Chapter #1 ~ Let Us Start The Game

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It was another day, another day pass for Japan. In a certain train, where a frizzy-haired is spotted sleeping peacefully. The frizzy-haired slowly woke up as the MC spoke in the speaker.

"Ladies and Gentleman, thank you for riding with us today. We will be arriving in Shibuya shortly, this is the last stop of the for this ride." 

After hearing the announcement, the frizzy-haired seems to be... Sad. He looked down on the floor trying to be strong.


"Please help!"

A drunk old man forcefully grabbed the woman's arm causing the woman to be fearful towards the man and decided to call for help.

The frizzy-haired notice the incident and he stood up for the woman because the man is drunk, the boy punches the man's forehead causing him to knock out on the floor.

The woman gasped so as the frizzy-hair, he couldn't believe what he has done. If only he could turn back time and fix everything in peace or maybe just watch the woman struggle; but of course he couldn't do that. There was no turning back...

"Damn brat. I'll sue...!"

The police came and instead of arresting the old man. They arrested the innocent boy.


"You piece of shit! You're worthless in our family!" Old-man voice said.

The old-man raise his hand with no mercy, he slaps his own son on the cheek which causes him to have red marks and the mother gasp in shock after seeing his own son hurt by his husband.

"What the hell are you to our son!?" The mother asked.

"Our son needed to learn a lesson and he deserves it!" The father raises his voice towards his wife.

The lady grew an angry face and said to his husband, "Mr. Hirokatsu get out of this house!" The mother raises her voice.

"Don't you dare tell me what to do!" With no mercy, he grabbed his wife's wrist and pushed her on the side very forcefully. Which cause the lady to roll around the floor and hit on the wall very hard.

"Mom...!" The boy cried.

The man stared at his son with dead glares, the boy steps a few backward and have fear on his eyes just looking at his father.

"You're going to move out and go to Tokyo, and think about your lesson young man." The old man said to his son.

The boy wanted to hide the pain but he couldn't hold it anymore, his eyes start forming tears and roll down to his face.

-----End Of Flashback-----

Just thinking that incident, he wishes that he didn't do that. He will regret this for the rest of his life. If only he was careful, none of this will happened.

"What? Are you for real? A mental shutdown?"

"It's the truth!"

"To a person, though? That's gotta be a joke. You really love all that occult stuff, don't you?"


The frizzy-haired got out of the train and he was in Shibuya. Many people were walking around the area, the boy looked around his surroundings while checking on his phone. He notices on his phone that a mysterious app just randomly pop out his phone. He decided to tap the app but it didn't open he continued to open until his surroundings just froze; no people moving almost the time also stops.

[DISCONTINUE] Persona 5 | Akira Kurusu X Reader | The Heart Of The JokerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora