Serendipity 奇缘

By HerRoyalRandomness

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This story involves characters mainly from TVXQ or rather DBSK (A.K.A 동방신기, 東方神起) HERO YoungWoong JaeJoong (영... More

#1: When we first met...
#2: Tour guides
#3: Getting to know you? Or not?
#4: The Missed Calls
#5: My hand
#6: Dinner
#7: The Way You Are
#8: Ferris Wheel
#9: My Fave Shooting Booth
#10: 私の英雄...
#11: My Dream
#12: Will I make it in time?
#13: Bound
#14: 約束 (yaku soku - Promise)
#15: Gone...
#16: The Airport
#18: The Treat
#19: Tonight
#20: Hello Again...
#21: White Lies
#22: Drunk on love...
#23: Everything
#24: Because Being Yours (I Wish...)
#25: 给我你的爱
#26: Sightseeing Day Part 1
#27: Sightseeing Day Part 2
#28: Sightseeing Day Part 3 - Jaejoong's Tantrum
#29: Dinner Date with Jaejoong
#30: Banned From Entering
#31: What Are We Going to Do Tonight?
#32: AHHHHH!!!!!!!
#33: The Night After
#34: When rules don't apply...
#35: Misunderstood...
#36: Wake Up!
#37: Inseparable...
#38: A Day at the Park
#39: Jaejoong's Dong Bang Angel
#40: OUCH!!!!
#41: Neoprints!!!
#42: Where Did the Rest Go?
#43: Let's Catch the Thief!!!!
#44: Will you....
#45: Dinner plans
#46: Dinner plans cont'd
#47: Filming with TVXQ
#48: Kissing in the rain...
#49: 재중の자기야
#50: The Long Journey to Jeju Island
#51: Finally, Jeju Island!!!!
#52: Babo...
#54: Jaejoong's Adventure in the House.....
#55: Miduhyo
#56: Supper, Here We Come!
#57: Surprises!
#58: お早う!!!
#59: Engagement Prelude
#60: Party... It's Party.. Let's Party On!!!!! [THE END]

#53: What's Going on in the Rooms?

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By HerRoyalRandomness

In the room with Xiah, Micky and Fifi, which was Xiah and Micky's room......

Micky and Fifi were sitting at the round table on the arm chairs. Junsu was lying on the bed, with a pen and paper, thinking of games.

Fifi: Why don't we have a white engagement party? With all the white laces and roses, how romantic can this get. But, do you know what necessary ceremony is needed for Korean Engagement party?

Micky: That sounds romantic enough. I'm not too sure about it. I think it is just like the usual engagement party where the couple just announce to their friends and relative that they are getting engaged. We can ask U-know-Hyung about that. I think he will know more.

Xiah was rather bored, sitting alone at the bed thinking of the games while Fifi and Micky were discussing about the party.

Xiah's thoughts: This is so boring. Why does everyone has a partner to work with, while I have to do all the work by myself. Argh.... And why does Micky gets to work with Fifi. It was supposed to be me, and not him. I don't care. I'm going to make the 2 of them join me. The 3 of us can do the games and party together.

Xiah: Since we are all here in the same room, why not the two of you join me in the discussion for the games. And I could give you guys ideas on the party? How about that? I think we could work faster.

Micky: Junsu ya.... Didn't I say just now that I'm not interested in the doing games with you?

Xiah: But.... Can't you see that it would be faster if all 3 of us do it together?

Micky: I don't think so. I think we would be faster without you.

Fifi: Don't be so mean to Junsu. Maybe it would be faster that we do it together.

Xiah: Yeah. I think Fifi's so right. So, we should combine our forces and finished everything so we can go and play soccer after that. YAY!!!!!

Fifi: Erm.... Junsu, I think it's good we can finish everything as soon as possible. But, I don't think it's a good idea to play soccer at such a late hour.

Micky: Sigh... I wonder what's your head contains. Is it only soccer, soccer and soccer, and nothing else?

Fifi: I think that is the only thing he gets excited about.

Xiah: There's not only soccer in my head. There are other things..... Like my family, members, my doggie, music, and F.....

Xiah's thoughts: What am I thinking? I almost blurted out Fifi. Argh... I hope that they didn't hear what I said just now.

Micky: And what? I didn't catch your last word? What's that? Flower?

Xiah: Huh? Did I say anything? I don't think so. I think you heard wrongly. Am I right, Fifi?

Fifi: I thought I heard something?

Micky: Even Fifi heard you saying something. So what's that?

Xiah's thoughts: Phew.... It was such a close shave. Thank goodness that they didn't hear it carefully.

Xiah: I think the both of you should go and dig you ears. Alright then, why not we finish the discussion early and we can all on to bed?

Fifi: Alright. Maybe both of us heard wrongly.

Xiah: Why don't you guys move over here? It would be more comfortable.

Micky: But, the single bed is too small to squeeze all 3 of us.

Xiah: Sigh.... There are 2 singles beds in the room. We can push them together and there's more space. So, now you can't say that I have the IQ of a dolphin. I'm smarter than you now. UE KYANG KYANG!!!!

Micky: Whatever.

So, Micky and Xiah pushed the bedside table, which is separating the beds, away and then moved the beds together. All 3 of them sat on the bed and started discussion proper.


Over at the room with U-know, Max and Theo, which was U-know and Max's room......

All 3 of them were sitting around the round table. Max had a lab top in front of him for the convenience of going to the Internet to check the main attractions and other details.

U-know: Hmm... Let me see what's interesting on Jeju Island..... How about the Seongeup Folk Village or the Teddy Bear Mesuem or Jeongbang Falls or the Jungmun Daepo Coast Jusangjeolli Cliff or the Marado Island or the Jeju Folk Village Mesuem? This is going to be so exciting. It's been a long time since I've step foot on the island.

Max: Hyung... Slow down. We can't go to go many places all at one go. We only have a day, so we must plan carefully.

Theo: Yeah. I agree with Max. But, can we go to the All In House? I heard that it's like a definitely must visit attraction if we are going to Jeju Island.

U-know: I haven't visited that place yet. I think we can go there.

Max: Hyung, you can't keep adding the places to our list. We need to choose a few symbolic places to go. The island is too big for us to visit every single destinations. And, we are supposed to keep track of the timing. We can't spend too much time in a single attraction, or else we can't finish our itinary for the day.

U-know: Araso. So, which one do you think would be symbolic enough for us to visit?

Theo: Max, if you're going to pick the destination, can we please go to the All In house? And, we can't always visit mesuems and historical sight. And..... And.... places to eat at the right time is a must. We must not forget that, or else I think I will be too hungry to continue for the day. And, there must not be too many stops for shopping, or else Fifi and Kiki is to stay at the mall for the whole day.

Max: Hmmm...... Let me see.... We have the whole day to visit the island, with breaks during lunch and dinner. If we are going to continue after dinner, we can only visit some of the scenic places.

U-know: Why not we start our day early at around 7 or 8. We can visit the museums and other attractions that close early before it closes. If we are too tired, then we would rest after dinner. There is no need to push ourselves to the limit, we can cut down on the games if there is not enough time.

After discussing for some time, U-know decided that he wanted to leave the room.

U-know: Guys, you can continue with the discussion. I need to use the toilet.

U-know left the room, heading towards the nearby convenience store instead of the toilet.

Max: I think we are almost done. When Hyung comes back, I think we can all go to sleep.

Theo: That's great. I can finally sleep. But, before that, can we have supper? I'm kind of hungry.

Max was really excited upon hearing the word supper. It is a must for him to have his supper before going to bed.

Max: How about eating kimchi ramen? I have a strong craving for that all of a sudden.

Theo: Oh my... This sounds really tasty. And I think my stomach is starting to growl. I think we better wrap this up before U-know comes back.


U-know's thoughts: I hope Theo and Max did not discover that I'm not going outside of the house. Those two guys are really smart. Nah, I don't think that they are smart enough to know what I am thinking.

U-know walked for about 5 minutes, almost half the time needed for an average person due to his long legs, before reaching the store. He entered the store and started to search for some tea light candles. However, he did not manage to find any. Thus, he went up to the store keeper and ask for help.

U-know: Annyeong-haseyo, do you have tea light candles? I need to get some.

Salesperson: Hmmm.... I think we have only a packet left.

U-know: How many are there in a pack?

Salesperson: About 50 plus. Is that enough?

U-know: I think that should do. I'll take that. Kamsahamnida.

U-know bought that packet of tea light candles, fearing that it would not be easy to get them at such a late hour. After that, he headed back to the house as quickly as possible.

Back at the house, U-know was thinking of where to place the candles first.

U-know's thoughts: Where should I put all these? I can't possible place it in Theo's and Fifi's room. It would be found really easily. Ah. I know. I can place it in the study room. I think no body's is going to find out.

U-know quickly place the stuff in the study room and went back to his discussion room.

Max: Hyung, what took you so long?

U-know: Erm.... Erm... I have a bad tummy ache.

Theo was rather worried to know about U-know's upset tummy.

Theo: U-know, are you alright? Do you need to rest? Max and I can continue with the discussion.

U-know: Erm... Erm... I'm fine... You don't have to worry.

U-know gave Theo a smile to assure her that he was really feeling alright.

Max: Hyung, are you sure you can carry on?

U-know: Ye. It's just normal procedure that everyone needs to go through. I'm really fine.

Max: Alright then, we better finish this up quickly and then we can have our supper.

Theo: Yeah. I can't wait for supper. Now, my stomach is growling really loudly.


*more fanfics at

Other fan fics we've written so far...

Destined 遐想 [Completed]遐想

Serendipity 奇缘 [Completed]奇缘

Rainbow 彩虹 [Completed]彩虹

Love In The Ice [Completed]

[One-Shot] Yours Only ♥ あなたのだけ ♥ 너의 것 전용 [Completed]♥-あなたのだけ-♥-너의-것-전용

[One-Shot] Hey! Girl [Completed]

My Little Princess 나의작은공주 [Sequel to Serendipity 奇缘]

Last thing... Comments will be greatly appreciated!!!

*more smut fanfics at

Her Royal Randomness' romance smut fan fictions here:

Forever Love [Mature] [Completed]

Snow Prince [Mature] [Completed]

Darkness Eyes [Mature] [Completed]

Love in the Ice [Mature] [Completed]


素直になれなくて [Mature]素直になれなくて-mature

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