The Baby (bump) Blues [FINISH...

By ch3ybaybee

229K 2.2K 398


The baby (bump) blues (Part 1)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 2)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 3)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 4)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 5)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 6)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 7)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 8)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 9)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 10)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 11)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 12)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 13)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 14)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 15)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 16)
The baby (bump) blues (Part 17)
The Baby Blues (Part 1)
The Baby Blues (Part 2)
The Baby Blues (Part 3)
The Baby Blues (Part 4)
The Baby Blues (Part 5)
The Baby Blues (Part 6)
The Baby Blues (Part 7)
The Baby Blues (Part 8)
The Baby Blues (Part 9)
The Baby Blues (Part 10)
The Baby Blues (Part 11)
The Baby Blues (Part 12)
The Baby Blues (Part 13)
The Baby Blues (Part 15)
The Baby Blues (Part 16)
The Baby Blues (Part 17)
The Baby Blues (Part 18)
The Baby Blues (Part 19)
The Baby Blues (Part 20)
The Baby Blues (Part 21)
The Baby Blues (Part 22)
The Baby Blues (Part 23)
The Baby Blues - Epilogue

The Baby Blues (Part 14)

4.3K 42 4
By ch3ybaybee

After the beach-

One lesbian public display of affection; one killer tan; and one badly needed breast feeding later and we were leaving the beach. "I'm starving." I said, rising off in one of the showers. Libby nodded in agreement; I saw her digging through her bikini top. "Loose something down there?" I asked her. "Nah, there's just sand stuck under my tits." She wiggled her boobs around some more and then stopped, "There, I got it." I caught sight of that kiss-shaped rebel flag tattoo that had made me realize her and I were more alike than I thought, and smiled.

"So do you want to stop somewhere and eat?" Jamie asked, throwing his arm around me while balancing Hayden on the other hip. I looked over at everybody else. "I don't know, do you guys want to eat?" Everyone nodded. "Then its agreed; Chilies anybody?" Thank-god Jamie was a practical person and kept extra clothes in his car because before we could go inside, we had to change in the parking lot.

"This is so weird." Libby said, looking down at her outfit. "You look fine." I told her, holding in a laugh. She was wearing one of my old shirts that so didn't fit her; her boobs were way too big, so a nice portion of her stomach hung out.

Then, on top of that, she was wearing a pair of my pants that came up past her ankles so looked like cut-offs; and on her feet were flip-flops. So now Libby apparel. Jamie and David were dressed in the exact same thing only different colored shirts; Jamie's was light green and David's was dark blue. Hayden had on her cute pink onesie with built in shorts, her pink jacket, and the cute boots with fur that Libby had bought her.

We got a table, ordered, talked, ate, laughed, and genuinely enjoyed ourselves; so much so that I barley even cared that I had to sit on David's lap for a third time to bring him back to my house. As we were pulling into my driveway I felt something vibrating underneath me. "David so help me, that better be your phone." I said, glaring at him.

He chuckled, pushing my butt up, and reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone. He stared at it for a minute, "Let me guess," I said. "Kelly." He looked up at me and nodded. "Well answer it boy, don't keep her waiting." He smiled at me and pressed the 'talk' button. I looked up at Libby from the rearview mirror and rolled my eyes. As we crawled out of the Jeep Libby grabbed hold of my arm. "Hey, I'm not doing anything tonight, do you want me to watch Hayden so you can be alone with Mr. We-practically-had-sex-on-the-beach-this-afternoon-in-front-of-everyone?" I elbowed her in the arm and smiled.

"Wow, Libby volunteering her services to baby sit so I can have a good time; you have some ulterior motive. Let me guess, Mr. Hottie-I-took-his-virginity-and-now-he-wont-leave-me-alone, wants to hang out with you or something." Libby gave me a guilty smile and shrugged. "I figured if I was babysitting then he wouldn't want to hang out because we all know what he wants." She said, giving me the 'look.' I gave her the look back. "We don't all know that because you wont give the poor boy a chance." I countered. "Hey," She said, "Whose side are you on because I can just as easily jump onto team Kelly." I scoffed at her and offered her Hayden. "Fine, you win, but I'm telling you. Give him a chance."

Libby rolled her eyes and grabbed Hayden's hand. "Wave bye-bye to mommy, she's going to have a good time with her man." "Who's having a good time with whom?" Jamie asked, coming around form the other side of the Jeep. "Apparently you and I." I told him, wrapping my arms around his waist and reaching up on my tippy-toes to plant a kiss on his lips. He smiled. "Well then, I better start planning something." David closed his phone and walked back over to us. "So, what's going on?"

"Aunty Libby is going to baby sit her favorite niece in the whole wide world." Libby said, making baby talk at Hayden. David smiled and then flipped open his phone again, sending out a text. "What was that?" I asked him, curious. "I was just telling Kelly that I wouldn't be meeting her at the movies." "Why?" I asked. He looked over at Hayden and smiled, "Because, I get to spend the night with the best girl in the world, who could pass that up?" He held his arms open for Hayden. "Aw shucks, thanks little brother." Libby said, stepping in and hugging him.

He shook his head and we all laughed. "Fool, give me my daughter." Libby handed her over and then looped her arm through David's free one. "Well then, be good and don't do anything I wouldn't do." She told us, dragging him away. She turned back again, "Which by the way, is nothing." She said with a wink. They climbed into her Ranchero and drove away. I looked up at Jamie and smiled. "So, fun night with no worries in the world in say...twenty minutes?" I asked him. He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss. "Make it ten."

When I got inside I fed Adrian and Dora and then ran upstairs to my bathroom. The digital clock over my sink read 6:15pm. "Crap," I said, fumbling to open the medicine cabinet. "I knew I should have brought them in my purse today." I pulled out the little blue circle and opened it, spinning the day to today's pill. I pushed the small white pill into my hand, filled a cup with water, and swallowed it down.

My doctor had been adamant about birth control after I had Hayden and though I hadn't actually planned on having sex for a very, very long time, I agreed and started taking it right away. With that out of the way; I brushed my hair out, put some baby powder on my body, and changed into something a bit...looser. When I opened the bathroom door I was still the only one in my room. I quickly ran to my sock drawer and pulled on a pair of my long socks (the cute kind that comes about halfway up your calf and have cute rainbow colors all over them), my feet were freezing!

I crawled into bed wearing my socks, a pair of Victoria's Secret panties and a see-through lingerie top. When Jamie came into my room he had a towel around his waist and he was using another one to dry his hair. When he was me sitting in bed he froze and then a slow smile spread across his face. "See now, I thought you'd still be in the shower or something." I shook my head and got up out of bed, making my way over to him. "Nope, I thought I'd save that for after so we can do it together." I bit my lip and reached up to kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He dropped the towel he had been using to dry his hair and bent into the kiss, pulling me closer to him from around the waist. "Those socks are so cute you know that right?" He asked, bending and slipping his hands between my legs and then lifting me up, around his waist. "That's why I put them on." I told him, reaching down and throwing the towel around his waist to the floor. We feel onto the bed kissing passionately. "I've wanted to do this all day." He told me, tracing his hands up under my lingerie shirt. "Me too." I said, helping him out by completely taking it off.

He stared down at me and smiled again. "You are so beautiful." He moved his face down to my neck and started working on a hicky. I wiggled myself out of my panties and wrapped my legs around his waist, catching him off guard by flipping us around so I was on top. I positioned him so he was right under me and then I pushed.

Ecstasy and Heroine.

We must have switched positions and places on the bed five hundred times before we finished. As I lay there in his arms, tracing his muscles with my fingers, I hear him whisper, "I love you., always." I smiled and kissed his arm that I had been messing with. "I love you too." I said, not expecting a reaction out of him. He sighed and tightened his arms around me, tucking me safely against his chest. We would have stayed like that for the rest of the night; would have because my stupid cell phone rang.

I turned and lifted it: David. "Hello? Is something wrong?" I asked because it was two in the morning and the only reason he would be calling was if there was something wrong. "No, nothing bad its just, she wont stop crying and I think she might miss her mommy." I smiled and sat up in bed. "I'll come and get her, just...sing I'll stand by you to her and rub her belly." David thanked me and then we hung up. "Do you wan to drive me to get Hayden in my car?" Jamie groaned and pulled the covers over his head. "Very funny mister but I don't want to get up either."

"I love you." He said, which melted my heart. "Fine, I'll go, but you owe me." I pulled on whatever clothes I could find. "And I'll pay you back in sexual favors." He said, cuddling into my bed.

I made the drive to their house in record time and went in without knocking. I found them in David's room; he was walking around and singing to her just like I had told him. He looked up and smiled, "Whenever I stop she starts crying again; hey look Hayden, mommy is here." I held my arms out and he passed her over. "She's probably overly exhausted from the beach trip, she only had a half hour nap today and she's used to a full three naps a day." I cradled her in my arms and looked down at her perfect face. "What's wrong baby? Are you tired?" She looked up at me and smiled and then yawned the biggest baby yawn in the world. I nodded and walked over to David's bed, sitting down.

"Oh-why you look so sad? Tears are in your eyes, come on and talk to me-now.

Don't, be ashamed to cry, let me see you through, cause I've seen the dark side too."

David came and sat down next to me, he leaned over my shoulder and joined me on the next verse.

"When the night falls on you, and you don't know what to do-nothing you confess, could make me love you less- I'll stand by you."

We sang to her until she was fast asleep and then, by some means that I didn't authorize, we fell asleep too.

Okay short chapter-but I just had to get something up like I promised-thought I do realize its like 12:00am.

Anyways, vote/comment.

That picture over there is suppose to represent Jamie at the beach :]-------->

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