Wizardess Heart: A Tamer's Be...

By Animefan446

7.3K 147 12

Long ago, there was once a group of powerful Wizards who have special abilities that no one could ever imagin... More

Character Introductions
The Ice Tamer, Keira Mitsui
Welcome Back To The Academy
First Day Of School
I Won't Be A Weakling Anymore
The Ice Wizard's Strength
Keira Will Never Be Free
Keira's Betrayal
Tower Of Sorrows
Heading Back To Skystead Village
Skystead Village
A Fresh Start And The Return Of A Half-Brother
Suspicions Of Dark Magic
Searching For The Unicorn Spring
Keira's Dream
A Brother And Sister Reunion
I Will Come Back For You
Preparing For The Summer Break
A Warm Up For The Festival
The Magical Creatures Festival
Celebrating The Festival
Meeting Hakko Izuma
Hakko's First Day
Hakko Is A Tamer?!
Hakko And Elias Become Buddies
Danger Is Approaching
The Ice Emperor, Sora
Keira Obtains Her Mother's Weapon, Frostguard
The Ice Tamers, Sora And Keira
Keira's Training Begins
The Fortune Sage
The Cold-Hearted Tamer, Kagura Hayashi
Kagura's Past
Kagura vs Keira
The Old Tamers Village
The Fire Dragon, Ignitus and A Mother and Daugther Reunion
Father vs Daughter
The Announcement of The Magic Games
The White Dragon, Zetherth
The Mysterious Visitor
The Balance Of Power
Leon's Power And Strength
Heading Into The Fairy World
Card Battle! Hakko vs Yukino
Saving The Fairy King
Yukino Enrolls Into The Academy
Yukino's Lonely Heart
The Magic Games Begin
Card Magic Battle! Hakko vs Clara!
Showdown! Ice Tamer vs Frost Mage
Esmeralda vs Kagura!
We'll Show Them Who's Number One
Showdown! Keira vs Laura!
The Dragonsheild Guild And Gendonlune Academy Will Always Be Number 1!
We're Going Into The Team Battles!
Let The Team Battles Begin!
Twin Tamers vs Iron and Dark Mage
Hakko And Kagura vs Sapphire and Raoul
The Ice Tamers vs Dragonlord and Demonlord
No Matter What Happens! I Will Never Give Up!
My Life Has Just Gotten Exciting
Preparing For The Celebration Party
The Celebration Party
The Dragonslayer, Seiji
Irseith, The Gifted One
I Have To Be Ready For Another Attack
Seiji Knows Something That We Don't
You're Not Alone In This World
I Will Know When The Time Comes
Who will stand and Who Will Fall In This War Of Light And Darkness?
The Battle of Gendonlune
You're Half Tamer And Half Dragonlord!
I Will Lead The Tamers On The Right Path!
The Truth About The Mitsui Family
The End...For Now
Author's Note And Sequel Coming Soon!

Showdown! Tamer vs Tamer

41 1 0
By Animefan446


I was in my room looking at the old family photo. I ran my fingers over it and I had a sad look on my face. I placed the photo back down on my desk before walking over to the balcony. I rested my folded arms against it as I stared at the setting sun. I closed my eyes and I remembered what I saw that day when Kaito died.


I ran and ran through the corridors because I heard Kaito screaming. I got to his room and I spotted a dark wizard and he had blood on his blade. I looked at Kaito and was lying there dead. I looked at the dark wizard and it was Ivan the same one that the magical justice had been after. However, before he could finish me off he disappeared and I ran over to Kaito's side. I tried shaking him to wake him but he wouldn't move and he was no longer breathing either. I hugged his dead body close and I cried my eyes.


I screamed his name in grief. I opened my eyes and I had the look of anger. After the investigators released his body we were able to bury him and I looked at his grave with an expressionless look on my face.


I opened my eyes as I looked at the setting sun. The sky had the colour red meaning the same colour of blood.

"The sky is red, red as blood, blood that has been spilt by a murderer and that murderer is still out there and I will find my brother's killer and I will give that killer what he deserves."

I gritted my teeth at the end of that sentence while Keme sat on the railing looking at me worryingly.



Sora was chatting away happily with me, Yukiya, Liz and Hakko along with our familiars until someone else entered the classroom making the students' chatter die down and the air grew cold. We looked at the entrance and it was Kagura. The students didn't say anything as they watched Kagura make her way to her seat. Hakko leaned over to me and whispered to me.

"Sheesh, ever since yesterday's incident everyone has been afraid of her."

I shrugged my shoulders and whispered back.

"Well, what did you expect from someone who doesn't know how to control their temper?"

Kagura heard me say that as she glared at me. I glared at her back as she sits down. Liz gulped and she said to me.

"She's really scary the way she glares at you like that Keira."

"Kagura doesn't scare me, besides, it'll have to take more than yesterday's outburst and her evil glare to frighten me off, I'm gonna go and have a word with her and find out why she seems to hate me the most, I have a feeling she might have something against my old man."


Sora said as I stood up and I made my way towards her. Kagura looked at me with a frown on her face.

"What do you want?"

Kagura spoke in angry like tone.

"I'm not here to start a fight, I only want to talk."

Kagura turned her head away from me as she 'hmpf' at me.

"Talk is cheap especially for weaklings."

A tick mark appeared on my head and I thought to myself

'Weaklings huh? spoiled brat with an attitude alert!'

"What's wrong? did I struck a nerve?"

Kagura asked with an evil smirk on her face. I smirked back at her.

"Not at all, but at least tell me this, I get the feeling that you want something from me, I can tell from the way you glared at me yesterday and just now as well."

Kagura stood up and everyone froze on the spot when they saw this.

"As a matter of fact I do, I'm looking for your Father, you see, my brother Kaito is dead because him and since you and your little friend Sora, have been a part of his guild for a while I suppose you might know where he is seeing as how you're his daughter."

I sighed and I thought to myself.

'I should have known my old man had something to do with this no wonder Kagura has got anger issues, she's planning to get revenge for my old man killing Kaito.'

"Sorry I wish I can help but sadly, Sora, the Dragonsheild guild including my siblings and I have got no idea where he is and even if I did, you'd be the last person I tell."

Kagura frowned at my comment.

"Oh? and why not?"

Kagura glared at me and I glared back.

"Do you honestly think avenging Kaito's death would solve your problems? I don't think so I've seen some of my fellow wizards from the Dragonsheild guild go onto the path of revenge and it doesn't end well also, my old man is the last person you want to fight."

Sparks flew between me and Kagura as we both frowned and glared at each other.

"From that tone of your voice, I'd say that you were trying to protect him."

I scoffed at that comment and I spoke up.

"Me protecting that scumbag? don't even joke about that, my old man is nothing more than a useless piece of crap who deserves what's coming to him."

Kagura grits her teeth and growled angrily.

"You're lying!"

While we were glaring and growling at each other angrily, I heard Luca speaking up.

"Oh boy, I think a catfight is about to break out."

I heard Sora scoffed and he said to Luca.

"Luca now's not the time to joke stuff like that, I think it's best we stay out of it."

I heard Liz gulp a little and she also spoke up.

"He's right, those two are the last people that you don't want to fight."

Just then the bell rang making me and Kagura stop glaring at each other. Kagura frowned and she grumbled to me.

"This is not over."

"Funny, I was thinking the same thing."

We both walked back to our seats and then Professor Schuyler came in.

"Everyone, leave cloaks behind and make your way outside to the training grounds."

Liz sighed and she spoke up.

"I'm not looking forward to this."

"Just do your best Liz."

Hakko said as she patted Liz's shoulder. Once we made it to the training grounds, Kagura still had that angry look on her face as she glanced in my direction. I ignored her glare as I paid attention to class. Professor Schuyler said to the class.

"For today's practical class, you'll be battling against each other in magic but in the Tamer's case, they can use spells, magical tools and their familiars if they wished, I want you to get into groups of two so that you can battle one another, this will be like participating in the magic games for the one on one matches so this will be a good experience for some of you if you wished to take part in the magic games with your teammate."

I was going to go with Yukiya but I decided to partner up with Kagura since she and I want to fight against each other. Hakko partnered up with Liz, Yukiya was with Elias and Luca was with Sora. After some of the students had been, it was now mine's and Kagura's turn. We stood a few meters apart from each other as we glared at each other. We heard some of the student whispering about us.

Boy A: "Who do you think is going to win?

Boy B: "I don't know, they seem pretty strong, I know Keira won't have any trouble Kagura, on the other hand, might be a different story."

Girl A: "But seriously, I'd rather not go up against them, you can tell they're like demons ready to battle it out."

Kagura then said to me.

"Just to let you know, I won't hold back just because you're a fellow Tamer."

I smirked at her and I said to her.

"I don't expect to you, so why don't you hit me with everything you've got."

Kagura smirked back when she heard me say this. Professor Schuyler then said to us.

"Hey, you two don't even think about taking this fight too far, you may begin when you're ready."

Kagura and I glared at each other and I said to her.

"Enough chit-chat, let's get this over with."

"Fine with me."

Kagura and I both showed off our magical energy. Some of the students were shocked at this.

Elias: "Uh oh, that's not good."

Luca: "They're both strong I'll give them that much."

Sora: "Strong? I think they're insane."

Hakko: "But still, they're both strong and powerful, I think we better stand back, I have a feeling this is not going to end well."

Kagura and I continued to show off our magical energy as we glared at each other. We stopped showing off our magical energy but we still glared at each other. A pebble landed on the ground that's when we both charged at each other. I summoned my twin ice sword and Kagura had her sheathed sword at the ready and we both clashed.


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