Just Go With It

By lala1333

58.3K 2.9K 82

Harlow is finally out of the house and in college. While her brother is only forty minutes away, his best fri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28

Chapter 27

2K 96 0
By lala1333

(Jeremy's pov)

"So, when are you going to ask my sister to marry you?" Colin asked with his wife and daughter next to him.

"Soon I have a plan and it's almost ready." I smiled.

"Details!" Of course Ronnie is very excited.

"Nope I don't want her to know anything."

"Well I'm glad you two are finally getting married."

"We've had a rough couple of years. I don't want to say the baby brought us back together."

"I think it helped but you guys were always supposed to be together." I smiled at them then heard the door open. Travis came in with a very pregnant Harlow behind him.

"Come here." I pulled her into my arms and she curled up.

"I just want this baby out already." She groaned.

"Soon." I kissed her forehead, rubbing her back.

"Hey buddy want to come over to our house?"
Ronnie asked Trav.

"Momma and daddy too?"

"No just you, your momma's not feeling to good." I watched as he looked at us and moved closer to his mom.


"I'm okay buddy."

"Me stay here." Harlow pulled away and pulled him into her arms.

"Go hang out with Ronnie, Colin and Poppy it will be fun."

"But you sick?"

"I'm okay. I got your daddy here take of me."

"Okay." He pouted.

"I love you okay."

"Love you momma." He frowned, hugging on his mom.

"Call if you need us."

"You too." They left and I looked back at Harlow.

"What can I do?"

"Get the baby out of me."

"How about we take a bath to try and relax you then we can try a few things?"


(Harlow's pov)

I looked over and smiled at my two boys that were curled up with their daddy. Travis was in awe of his little brother Greyson Declan that was born about an hour ago.

"Trav it's time for us to go. Say bye to mommy and daddy and your little brother." Mom said.

"Stay here." He frowned looking at all of us.

"We will see you in the morning okay. Maybe nana will get you bagels and you can bring us some."

"Go cuddle your momma." My mom carried him over to me and I pulled him close to me.

"Love you so much okay. I will see you in the morning. You be a good boy for nana and poppa."

"Love you momma." He said his goodbyes before going over to my mom.

"I will see you guys in the morning. You did good honey."

"Thanks momma for everything."

"Of course, love you guys."

"We love you too." She left and Jeremy came over with our littlest baby. I curled up to Jeremy, leaning up giving him a kiss.

"We make some good-looking babies."

"Now we just need a girl."

"I'm happy with our two boys'."

"So am I but I think we should have a little girl at some point."

"Maybe someday but right now I'm content."

"I love you so much." He kissed my temple, making me sigh in content.

"I love you too. I'm so glad I get to share these moments with you."

"I don't ever want to share this moment of holding my child unless it's with you." He turned, pecking my lips. Of course, little man burst our bubble letting us know he was hungry.

"Go see your mommy." I moved back in the bed getting comfortable before pulling him into my arms.

"It's okay buddy." I got him situated before leaning against Jeremy.

"You ready to see your dad?"

"Yea, I'm glad he gets to meet his grandsons. I hope him and Colin get a long so he can meet Poppy."

"I think he will come around." I nodded bringing my attention back to Greyson.

"Your momma's sweet boy huh." I smiled kissing his forehead.

"After he's settled we should get some sleep."

"I'm so tired."

"I know you and did so amazing."

"I had a pretty good support team." He nodded getting more comfortable next to me. Little man finished up and closed his eyes going to sleep. I got up and laid him down in his bassinet before going to curl up to Jeremy. He was already asleep as he pulled me into his arms. I kissed his chest before falling asleep.



"Shh your brother is sleeping." I felt him crawl on the bed, laying in the middle of me and Jeremy.

"Go back to sleep baby, it's early." I moved the blankets and he moved to curl up to me.

"Love you." I kissed his forehead before trying to go back to sleep.

Thankfully I got another hour in before Greyson woke up screaming. Sighing I pulled away from Travis and pulled Greyson in my arms getting him ready for his breakfast.

"I'm going to start the coffee." Jeremy said tiredly while I nodded.

"Why he so loud?" I smiled playing with Trav's hair.

"He's hungry. He can't talk yet so that his way of telling us he needs something."

"Why he can't talk?"

"He doesn't know how just yet. You learned to talk not that long ago." He looked at me confused while I just smiled at him.

"You were a little baby just like him."

"Hey Ellie, is going to bring us food." Jeremy said.

"Did she say when?"

"In like an hour." I nodded as he got back on the bed.

"Cartoons." Jeremy put them on while I got more comfortable with Greyson. I looked over at Jeremy and found him smiling at us.

"What?" He asked.

"It's nice to be here with you and the boys."

"This is our home." I smiled as he leaned over giving me a kiss.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"Gross." I giggled as he pulled away. I'm so thankful for these three boys.

I quickly opened my eyes when I felt tugging on my arms. My mom was pulling Greyson from me.

"Sorry to wake you." She smiled, rocking him in her arms.

"No, it's okay. Where is Trav?"

"In the kitchen getting some breakfast."

"Thank you for doing that."

"Of course. I know you have a lot going on today."

"Are you okay with them coming here?"

"I'm happy for you and I'm glad the boy's will get to meet their grandfather. I'm thankful they helped you in your time of need."

"Do you think you two could get on good terms?"

"Harlow." She groaned.

"It's not like I want you two together but I really feel like he has changed. He has helped me a lot and has been keeping in touch with me since I've been there. I know he does want to reach out to Colin but he is waiting on him."

"Jason and I did not end well and I don't know if that can be repaired." I nodded looking away.

"Look honey, if it comes down to it I will be civil with him."

"Thank you."

"Go have some breakfast I got him." I nodded going into the kitchen where Jeremy and Trav were.

"Momma look."

"I see baby." He patted the spot next to him and I went over sitting next to him.

"What do you say to nana?"

"Tank you nana."

"Of course, buddy." I watched as she rocked her youngest grandson in her arms. Having my mom here with all of her support has been so amazing.

"You are the best Ellie."

"Of course."

A few hours later it was time for my dad, Rebecca and Margo to come over. Greyson was snoozing away in his swing while Travis was watching a movie. Jeremy pulled me into his arms trying to get me to calm down.

"Relax, everything is going to be fine."

"I know, I don't know why I'm so nervous."

"This is their first time their meeting their grandson's."

"Jeremy." I looked up at him and he stopped me.

"Whatever your thinking, let it go." He pressed his lips to mine kissing me softly, wrapping his arms around me. The doorbell went off and I looked up at him.

"Everything is going to be fine."

"Your right." We walked over to the door and I smiled seeing them. I gave all three of them a hug before returning to Jeremy.

"So, glad you guys are here. You remember Jeremy."

"Of course."

"Momma." Travis came running over and I scooped him up.

"Buddy this is your grandpa Jason and grandma Rebecca and your aunt Margo." He waved before quickly turning his head against my neck.

"Sorry he's being a little shy."

"It's okay, he's cute though."

"Where's the baby?" Margo asked, making me smile.

"He is asleep actually." I took them into the living room where Greyson was still asleep.

"Awe, so little and looks like you Harlow."

"Thank you."

"And you look so good after just having him." Rebecca smiled at me.

"Thank you, but I don't feel like I do."

"So how is it having two little ones now?"

"It's exhausting but I know once he gets a little older things will get a little easier."

"Jason, can I talk to you for a minute?" Jeremy asked.

"Yea sure." I looked at him curiously before looking back at Travis.

"It's okay, I'm right here." He pulled away slightly and looked at them.

(Jeremy's pov)

"First of all I just want to say thank you for taking care of Harlow. Being there with you guys really helped her come to terms with everything."

"Of course, I'm glad I got to know her and help her."

"As you know I haven't asked her to marry me yet. I've wanted to for a while but things went bad as you know. Now that you guys are here I would like to ask her."

"You don't need my permission if that's what you're looking for."

"No, you guys have become part of her life again and I want her to be able to share this with you guys."

"Thank you, Jeremy, for this. I know I probably won't get to walk her down the aisle or anything. I'm just glad she has an amazing guy like you and those boys have a good father."

"I wanted better for them. My parents are not involved in my life, I don't want them to know that feeling. Harlow has always been my girl. She had Declan but we just clicked on the parent's part."

"I want to say I wish I could change the past but if I did, would this be where she is now?"

"I know what you mean."

"So, when is this going on?"

"Tomorrow then we're going to meet up at her mom's. I've talked to Ellie and she is okay with you being there."

"What about Declan?"

"They both are okay with it."

"And Colin?"

"He knows and he said he was okay with it."

"Good and good luck to you tomorrow."


"We should get back in there." I nodded going in the living room where they were. Greyson was now awake and in Rebecca's arms while Trav was talking to Margo.

"What was that about?" Harlow asked as I sat down next to her.

"Nothing." I smiled at her pulling her into my arms.

"You two really do make cute little boys."

"Thank you."

"Are you going to try for a girl?"

"He wants too but I'm a little undecided right now."

After spending time with her family we got the boys bathed and in bed. I walked into the bathroom finding Harlow in the tub almost falling asleep.

"Hey." I smiled at her.

"I'm so tired." I kissed the top of her head before sitting down on the floor next to the tub.

"That wasn't so bad huh."

"No, it wasn't. Seriously I don't know what I would do without you." She leaned over pecking my lips. I pulled my clothes off, getting in the tub pulling her close.

"Babe, we're parents to two little boys'."

"We are. Did you just realize you pushed two babies out of you?"

"No, it's just crazy to think about it."

"It is but they are both amazing and so cute."

"Yes, they are." She leaned up, kissing my cheek.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Come on, let's get some sleep before the baby wakes up." She nodded and we got out of the bath. We dried off and went to our room, laying down.

"What is up with you?" I pulled away and found her frowning at me.


"Jeremy." She groaned.

"Baby nothing is up I promise."

"Fine." I gave her a kiss, pulling her close.

"Love you."

"Love you." I'm so excited but nervous at the same time for tomorrow.

I woke up to Greyson wanting his breakfast of course.

"I got him." I told her getting up so I could bring him to her.

"I'm going to start breakfast, you relax with him."

"Thank you." I kissed their foreheads before going into the kitchen. Harlow loves pancakes so I'm going to make her favorite breakfast.

"Daddy, I'm hungry."

"I'm making pancakes." He nodded rubbing his eyes.

"Buddy you can go curl up with momma." He still looked tired so I let him go back to sleep.

Once everything was ready I brought everything back to our room. Both of our boys were curled up to their momma. I set down the tray so I could wake her up.

"Momma." She turned her head, looking at me tiredly.

"Breakfast is ready." I pulled Greyson into my arms getting him situated. She pulled the tray closer while I got down on my knees. On the pancakes, it says will you marry me. I watched as her eyes lit up and fill with tears before looking at me.

"Jeremy." She gasped.

"It's time you have our last name. Baby I've loved you from the moment I saw you. You are the most incredible woman I have ever met. Me and the boys are so lucky to have you in our lives. Will you marry me?" She moved the tray before moving closer to us.

"Hell yes." She smiled leaning in for a kiss. Of course, Greyson had to ruin the moment by smacking us in the face.

"Buddy that's not nice." I set Greyson on the bed so I could pull her back into my arms. Slowly I pulled away and put the ring on his finger.

"It's beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it."

"Love it." She smiled her beautiful smile at me.

"I can't wait to make you my wife."

"Me too baby." I gave her a kiss before we went back to getting the boy's their breakfast.

(Harlow's pov)

After spending time with my family and friends it was nice to curl up with my boy's. I was leaning against Jeremy while Travis was laying against my chest and Greyson was curled up on his daddy.

"Tonight, went really good."

"It did. He got along with my parents and Colin."

"I remember all the stories you have told me and I really think he has changed."

"Me too."

"That morning he came here I actually talked about asking you."


"Yea, he is your dad. Of course, I asked Declan and your brother first."

"I seriously love you for that."

"I would have asked these two but I figured they would be happy."

"Your right." I leaned over, kissing his cheek. He is too good for me.

"Come on, let's go put the boys to bed." We got up and I took Travis to his room laying him down.

"Love you buddy." I kissed his forehead before going back to my room where he was laying down Greyson.

"Night sweet boy." I kissed his forehead before going to curl up to Jeremy. He pulled me close and I sighed in content.

"I love you."

"I love you."

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