Chapter #4 ~ The Troublemaker Awakens

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(A/N: The Author only have four words to say, and is: LET THE FUN BEGIN!!!!)

-----SIU HQ'S-----

"A Minister of Transport announcing his resignation... *chuckle* Things are going as planned..." The SIU director chuckled.

" The SIU director chuckled

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"Sae Niijima... that reminds me..." The SIU director sighed deeply, "...Better to leave it be for now."

------At The Shujin's Gate------

At the school's gate, both of the boys winded in shock to see that Shujin returned to its old and normal self instead of that weird castle.

"Is this for real...? I'm sure we came the same way... what's goin' on here...?" Ryuji asked himself very shock.

"That's exactly what I wanted to ask you. We received a call from the police." A counselor walked out of the school's entrance talking in a angry tone.

"That damn cop snitched on us after all!" Ryuji groaned.

"........" Akira looked down with sorrow in his eyes.

"It's rare not to see you alone. Where were you roaming around until this time?" The counselor asked angrily.

"Uhh... a ca-- a castle?" Ryuji hesitated to speak.

"So, you have no intention of giving an honest answer?" The counselor said.

"What's this about a 'castle'?" A familiar voice asked. Only for Kamoshida to walk over looking all normal again. 

"Kamoshida?!" Ryuji gasped.

"You seem so carefree, Sakamoto. Quite a difference from when you did morning practice for the track team." Kamoshida said.

"Shuddup! It's your fault that--" Ryuji's words were cut off.

"How dare you speak that way to Mr. Kamoshida!" The counselor scolded the blondie angrily "...There's not much leeway left for you, you know?" 

"He's the one who provoked me!" Ryuji snapped.

"Do you really want to be expelled?! In any case, you'll have to explain yourself! Follow me!" The counselor said firmly.

"What? This is bullshit!" Ryuji snapped again.

"Come now, I should have been more considerate, too. Let's just say that we were both to blame." Kamoshida said to the counselor.

"Well, if you say so..." The counselor trailed before looking back at Ryuji, "Still, you're coming with me. It's undeniable that you're extremely late."

"Fine..." Ryuji sighed in defense.

The counselor went inside the school building followed by Ryuji who was walking the stairs. He paused for a second to give a death glare at Kamoshida before walking inside.

[DISCONTINUE] Persona 5 | Akira Kurusu X Reader | The Heart Of The JokerWhere stories live. Discover now