nobody would take on your annoying job if they weren't." Ann commented, glaring at the president.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Makoto asked, returning the glare.

Ann steps forwards, practically challenging the brown-haired girl. "You're student council president, right? Wouldn't you have known about Kamoshida?"

Makoto shakes her head. "Of course not! He honestly was a good teacher until that day..."

"Oh, but you always take the teacher's side. That's what a good council president does, right?"

"Ann! Would you two please stop fighting?" (Y/n) said, trying to calm the two girls, hopefully preventing them from having a heated debate.

" about you?" Makoto started, ignoring the (y/n)'s request. "What did you do for your friend? You were much closer to her than I was, so how did you help?"

"Senpai, hold on! I don't think this is something to fight about..." (y/n) said, trying once more, yet was unsuccessful.

"There wasn't any way to help! By myself...I couldn't do anything for her!" Ann huffed, angered by the president's words.

"There's no need to shout." Makoto insisted.

"Finally!" (Y/n) sighed. "You're listening."

"If those Phantom Thieves are out there helping people, I'd root for them, no questions asked." Ryuji plainly stated. "They've got to be more dependable than some people I know." There were no doubts, his last statement was directed towards the brown-haired girl. She looked at him, slightly hurt.

"...Just make sure you show up to your classes, all right?" Makoto mumbled, walking away from the group.

"Wasn't that a bit too harsh Ryuji?" (Y/n) questioned, staring at the spot the president once occupied.

"No way. It's her fault for snooping into our business." Ryuji countered.

"You know what I asked earlier? About whether we'll be OK if we keep this up?" Ann said. "I take it back. I'd be ashamed to let it end now." A new light of determination sparks in her eyes.

"Hell yeah. It's about time we find our next target too." Ryuji agreed.

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