Chapter #22 ~ More Secrets, More To Investigate

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~The Next Day: At Shibuya~

"Yo." Ryuji greeted. "We're about to head to the hideout too..... Who's that...?" Anne saw a guy walk towards them. And it's nothing but Nakanohara. "Excuse me..."Nakanohara said, "That'sNakanohara. Mishima told us to meet him here in Shibuya today." Morgana said, "For real...?" Ryuji said, "...My name isNakanohara. NatsuhikoNakanohara, the one who was posted about on the Phantom Aficionado Website."Nakanohara said, "He seems pretty nice. Doesn't seem like the stalker type. I think the change of heart must have worked." Anne said, "The administrator of that website contacted me... They told me to look for someone in a Shujin Uniform with a cat..."Nakanohara said, "So? Whaddya want?" Ryuji asked, "You may have already heard, but there's someone i wish to trigger a change of heart in.... An artist by the name of Madarame."Nakanohara said, "Ooh, you think this is it? Is the pupil gonna confess his master's secrets?" Ryuji asked, "His shadow did mention Madarame as well..." Anne said, "I'm... One of Madarame's former pupils. He gave me lodging at his home, where i thought only about art. I genuinely wanted to be an artist... There was another pupil as well. A very talented man, multiple years my senior. Obviously, Madarame kept tabs on him. Everything he made was claimed as a Madarame original. He wasn't the only victim though..."Nakanohara said, "All right, we got some real proof of the plagiarism." Ryuji said, "In response to Madarame's actions... That senior pupil committed suicide."Nakanohara said, "Suicide..." (Y/N) said, "He must have been unable to bear seeing his work praised under Madarame's name. That was when i disobeyed Madarame's pleas and left.... But he quickly pressured other parts of the art world, and my life as a painter as destroyed. I tried to turn over a new leaf working at a ward office... But it was no use. My attachment to art warped my emotions. Soon i began getting attached to everything... In the end, I even turned into a stalker... Ha...Haha.... I'd like to ask again. Please, make Madarame have a change of heart. Not only for me. It's... To save the life of another man as well."Nakanohara said, "Save their life?" Akira asked, "Even now, there is still one young man remaining under Madarame's tutelage.  I think he's about your age."Nakanohara said, "That has to be Yusuke." Morgana said, "Not only is he talented artist, he also owes Madarame for taking him in after his mother passed... He is the perfect target."Nakanohara said, "So Yusuke's got no choice but to listen!" Ryuji said, "I actually spoke to him a few times back when i was still living at Madrame's. I asked him if he found it painful to stay with Madarame... And do you know what he said? 'If i could leave, i would...'" Nakanohara said, "Kitagawa~kun..." Anne sounds worried. "I have no right to say this given my prior cowardice, but i don't want to see another suicide...! I'd like to find a way to save this young man. He has a bright future ahead of him... Please consider that when thinking about changing Madarame's heart." AndNakanohara leave.

"We've been asked to act directly on behalf of one of Madarame's victims. It sounds like we don't have the time to deliberate whether or not to change Madarame's heart." Morgana said, "Let's save Yusuke." Akira said, "Yeah!" (Y/N) said, "Hell yeah! Madarame's just piece of sh*t who preys on the weak!" Ryuji said, "Suicide... I'll never let something like that happen! Plus, we finally got to hear how Kitagawa~kun really feels!" Anne said, "Well, since we've reached a unanimous decision, how about we continue this at our new hideout?" Morgana said.

~At The Shibuya Passageway~  

"Our target this time Madarame! We all saw that Palace. We'll pay dearly if we assume it's just going to be like the last one. And furthermore... Lady Anne's chastity is on the line!" Morgana said, "What!?" Anne said, "We'll need to do what we did with Kamoshida. First, we secure an infiltration route in the Palace. After that, we send our calling card. Once the treasure has materialized, we steal it." Morgana said, "Oooh, I got a question! Madarame doesn't know that we were doing stuff in the Palace yet. Why are we already getting treated like criminals in there?" Ryuji said, "You're learning, Ryuji. Well done. It must be because he doesn't trust anyone. Any unknown person may as well be an enemy." Morgana said, "Or maybe he's just super salty from all those rumors that have been spreading about him..." Anne said, "Then his Palace being so crazy had nothing to do with us...?" (Y/N) said, "Either way, we should stay on our best behavior. It'll be harder for us to steal the treasure if we needlessly increase the security level." Morgana said, "We need to be careful of Kitagawa~Kun this time too. I'm sure that whatever he sees will just get passed on to Madarame." Anne said, "That's right!" Morgana said, "Hey, what is Madarame's Treasure going to look like anyway? Another crown?" Anne asked, "I'd doubt that. But my sixth sense will know when i see it." Morgana said, "Oh yeah, you go completely nuts, huh." Ryuji said, "Our time limit is when the exhibit ends, right? That means... June 5th." Anne said, "We'll carry out the plan after we've sent out the calling card. So, our infiltration route will need to be set in stone two days prior, on June 2nd." Morgana said, "Now listen here. We can't mess this up,  NO MATTER WHAT! OK!?" Anne said. And everyone nodded.

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