The Vampire Direction (One Di...

By 1dbabe13x

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What if one day, you are taken away from your so-thought normal life? Adrielle never knew about the secret sh... More

The Vampire Direction
Jaw Dropping
I Am Not What You Think
Truth Unfolds
A Step Closer To Destiny
Selfish Feelings
Let's Start Where It All Took Off
The Problem Of Being Reincarnated
Love Hate
"Could He Be At Least Pretending Nice?"
A Kiss That Might Change Everything
Crushing On Adrielle
Made In The USA?
The Time They Always Knew Would Arrive
Be Nice (That's The Way i Like)
Scaring Them Out
Unexpectedly Doublecrossed
A Danger Behind The Warning
Stuck With Each Other
"Let's Do Something Great"
Secrets We Wanted To Keep
Back To Business
A Friend, Not A Foe
Amy Winchester
Looking Back
The Search
The Diary
Stuck Out Of Nowhere
Right After Us
Eyes Open (Final Chapter of the Book One)
[1] Book Two

Young and Beautiful

2.1K 74 3
By 1dbabe13x

Adrielle's POV

All over me was blood.

The moon is shining above me. I was wearing all white. The wind is so damp and cold. The place where I am laid at is very unfamiliar to me. Where am I?

I stood up and looked around and saw nothing. Nothing at all but empty alley's and streets with the moonlight shining upon, serving as the light to the empty streets. I walked around, barefoot. I have no idea where I am heading to. Silence chilled me down into my spine. 

As I walked down the sidewalk, the eerie silence greeted me once again. The night's cold breeze made me yawn. It seems like its already late at night. No people are walking around the area anymore which is very unsual because even if its already 1 am in the morning, the streets are still lively.

Seeing and feeling all of these just made me more scared. Where is everyone?


And that is where I remembered, where are they? Where is Liam? Harry? Amy? Zayn? Niall? Louis? Why am I here? Where am I? The place is not really familiar to me. How did I got here at the first place?

When I looked around, I saw something that got me wondering. Why everything seems to be so old? The streetlamps and the houses seems like vintage. I've never seen houses like these before. Everything is already modern. Where I am really?

Before I could take another step to see the place more and find out where I am, a loud, spine-chilling scream from somewhere stopped me from doing do. Who was that?

Then there was a cry, a cry of pain. A laughter that got me scared then a loud crash. I followed where the noises and located it that it somewhere down in one of the alley's. Before I could all see what was happening there,  I saw a familiar face that got me scared more. Miley. I immediately hid behind the wall and made sure that I could hear her properly. I peeked behind the wall.

"You think you could get away from me? You will die like the rest of them!"

"You killed them you monster! You killed them!"

"Oh yes, I did. Its because it is the only way so that I could kill you as well!" 

"Why do you hate me so much Miley? I did nothing to you! We were bestfriends!"

"Was," that was Miley. "But you betrayed me, taking away the only man I loved!"

"He never loved you Miley! He never did. He only saw you as a friend, nothing much more. He loves me more than you think,"

"Liar!" Miley screamed. I peeked more and saw the person she was talking to. I didn't see the face at all because her hair covered her face and she was bloody all over. Miley was using her powers, throwing the poor girl to walls and hitting her.

"You know I am not a liar Miley. You and I know that. I never meant to hurt you because we are bestfriends but then this all happened. You cannot blame me at all," the girl said. 

"You will die right before the sun will rise again,"  Miley said. "And I will be happy,"

"Hurt me again! I'd rather die. I tell you, you won't be happy if you'll kill me. You killed Edward, and there is no way you will be happy again,"

I hid back again to the wall and was afraid. That girl Miley is beating up is Kate. That girl was me. Or shall I say my grandmother.

"You are wrong my dear. I can do anything that I wanted to. You think I won't?" Miley asked in a very evil tone. "Think again my darling. You will be the one who won't be happy,"

"What do you mean?"

"You will know soon when you suffer," Miley said "You would know it when you feel the pain that I felt all this time after stealing him from me,"

"I never stole him from you," Kate said. "But if that is what you believe, then think again. You won't be happy, I swear that to you,"

I peeked once more and that is when I saw Miley flash her anger towards Kate, the same one when she attacked me. Seeing her like that got me scared again and something is telling me to run away. But I remained, watching them as the next scenes unfold before my eyes. Kate was help up in the air and the cool air became cooler than it used to be earlier. Miley's eyes were those of a vampire, but more bloody red than what I have seen the last time.

"In this cold evening of July, I swear to the light of the moon that you will suffer all the pain I suffered, starting from this moment on and you will die before you could ask for help and you will never return again,"

It was a spell casted upon Kate. Kate cried as if pain already was taking over her. Miley then bit her on her hand. As soon as she cried, Miley threw her away, hitting her on the concrete wall. I gasped when I saw it and placed my hand over my mouth for they might hear me. Luckily, Miley didn't.

"I tell you Kate, you will never be happy,"  Miley said as she turned and suddenly disappeared. I decided to unhide from where I was hiding and ran to Kate. I tried to hold Kate but my hands passed through her. Am I a ghost? So they cannot see me?

I watched as she slowly stood up. Blood and pain was all over her, I could tell. I looked around and saw the bodies of the five boys I've known as Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry. They were covered with blood and are lifeless. I watched as Kate went to Edward and sobbed.

"Edward, please. Please don't leave me, my love. You promised we will be together forever," Kate cried. She held him close to her and cried more. I didn't know that this happened like this, that it all ended up like this. Seeing what really happened then just hurts me this much.

Then before I knew, another scream pierced to the silence of the night. That was Kate, again. I saw her struggling with pain as I saw her eyes starting to change its color. And there, I recalled what Amy said, Kate is a transitioning human.

I saw Kate lay Edward down the ground once again and stood up even she was struggling. Too much pain was on her. She just lost Edward and she is getting the pain as a transitioning human.

She walked away and I followed her. I was close behind, watching everything she did as she tried hard to stand up and walk. If only I could help her, I already did. We were walking down a street. The streetlights were not working fine on that street. Only the moonlight illuminated that said street.

Then I saw beyond me a human. A woman, wearing what the people in the late 1800's or early 1900's wear. Her face was familiar to me and I was sure, I have seen her before. The figure of her tells me, even her light wasn't shown that much to me because of the slight darkness the street has.

Then another scream was heard. This time, a cry for help.

"Please help me! Somebody!" Kate cried. Then the human I saw was walking towards Kate but Kate walked forward, revealing herself to the person. When the moonlight hits the face of that stranger, I realized, it was Amy. Kate approached her as Amy was frozen after seeing her.

"Oh dear, what happened to you?" Amy asked, worriedly. She took a glance at Kate's eyes and her eyes were in horror. "Come with me," she said and pulled Kate with her to a door. She opened it and went in, still pulling Kate with her. I followed, advantage of not being seen by any of them.

After settling her basket on the table, Amy kneeled down beside Kate. Amy stared at her first then might have seen the bite Miley made on her hand. "You were bitten by a vampire,"

Kate nodded. "Please, don't be afraid," 

Amy nodded and I saw how sincere she was. She was worried with Kate. She spoke. "I am not. I am a vampire too, like you. But a different kind. I don't bite,"  then there was silence. I watched as Kate pursed her lips then Amy asked her. "What happened?"

"Someone really bit me," Kate answered. I saw Amy's reaction. She is really worried with Kate. She was shaken all over.

"Who did this to you?"

"Miley," Kate answered. I saw how Amy stopped and started to think about something. Maybe she was wondering who Miley was. 

Kate took a deep breathe and asked another questions. "Why did she bite you? And why are you bloody all over?"

"I don't know why," Kate answered. "I tried to save five people who were protecting me. But she ended up killing them and killed the person I love,"

Then there was another silence, the one I have always hated. But Amy broke it away before it got worse for me. "What's your name?"


"Tell me Kate, what are you feeling?"

"Dizzy and confused," Kate answered right away. "I don't know but it seems that I don't understand myself,"

"You're transitioning," Amy said. 'You usually don't understand yourself when you are," then she cleared her throat. "By the way, I am Amy. Kate, don't you know you are still a human but you are transitioning into a vampire?"

Kate looked to her, confused. "I am?" Amy nodded. "I thought I was already..."

"You're not fully a vampire yet Kate. Your senses that vampires have are still developing. You were cursed by being bitten," Amy answered.

"I was cursed?" 

"That bite mark there is the curse mark that she gave you. I knew that she laid a curse on you because you were transitioning slow unlike the other vampires. That mark also signifies that she wanted you to suffer how a human transforms into a vampire,"  Amy explained.

She always wanted me to suffer,"  Kate sobbed.

But Amy interrupted. "But there is a catch," 


"Usually, those humans who got a curse mark usually don't turn into vampires totally because they die. They kill themselves while transitioning,"  Amy said, biting her lip. "But I can help you on that so that you won't suffer and hurt yourself,"

"Y-you do?"

"Do you trust me?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"Everyone does," Amy answered with a slight nod. "But I don't mind to help you whether you trust me or not. I can sense that you badly need it,"

"I t-trust you," 

"But first, lets get you cleaned up, okay?" Amy her and Kate nodded. "Then I am going to tell you what I can do,"

"Thank you," Kate said.

"Thank me later when it's done," Amy told her and she nodded.

I walked to them then they froze. I blinked my eye and when I opened it, I was already in a different place. There were lots of people. It was the plaza where I also grew up in. Where I used to play before when I was a kid before I moved to America.

I looked around and looked for Amy or Kate. I was alone, not just invisible. I walked to the fountain and watched the water fall out from the basin from the statue angel was holding, situated in the middle of the said fountain.

"I feel so happy that I am a human again,"

I turned my head after hearing that sentence. And I saw Kate and Amy taking a walk together. I followed them from behind as they walked.

"I am very thankful of you because if it weren't for you, I am already no more,"

"It is a pleasure to me Kate. So, what are your plans now?"

"I have to move on. Edward is no more Amy. The man of my life is long gone and he won't be coming back. If he was here, he wants me to find someone whom I will be happy with. I am sure he wants that for me,"

"I am pretty sure he wants the best for you Kate. He is surely happy wherever he is," 

"Precisely," Kate smiled. "Edward is happy wherever he is,"

"He is," Amy said with a smile. "What are your other plans?"

"I'll change my name and start fresh. I think I need it and I deserve a new life. I wanted to forget all of this."

"I will support you all the way Kate,"



"Promise me that if I am gone, and if ever I have children, please watch them out for me? I know that I won't last forever like you are so I know they will be in the good hands with you,"

"Even if your gradchildren, I will watch them out for you," Amy said. "They will be fine,"

"Please don't tell them, if ever they ask, what was my life as Kate. I want them to know the story of Katerina,"

"Who is Katerina?"

"That is the new me. Katerina Marie Abbey," Kate answered. "No one will know me anymore as Kate Albertson,"

Upon hearing that, I remembered my grandmother Susan telling me something before she died. She told me a name. And that was Kate Albertson. And she also told me about a diary that was long kept in our ancestral home in the town of Darlington where I used to visit when I was a kid. I have never been there since I moved to US, but something was telling me that I should go back to the place and find that Diary.

I turned my head around and then I noticed I wasn't in the town plaza anymore.  I am inside a house. A house I am very familiar with. Our ancestral home in Darlington. I was facing a door and without hesitation and doubts, I opened it and entered in a room.

Then as soon as I got in, I saw a girl, most probably in her early thirties, seated on a table, with a lamp on. She was writing on something. I walked close to her and stood behind her back and saw that she was writing on a notebook, when suddenly there was a knock on the door. She shut it close and composed herself then went on to open the door.

"Mother. I cannot sleep," a voice of a kid whines.

"Susan, you need to sleep now,"

"I said I can't. I am afraid. Where is Father?"

"He is working late at night tonight child," the woman answered. "But if you want, you can sleep here and wait for your father,"

"Can I?"

"Yes of course you can my dear," the woman said and opened the door wide. Then, a little girl entered. The woman watched as the little girl got to the bed. And there, I realized, it was Kate and the little girl was my grandmother, Susan.

"Good night mother," Susan said.

"You too sweet heart and have a sweet dreams," Kate said as she placed a peck on my grandmother's cheek. "I'll wake you up when your father arrives. I am sure he has something for you," she added to which little Susan nodded. The girl then closed her eyes as Kate made her way back to the table and opened the notebook again.

I scanned the notebook intently. Her handwriting were as neat as mine. I've even though that it was me writing. I blinked and the next thing I knew, I was the one who was writing on the notebook but, it wasn't me who was controlling the hand. It writes on its own.

"... I don't know but all this time, this five years, my heart is breaking. My conscience is killing me. I am afraid but I have to. I have no choice. I know I am a liar for telling Samuel that Susan was his when I know she wasn't his at all. Yet, I have to. I don't want Susan to know and dwell in a wrong life. He is gone anyways. But then in my heart, all these years, he was my true love and forever he will be as that. I know one day, this secret will unfold. But for now, I wanted to have this in this way."

I was taken aback with what I have read. My grandmother is not the child of my great-grandfather at all? That all this time, my family lived on a lie that they all thought was true? Then if Susan isn't his, then who is the father of my grandmother?

And who was this person who was long gone? And how is he connected to the first part of the entry? I only know one person whom Kate really considers as her true love.

I gasped with the conclusion I have on my head.

Couldn't it be?







Whole Adrielle POV! Finally! I survived it. :) And yep! Finally, an upate for this fic! I have read great comments from you my dear readers and I am so inspired. Well, this chapter is all for you guys who waited for like two months for this update. I felt bad. But then I feel good now because of the endless support I got from you guys. I never expected that people would love this fic so much. I really did not expect because I am not really the kind of person who expects that much. I just write and write and pour my ideas and heart out. Thanks again!

I will have summer classes and that means I will be very busy even if it is summer break. But I will find time really. And I will try not to find time that I could only update only two months after. Maybe every other two weeks, I will update. Or maybe 10 days after the update, I will update. :)



Ps: Unedited again. So sorry for the mistakes. :*

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