Crafted Love (a Team Crafted...

By Nicolehrocks

13.4K 369 80

Two famous YouTubers, Mitch and Jason....and two normal girls meet by accident... Then a incident brings them... More

Chapter 1: Enchanted To Meet You
Chapter 2: Wishing On A Star
Chapter 3: Holding On
Chapter 4: Caught By Her Smile
Chapter 5: I'm "Fine"
*Please Read!*
Chapter 6: Broken, Confused, and Alone
Chapter 7: Falling Into The Universe
Chapter 8: The Past
Chapter 9: Someone Else's Heart
Chapter 10: Someone That Can't Be Mine
Chapter 11: I Can't Stay
Chapter 12: Dragged Away
Chapter 13: Death by Love
Chapter 14: My Heart Shot and Shattered
Chapter 15: Shadows of Emotions
Chapter 16: Tears and Bloodshed
Chapter 17: Jealousy Hurts
Chapter 18: Cornered With Shame
Chapter 19: Murdered, Missing, Losing...
Chapter 21: The Wrong Move
Chapter 22: Torn Apart
Chapter 23: Breaking By Bits
Chapter 24: Held Hostage
Chapter 25: Thrown Away and Forgotten
Chapter 26: Blood Red Road
Chapter 27: From You Know Who
Chapter 28: The Perfect Moment
Chapter 29: Standing Alone
Chapter 30: Screaming, Fighting and Kissing in the Rain
Chapter 31: Dull, Painful Lies
Chapter 32: Secrets
Chapter 33: Let's Start Small
Chapter 34: Saving the Day
Chapter 35: Dreams Made of Ashes
Chapter 36: Pills and Potions
Chapter 37: Finally...
Chapter 38: On Top of the World
Thank You

Chapter 20: Struggling...and Shattered

271 6 4
By Nicolehrocks

   Jerome’s POV

I was re-watching Dawn's video for the 18th time when I saw Nicole tense and look up sharply at something Adam had said.

   "W-what did you just say, Adam....?" Nicole asked, her face pale like the day she...cut herself because of the stupid thing I did. Now Nicole is absolutely broken and shattered, I could see it in her eyes, and I saw the tiredness in her of all the sleepless nights she had since Mitch left...wait...Mitch!!! He wasn't back yet...

   "Sean? I don't know how I got that name...I somehow just wrote it down while I was thinking..." Adam said, confused. Nicole shivered and opened her mouth to say something but then she closed her mouth and started tearing up... I...I wish I was I could put my arms around her and comfort her... Holy shit…I did not just say that…Jerome Aceti caring and wanting to comfort someone…I’m really going crazy.

"Please were going to say something...please tell me. I need everything I can to help me find Dawn." Adam said. I couldn't help but frown...couldn't Adam see that Nicole was struggling in talking about whoever this 'Sean' guy was.

"S-Sean is this guy w-who lived in Destiny and I's apartment...he was horrible, dirty and messed up in the also the one who h-hurt Destiny..." Nicole said, her blue-ish green eyes pooling up with tears.

"But why would his name be written by Adam?" Ty said confused.

"I guess maybe I was just thinking about Jason and Destiny..." Adam said, uncertainly.

"Wait, does Dawn have any close relatives? Maybe we can learn more about Dawn and-" Ty asked, but cut off by Nicole's phone ringing. Nicole grabbed her phone and gasped, she quickly answered.

"MITCH?! Where are you?!" Nicole asked, her voice filled with different emotions.

"Nicole....I...." Mitch said in a faint and staticky voice. Then a loud static sound cuts Mitch's sentence off.

"Mitch!!! Where are you?! Are you ok?!?!" Nicole asked.

"Nicole!!!! I' place called Br.....wood..." Mitch said urgently, but static cut the phone call off. Nicole tried calling back a few times but it said that Mitch's phone was disconnected or not in service... Nicole had tears streaming down her face as she held the phone tight in her grip and held herself. Ty looked lost and didn't know what to do...and I was afraid to approach Nicole, afraid that I will hurt her again. Adam suddenly jumped up and told us he might have an idea of where Mitch is at. Nicole looked up instantly and begged Adam to take her there.

"That's the hospital that called me to tell me that...Dawn was missing...but what I don't get is how they could just lose a body and the fact that Dawn wasn't taken to that hospital... I'm sure there is something wrong...why would Mitch go there?

"I don't know. I just need to go to that hospital or wherever Mitch said he was at. What if he it's in danger?!" Nicole said, the sadness in her voice breaking my heart.

"You know what? I'll take you there, it's the closest clue we got today. Let's go." Adam said to Nicole.

"I'm coming." Ty and I said at the same time.

"Mitch is my best friend I ain't just gonna leave him." I said, blocking the worry and sadness out of my voice because I didn’t want anyone to know or care.

"And I'm not just going to sit here while you guys are off finding Mitch and Dawn." Ty said, not mentioning the fact that we are looking for someone alive and someone dead...

As we stood up to go, we heard the front door slam open then a loud crash and thump...

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