Caught up with the Bad Boy {C...

By MessaBoo

299K 7.1K 2.3K

|editing process| I glare at him, "what do you want, Greyson?" He leans down so his face is level with mine... More

Before you read this book!
Chapter One: Who doesn't love a poorly drawn penis tattoo?
Chapter Two: You smell like a dirty sock.
Chapter Three: I'm the mistress? How rude.
Chapter Four: Your Wonder Women undies were mighty cute.
Chapter Five: Sam, the girl with the hot ass.
Chapter Six: Greyson Blacks face is stupid.
Chapter Seven: Every damn word.
Chapter Eight: You still harboring that crush for Blossom?
Chapter Nine: Ha! More like your in love with me.
Chapter Ten: Greyson Black, eight years old.
Chapter Eleven: 'Knocking boots' not 'slapping boots'
Chapter Twelve: The immaculate body is just a plus.
Chapter Thirteen: Happy freaking Halloween, love.
Chapter Fourteen: Pants, Black. I don't got all night.
Chapter Fifteen: You're killing me tonight, Smiles.
Chapter Sixteen: I'm a mess.
Chapter Seventeen: Maybe they had a threesome.
Chapter Eighteen: Have you been picturing him naked lately?
Important A/N: I fell in love with writing this year.
Chapter Nineteen: Tough love, lovebug.
Chapter Twenty: Please...Greysie.
Chapter Twenty One: Goodbye, Skye Hastings.
Chapter Twenty Two: You want me to run around naked?
A/N: Breaking Lincoln High
Breaking Lincoln High
Chapter Twenty Three: What did you do to a squirrel?
Chapter Twenty Four: Underwear...
Chapter Twenty Five: Something drastic.
Chapter Twenty Six: And I thought I looked gorgeous.
Chapter Twenty Seven: Oh sweet baby Jesus.
Chapter Twenty Eight: Screw this.
Important A/N
Chapter Twenty Nine: That was my way of flirting.
Before next chapter...A/N
Chapter Thirty: I won't let go.
Chapter Thirty One: December
Chapter Thirty Two: January
Chapter Thirty Three: February
Chapter Thirty Four: March
Chapter Thirty Five: Sometimes the world is a giant jackass.
Chapter Thirty Six: Backsliding is a bitch.
Chapter Thirty Seven: I will punch your manhood.
Greyson's Letter
Awesome A/N
Spectacularly Important A/N
Chapter Thirty Nine: Sneaky is my middle name.
Chapter Forty: They sure were eggcellent.
Caught in a Dream (Sneak Peak)

Chapter Thirty Eight: You look like a cavewoman.

5.2K 165 15
By MessaBoo

*The tilted dialogue of the chapter are quotes from previous chapters. Just in care you don't pick up on it. Alright, bye!


The paper flutters to the ground and all I can think is, why the hell am I still here?

Next thing I knew, I was running.

I ran past my mom in the kitchen - hearing the faint sounds of her softly humming to the tune of 'Only You' by the Platters. I ran out of my front door and through my front yard, through Greyson's - past Reggie the lawn gnome and part Jacob. Still standing in the middle of the lawn with a smile on his face.

"Thank you!" I yell back at him as I push my feet past their limit.

I hear him laugh as I reach the end of our block.

"Don't let me down, Skye Hastings."

I smile and take the next left turn, I look down at my watch.


I have to make a stop first.


I barge into her room with my breath ragged and my feet propelling me towards her before I can even stop.

Her and Liam both look up at me with wide eyes and jump off of the bed.

"You look like a crazy women," Liam shrieks out as I fall into his lap as I give him a hug.

I laugh and sit up with a smile towards him "I don't care. I love you."

He raises an eyebrow "now I'm really scared. Are you dying or something?"

I roll my eyes "no. But things are about to change. I love you."

I look towards Sam. She's obviously still pissed at me. For good reason. But I'm about to change that.

I stand up and before she can stop me I wrap her in a hug.

"You're my best friend. I love you. I'm sorry I've been such a wreck. I just needed to figure things out."

She groans and wraps her arms around me completing the hug. "I'm guessing you read the letter?"

I step out of the hug and look down at the time.


"I did. And I only have thirty minutes."

It's a rare thing to see Sam Mason smile.

But when you see it; it's a real, pure, thing to experience.

You should ever be so lucky to have the opportunity.

She looks me up and down "are you sure you don't want to take a shower or something?"

I scoff "like it will matter? I'm gonna end up running again."

"You can always take my car?" Liam puts in.

I smile back at him "grateful of the opportunity. But this is more dramatic." I head towards the door "and I'm anything if not dramatic."


I swerve around the crowds of people as I look up at the street signs. 22nd and 1st. 22nd and 2nd. Ah! 22nd and 3rd.

I push through a group of teenagers as they stand awkwardly looking down at their phones.

The lights dangling from the street lamps reflect off of the gravel roads of downtown and creates an eerie feeling. I reach 22nd and 3rd and I'm left circling the lamp post with no sign of Greyson.

I look everywhere. Left, right, up, down. I look at the time, 9:02, he can't really be that stingy that he left at nine, can he?

Knowing Greyson he's probably watching me from some undisclosed location and laughing at my pathetic face.

I stop my circling and scan the crowds in the hopes to see his face. But nothing comes up.

I throw up my middle finger to the world in aggression and as planned I heard his roar of laughter. I spin around as his laughter gets closer, just in time to see him drift through the darkness of the small trinket store.

"Did you run here?"

My breaths are still fast and just from the smile on his face I feel as if I might faint.

"It's only like five miles."

He shakes his head and tucks his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

"You look like a cavewoman."

I smile proudly and loose all my words. All I can think is that I want to kiss him. But knowing Greyson, he has a whole plan before the kissing can start.

He smirks and swerves around as if to display my inkling.

"Come, come love. I have many things we must attend too."


There's something poetic about watching the love of your life become themselves in their element. Finally seeing that small little mystery they left for you to find.

Watching as they smile and talk freely with people they have known for so long and you had no clue even existed.

I guess what's really poetic about it is the fact that they took so long to show you. That they wanted to know you were all in before they gave themselves to you.

But I think he waited this long because he knew that I needed this little bit of him to be shown before I could really know that this is the boy that I will forever love.

Through thick or thin, through fire or ice, through ex's and o's.

Because as I follow behind him: with the little lights gleaming against the pavement, the soft flow of music drifting through the roads, the smiling faces looking at Greyson with love, I know that this is when I will finally be able to see Greyson for who he is-who he's been hiding.

He glances back at me with that smirk gracing his lips and I melt all over again. Then he whistles and catches a ball cap that flies his way. I'm so entranced by the actions that I stubble into his hold as he stop and turns towards me.

His laugh is soft and addicting.

"This is for you," he tugs the baseball cap onto my head, pulling my ponytail through the hole. He then proceeds to take his raggedy old Red Sox hat out from his back pocket and pull it onto his head. Little wisps of his black hair peeking out from the sides and curling around the edges. He flicks the tip of my nose and smiles - dimples and all - "you ready for one of the best nights of your life?"

I chew on my lip trying to contain my smile. What is it about this boy?

"What do you have in store for us tonight, Black?"

He spins around and click his tongue before striding off, I prance after him as he turns around the next corner and steps into a dark building.

"First event of the night. A rock show."

The room lights up with blue and purple smoke and standing in front of us is a band raised up on a stage and a group of people jumping up and down as the next song starts.

The bass makes the ground shake and I feel as if my heart is hanging outside my body; shaking and beating with each strum of the guitar, tap on the drum, flick of the bass. 

I laugh and run towards the mosh pit, jumping to the beat of the music, I feel his laughter on the back of my neck as he wraps his arms around my torso.

I'm taken back to the night this all started. The blackmail, the deception, the night that he figured out it was Cole.

"How cliche of you Skyler. The captain of the basketball team and the shy outcasted girl. What you didn't read enough teen romance novels to see how it will end? You had to experience it all on your own."

"What do you want?"

"What I want is none of your concern. What your question should be is what do you have to do to make me keep this quiet. How far are you willing to go to keep this secret, Hastings?"

The song ends but his arms stay, the next song starts and I know it from the first beat.

I flip around so fast that his eyes widen at my actions. 

"How is this happening?"

He shrugs with that damn smirk "I know they're no Nirvana, but they are allegedly the best rock cover band in America."

I gape at him "you seriously set this up?"

When he rolls his eyes I can't help but laugh "this isn't amateur hour, Hastings." He leans down so his eyes are level with mine "haven't you heard? I'm the next billionaire of Grand Hotels."

"You didn't."

He kisses the tip of my nose "I did. Now, turn your ass around and listen to your shower song before it ends."

I throw my hands up as the chorus comes and get completely lost.


"Why are you leading me to a dark alley?"

He doesn't even turn around as he leads me deeper away from the music and farther into the darkness.

"You better not be leading me to my death."

His silence makes my heart beat faster.


He laughs and it bounces off the wall and after a few more steps he stops and spreads his arms out to his side as if he's showing me a huge surprise.

"Well?" He asks looking at me as if I should know what the heck he's got planned.

Seriously what is with this boy?

"Well what? We're in a creepy alley!"

He sighs longingly as he clasps my shoulders with his hands and spins us around "do you recognize where we are?"

I squint my eyes in an attempt to see more clearly but all I can see is the dumpsters and lack of hygene.

"Is this like a famous creepy alley way? Was a part of Batman shot here or something?"

He snorts and stops spinning me "must you always be so sarcastic, Skyler?"

"It's all part of my charm, Black."

I don't have to see his face to know that he rolls his eyes. I open up my mouth to seriously get some answers, but I'm caught off guard when Greyson bellows into the abyss.

"Light it up, fellas!"

With one single click stings upon strings of more lights flicker on, zigzagging above us in a mix of colors. I'm too filled with awe by the lights that it takes Greyson snapping in front of my face before I see what's in front of us.

Holy crap!

The first task.

"Please tell me you did not just say what I think you did."

"What would you like me to say? That I didn't get a weird look from Becca Fitzpatrick when I said that you have been a naughty girl? Ow! Women I'm driving, keep your animal instincts for the bedroom."

"Greyson Aleksander Black, I might just kill you."

"What the hell are we about to do?"

"It's simple really. There's been a car here that has not been moved or cleaned in a few months. Frankly I'm over it. So we're giving it a makeover."

"You're not kidding."

"No. It's hideous."

What the hell is that car still doing here? Why the hell are we back here? At the scene of the crime!

Greyson must see the panic in my eyes because he grabs my chin with his thumb and finger "calm down, Smiles. It was all a set up."


He narrows his eyes with a tilted head and looks at me as if I'm a puzzle.

"Do you really think I would ever actually put you in danger?"

Of course not. Because Greyson always has a plan, he always has a secret objective.

"But-but what about that guy?"

The one that screamed and chased after us.

"Hiya!" A voice interrupts my inner thoughts. I look towards it to see the guy, but instead of a angry snarl on his face he has one of the nicest smiles if ever seen.

"Skyler," Greyson speaks, "this is my friend Joe. Otherwise known as the angry car owner."

I'm so baffled that I'm even surprised my voice is steady when I speak, "hi Joe."

He reaches out his hand and I shake it "it's nice to finally meet you, Skyler. You would be surprised how long we've been hearing about you."

I nod my head at a loss for words and look back at the car. Still covered in paint splatter and still with the bold spray painted words on the side.


I trace the letters with my finger tip and every inch of my skin heats up to the point that it feels like my heart might fail if I don't slow it down.

It's rare to find something like this. Something so pure, something that is so spectacular, something that can change the world.

"You did all of this?"

When I look at him, Joe is gone and it's just us. Under the lights, by the car that will forever be ours.

His expression is uncomfortable, and blush tints his cheeks. I could melt at the sight of Greyson Black blushing.

He looks down and kicks a loose rock on the ground "you would be surprised at how many things I've done for you, Skyler."

I hook my finger in the collar of his shirt and force him to look at me "I'm so sorry for what I said to you the other day. I meant none of it. You are not your father, you're on a whole different world then your father ever was. You are caring," his hands fall to my waist, "you are kind, you are so inevitably different from anyone I've ever met."

His hands tense on my waist, making ever nerve ending in my body ignite.

He moves closer to me and whispers so softly, "I forgive you."

Kiss me, please oh please, god. Kiss me.

His thumbs creep under my shirt and start rubbing small circles on my exposed hip bones. Tingles flow and I just might fall if he keeps doing that.

His eyes shift down to my lips and he can't hide the amount of longing he's holding. Both of our breaths are fast, he slowly looks back up at my eyes.

"Dear god, I want to kiss you."

Do you see me objecting?

My back falls against the alleyway wall and my eyes fall closed as his lips graze mine. Soft breath coating my lips, making them hot. His voice is deep and full of lust when he talks.

"I can't kiss you yet, I'll be breaking the rules."

"Break whose rules?" My words come out rushed and breathless.

His lips softly kiss my jaw "mine."

My knees become weak.

"Screw em."

He keeps kissing, kissing, kissing down my neck.

Each word broken up with a kiss. "Must... not... get... behind... schedule."

I practically groan when he step back leaving me in a mess of frustration.

Seriously, there's more?

By the time I'm able to get control of myself and open my eyes Greyson is smirking and looking like he has no care in the world. How is it that I'm over here looking like a complete mess, and he looks like he just got done doing his taxes?

"Better get your hormones in check, love. We can't wait here all night."

I glare at him as he walks off. Ugh! How am I going to survive this night?"


I'm starting to see a theme tonight. Greyson likes leading me into dark places. This particular one.

The forest.

The last time I was this surrounded by trees I almost got attacked by a squirrel, I got stranded away from camp, and Greyson fell out of a tree to avoid kissing me.

"I-uh. Why did you fall out of a tree?"

"You started coming at me with your lips!"

"Your face was just-and I just-I got to go."

"Greyson! You're just going to leave me up in this tree!"

He leads me through the woods in silence. The only noise is the soft movements of birds in trees and a owl in the distance.

He stops and the moon above us shines on his hair making it look silver.

"I know it's not the actual tree that I fell out of. But I thought it would work."

I shake my head in so much disbelief. This boy in front of me has planned out every little detail of tonight. He remembers everything that's important, he knows the things that people don't feel are worthy of their remembrance, he holds so much love in his heart and doesn't show it. He's  a rare creature of wonder that I've caught, and will never let go of.

"I love you."

The words fall out of my mouth and I hear Greysons breath stop. Not a sound or whisper.

"I love you so much," I've said it once and now I feel like I want to scream it.

"When I'm with you it feels as if everything becomes normal. I don't worry about what I'm doing with my life, I don't think about my problems or other peoples. I just think of you. You are the boy that I knew I would forever remember. You created this void in my mind- dedicated to souly you. You're my happy place." My breath is fast, and I run my fingers through my hair in an attempt to figure out how to put how I feel into words. "Whenever I was sad or angry, or just plain gone. You were the thing that I thought about. And maybe I didn't realize it years ago. But it was always you. My first friend, my first crush, my first kiss.

"It was like the stars and you collided and made me fall so deeply in love with you. You were always there. My dad died and you were who I wanted to be there as I cried. Whenever I just feel sad, I want it to be you that's there. And whenever you are feeling sad, I want to be the one that's there. I want to be there when you are sick, I want to be there when you publish your first novel. I want to be there for all the moments, Greyson.

"Because I love you. I love you to the point of exhaustion. I love you, Greyson Aleksander Black, and I will never stop."

His lips are capturing mine before I even get the last word out.

This kiss is not soft and delicate, but rough and so full of wanting. So full of undisclosed attempts at normalcy. We've been in a tug of war for so long and now it's all falling out with this kiss.

As his jacket is being pulled off, as my shirt gets pulled over my head, as he kisses every inch of me.

My hands grip his hair and I'm taken away. He's licking, biting, kissing my collarbone, and I'm just wanting more. I want to feel the heat of his hands, I want to be with nothing but him and the stars.

He kisses back up to my lips at his hands trail their way up and down my spine. His lips are back on mine and when he bites my bottom lip I lose it.

I grip his shirt and push him against the tree, he groans as I kiss down his neck and I hear what I've been wanting to hear for my whole life fall out of his mouth in a deep sigh.

"I love you, Skyler." I moan against his Adams apple making him shiver. "Good god, Smiles. I love you dangerously."

And I got my wish.

It was just me, him, and the stars.


"You know," he whispers as we tip toe to my room. I glare over at him in warning. My mom will kill me if she knows I've been out for so long. He giggles like a little kid as I grab his hand and pull him into my room, shutting the door behind me as quietly as I can.

I lean my head against the door and sigh with my eyes closed, so far I'm in the clear.

I feel him hovering over me before he traps me in his hands. I open one eye to look at him - his smile becomes pleasantly bright.

"As I was saying," he continues in a cheeky voice. "You know this makes you my girlfriend now."

I snort "little demanding dontcha think?"

He glares playfully at me "fine. If you don't want to be my girlfriend, I have many other volunteers."

I gasp and push his shoulder "jerk!"

He laughs and falls onto my bed pulling me on top of him in the process "I'm just kidding."

I take his baseball cap off and throw it across the room, running my hands through his hair, making it even messier than it was.

He leans up and kisses the edge of my smile "so what do you say, Skyler. Be my girlfriend?"

I run my thumb along his bottom lip "I would be a fool to not agree."


I should really be asleep right now...

But here I am, editing like a crazy person! Oh well! I'm so close to finishing this book! That's so insane to me.


I truly hope you liked it. Remember to vote, comment, and follow! (:

I adore you all!

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