Chapter #49 ~ Is It Time?! Or Not Yet... [OC Profile 2/2]

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[Note: Read until the end of the chapter for the OC profile.]

~HK View~

Hinata was typing to her computer, Takeshi was just sitting on the bed plying video games, and Kazoki is just looking at the picture.

Hinata was typing to her computer, Takeshi was just sitting on the bed plying video games, and Kazoki is just looking at the picture

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

"I'M DONE!!!!!" Hinata stretch her arms.

"Did you find about (Y/N)?!" Kazoki quick asked.

"Yup! And i think it's ready to catch her." Hinata said.

"Is it OK now?" Kazoki asked.

"Nope not yet." Hinata said. "'Cause the Shujin is in Hawaii." Hinata added.

"School trip?" Takeshi asked.

"Yeah..." Hinata said.

"When they will get back here?" Kazoki asked.

"I don't know... But don't worry, i know where Frizzy-hair lives." Hinata smirk, and Kazoki and Takeshi pop out a questioned mark (❓).

"Frizzy-hair?" Takeshi asked.

"It's the criminal dude... Akira Kurusu." Hinata reminded.

"Oooh that guy." Takeshi remember's.

"But, why are we going for that 'criminal'?" Kazoki asked.

"Because (Y/N) and that Frizzy-hair, have connections." Hinata said.

"That means they're dating, for real?!" Kazoki eyes winded.

"I don't know..." Hinata said.

"I mean, our leader is gonna be happy for this..." Takeshi added.

"Yeah..." Kazoki looked down sadly.

"Say, you still regret what happened ten years ago, right?" Hinata asked.

"......." Kazoki stayed silent.

"Dude, it's not your fault, it's someone else." Takeshi said.

"Mr. Nicknamer is right, you don't have to regret this anymore." Hinata said.

"A-Anyway, why do we have to go to that, criminal?" Kazoki asked again.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot." Hinata remembers. "Frizzy-hair lives not far from here. Plus, Frizzy-hair and (Y/N) lives next house." Hinata said.

"...If they live next house, why do we have to go to that dude?" Takeshi asked.

"'Cause I'm gonna put this baby in!" Hinata shows a small spying camera.

[DISCONTINUE] Persona 5 | Akira Kurusu X Reader | The Heart Of The JokerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt