Hamilton X Reader Modern times

By Amberiso

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You are a star pupil that skipped high school since you were ahead of the learning curve. You don't even care... More

~Chapter 0: Took a wrong shot~
~Chapter 1: Care and Anger~
~Chapter 2: Sympathy~
~Chapter 3: Sam Davids~
~Chapter 4: Number 11~
~Chapter 5: Science~
~Chapter 6: 11 morons in a campus~
~Chapter 7: family~
~Chapter 8: The library~
~Chapter 9: Oh dear God~
~Chapter 10: The notebook~
~Chapter 11: London~
~Chapter 12: Alexander's plan~
~Chapter 13: Like it never happened~
~Chapter 14: An I-whatnow?~
~Chapter 15: Parteyyyyy~
~Chapter 16: Drunk~
~Chapter 17: Guilt~
~Chapter 18 : Joy~
~Chapter 19: Summer~
~Chapter 20: At the hotel~
~Chapter 21: secrets~
~Chapter 22: The Musical (part 1)~
~Chapter 24: The usual~
~Chapter 25: Research~
~Chapter 26: That's just stupid~
~Chapter 27: Did You...?~
~Chapter 28: Speed dating~
~Chapter 29: Speed dating (part 2)
~Chapter 30: Giving (special)~
*Chapter 31: We care*
*Chapter 32: The murder hospital*
~Chapter 33: The first day~
~Chapter 34: Connection~
~Chapter 35: take a look~
~Chapter 36: Mix up (special)~
~Chapter 37: Get her out of my way~
~Chapter 38: Help~
~Chapter 39: Snitches get...~
~Chapter 40: Those she trusted~
~Chapter 41: Those she loved~
~Chapter 42: And those who then moved on~
~Chapter 43: Tied up~
~Chapter 44: Locked up~
~Chapter 45: Caged up~
~Chapter 46: The portal~
~Chapter 47: Final (part 1)~
~*Chapter 48: Final (Part 2)*~

~Chapter 23: The musical (Part 2)~

2.6K 84 76
By Amberiso


A/N This chapter was helped by @cupcakefun327 , thank you for this idea,  It'll make this book so much more exciting! So THANK YOU!!!

(Even now, I think it was a good idea, so props to her! Check her out!)

Y/N's P.O.V

Where is he? I'm not about to stand on the stage and explain that the show can't continue because Lin was killed by Alexander Hamilton. 

Alexander can go and do that himself.

I wondered around in the backstage area and posed as a hairstylist as I walked past all the security. I know how Alexander got in, that's for sure. He just posed as Lin. When I got in the backstage, the whole cast was already going to the stage. Where is he? Had he already killed Lin?


Lin stood ready for his input as he stood behind the curtains.

Okay think; if I was Alexander, how would I kill someone?

Well...He, first of all, would stand on something to make himself look taller...

*Sudden realization hits*

I looked above the stage where the lights were hanging. Alexander was there with a pocket knife. He was trying to cut a light and then let it drop on Lin's head!

I ran as fast as I could to the stairs, I climbed them and balanced on the rails holding the lights since there was no standing platform.  "Alexander!" I shout-whispered as he turned his head to me. "Oh hey Y/N, fancy seeing you here." He smirked as he looked back at the stage to probably look where he had to drop the light.

Thomas' actor was on stage and singing his part: "I guess I better figure something to say, I'm already on my way to get to the bottom of this..."

We looked at each other. He gave me this sick grin as he tried to break the last cord of the light. So I did, what every smart child would've done in that situation.

I jumped on him.

We lost balance and we fell down right before Lin and Thomas's actor could shake hands,  right in between them.

I blinked a few times after we fell and I felt the broken wooden floor stab my back.  "Are you okay?" Someone asked. I raised my nose. "I fell from 25-foot right on a wooden floor but I'll be fine" I spat sarcastically. I heard a couple of people rush on the stage and pushed that person away. "Y/N are you alright?" I heard from everywhere. I just nodded as I stood up as my back was killing me. My back shouldn't be hurting that badly.

"Almost." I heard from the other side of the stage. I turned my head to the source of the sound.

"Excuse me but-" The voice that asked me if I was okay, asked again but cut himself off when he looked at Alexander. It was Lin. The actor who did Thomas and Lafayette looked at Thomas and Lafayette and so every main male came out the backstage and looked at their double ganger(s).

"H-How are all these double gangers here?" Lin asked as he got closer to Alexander who then hissed at Lin. "Back off!" Alexander yelled at Lin as he did a karate move.

"I, er...W-we are eum...The fan club of the...Hamilton musical and it first started with me and...Er...Lexy and I and then we went all over the world to find everyone's double ganger and it was supposed to be a surprise until the meet and greet but Lexy..." I looked at Alexander and chuckled in agony. 

"Accidentally found his way to the lights and couldn't get back off, I didn't want to interrupt the show so I tried to help him but we fell after we lost balance." I lied, Alexander gave me a look like 'seriously? Lexy? Is that the best you could come up with?' I just gave him a death glare that shouted 'shut up'.

"Eum, yeah that's right," Alexander confirmed as he sweatdropped. Lin gave us a really skeptical look before shaking it off and telling us that we would speak of this after the show. So then we began with the act II. I bet you want a nutshell right? It's gonna be a short one because... you'll see...

The cabinet Battle, Alexander, and Jefferson were giving each other glares throughout the whole thing while Washington told them to stop, multiple times.

Take a break, Philip and Alexander just looked at each other. Like they knew what was coming next.

Then Say no to this. By the first 'no' Philip stood up passed Alexander who was calling for him and saying sorry multiple times. I stood up too and I went after him. John first held my hand and mouthed 'let him be' I snatched my hand back and went after him while Alexander mouthed a thank you.

I walked out of the theatre to see Philip making his way back to the hotel. "WAIT, PHILIP!" I yelled. He stood still and looked in disbelief at me. I took the chance to run over to him. "Want to talk about it?" I asked. He mumbled a yes as we went to an empty place in the park. We sat down on a bench as we just sat there for a while.

"So, what don't you like about the affair dad- I MEAN, Alexander had?" I finished sweatdropping. He just made an unhappy face. "Everything, from start to finish." He sighed. "I thought you forgave him," I said trying to not confuse myself.

"I did, but just, looking at how easily he gave in to that girl,...It hurts..." He mumbled as a tear made its way down freckles cheek. He tried to keep himself in a good composure but failed after he rubbed his eyes. "And after all that." He started with a smile."I expected him to come and follow me, but it was you." He finished as he turned to me. I was confused.

"Why did you doubt me coming after you?" I asked as I looked at him."After the mall, I really thought you wouldn't even look at me. But you do." He explained as another tear passed his cheek. My breath hitched.

"Philip, I am so sorry that you ever thought that..." I said as I gave him a guilty look. His hair was a mess and so was his whole face. I sighed and brushed some curls out his face. His eyes slowly traveled to mine as I made sure his face was curl free. I tucked them behind his ear and retreated my hand.

He slowly got closer to me and tenderly put his hand under my chin as he leaned in. I needed to do something. So I stood up and acted like nothing happened a few seconds earlier. 

"Let's go to the rest, okay? OKAY!" I said excitedly as I speed walked back to the theatre. Philip followed me but we were separated by at least 5 foot. He seemed deep in thought so I didn't bother him.

Philip's P.O.V

She wouldn't normally pull away, right? She and John seem closer than they did a few months ago. They began to hang around each other since the party. What happened when they went to talk after John tried to kill me? I could ask but...I think they'll never tell me. Hmpf...Fine, I'll find out for myself. I just have to keep my eye on them.

When we were close to the theatre we heard applauding. The show was over. Good. I didn't feel like seeing myself die all over again. As soon as the applauding stopped we heard:

"Can the 12 persons who we talked with come on stage so we can talk?" 

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