Condemning Conspiracy

By Lusterdragon72

590 17 58

Censure the scheme of those who know not what they have done but reveal the results with a light show. Third... More

P: Hoping For The Happy T:Desperate
Story: Trying T:Merciful
P: Above And Below Average T: Interested
E: Moving In T: Agravated
P: In Hell T: Annoyed
P: Triggered Memories T:Scarred
Story: Doubling Over T: Confused
P: Relax T:Tense
P: Paper Airplanes T: Hopeful
P: A + A = B T: Curious
P: Proving Illusion T: Disappointed
P: Progression T: Inspired
E: Reevaluating T: Thoughtful
P: Questioning The 'Try' T: Unfaithful
E:Evolutionary T:Concentrated
Breaker One: Summer
P: The Unknown Ballad T: Hopeful
P: Outside T:Amazed
E: Note Taking T: Determined
P: The Potential T: Happy
P: Whirl T: Mixed feelings
P: The Explination T: Contemplating
P: Lasting Through Seventeen T:Happy
P: Smile Sometime T: Confused
E: Creating A Figure T: Thoughtful
E: Bus writing T: Bored
P: Nine
P: A Soothing Battle T: Hopeful
E: Last Battle
Promised This Statement.
Off Limits
P: Dedicated T: Happy
P: Lost At Sea T: Happy
P: Dedication T: Happy
P: A word of advice T: Content
P: The Past T: Amused
E: Hope. T: Thoughtful
E: Ramble T: Mixed Feelings
E: Loosing Patience. T: Frustrated and Paranoid
E: Ramble II T: Annoyed
First Official Day As A Graduate
P: Weary T: Aggrivated
P: Culturing You T: Annoyed
P: Blockage Of Intel T:Frustrated
P: Defiance T; Annoyed
P: Rap...? T: Surprised
BREAKER THREE: How time flies
P: Breaking T: Presuasive
P: A Blocking conversation T:Annoyed
E: Escalate T: Regretful
P: Mind My Own Business T: Frustrated
P: These Nights T: Aggrivated
P: Murdering Man T: Frustrated
P: True Criminals T: Frustrated
P: Writer's Curse T:Aggrivated
E: Note To Self
E: Desperately Confused T: Frustrated
E: Continuation T: Aggrivated
P: Exactly Like You T: Amused
P: Natural T: Happy
E: When you let life happen. It happens T: Excited
P: Living T: Alive
P: A Couple of Questions T: Thoguhtful
P: Messed Up T: Upset
P: The Departure T: Confused*
P: Blasphemy Cries T: Annoyed
E: dream (July 27th. 2012)
P: June 8 2012
P: Lost In Time T: Frustrated
P: Questionaire I T: Thoughtful
P: Questionaire II T: Thoughtful
E: Management T: Aggrivated
P: Battling T: Desperate
E: Today's Agenda T: Wavering
E: Writing For Your Lives I T: Amused
Story: Charisma T:Lost
P: My Will T: Determined
Breaker Five: All Because Of Hopeless Determination
P: The Fighter
P: Asking Hope T: Depressed
P: The Casting Shadow
P: Being Heard T: Intrigued
P: Cursed Thresholds T: Depressed
P: Misery T: Annoyed
P: Asking For Hell T: Aggrivated
What's All Wrong - Introduction
What's All Wrong - Part One
What's All Wrong - Part Two
What's All Wrong - Part Three
What's All Wrong - Part Four
What's All Wrong - Part Five
What's All Wrong - Part Six
What's All Wrong - Part Seven
What's All Wrong - Part Eight
What's All Wrong - Conclusion

P: Working Things Out T: Curious

19 1 0
By Lusterdragon72

Date: Sometime at the end of February to early March  

"Did you actually feel that way?"

"Yea." A smile spread across my face. "If only it were like that still."

"Don't worry. You'll find someone. There are billions of people out there."

"I understand that." I say as I look into her eyes. "And I can't wait for that to happen. However, that won't be till the future."

"You can always get someone from 'there'."

A laugh escaped my lips. "You have no idea how bad of an idea that is. 

Her eyes sternly locked with mine. "Desperate measures."

"In case of emergency," I say with a shrug and a sigh. "I would do anything else before resulting to that." 

"Even to get back with an ex?" Her tone curious. 

"By all means. She is one." I fake smile. 

"Any other ex." She rolls her eyes in aggravation. 

"Either way."

"Would having a chance with me change anything?"

Another laugh escaped my lips. "Sure. That would change everything. Actually. I'd be quite curious to why you'd take the desperate measures."

She shakes her head. "It's not that you're a bad guy." She shrugs. "I just thought og you as a really good friend is all."

"I wouldn't want to disappoint you." I say with a small smile. 

"You wouldn't." She states sternly. "If I wanted to be with you. If it was the only way to say you. As a friend, I believe I would do it. You'd do it for me."

A hint of shock in my eyes. "I liked you. That makes me that much easier for me."

"No." She says strongly. "I mean. If it were the only way to cheer me up, to save me, to-"

A wave of my hand silences her. "I don't want you to feel that way. If there's any man out there that hurts you. You let me know. I'll teach him to hurt you."

"See." She said with a twinkle in her eyes. 

I sigh. "Emerge from the nerves that I had long ago. You've emerged from your shell but you still don't tell. Things have changed since a few years ago."

"I'd say that I'd talk with the girl that broke your heart but you say that you broke hers too."

A curious look. 

"So you two are even. We aren't hurt. We're friends."

A nod. "Your point?"

"I believe you can do. You gave me hope at times. Trust me. You wanted to hear me out. I'm glad. Now you have to step forward. Forget about how much it hurts. You're over me."

"We're still friends though..." low voice. 

"And now you have more friend than you did back then. Come on, man. Get up. I don't want to see you down."

Conclusion: When I write poems for "Steps To Greatness." It is strictly because I am bored or I want to create something not prior to my life. Then, I come across of few like this one and I transfer them over to my current personal poetry book. Right now I'm writing a poem based off of the list that's sitting right in front of me from Dr. T. I'm only on number five. The exact directions is to: As a conversation between two people, objects, ideas. or animals. 

 I really like going through suggestions. Maybe I can make one of my own. I can't really imagine a poem being strictly dialogue but I'll count it and maybe redo it but I gave this a conclusion because I needed to record why I wrote it. Sometimes when I write poems I don't know why I write them. Most of the time I can remember but I may be confused about this one in the future. 

 Man, I really want to talk to Naomi right now. Only if I knew where my phone was lol. 

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