
Por sarcastic_sass

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Hermione finds herself longing the company of the one person who'd sent her through a living hell 3 years pri... Más



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Por sarcastic_sass

It had been the strangest method of transportation I'd ever taken. We landed in a cold, dark alleyway. The snow decorated the solemn streetlamp, dimly lighting the street. Waverly ran towards the house on the end of the road. It was a darker shade of grey than the rest of the houses, something about it seemed more foreboding, menacing. She let out a whoop and jumped up the small step to stand at the door. "Spinner's End!"

She turned and waved us over, trying to get us to hurry. I felt a pair of eyes on me, I looked up, meeting them. "Are you alright?"

I nodded. "It was a very strange experience, I hadn't been expecting it."

He offered me his hand as he made his way toward the teen. I looped my arm with his, helping him push the pram to the front door. "It is the safest way to get the children places quickly. Side-along apparition is too risky, especially with the baby."

He unwarded the front door, letting his eldest run past him. To my surprise, Minky awaited us on the other side to take our cloaks. I looked around, inspecting the narrow corridors, large bookshelves, wooden floorboards.

I followed the Snape family further into the house, observing everything, taking in as much as I could. We came across a living room, there were two armchairs and a small couch. The armchairs sat before the fireplace, that roared comfortably, heating the room. Bookshelves filled the walls, books stacked on every surface. Merlin, who knew he'd have such an extensive library? I knew he was an academic, but my goodness...

Over the hearth, there was a small shelf. There was a picture of a beautiful girl holding a baby. Beside it, stood another frame, this one held the smiling face of the same young lady. She was laughing, attempting to hide from the camera. Someone beside her was trying to get her to pose for the photograph. Next to the frames were a tiny pair of slippers, there was a large 'W' emblazoned on the side. I turned away from the shelf and spotted a rather large instrument in the corner of the room. I approached it, running my fingers along the smooth, dark wood. I hadn't seen one since my elementary school days. My music teacher had played one.

"Play the cello?" Asked a voice. I started, turning to the voice. He'd frightened me.

I shook my head and caught sight of the bow resting on the window sill. "It's a beautiful instrument. Do you?"

He chuckled. "Gods, no. Though, Maddles did all she could to teach me."

I approached him, leaning into his side as he wrapped an arm around me. "Who would have known that the infamous Severus Snape had a sister who played the cello?"

He chuckled lightly, looking down at me. "They sent it to me after she died. Didn't know what to do with it. My mother had paid dearly for the wretched thing. Not only could we not afford it, my father hated the sound. She was only allowed to play when he was out, which fortunately enough was quite frequent. Haven't touched it since."

I gestured to the photos. "Is that her?"

He nodded, a sad smile at the corner of his lips. "That's the day Waverly was born." He said quietly, running his hand along the side of it. "This one was her 20th birthday. The woman beside her was to be her wife."

I heard the gasp leave me before I could stop it. "I'm so sorry, Professor." He frowned, not understanding why I was apologising. "You've suffered such loss, people only ever thought you cruel and heartless."

He pressed his lips to my temple before heading down the hall. "Not everyone." He said quietly.

My heart ached. He'd gone through hell and back for nought. He deserved so much more than what he had. From what I'd observed, however, it seemed he was perfectly happy with his little girls. How he loved them. I left the library, making it a promise that I'd probably return.

I stepped into the kitchen, smiling at the sight of a flour covered Waverly helping Minky bake, and Snape sitting at the table with Mavis in his arms, letting her play with the buttons of his coat as he flipped through the Evening Prophet.

"Hermione look! I'm making pie!" Waverly exclaimed, running over to me, her smile was wide, her eyes shining with happiness.

I took a deep breath. "Mm, smells heavenly. What kind of pie are you making?"

Minky looked up at me and winked. "'Tis a Christmas surprise for Master, Miss Waverly mustn't tell!"

"Oh, I see." I winked back at the two and headed over to the man sitting with his second daughter. I looked over his shoulder and scoffed at the headline.

'Granger strikes back! Is that a baby? How many more secrets are they hiding?'

He pushed away the newspaper, wrapping both arms around his tiny child. "Care to read the paper? I'm afraid it's rather dull this evening. More so than usual, I'm afraid."

I sat in the chair beside him, offering a small smile to Mavis. I looked up at him, meeting his eyes. "I didn't take you for the dessert type." I said, taking one of the infant's hands.

My instructor rolled his eyes. "You clearly don't know me very well, Miss Granger." I giggled at his response, he continued, "I happen to have quite the sweet tooth."

I gestured to the dark haired girl, rolling out dough with the guidance of the house elf. "I suppose it would explain your daughter's love of candy."

He stood from his seat, walking over to the island, transfiguring an extra chair into one suitable for his youngest and sitting her in it. He gathered a few different ingredients from the pantry and the cold cupboard that held a cooling charm. It was a wizard's refrigerator, since they didn't have electricity. I often wondered why it hadn't been introduced to the wizarding world. Many could benefit from it.

He started mincing different fruits and vegetables, before turning to the girls making pie. "Wavy, does your sister have an intolerance to anything?"

She nodded, wiping her flour covered hands on her apron. "Blueberries."

He raised an eyebrow. "What the the devil kind of allergy is that?"

I lifted a hand to my mouth to stifle a laugh. Waverly openly giggled. "She's not allergic, papa, she just doesn't like them."

The Potions' professor glared at the toddler. Mavis looked up at him, reaching out to her father. "If I have any say in it, you are going to eat your blasted berries. End of story." He said to her, shaking a spoon in her direction. The baby simply laughed. "Understood?" He asked, trying to get some sort of response other than laughter.

Mavis whimpered at the imposing man before her. "Henry!" She cried, hiding her face behind her tiny hands.

The two other Snapes stared at her curiously. Snape mouthed the name, eyebrows creased, as he searched his memory. "Who the bloody hell is Henry?"

Waverly shrugged, turning back to her baking. Minky stepped forward and pushed a small bowl of mushed blueberries across the highchair's table. "Here, Miss Mavis. Berries."

The baby merely cried in response, wailing at the sight of the small portion of fruit. "I told you, papa, she doesn't like blueberries! You're upsetting her!"

He turned to his eldest, eyes flashing darkly. "You try my patience, girl."

"Professor!" I exclaimed, rising from my seat and taking the baby into my arms, rocking her. I shushed her, keeping my voice at a level where I could soothe her. Another upset Snape was the last thing we needed. "It's Christmas, you ought not be arguing. Honestly, you should be ashamed of yourselves!"

With that, I left the kitchen, making my way to the lounge. I sat in one of the armchairs, cradling the child to my chest. She played with the fabric of my dress, leaning into my chest. "Henry." She mumbled.

The corners of my lips quirked upward. So that's what all the fuss had been about. I let out a small laugh, hugging her closer. "So I am Henry? That would have been nice to know earlier. Tell me, Mavis, why don't you like blueberries? Hmm?"

I laughed at myself for expecting a proper answer from a toddler who couldn't even say my name. I brushed the hair from her face, caressing her small head, pressing a kiss to the crown of it. "Did you know, darling, that blueberries are your father's favourite fruit?" She looked up at me, clearly not understand much. "I heard you don't get on with the other children. Is that true? Do you not like tiny Malfoys? If that is so, I don't blame you."

A hand on my shoulder alerted me of someone else's presence. I sighed, relishing in the warmth that emanated from his hand. I leaned my head back against the seat, looking up into onyx eyes. He smirked, coming around the chair and sitting in the one across from us. "So, Henry, I see you have the situation under control."

I snickered, biting my lip nervously. "Heard that, did you?"

A tiny smile appeared on his face as his daughter turned in my lap to look at him. "Papa?" She asked, reaching out to him. I handed the baby to him, slipping her hands from my dress.

He held her close, examining her every feature. She truly did resemble him, though she had several of her mother's traits, adding femininity to her face.

I smiled, he could be so gentle, so caring, so careful. He was completely different than the man I had grown up knowing. I loved this side of him. The loving man he had proved to be. The man who cared for his family above all else. Always had, most likely always would. He met my eyes, offering me the same small smile. My heart flew at the sight of it. "How did you know blueberries are my favourite?"

I felt heat rush to my cheeks. "We ate breakfast in the same room for years. I've been sitting next to you for 5  months, sir, I tend to take notice of things like that."

He smirked in reply, turning back to the baby. "Mavis, you are going to be a handful later on, you know that?" He asked, rolling his eyes. "Just like your mother, aren't you?"

She lit up at the familiar word. "Mama?" She garbled.

The man sitting across from me shut his eyes briefly. "No, darling, mama isn't here right now." The infant shrugged, holding her hands up.

It seemed she had understood, but didn't quite want to believe it. "Wavy." She declared, playing with one of his coat buttons.

He stood, turning to leave the room. "Now that is a request I can fulfil." He eyed her curiously, heading down the hall. I heard him mumble quietly, "What is it with these buttons? I don't see what could possibly be so fascinating."

I grinned at him as he reentered the room, taking a seat. He leaned back in the chair, sighing, covering his face with his hand. "Everything alright, sir?"

He sat up straight, as though remembering I was there and raked a hand through his hair. "Children." He muttered, letting out an exasperated sigh. "I swear, if Ella hadn't... Anyway." I was wondering where his sentence would have gone had he finished it. Hee sat on the edge of his seat, taking my hand in both of his. "Thank you, Miss Granger, for being so good to them."

I shrugged, offering him a warm smile. "I love your girls, they're wonderful. It really is no trouble."

"Are you certain?" His eyes were concerned, worry coursing through them.

I placed my other hand on his. "Absolutely." He seemed satisfied by my answer, something in his features relieved. "Thank you, Professor, for sharing your Christmas with me."

He waved off my thanks, standing, holding out his hand. I felt all warm and fuzzy at the familiarity of the gesture, taking it gladly, sliding my fingers across his palm. When I stood, he wrapped an arm around me, pulling me near.

I rested my forehead against his, relishing in the comfortable quiet of the splendid moment. His hand brushed my cheek, tucking away a stray curl that had come loose from its pin. I leaned into his hand, taking comfort in the action. The ghost of a smile hinted at the corner of his lips, taking advantage of the moment, I closed the distance between us, touching my lips to his.

Would he back away? Would he pretend nothing had ever happened? Did he regret having kissed me? Was I making a mistake?

All of my questions, doubts and paranoia were thrown out the window when he pulled me in closer still, cradling the back of my neck with his other hand, deepening the kiss. I melted in his embrace, clutching the front of his coat tightly, pulling him to me as much as I possibly could. The kiss was so much, and yet, not quite enough... When we came apart it felt like too soon. Our time-stopping moment had ended and life was to continue as it always had.

A bell was being rung from the kitchen. He kept his arm wrapped around me solidly, leading me to the dining room for supper.

The most delicious smell wafted from the kitchen, some sort of goose or turkey with cranberry sauce, cauliflower smothered with cheese, green beans, and more. It was just like the Hogwarts feast, only much smaller, and meant for three and a half people.

He pulled my chair out and made sure I was comfortable before sitting down himself. Waverly smiled grandly at us, brown eyes twinkling excitedly. "Happy Christmas papa!" She said. "And Hermione, and Minky."

The man smiled back at his daughter, I touched his hand beneath the table, slipping my fingers between his. My heart warmed. "Merry Christmas." We replied in unison. I giggled softly, briefly meeting his eyes before turning to the girl.

The house elf hollered her thanks from the kitchen, popping her head out to send a bottle of wine to the table. The baby had her hands full of pea and carrot mush, spreading it all over her mouth, trying to eat it. "You poor dear." I chuckled, picking up a napkin and cleaning off her face. "Isn't that better?"

Mavis responded by dipping her hands back into the bowl and sticking her fingers in her mouth. Her father rolled his eyes, grimacing at the mess she was making. "You're making a mess of my mother's house, you tiny monkey. Who taught you to eat? An erumpent?"

I gasped, tapping his forearm lightly. "Watch it, you'll upset her."

He raised an eyebrow. "I doubt it." He gestured to his youngest who began to laugh. "She didn't understand a word I said."

Waverly burst out laughing at the comment, hiding behind her hands. Soon enough, the four of us were laughing out loud, straight up guffawing, letting out all the tension from the day.

Supper went wonderfully, Waverly shared her school days, spoke of her friends, explained how life had been with their mother until recently. She didn't delve into anything serious, she knew better. After we ate, Waverly ran to the corner of the room, reaching beneath the Christmas tree she'd put up and trimmed with Minky earlier.

She returned to the table, pushing a box toward her father. He eyed it curiously, fingering the ribbon wrapped around it. She swallowed thickly before speaking. "Mama left me some money for gifts. I got you something with Hermione's help."

My mentor glanced in my direction, tentatively opening the parcel. I suspected he didn't receive gifts very often. My heart fell. He was so giving. He never received anything in return.

Lifting the cover slowly, he peeked at his gift. Waverly looked at him expectantly, hoping he'd like it. I sent her an encouraging smile.

We were graced with a genuine smile from the man of the house, his lips curling at the corners. He lifted the present from the inside and set it on the table. It was a picture of his two daughters, both smiling at the photographer, waving.

She had searched all day for a frame that she thought to be perfect. We'd finally found one in a small shop while he was doing his own shopping. "It's perfect, love." Came a whisper. Waverly met her father's eyes and ran into his arms. She held him around the neck tightly, eyes scrunched tight. Merlin, she loved him. He held her close, pressing kisses to her hair, squeezing his minuscule daughter.

I was surprised when she came to me and launched herself into my arms as well. "Thank you, Hermione. You made everything right! Papa was right, you really are the most wonderful witch."

My heart fluttered. Had he really said that about me? My pulse quickened at the thought and I smiled. I had made the right decision in spending the holidays with the Snapes. "It really is my pleasure, Miss Waverly. You're a very lovely girl with a big heart. That's an important quality. Don't let anyone change that about you, alright?"

The Ravenclaw nodded, pulling up her chair and sitting in her spot. Snape smirked and took three packages from beneath the tree, sending them over to us. "For my girls." He stated, motioning for us to open them up.

My face reddened at the term he used. Whether or not he had meant to include me changed nothing... I'm that moment, I felt so wanted, so loved. It was the best gift I could have ever been given. I let the children open theirs, the older helping her younger sister.

Waverly received a new set of advanced spell books, which she happily squealed over and began to read immediately. With help from her family members, Mavis donned a new knitted hat. It was pink and white, a flower emblazoned on the side.

The man in black nudged my elbow, so that I move onto my own. I stared down at the wrapped parcel. He had gone through the trouble of getting me a present. I removed the wrapping paper carefully, trying not to rip it. Inside, was concealed a book. The book in question was on rare plants and their magical properties. I flipped open the cover page and there was an inscription.

I received this book from my mentor when I was an apprentice to be the next Potion's Master. I know you haven't much interest for the qualification and wish only to teach at Hogwarts, but should the idea come up or the situation arise, I hope this book will come in handy. If not, enjoy the reading, there is much to learn. By the time you'll be able to finish this book, due to the now hectic schedule, you will no longer be my student, nor I your teacher. You will be my equal, in every sense of the word. Hogwarts will finally have a decent and competent teacher after far too long, one who will be loved by both student and staff. There are great things waiting for you within the walls of Hogwarts, Miss Granger.

Good luck,


I couldn't help the foolish smile that spread across my lips. I hugged the book close to my chest and opened it up once more, this time to take in its smell. It had the wonderful smell of an old book, and something else as well. It smelled like the Potions' classroom. Like him.

To me, it was the most precious gift. Worth far more than jewellery or a fancy hairclip.

This book was my favourite gift.

He eyed me, clearly amused by my reaction. "I take it you like it?"

I sighed, gazing deeply into his eyes. "Oh, Professor, I love it!"

"Severus." He whispered, taking my hand.

I swooned, butterflies in my tummy taking flight, my heart palpitating wildly. "Severus." I tested the word. I knew his name, I had said it before, but now that I had his permission to address him by it, it felt more special, more personal. Even a little sensual.

He shivered slightly as his name rolled off my tongue. "Thank you," I said, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. "It's an amazing present." Reluctantly, I set the book down and stood to fetch the gifts I had bought myself. One for the baby, one for her sister, another for their father, and finally, a little something for Minky. "Enjoy!"

When offered the gift, the house elf burst into tears rambling on and on about how much she loved her mistress. She returned to the kitchen clutching her new whisk to her like a lifeline. It was the least I could do for the little creature who'd done so much for me.

I'd gotten the baby a rattle, it was a silver bar adorned with a small bird. When the baby would shake the rattle, little bells would sound, creating a pleasant melody.

Waverly's gift was a new set of quills and ink pots. I knew she liked having her own supply and that she was running low on inventory. She smiled up at me, observing the beautifully coloured feathers I had hand picked for her.

The wizard who had stolen my heart opened his at last. The look of shock on his face brought a smile to mine. "How..?"

I bit my lip, nervously tapping my toe. He pulled out the phial from the small pouch, holding it to the light. Silvery, sparkled fluid shimmered in the glass tube, swirling with every movement. "How did you..?"

I cleared my throat lightly. How was I going to say that. "I thought you might like to have those back. I did some haggling with the Headmistress and the Minister, they finally agreed to let me return to you, even if it is confiscated evidence."

He stared blankly at the phial of memories in his hand. I felt a twang of hurt looking at the bottle, knowing that they had been given to Harry in fear that the truth of his undying love for Lily Potter would never come to light. The truth that Dumbledore had ordered Snape to kill him. The truth that there was some good to him.

With a wave of his fingers, he sent it away, to Merlin knows where, and stood, pulling me into his embrace. "You didn't have to do that." He said, speaking quietly into my ear, so that his daughters didn't overhear. "I know it hurts you to think of that night."

I leaned away to look into his dark eyes. "I wanted you Christmas to be special."

He chuckled, pecking my forehead. "Oh, my little witch. You've already made it special."

I snuggled into his arms, taking in his smell, his warmth. Waverly began to giggle, pointing above our heads. We looked up to see Minky hanging upside down from the light fixture with a sprig of mistletoe in her hand.

I bit my lip, looking back at the man who held me. "Miss Granger, I do believe we have been tricked."

I giggled, nodding in agreement. "Hermione." I murmured, low enough so only he could hear.

"Hermione." He purred. His sinful voice sent shivers down my spine and goosebumps to rise up my arms.

Waverly held her hands together, gazing hopefully. "Papa, are you going to kiss Hermione?"

He chuckled, his low voice rich with mirth. Pulling me closer, he slid his hand along my jaw, holding my face, running his thumb along my lower lip. "You know what, Wavy?" He asked, bringing my face closer to his, tempting me like the devilish wizard he was.
"I think I just might."

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