Unwanted Seoulmate AMBW

Oleh Zolatau

50.1K 2.8K 635

Dalnim Amani is a 22-year-old woman adopted by a Korean family. When she was 6 years old her family got in a... Lebih Banyak

Darling, Don't Remember
beautiful, not so good day
silly memories
reference page
No matter what
In my memory
Dancing ln wet ground
Falling into cracks
Crashing in lust
Met my heart
Start of us & I
Time travel
Selective memories
Its okay, not whatever
I am okay
Goodbye for now
My dearest
Facing a titan
Father dearest
Fears & tears
Fin 🫶🏿
Newest story

Untimely intentions

3.1K 187 23
Oleh Zolatau


" Agh, what's this? " I asked myself as I felt the material around me, out of nowhere I started patting on the bedspread as if I was drowning, hitting the water in an effort to stay on the surface. The sunlight from the massive window that faced the city streets invaded my face, as I looked about at the unfamiliar setting.

" What did you do, dalnimah, agh!! Jinja did you really go home with a man?" I asked myself, I scrunched up my cloud like hair, as I shook my head. Afterward, I quickly looked under the sheets.

A smile grew on my face when a realized I still had on my romper. " nothing could've happened right? You still have this on, nothing could've happened. Alright alright, you did well, now let's figure out where you are."

While I was about to get out of the bed, I heard a noise coming towards the door, by reflex I hid under the covers and pretended to be asleep.

" Oppa, are you off to work?"
" Ye Sarange..."

" Oh, Oppa, I think she's still asleep, I don't want to wake her up. You must have been so hard on her, look at how deeply she sleeps." The familiar voice said as it walked towards me.

" Dalnimshi, I don't want to wake you, but should I give you a ride back home? So that you can change? " I heard the voice say, as the owner of the voice climbed onto the bed.

I uncovered my face slightly and pulled down the covers enough to leave just my eyes. I quickly backed away, " Mrs. Kim!" I said as I jumped out of bed, and began to how.

"Ahh, jinja dalnimshi don't call me Mrs.Kim sounds so official, makes me feel old. " Ae-Ra said as she sat on the bed, she grinned a smile on her face as she blushed because of my words.

" I am sorry, Ms. Ae-Ra." I softly said as I faced the ground, in embarrassment.

" Let's see... how old are you? If I may ask. I think I'm older, so you can call me unni."

" I am twenty-three years old. " I responded a bit more comfortably.
" jeomal? Really? Ah, I guess it's that way." She mumbled to herself.

I raised a brow, in search of what to say. " You're older than me, Unni. I am twenty-two." Ae-Ra sighed.

" How can the manger's fiancé, call me unni?" I shyly asked as a rubbed my forearm.

" let's just do it that way, Unni Dalnim." Ae-Ra smiled childishly.

" You must really have wanted to drink something away. Oppa says you couldn't even give your address to the taxi person last night, he didn't know either so he brought you here." She cooed.

" So this is Mister Kim's house? Agh Jinja I'm sorry, I didn't know he would do that." I said excusing myself.

Ae-Ra waved away my words and gave me a smile. " Unni, if I thought you did something wrong I wouldn't be so warm towards you, don't worry about a thing you work hard. That reminds me I know that I was going through a lot until I met Hae-Ju, why don't we set you up with someone?" She smiled.

" Ohh...really?" I dryly chuckled as I looked away. Ae-ra clapped her hands and jumped off the bed. " Yes! And I know exactly who." She said as she jumped off the bed, left through the door then quickly came back.

" I almost forgot, let's hurry and take you home, I asked Oppa if you could spend the day with me today, he owes me anyways." She said as she gave a cunning smile and blinked her eyes before disappearing again.

Finally, I accompanied Ae-ra to lunch after getting my car from the bar, taking a quick shower and changing into more casual wear.

While I was driving I couldn't help but think to myself. Originally The night I drove to the bar, planned not to drink but things didn't work that way. I tapped my head trying to find means to remember everything that was spoken about that night but it all seemed to be a blur.

" Did nothing else really happen?" I asked and kissed my teeth. Finally, Ae-Ra pulled Into a café and I followed after her.

I parked my car and rushed out to meet Ae-Ra. Dressed in yoga pants and a formal white top, I placed my hair into a poofy ponytail and walked inside the restaurant.

" Unni, here!" The familiar voice called. I walked closer to a table where she sat. With a grin on her face, she pointed to the cashier.

" That's the owner of this cafe, isn't he doing well. How humble he is even working as one of this employees, that's who I wanted to set you up with: Geum Won Bin, what do you think, unni?" She asked me.

I shrugged my shoulder and looked away. " I don't have much luck with men, I didn't really have much time to date growing up." I shyly said as I looked down.

" Don't worry, look here. " Ae-Ra said as she raised her hand and waved for the man to come over. He was beyond anything handsome, he had light brown eyes that captivated those that looked at him, and he smiled in a way that would make me feel guilty for lying if he were ever to ask me a question. His face structured like one of somebody in dramas, fresh skin and intriguing.

" ye, Won Bin ah, you've been well? " Ae-Ra asked. I watched him nod his head, as he used a hand towel to wipe his hands, stuck out his hand to shake mine.

" This is my friend, Kim Dalnim. " Ae-Ra said as she gestured her hand towards me. I nodded my head and smiled. " So you must have been raised here with a name like that." Won Bin smiled.

" Wow, that's a surprise that you would guess that, my parents are Korean. " I said as I softly looked at him still avoiding long eye contact.

" Ah, that's why your Korean is so good, it is almost as beautiful as you are." He slyly said.

" Omo, Won Bin ah, you have become less shy over the years I see. " Ae-Ra chuckled.

As we were laughing amongst one another, a line of workers on their lunch break stopped by the cafe, causing a break in conversation as he excused himself to go take care of some customers. On the way back to the cashier, where a young woman stood I couldn't help but glance.

Won Bin places his hand around the woman's waist as he whispered something to her causing her to shyly tap his chest after a short and flirtatious chuckle. When all was done he went to take an order, on the second cashier.

" Omo...Unni, you saw that too?" Ae-Ra asked. I pressed my lips together making a line, as I nodded my head, and looked towards the window. " I didn't know he was dating someone, I really didn't let's-"

Before she could finish what she wanted to say I felt a tap on my shoulder. " Water fountain." The man said. I turned around and looked ahead, then right in my face, was a face of another, leaving only a small amount of space of air.  If just anyone saw us they would assume that we were about to share an intense kiss.

"  Ah, I am sorry I didn't know you would turn around so quickly." The man said as he backed away. " But it is you, isn't it?" I was questioned.

" From the hospital. " he said again. At his hinting words, my eyes sparkled as to why the face seemed so familiar.

" Doctor !" I said in excitement, more than I intended to express. " How embarrassing, you forgot my name." he teased.

" Aniyo, Mister Ju-Won."

" Now you are calling me Mister I feel old." He teased again, making me lose my words for him.

" Should I just not say anything? I keep offending you." I chuckled.

He gave a handsome smile and shook his head. " Since it seems you have already established plans for lunch, I can't ask you to join me for lunch because I have also eaten, but how about dinner tonight? You can make up for offending me that way. " He smiled, as he studied my face, waiting for my answer.

The moment was broken by the notification noise on Ae-Ra's phone. When Ju-Won and I turned to see her, she had the menu covering her face. " Mis...Ju-Won, this is my boss's fiance Ae-Ra." I said.

"Ae-ra?  Kang Ae-ra?" Ju-Won asked. Ae-Ra slowly slid down the menu that covered her face, revealing herself as she softly scoffed.

" Ah, Ju-wonah you have been well, you turned out to be a doctor, after all, judging by your coat. "

" How do you know my Unni, Dalmin?"  She asked. Ju-Won smiled and nodded his head then looked at me. " We met at the hospital, fountain, and I took her home but she left me with no name and no phone number, so I guess fate must be in existence, for us to meet here. "  He responded with a charming smile. I couldn't help but to look at him, then give a shy scoffed, before I looked away.

" How do you two know one another?" I asked as in curiosity. " We went to high school together, she and her fiance actually, You are still scheduled to marry Mister Kim this time next summer right?" he asked.

" Ye. " Ae-Ra said as she nodded her head and avoided the eyes of the man before her. In the short moment, I had known her I  had never seen her so hesitant from overwhelming the other person with her pride and confidence.

It all had a weird way of making it seem as if she was not able to be herself around, the one she was speaking to.

" I see." I sighed.  He looked at the time on his watch, then back at me. " I should head back, I have patients coming in soon, but may I quickly have your number so I can handle the affairs for tonight? " He asked. I nodded my head and handed him my phone.

After that was done, he smiled again and waved as he walked out the door.  " Ae-Rayah, Him...was he always that handsome?" I felt obligated to ask.

Ae-Ra chuckled and nodded her head. " Unni, it seems as though you won't need me to set you up with anyone after all." she smiled again.

" It seems so..."

As the afternoon came to an end I thanked Ae-Ra for a great lunch and returned to work on the files I already envisioned would be waiting for me on my desk.

The brisk walk to the car was one that seemed to drag on more than intended. the sweet song of the swings that swung in the park across the street grew entertaining. Just like any calm moment I occasionally experienced it seemed that the sound of the screeching car that came to a halt broke my concentration, giving me a sharp pain, that once again more most days, meant I was remembering something that I shouldn't.

I arrived to work, after the quick drive and walked to Mister Kim's door. I quickly knocked and soon it was opened. " Mister Kim." I managed to say.

He looked down at me and smiled as I backed away from the door to give him way.  " I was just coming by to let you know that I was back, thank you for my break.

" You know you are quite the worker, Dalnim, I thought you would be taking the whole day off, but here you are again. " He chuckled. From what I saw it seemed as if his demeanor changed overnight, quickly my memory returned by the sight of him, maybe it was because of all he said to me the night before, about his mother, maybe.

That was all I had allowed my mind to waver on till he spoke. " I am truly indebted to you, you allowed me to release a weight off my shoulders, I would like to reward you." He said as he placed his hands in his pocket.

" There is no need to, If you do I will only feel burdensome. Your thanks, is enough that is my job, as an advisor to you, to make your job easier for you and help you in any way that I can. " I replied, I bowed excusing myself and returned to work.

around 5:30 I received a text I was impatiently waiting for, from an unknown number. With the foolish smile my face allowed to shine, I looked at the text message. " Miss, Dalnim it's your favorite persistent doctor, you haven't forgotten our plans have you? Here is the address I hope to see you soon. I hope you won't run in fear away from me like last time. "

Before I could reply another text came in. " That was cheesy wasn't it? I have been watching too many dramas with my grandmother lately. It seems that words like that tend to sweep women off their feet, I wanted to try it out."  I looked at the message but couldn't contain the laughter that I quickly released. The office eyes turned about and looked my way.

I bowed my head and looked back at my phone, with the schoolgirl intensity with the rise in emotion overtaking me.

When the time came to leave, I rushed out the office and headed to my car. quickky getting ready, I found a yellow cold shoulder dress that hid in the back of my closet, Adress my eomma got for me a few weeks before my move to Seoul. How did she say it again? " My Dalnim, look how beautiful you look, the yellow brings out the golden layers of your skin."

" Oh Eomma, you really do have a way with words. " I said to myself, I got dressed and went to the address where we were to meet. To my surprise, it was a  bowling alley, In the confusion, I wrinkled my brow. As if he knew of my confusion, my phone began to ring and by chance it was Ju-Won.

" You are surprised aren't you? " He asked, aside from what he was saying it took a moment to reply to his statement, as I drank in the sound of his voice over the phone, It sounded like a voice you could fall asleep to on the radio. Finally, stepping out of my dream I responded.

" I thought I put in the wrong address, but I guess I should go home to change. " I said as I looked down at my dress.

" Why should you? you look beautiful." He responded. " Oh, Ju-Won how do you kn-?"

Before I could respond I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see Ju-won dressed in a soft lavender button down long sleeve, and dress pants. " I guess, we will be the best-dressed bowlers." I joked.

He nodded his head " seems so" he grabbed ahold of my hand and we walked inside, took a turn away from the bowling alley, that led to stairs, and so following his lead we found ourselves upstairs. There was a quiet restaurant, as three other couples sat about enjoying a meal a table was arranged facing the wide window that gave a view of the busy city lights.

I couldn't help but wonder If I was even in the same place by the mesmerizing beauty my eyes glanced over. " My friend owns the bowling alley, He runs a restaurant here on the weekends, it's usually a quiet setting that's why it requires reservation despite its popularity. It is somewhere I never usually have someone to bring, to show off my connections to, so thanks for allowing me to feed my ego and use my helpful connection. " Ju-Won said.

I scoffed helpless to words unsure what to say. " You must have been watching a lot of dramas lately, I feel like I on the set of something magical. " I responded.

" Is this before or after I reveal that I am your half-brother. " Ju-Won teased. " They do seem to do that a lot don't they?" I laughed.  " Cue the suspenseful music. "  he added.  A smile quickly formed on my face as we walked over to the table, as a flickering candle light, stood next to a bottle of wine.

" I hope I haven't scared you away with my imposition since you have yet to block my number or avoid my smile when I look at you it is safe to assume that I am in the green light?" Ju-won asked.

I nodded my head " To be honest, this is the most attention I have received from someone as handsome as you are, without my eldest brother trying to fight them off. " I added.

He chuckled soundly and twirled his wine in circles in the cup. ' If one day in the future, down the road that I want to start running on if, I were to meet him You won't let him beat me up, would you?" Ju-Won asked. I broke my eye contact and scoffed, in awkwardness.

" Now that was cheesy. " I mumbled childishly. He leaned forward on the table and looked at me." Was it, miss, Dalnim? Well in less romantic terms should I say, depending on how amazing this date goes, I don't want it to be our last?" He asked as he raised the wine glass.

I took a short pause before nodding my head and then it was heard, the soft click; the sound of glass confirming the statement he made.

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