Real Love

By Mistah_JsBaby

5.7K 334 404

Having strict parents isn't fun, especially when you want to be free and love freely. £ Royalt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Book 2
Real love book 2
Real love

Chapter 26

111 7 8
By Mistah_JsBaby

2 months later...

"Royalty! You okay?" Simone ask me. "Yeah I'm fine." I have a major head ache and I almost passed out. "You've been really dizzy lately." I nod in agreement.

"I'm had some alcohol earlier." She looks at me "How much is a little?" "Two cups..."

"You can't handle liquor yet!" She laughs and throws a pillow at me. I groan "I drank two days ago. I'm going to call my doctor."

She nods and walks out of my room. I'm currently in college now at UCLA!

Yes I got accepted.

I was super excited! I live with Simone in our dorm. Pretty nice if you ask me.

Ever since Micheal left, I haven't really been all that social, and two days ago I had drank hard liquor after having a bad dream about him. I haven't spoken to my parents either. My dad occasionally calls or text but, my mother.....not so much.

"Hi doctor Flats? Yes I would like to schedule an appointment for tomorrow at three...yes thank you! Good bye." I hang up the phone and later back down.

I'm extremely exhausted so I decided that I should take a nap.

"Argh!" I jerk awake and head straight to the bath room. I'm a little dizzy but I make it to the toilet just in time to yack up my breakfast. "You okay?"
My best friend asked me. Her voice was laced with concern. "Yea. No more hard liquor.." I chuckle with my head still in the toilet.

Once I get up. I brush my teeth. I begin to feel extremely annoyed and irritated only because I feel dirty!

Turning around, I turn on the water to a lukewarm temperature before stopping and stepping in. Washing my body I began to think about Micheal. I haven't heard from him in two months. I miss him terribly.
I wish I could contact him, but as a partial punishment, he cannot contact us.

I step out the showing grabbing my lotion so that I could moisturize my body after I had dried.

Thinking about it, college Isn't all that bad. It's way more fun, well extremely fun since I was never allowed to go outside and make friends. I only made two since going here. Carter and Celine. They were really nice to me when I first got here.

When I got dressed, Simone comes in jumping on my back. I groan because of my slight headache that I still have. "Sorry. I'm guessing the pills didn't work?" I nod my head at her question.

"I'll bring you some ice cream, you just lay down. I'll be right back." She's such a good friend.

I lay down in my bed with the fan on me. I fall into a deep sleep thinking about Micheal.

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