War of Fate (Book 2 Completed)

By CharlotteCarol

228K 12.2K 5.9K

This is Book 2. Read Hades' Daughter before this one, if you haven't already. Scarlett's short time on earth... More

Chapter 1 - 'I know what I saw.'
Chapter 2 - 'We need to talk.'
Chapter 3 - Voices
Oh my gosh look at that challenge! He's so fluffy I'm gonna die.
Chapter 4 - 'I sleep naked, is that OK?'
Chapter 5 - 'Morning breath'
Chapter 6 - 'Make class a little more interesting'
Chapter 7 - 'What is he doing here?'
Chapter 8 - 'He obviously doesn't want you'
Chapter 9 - 'To getting drunk and making stupid decisions'
Chapter 10 - 'What's your name again?'
Chapter 11 - 'What's that smell?'
Announcement! (Radish)
Chapter 12 - 'What's up with them?'
Chapter 13 - The truth about Hunter
Chapter 14 - 'It's time for tickles!'
Chapter 15 - Party Crashers.
Chapter 16 - Tiffany's Father
Chapter 17 - Frenemies
Chapter 18 - 'A bullet won't change that'
Chapter 19 - 'I'll do anything.'
Chapter 20 - 'You now owe me'
Chapter 21 - Clive.
Chapter 22 - 'Are you a cop?'
Chapter 23 - Answers
Chapter 24 - '216'
Chapter 25 - Life Stories
Chapter 26 - 'Message failed to send'
Chapter 27 - Human to Demon
Chapter 28 - 'Welcome, to immortality'
Chapter 29 - Decision Time
Chapter 30 - 'Test Date'
A Christmas In Hell (One Shot)
Chapter 31 - 'Appetizers'
Chapter 32 - Escape.
Chapter 33 - Interrogation
Chapter 1 rewrite posted
Chapter 34 - 'I was arrested ... Surprise!'
Chapter 35 - 'Dad?'
Chapter 36 - Torture
Reid's POV
Chapter 37 - 'I'm not playing your games'
Chapter 38 - Breaking the Chains
Chapter 39 - Heart Over Head
Chapter 40 - Double Trouble
Chapter 41 - Number 1 or Number 2?
Chapter 43 - Remembering
Chapter 44 - Re-united
Chapter 45 - The Morning After
Chapter 46 - Going Home
Chapter 47 - 'It's Good to Have You Home'
Chapter 48 - Stepping Outside
Chapter 49 - Release
Reid and Hunter's POVs
Chapter 50 - Ápeiro
Chapter 51 - Alarm
Chapter 52 - Old Friend
Chapter 53 - Floodgates
Chapter 54 - Back to Normal?
Chapter 55 - 'Spill'
The Greatest Announcement Of All Time!
Just For You
I Never Expected This
Chapter 56 - 'Happy Death-day'
Free Goodies Just For The Devil's Children
Want A Secret Chapter?
Even More Free Stuff Just For You!
Hooray For Us <3
Last Day to Get the Free Book!
The Day Is HERE!!
It's Here! It's Here!
Chapter 57 - 'Forcing an Elephant into a Suitcase'
Chapter 58 - The Return of Kyle
Cover Made for Hades' Daughter
Chapter 59 - 'Party-pooper'
An Interactive Game? + Update
Giveaway on Goodreads
Christmas Short Story on Amazon
Planned Giveaway. Are you interested?
Ending to this Book Coming Soon
Chapter 60 - 'You want to taste some?'
Chapter 61 - 'It hurts, doesn't it?'

Chapter 42 - Flashback

1.4K 117 63
By CharlotteCarol

These amazing covers were made for Hades' Daughter by @-moonlust (it would let me tag - it kept disappearing. :( )! I love them! <3 if any one else wants to send me anything please do! I love to see what you have made, whether it be covers or fan art or whatever it is! :)

I look to my dad curious to the answer also. What Reid said just sinks in, causing my attention to fly back to him. He said something about compulsion being lifted. Does that mean he remembers? I let my hands fall from behind his neck to his chest where I clutch his shirt as I look up at him. His eyes haven't left me since I ran to him. He continues to mumble under his breath and he clutches me to him. It's mostly his apologies and declarations of love.

"Not as smart as you think, are you Kyle? Don't expect to outsmart me, I taught you everything you know, and I can easily destroy you." My dad says crossing his arms. "I'm more powerful than you can ever dream of, as can be seen by exhibit A." My dad uncrosses one of his arms to indicate Reid. Kyle's gaze as Reid's moves to mine, making me shrink closer to the real Reid, before his gaze moves up.

"How?" Kyle asks.

"I used your own tactic against you. I compelled him to remember everything, but only when he needed to prove himself to Scar. That way you were unable to get to his memories of knowing I did this. I was aware of everything you did to Reid and Scar up until two months ago." My dad explains. I raise my eyebrows at the revelation. My dad knew about everything? Even when Kyle was controlling me? Why didn't he help, or reach out to me? I bite back my questions until later. Kyle chuckles darkly as his features change until he is standing in front of us in his own form.

Reid immediately pushes me behind himself, as if seeing him made it all the more real and worse. I feel grateful for him protecting me, but at the same time I'm probably more capable at taking on Kyle, if he tried to attack, in my weakened state than Reid. I rethink that when I suddenly feel lightheaded and nauseous. I breathe in a couple of breaths trying to ease the nausea. I really need blood. Since when I first woke up and tasted blood I have not received any.

"Kyle, if you cooperate I will make your death quick." My dad informs him. "Now..."

The rest of the sentence is fuzzy as the room starts to spin around me. I blink a couple of times trying to clear my vision and focus on the situation. The black spots move in from the corners of my vision, and I clasp onto Reid's arm tighter, my nails digging into his skin.

"Reid..." I murmur before I feel my legs give way and the blackness consume me fully. I hear shouts from my dad, but my brain can't process it as I am pulled away from the room.


I blink a couple of times, and try to remember the last thing that happened. Meredith had told me that she had a special surprise before she injected me with a different drug. I try to move and find that I am on my back on a metal table. My arms and legs have been tied down keeping me in place. Meredith's face moves above mine with a sneer.

"Ready for another round, bitch?" I glare up at her. If I could I would lunge at her, ripping her throat out. I don't know how long it has been since I tried to escape, but this isn't the first visit from Meredith since. I keep my breathing steady, trying to show her that she's not affecting me.

"I had such a great time the last time we saw each other out of this room, that I thought I would recreate it." She tells me sarcastically. She pushes a metal trolley up beside me, holding different utensils on top, all of them sharp. She picks one of them up, flipping it in her hand. Before doing anything, she walks over to a permanent feature in the room, a barrel full of Demon's Torment and water. The fumes have slowly made me weaker over time, including the IV in my arm. I turn my head to see that the trusty IV is still there.

After Meredith dips the knife in the mixture she walks back to me. Her hand falls to my stomach, lifting the shirt up.

"I don't know what time you're remembering. I also swing for the other team, sorry to disappoint you." I tell her.

The knife suddenly slices a line up my stomach. I scream out at the intense pain. She doesn't stop, coming down diagonally. I thrash around, trying to get away to no avail. Suddenly the cold metal leaves my skin, leaving the sharp pain and marks behind.  I lift my head up, tears in my eyes to see a letter 'M' on my stomach.

"A constant reminder of me and what I did to you today." She remarks mimicking what I said to her when I scarred her face. At least everything she does to me will eventually heal. My head hits the table as the knife sinks into my shoulder.

I jolt up from the soft surface I am lying on, breathing heavily. I feel a slight tug from my arm and look down to see an IV with a dark liquid pumping into me. I immediately pull it out and look around the room. I don't recognize it, causing me to freak out even more. I push myself out of the bed and rush to the door. My speed is not under my control, meaning I end up crashing into the door. I stumble back, just in time for the door to open.

Here you go my little devils! I hope you liked it!

Sorry that last weeks part was delayed even further, I was busy writing two extra parts for Hades' Daughter. They are exclusively on Inkitt, and can be found here (a link that actually works can be found on the conversations part of my profile): https://inkitt.app.link/ra_charlotte

There are 20 copies left to reserve over on Inkitt, and 5 days left of the competition. Can we get them all reserved before it ends? I will let you know the outcome of the competition as soon as I know. Keep your fingers, toes, and everything else crossed. I know I am. ;) However, if we don't win that does not matter, as I am thinking of sending it off to be published traditionally. We'll see. I'll of course let you know everything that is going on.

Radish: Chapter 43 is free in 11 hours, Chapter 44 is free in 7 days, Chapter 45 (Mature) is free in 14 days, and Chapter 46 is free in 21 days.

What did you think?

What will happen next?

Thanks for reading, voting, commenting, sharing, and following!

CC ;)

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