Hidden Behind Everything Happy

Von samsababi

66.1K 1.3K 85

I have never been the kind of girl who would give up or run away, but when life seems to be falling apart all... Mehr

Hidden Behind Everything Happy
Chapter two, recognition of the unknown
Appeasement Of The Heart
Chapter four, Acceptance of the unknown
Trouble In Paradise
Dinner With The Boyfriends Parents
Prom Shopping From Hell
Decisions decisions...
Revelations of the past
Falling deeper
Searching . . .
The new boy
Cliche Teams
The Lost boys
Nevermind the buzz
Something Old, something new, borrowed, something blue...
Stop Crying Your Heart Out
Lies and deceit
It's all over now
Prom night
When The Wind Blows
The First Letter
The Second Letter
Sooner Or Later
Message On The Wind...
Alien Invasion
Hospital Appointment
Everyone Loved Nicky
Yellow Submarine
Something Unseen; Love
Apology, 1:
People Film
Growing Up
The Letter That Changed My Life
Authors Pov

Leaving The House Of Happiness

1.4K 32 1
Von samsababi

I wished them all goodnight as I exited with Riley, he was looking at me expectantly as if I had to tell him something. I just walked down the garden path to the end where they had a massive archway, in some golden colour metal with big roses all over it in a rich burgundy.  

I realised I was going to have to lie to him, I could tell by his mothers face that she had felt really guilty because she knew I was awful at lying to him. And she was, I expected, even worse.  

"You going to let me know what my mum was on about or are you going to play dumb?" I rolled my eyes, here goes the lying act. Hopefully he didn't see right through it. I turned and looked at him over the bonnet, it was dark outside being nine thirty and I could barely see him, I guessed he could only make out my eyes and teeth. I smiled, then he smiled back, the response told me everything.  

"Basically, I haven't told you because I knew you'd freak out, I'm going to America for a week" I smiled trying to sound nonchalant, he looked at me playfully and then raised his palms in the air, "Why would that bother me, you've been to America, you go with your mum and stay with your auntie and uncle, why wouldn't you just tell me that?" I looked at the floor, he made this too easy, I didn't have to lie. I just had to let him assume.  

"My mums going away on business, and my auntie and uncle want me there because there going to Barcelona for a week" His smile disappeared when I said that, and the assumption of me going alone materialised brilliantly. I could tell he wasn't happy.  

"Your going to America, by yourself?!" He looked so pissed off right now, like I was going to go club raving and taking drugs with gangs and get into knife fights. I mean really, I probably was the most sensible teenager I knew, other than him anyway.  

"Yeah, it's no biggie, as you said I've been to America before" I shrugged like I wasn't even worried, did he not think I could look after myself? Of course I could.  

"You've never been on your own before, I cannot believe your mother is letting you do this, she's so irresponsible" I looked at him questioningly, did he not see how thick he was being. Was I really that much of a convincing liar?  

"Honestly, you worry too much. I'm just gonna go over there and hang out with Little Nicky" I pfft like I thought he was seriously overreacting.  

"Your not going, and sod little Nicky" Nicky was my extremely hot, extremely sexy, extremely flattering American best friend and pen pal. If I went to America and isn't see Nicky then it wouldn't be like I was there at all.  

"I am"  

"Your not!" I could tell he was getting riled, ha! Riles getting riled.  

"Try and stop me" I whispered slyly and jumped in the door of the car so that I had the last word while we were outside. You know, little victories count for great perspective.  

"I hope you know your not going! Do you not know how dangerous America is? I mean they have a homicide department!" He said hysterically pulling away from his drive and going down the long windy road to where it joined the rest of society.  

"Point?" I said coolly like everything was calm and peaceful and he was out of whack with the rest of the world.  

"Point is, they don't have enough normal police so they have a homicide department, because there are so many murders!" A tingle rang up my back like hands scratching slowly on my spine, I moved in my seat. I didn't like that idea.  

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" I shrugged like I hadn't considered it a big deal, that it was nothing he should be worried about; just a walk in the park.  

"Because you'd react like this, I mean I was looking forward to this. I was going to be turning eighteen in America" That's when the real fireworks set off, I knew that would be the final blow to make him go mad at me.  

"Your what, that's the week after school! You can't go away for your birthday, we were going to go camping remember? We were going to have a fun day. Your eighteen you can't leave everyone behind!" I rolled my eyes, did he really have to make this a big deal. It wasn't true, but if it was then it wouldn't exactly be anything important? 

"It's not like I'm leaving behind anything important. It would have just been a party" He seemed hurt as we pulled up outside my house, maybe I had pushed it a bit far. Maybe I should just come clean and stop putting him through mental torture.  

"You are so going to die in America, I mean how do you think your going to look after yourself?" I guffawed, so it wasn't that I was leaving him behind or that he cared, it's because he thought I was some spilt brat who got whatever she wanted. Just like everyone else.  

As if on cue my phone rang, I looked at the caller ID and saw Imogen's name in bright letters. He waved his hands in the air saying that if he wasn't important enough to avoid America for, then I should go along and answer the phone.  

I pushed the red button and hung up showing him even if he didn't think so he was worth something to me, although silly little gestures like that meant less to me than they did to him.  

"Right well I'm home" I said cheerfully hoping he didn't noticed the irritated note in the back of my throat. I wasn't happy with him, he didn't have to be so rude, just because he thought I wasn't capable of surviving for a week on my own, but I has to think that I was doing this so that he could come to America.  

"Then you'd better get out of my car and get inside" Well that was harsh. I didn't retaliate though, he didn't have to be such a pain in the ass about me going to America alone, it's none of his god damn business.  

"You still picking me up tomorrow?" We had planned to go prom shopping tomorrow. We were going, and my gay friend Thomas was taking him to find the perfect tux to match my dress, I was picking out the tie and shoes for him, as well as all my accessories. Oh yeah, and to buy my dress which had been in the window of the gorgeous dress shop all Summer. My had offered to pay for it, she wouldn't let me refuse. But I vowed to myself I would pay her back, I didn't want to go through my life owing her anything.  

"Don't I always take you to wherever you want to go?" He sounded so bloody sarcastic. I rolled my eyes, something I positively never did. I could hardly recognise this new side to Riley, being all possessive and angsty. If he didn't like it then maybe he should go and be an ass to some other girl.  

"Fine, if you don't want to don't bother. I'll get one of my friends to take me, and you know what seeing as you obviously don't want to drive me anywhere I guess I'll have to find someone else to take to prom" I slammed the door. Stalked up the path and flung my stuff inside the door.  

"Hun, are you okay?" My mother had one of those stupid concerned faces on. This day just got better...


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