Real Love

By Mistah_JsBaby

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Having strict parents isn't fun, especially when you want to be free and love freely. £ Royalt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Book 2
Real love book 2
Real love

Chapter 19

143 9 21
By Mistah_JsBaby

Teeth white, hair straight, make up done.

Now all I need is my camp and gown. We have exactly an hour before we have to got to the high school. My parents are taking pictures of me in my white gown.

"Aww my baby girl. I couldn't wait to see this day!" My mother shouts. "Come here my little angel." My dad always used to call me that. "The photographer snapped pictures of me, me and my mom, me and my dad and then the whole family.

A knock on the door caused us to look over. When my mother opened it all you heard was. "Hi Ms.McCoy!"

My mother gives a genuine smile. "Congratulations! Come in."
She runs over and hugs me.

"Please take a few of them. We'll pay extra." My father tells the photographer.

He does what he's told and starts clicking away.

After the photographer left. Simone told me she had to go. Her and Micheal were going to take pictures too before the event. She hugs me again and runs out the door. "Hmm. Her brothers been gone for 3 months." My father absentmindedly states. "And how do you know?"

At the moment. Jason McCoy knew he fucked up.


All my dad gives is an 'ugh'

"Oh so you've been talking to her!"

"It's not like that! She's a good friend nothing more. Maybe if you stopped judging people you'd have friends!"

"I don't need them. I have my husband and daughter! Why are you talking to her anyway!"

"So I can confide in someone other than my wife. Don't think I know about you talking to Bryan! I didn't say anything because I trust you!"

I'm standing there in shock. Both had secrets. Even though them seemed happy. They really weren't. "Guys please don't argue. This is a big day for all of us. You guys need to have a talk after today. No more secrets. No more lies."

Says the one who carries many.
'Shut up'

They nod there head before hugging each other. They stay like that as I walk upstairs.

When I make it inside my bed room. I close my door.

I pull out my suit case from under my bed making sure I have everything I need.

My cleaning products.

My keys are wrapped around my neck. I plan on leaving before my parents do to come back and get my stuff.

I push it back under and flop on my bed.

I'm so ready for this.

Michael's Pov.
I'm not ready for this. I have to much shit to think about.

He's getting closer.

He's near and I don't know where.

"Where was the last place you seen him." I asked Simm. "Airport. He had two suite cases and was where a black Armani suit."


"Alright. Tell the boys to keep a look out. I need time to get them away!"

"Alright. I'll make sure to tell them. And Micheal?"


"Be safe. If you need me call me."

"Thanks Simm"

I hang up the phone running a hand through my hair. I still need to get ready. But first I need to start packing. "Mom!"

"Yes honey!" She comes inside my room. "Start packing and load everything in the truck. We leave after graduation."

She looks confused. "Why.."

"Mom just do it!"

I don't want to freak her out but I'm already stressed. I'm going to move us to the other side of town. A nice three bedroom apartment. Simm helped me get it. That man is like a father to me.
He was the one to give me my first tattoo.

I smile at the memory.

I hop in the shower waking my whole body.

After stepping out. I wipe the steam from the mirror. Looking at my reflection I tell myself. "There's only one more thing to do.

Royalty's Pov
Here we are. All the graduates walking down the aisle to there seats. Boy then girl. That's how we are arranged.

I sat patiently as the schools principal makes announcements.

"Now please stand for the pledge of allegiance." We all rise. I hand over our hearts as one of the students begins to sing. I can't help but slightly cringe as she messes up a note.

"You may be seated. Please allow Courtney James to the stage."

The black girl with an all white gown and black pumps walks to the stage. She begins to talk about new beginnings. Love, hate and hardship.

"We have waited for this moment. To show the world that we are not just hooligans, we have waited to show them that we are mature and brave. We have successfully made it. One more step before we become true leaders..."

She continues on and on about the new generation.

At the end of it all.
We all clap at her speech.

The excitement is bursting through me. I've waited so long for this.

"I'm excited to!" A boy around my age says. He's a little pale with blond hair and blue eyes. "I'm Ashton." "Royalty" we shake hands as then continue to call names. "I love you name."

I smile shyly at him. "Thanks."
"I've never seen you before. You went here." I shook my head no. "I was homeschooled, but I used the high schools homeschooled program." "Oh"

"David Muster"

"Wooo. That's my baby!" Ashton screams. "Your baby?"

He gives me a confused look. "Yea your innocent. He's my boyfriend. I'm gay"


He nudges and smiles at me. "It's fine."

They call more names up.

"Simone Carter!"

"Woo!" I clap for her. She's being dramatic as ever by bowing and throwing kisses. "I made it bitches!" The crowd laughs as she walks off the stage. "Micheal Ford!"

The crowd roars. I see people throwing up signs that say 'Star Quarterback' and '22'

I stand and clap my hands like everyone els. He makes eye contact with me since I'm only in the second row. "Hi princess" he says and winks. The crowd looks at me and a sit down blushing. Once again the crowd claps as he walks off.

"Your boyfriend?" Ashton ask me. "Um not really. I don't know. He hasn't asked me."

"Well he surely wants you."

I smile again.

"Ashton Mason!" I clap for him just like the crowd. I notice I'm next and I start to get butterflies in my stomach.

"Royalty McCoy!"

Slowly I stand and walk towards the stage. People start to clap for me and saying things like 'You're beautiful' 'will you be my girlfriend' and 'She's really pretty'

The ones that stand out the most was. 'That's my best-friend!'
'That's my princess' and 'That's my baby girl.'

I can tell Micheal didn't like that so he started searching the crowd. I laugh. It's only my brother. I know because he's the only one who calls me that.

I shake hands and take pictures.
When I'm seated. I wait for the even to be over.
"We are so proud of you!" My parents hug me. "Thanks guys."
A giant crowd stands on the field. People are crying.,taking pictures and giving people a congratulations. "So how does it feel to be out of your high school stages.?" A voice asks behind me.

"It feels great!" I hug Simone and we take pictures. Her mom took them, while my parents took some also. I can tell my mom isn't too happy but she tries to hide it.


I turn to see Micheal standing there with Flowers. Smiling I run over to him. I don't even care that my parents are right here. "These are for you." I take them while giving him a big hug. "Thank you so much."

"Don't cry...please." Wiping my eyes I hug him again. "I want to ask you something..."

Nodding my head he speaks.
"Through this whole journey, I started to fall for you. When I first met you, I wanted to fight for you. I was scared. Scared to open up and tell you I like you. No forget that. I love you."

He takes my hand and kisses each one. "I love you Royalty. Please. Be my girlfriend."

I'm crying so hard. My stomach won't stop doing flips. "Y-yes.."


I nod again.

He takes that moment to kiss me.

"Royalty!" We break apart and turn to look at my parents. My dad is mad but hold back his anger. Now my mother is the one stomping over here. "You are not allowed to date him. I forbid it. You don't need men in your life!"

She grabs my arms pulling me to her roughly. "But you do! You have dad! Why can't I have someone to love me." I try to reason with her.

"Wait till your way older!"

I yank away from her. "I hate you!"


Gasp surrounds us.

"Christie!" My dad grabs her.

Micheal tries to grab me but I just run.

I call my brother and tell him to meet me in the parking lot.


When I turn. There stood Micheal. "Where are you going?"

"I'm moving in with my brother.."

"Brother. I didn't know you had one."

"Yeah she does."

He looks behind him to see Christopher. "What a fucking small world." Micheal says.

They do there little bro hug. "You know him." "Yep met him at Simms. Been tight since then."

"So your the boy she's been talking about. Well. I'm glad I don't have to give you the 'talk'"

They laugh together for a little while. "We have to go" I say. Chris nods and starts his car pulling up beside me. "I'll see you later. I promise."

"About that..."

"What?" I asked worried. "You're not leaving yet are you?" The tears make there way to the entrance of my eyes. "No. Me and my family are moving a cross town. Tonight."

"Why?" He gives my brother a pleasing look.

"Royalty come on."

"I'll see you tomorrow" he kisses my head and walks away.

I hop in the car and we make our way to my house.

Y'all stuff about to go down!!!!
I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Please if you haven't, go check out His Possession!

Also, this book is near its end.

Vote and comment.

Thanks Loves.

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