Life of a high school girl

By wickedlyawesomeme

10.2K 542 62

My name is Ashley....Ashley Green. This is my story.....a story which contains love, rejection, betrayal, hea... More

Life of a high school girl
The beginning of it all
The bet
The letter
Tear have no limits
Your deeds will in the end fall on your head only
Don't question your situation, it only ends up becoming worse
Calm before the storm
Back to school
Liam problems
A trip to paradise
Liam problem sorted
The beginning of the end
Liam over, Drake and Dylan starts
The confession
Pure bliss
Clues for him
Drake understands
Why can't men decide what they want?
Unexpected conversation
The party
The party 2
The party 3
The party 4
Back to life
New friends
School starts
Alex and Luke
Jealous Dylan
The trip
The trip 2
The trip 3
The trip 4
The trip 5
The trip 6
The trip 7
The trip 8
The trip 9
The trip 10
The trip 11
The trip 12
Everyone knows
Hospital entrance
Meeting Luke
The news
After 5 years


149 10 0
By wickedlyawesomeme

The two week gap passed quickly and we were back in school. I was very excited, I would teach both Dylan and Drake a lesson and who is better than Alex and Luke in that? Luke had chatted with me everyday and he was getting along well with Emma and Taylor also. Alex on the other, was blocked by Taylor. Emma chatted with him while I ignored his messages. Even though Dylan broke my heart, I still felt guilty when I flirted with other men. I knew it was insane because I was not Dylan's.

I had thought about him through out and I couldn't help but smile when I thought about how jealous he was the last day. But why should he be jealous.....I would have thought he liked me but he had told me also that it was just a game....a prank to be more precise.

Drake was having a nice time flirting and I felt like puking whenever I read his profile. 60year old, 40 year old, man or name it, he has flirted with it. He made me sick and I felt bad for Emma....god knew how she felt.

But I couldn't help but have a small hope....a hope that Emma would fall for Luke. But seeing their conversations I knew it was impossible. Emma was too much into Drake to care and Luke was too much of a gentle man to make a first move.

But even Luke didn't seem very interested in Emma......the thought that he was gay passed in my mind many times because he had never flirted with any girl. But gay or not, he had still occupied the post of my older brother.

Alex made up for Luke not flirting by having a brilliant time online. I had wondered many times whether he and Drake were having a competition on who will flirt the most.

Daniel and Christina were still very much in love with each other. Seeing their conversations, I had always felt jealous. They had what I ned the most, they both had love.

I had no news about Liam and Violet but honestly, i was not bothered. I always thought if Violet missed us but I knew how much she loved Liam. But taking it out on Emma was just unfair.

I looked around in our class and saw that everyone was bored. Emma was talking to Taylor about the plan. Violet was looking at me. I stood up and whispered to Emma, "I am going to talk to Vio."

She nodded and went back to talking. I walked towards Violet and she seemed surprised to see me even looking at her. I sat next to her and stared into her eyes. She was obviously upset at the loss of her friendship but it was only her fault.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" I asked her.

"Ash....I am so sorry...I love you but..." She started saying but I interupted her and said, "Anything other than that?"

She shook her head looking devastated. I sighed and said, "Do you want to be our friend?"

She looked very shocked. She looked at Emma and then asked me, "What about Emma...did she?"

I said, "She does whatever I tell her to do. You made a mistake and there is no point in dwelling in the past. We are all ready to forgive you..."

I looked up to see Emma and Taylor standing near me. I stood up and Violet started crying.

The next half an hour went by her crying and apologizing and Emma and me telling her it was fine. I knew both Emma and I still weren't completely fine but we knew she didn't have a choice. 


"The bell rang long time it time for you all to move your asses into the auditorium?" I asked annoyed at my friends.

We were supposed to have an assembly and Violet was still crying and Emma was comforting her. In the beginning , my heart also melted but it had been 3 hours since she was crying and it was getting annoying. My patience was very low.

"Come, lets go," Taylor said and we all followed her downstairs.

We reached the auditorium to see that the assembly was over but the students were still there. TTo my surprise, the girls and boys were mixed.

I smiled and walked towards Daniel. Christina was sitting next to him and she beamed when she saw us. Daniel turned and he also smiled but his smile faded when he saw Violet and he looked questioningly at me as we all sat down. I shrugged and said, "She is our friend, we have to forgive her."

He nodded and said, "Yeah, Dylan and Drake will come now and I will talk to them."

Liam entered and I saw his face brighten when he saw Violet. He sat down next to her and kissed her cheek as she blushed. I smirked and looked away, they both looked very cute together.

Emma was sitting uncomfortably next to Violet and Taylor was on my other side. I knew both of them were still not fully ready for the forgive and forget stage. But I had only asked for forgiving...I never told them to forget anything.

Dylan and Drake entered the auditorium and Dylan at once fixed his eyes on me. I smiled at him and he looked very shocked. Drake's jaw had dropped.

"Both of you, we want to talk, sit here," Dan said to them as he dragged two seats next to us. Dylan sat on the one nearest to me and Drake sat next to him.

Drake smirked and told Emma, "So do you still love me?"

Emma looked at me and I nodded encouragingly and she said, "No one makes the same mistake twice."

Taylor and Daniel smiled brightly while I and Christina hi 5ed. Drake looked very shocked at her then at me. Dylan was silent. Liam and Violet were in their own world. 

Daniel said, "I have decided to let go of the past and be friends again."

Drake looked at Daniel and smiled. For the first time I saw his smile and not his ridiculous smirk. Dylan looked overjoyed as he gave him a man hug.

"So things are normal?" Drake asked as he saw Violet with us.

Emma nodded and I turned to Dylan and said, "Friends?" I extended my palm and he looked devastated. I didn't understand why but Dan seemed to be enjoying himself. Dylan looked at my palm for some time then firmly shook it.

I tried to ignore the sparks and said, "So we all are friends and we forget everything that happened. Now no problems right?"

Taylor and Christina smiled and Liam, Violet and Emma nodded. Drake looked unsure and Dylan was expressionless. Daniel seemd very happy.

"Ashley...I was looking for you everywhere...."

We all turned to see Alex leaning against the door of the auditorium.

As I said, we would forgive, but not forget.

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