Serendipity 奇缘

Door HerRoyalRandomness

349 8 0

This story involves characters mainly from TVXQ or rather DBSK (A.K.A 동방신기, 東方神起) HERO YoungWoong JaeJoong (영... Meer

#1: When we first met...
#2: Tour guides
#3: Getting to know you? Or not?
#4: The Missed Calls
#5: My hand
#6: Dinner
#7: The Way You Are
#8: Ferris Wheel
#9: My Fave Shooting Booth
#10: 私の英雄...
#11: My Dream
#12: Will I make it in time?
#13: Bound
#14: 約束 (yaku soku - Promise)
#15: Gone...
#16: The Airport
#18: The Treat
#19: Tonight
#20: Hello Again...
#21: White Lies
#22: Drunk on love...
#23: Everything
#24: Because Being Yours (I Wish...)
#25: 给我你的爱
#26: Sightseeing Day Part 1
#27: Sightseeing Day Part 2
#28: Sightseeing Day Part 3 - Jaejoong's Tantrum
#29: Dinner Date with Jaejoong
#30: Banned From Entering
#31: What Are We Going to Do Tonight?
#32: AHHHHH!!!!!!!
#33: The Night After
#34: When rules don't apply...
#35: Misunderstood...
#36: Wake Up!
#37: Inseparable...
#38: A Day at the Park
#39: Jaejoong's Dong Bang Angel
#40: OUCH!!!!
#41: Neoprints!!!
#42: Where Did the Rest Go?
#43: Let's Catch the Thief!!!!
#44: Will you....
#45: Dinner plans
#46: Dinner plans cont'd
#47: Filming with TVXQ
#48: Kissing in the rain...
#50: The Long Journey to Jeju Island
#51: Finally, Jeju Island!!!!
#52: Babo...
#53: What's Going on in the Rooms?
#54: Jaejoong's Adventure in the House.....
#55: Miduhyo
#56: Supper, Here We Come!
#57: Surprises!
#58: お早う!!!
#59: Engagement Prelude
#60: Party... It's Party.. Let's Party On!!!!! [THE END]

#49: 재중の자기야

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Door HerRoyalRandomness

We walked back to the apartment sharing Jaejoong's pearl red Cassopeia umbrella.

Kiki: Why are you you using a red Cassopeia umbrella?

Jaejoong: Cos red is the color of Cassopeia's balloons...

Kiki: Uh huh... So you want your fans to be with you everywhere you go?

Jaejoong: Anio... I thought our fans' love and support might give me luck in looking for you... So I used it...

I smiled. Trust him to say something so naive but yet sweet and cute to hear it from him.

Jaejoong: You're so wet... You must be totally drenched... Are you cold?

Kiki: Yeah I'm totally drenched inside out... But I'm okay... Not too cold...

Jaejoong started pulling his jacket off.

Kiki: No it's alright Jaejoong, you don't have to... You're wet too... I'm fine... It's just a while away... I don't want you falling sick...

Jaejoong: You sure?

Kiki: Ne... I'm fine... I have natural insulation...

Jaejoong: Huh? What's that?

Kiki: My fats... I think I have more than you... So they'll keep me warm...

Jaejoong laughed. Then he pulled me into his arms hugging me under the umbrella.

Jaejoong: Then this should keep me warm... I'm cold...

Kiki: Ha ha... Alright...


When we got back to the apartment, everyone had gathered at my apartment. And once I opened the door, they huddled around us excitedly, bombarding us with questions.

Jaejoong: Guys... I think you should let us get out of our wet clothes first before anything else...

All: Oh yeah...

Jaejoong turned and looked at me.

Jaejoong: Go ahead and get out of the wet clothes first... I'll head back and change out of mine... I'll see you in a bit...

I smiled and nodded. Then I walked into my room to grab my clothes and went for a shower and changed. Jaejoong went back to his apartment and did the same. The rest waited in my apartment while we got changed.

Max: Jaejoong-hyung and Kiki-nuna are probably hungry and cold from the weather... Should we make them something to eat when they come out? And we can eat too since we're all hungry too...

Micky: I didn't know you know how to cook... Cos I sure can't cook like the two of them...

Max glared at Micky.

Max: I didn't say I am cooking... I said WE... The rest can cook...

They looked around at each other.

Xiah: Don't look at me... I don't know how to cook anything except instant noodles...

Their eyes moved on to the next "victim".

U-Know: *eyes wide open* Me? Andwae... I can't... Don't look at me...

Max, Micky, Xiah and U-Know's eyes moved onto Fifi and Theo. They looked at them eyes wide open.

Fifi: You guys are not thinking of asking US to cook are you?

They nodded their heads vigorously.

Fifi: I think there must be some mistake... Cos I don't even cook at home... So there's no way I am cooking when I'm here... Cos I'm on vacation!!!

The guys moved their eyes to Theo immediately.

Theo: Hey this is not fair!!! Why is it always me?!!! I'm on vacation too!!!

Fifi moved closer to Theo and started tugging at her t-shirt.

Fifi: Please... Theo... You're the ONLY ONE who can REMOTELY cook something edible... Please... please... please....

Theo repeatedly push Fifi away as she continued trying to plead with Theo. The guys looked at the two of them as they bantered back and forth. But there didn't seem to be any result coming out from it.

This went on for 15 minutes...

Kiki: Hey guys, what's happening here? I can hear you from inside the bathroom...

Everyone turned around and stared at me in surprise.

Kiki: Why are you looking at me like this? Can't I speak in my own house?

Max: Nuna... How come you're out so fast?

Kiki: So fast? I was inside for 15 minutes already... How long do you think I wanna shower in this kind of cold weather?

Micky: Erm... Nevermind Kiki... It's nothing...

Kiki: Really? Cos all of you look kind weird...

The door opened at this point in time and in walked Jaejoong. Everyone again looked at Jaejoong in surprise. Jaejoong gave a "Something wrong?" look, checked himself all over to see if something was wrong.

Jaejoong: Why are you all looking at me like this? I don't have anything on my face right?

Kiki: No... You look fine Joongie... I don't know what's wrong with them...

Jaejoong walked over to me and put his arm around my waist. I looked up at him.

Kiki: You hungry?

Jaejoong smiled.

Jaejoong: Ye...

Kiki: I'll cook something... Any special cravings?

Jaejoong: Hmmm.... I think I feel like having...

Max: Kimchi ramen!!!!

Everyone looked at Max in surprise. I laughed.

Kiki: Max... You're hungry too?

Max: Ye... Nuna... I wanna eat kimchi ramen... and BBQ bulgogi... yum yum....

Kiki: Okay... But I have to check my fridge... Not sure if I have meat and lettuce for your bulgogi... But kimchi ramen is no problem... What about the rest? You guys hungry too? Anything else you guys want to eat?

Xiah: Rice with nado...

U-Know: Chicken stew with rice... If it's not too much trouble to make so many things...

Micky: I think that's already a lot of food... I'm fine with anything, just NOT the nado...

I looked over at Fifi and Theo.

Fifi: I can't eat the spicy kimchi ramen, can you make me a bowl that's not spicy?

Theo: I want to try some of the ramen and the stew with rice... Can you just cook a bit more so I can take some too?

Kiki: Alright...

I walked away from Jaejoong's arms.

Jaejoong: 자기야 (Ja-gi-ya : honey in Korean)... You haven't heard what I wanted...

Kiki: Oops... Mianeyo... What would you like to have?

I walked back over to Jaejoong. He put his arms around my waist. He leaned down and whispered into my ear.

Jaejoong: Kimchi ramen and... You...

Kiki: Alright... *blush* You are having spicy kimchi ramen...

And I pulled myself away from his arms. He covered his mouth and laughed cheekily.

Kiki: You guys can go watch some TV while I get the food ready. Should take less than half an hour...

I put on my apron and started rumaging the fridge for the ingredients. The others went over to the TV area and started watching TV. Jaejoong walked over to me at the fridge.

Jaejoong: You don't want me to help you? It's quite a lot of food to cook...

Kiki: I think it's okay... You must be tired from all the rain today... Just take a rest in my room first... I can manage...

Jaejoong: But you were in the rain too...

Kiki: I had an umbrella... You didn't...

Jaejoong: No you didn't...

Kiki: I'll be fine... I wasn't even cold just now... You were the one who was cold...

Jaejoong laughed embarassingly.

Jaejoong: I guess you're right... I'll listen to you and go take some rest first... Let me know if you need help...

He walked into my room. I started washing rice first and put it to cook in the rice cooker. Then I washed and chopped up some onions, garlic, ginger, carrots and celery and chicken for the stew. I threw in the ingredients to fry for a while before pouring in some water and stock cubes and covered it to stew. Next I prepared kimchi soup base for the ramen using hot pepper paste, water, and stock cube, and left that to cook too for the taste to be stronger. I had another pot of water boiling to cook the ramen, and scooped them out into a bowl of ice water until I am serving them in the soup. After the ramen was cooked. I filled another small pot with water and stock cube for Fifi's non-spicy ramen soup base. With all the pots simmering away on the stove. I started slicing the beef into thin slices for the BBQ bulgogi. After which I washed a lettuce and peeled them into smaller pieces for them to eat with the bulgogi. I placed these back into the fridge until later when we start eating. Then I rummaged my fridge and found a can of nado and placed some into the microwave to warm it up for Xiah. Lastly, I took out the electronic BBQ plate, and placed it onto the dining table. And I laid the table with cutlery (I bought extra sets of cutlery for them since they were always coming over for dinner and they can't be bringing theirs over everytime they came).

20 minutes passed, and almost everything was cooked. I went to bring the stew for U-Know off the stove and over to the table. After that I went to scoop rice for U-Know, Xiah and Theo and served that onto the table too. I took the nado out of the microwave for Xiah. Then I started portioning the ramen for Max, Fifi, Theo and Jaejoong, and poured the soup bases into their respective bowls. I placed them onto the dining table. Lastly, I went to the fridge to take out the beef and lettuce for the bulgogi.

Kiki: Guys... You can eat now...

All of them rushed over from the TV area to the dining table, and sat themselves around their usual sitting arrangement, which is how I placed their food. Jaejoong, U-Know, Theo, Fifi, Xiah, Micky, Max, and me.

They all sat down and Max switched on the BBQ plate. I walked over from the fridge with pepper paste and sweet sauce for them to dip the bulgogi with.

Kiki: Where's Jaejoong?

Micky: I think he's still in your room resting...

Kiki: Oh... You guys can start first... I'll go get him...

I walked over to my room.

*Knock knock*

Kiki: Joongie... The food's ready...

No response.

I opened the door and walked into the room. It was totally dark as the rain darkened the night sky, and little light shone into my room. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, and I noticed Jaejoong still sleeping soundly on my bed. I walked over and tapped his shoulders lightly.

Kiki: Joongie... The food's ready... You can eat already...

He stirred in his sleep slightly.

Jaejoong: Jagiya... Jagi...

Kiki: Are you awake? Joongie? Joongie...

I shook him a bit and his eyes opened slowly. He smiled when he saw me squatting beside the bed looking at him.

Jaejoong: Jagiya... You need help now?

Kiki: Anio... I'm all done already... Come on out and eat...

Jaejoong turned over to face me.

Jaejoong: I really don't feel like moving right now... I'm too comfortable...

Kiki: But your food is getting cold... Come on... Don't be lazy... You can go back and get a good night's rest after you eat... You look so tired...

I got up and tried to pull him up from the bed. He didn't work with me, and let me tug and tug to no avail.

Kiki: Joongie... Come on... The ramen's gonna turn into mush if you still don't eat it!!!

Jaejoong: Alright... I get up... But I'm not going home after I eat... I still have after-meal dessert waiting for me...

Kiki: *confused and clean forgotten what he had said earlier* What are you talking about? I thought you hated sweet stuff? And I didn't make dessert... I only have Ben & Jerry's ice cream if you want...

Jaejoong: You blur queen... Just remember to get my dessert ready okay... *winks*

Kiki: Whatever... I don't know what you are talking about... Just go eat your ramen NOW...

Jaejoong walked out of the room with Kiki behind him. When they walked into the dining area, the rest were already wolfing down the food like they haven't eaten in days.

Jaejoong: Guys... Are you really SO hungry?

Max: Hyung, you don't understand... We've had to eat cup noodles for 2 days since both you and nuna haven't been in the mood to cook...

Xiah: Yes... Now we finally see REAL food, of course we're HUNGRY!!!

Jaejoong and Kiki look at each other in amusement.

Kiki: Mianeyo guys... It was because of my foolish act that made you guys suffer... I hope the food is enough?

Jaejoong: You don't have to apologize Kiki... They can always order in. They are just to lazy to do it...

Jaejoong glared at the guys, who immediately lowered their heads into their bowls to avoid his eyes. He sat himself down beside Kiki. He looked over and noticed that Kiki didn't have any food in front of her seat.

Jaejoong: How come you don't have any food?

Kiki: Oh... I didn't have enough ramen for another bowl... So I'll just have bulgogi then...

Kiki and Jaejoong looked over at the plate of raw beef. There were only two slices left. They looked at the rest in surprise.

Kiki: Well... I'll have some stew then...

I stood up to reach to scoop some stew. Again, there was only gravy left.

Kiki: Erm... I think I still have some nado... I'll eat that with rice...

I went over to the rice cooker to scoop some rice. I found it scrapped clean.

Kiki: I think it's alright... I'm not really hungry... You guys go ahead... I'll make myself some hot chocolate...

I walked over to get my cup and the hot chocolate from the cupboard. Jaejoong turned and glared at the guys.

Jaejoong: You guys... She cooked so much food and you didn't even leave anything for her?

U-Know: Mianeyo hyung... I think we were too hungry...

Micky: Ye... I didn't even realise that the food was finishing...

Xiah: Ye... The bulgogi and nado were so good... I ate more rice than usual...

Max: Well Nuna's culinary skills are getting better and better... Now her Korean dishes are comparable to yours...

Jaejoong: That's not the main point here...

Fifi: Well Jaejoong... Look on the bright side, at least Max didn't eat YOUR ramen...

Theo: Yeah... U-Know stopped him before he could get any funny ideas on it...

Jaejoong reached over and hit Max on his upper arm.

Max: OUCH!!! Hyung!!!! What's that for?

Jaejoong: One touch... *hits Max* remember? It's how we show we LOVE each other...

He hit Max one more time.

Max: HEY!!! Stop it, or I'm going to retaliate...

Jaejoong hit Max again. Max leaned over and hit Jaejoong back.

Jaejoong: OUCH!!! Max!!! THAT HURTS!!! It's much harder than how I hit you!!!

Max: I don't care... You hit me first... And you hit me SO MANY TIMES!!!

Jaejoong: Who asked you to bully Kiki... Of cos I must take revenge for my jagi...

They began hitting each other repeatedly.

Kiki: Guys!!! What are you doing?!!!

They stopped when they heard my voice.

Max: Nuna.... Hyung is bullying me... He kept hitting me...

Kiki: Joongie... Why are you hitting him all of a sudden?

Jaejoong: Cos he wanted to eat my food too...

Kiki: Well it's not that serious to warrant hitting him...

Jaejoong glared at Max murderously. Max stuck out his tongue. I sat back down blocking them from each other.

Kiki: And he didn't eat it... So there's nothing to hit him for... Please just eat your ramen Joongie... It's getting cold...

Jaejoong looked at me, I was looking at him pleadingly. Then he looked at the ramen.

Jaejoong: Fine... I'll let him off on your account...

Kiki: Kamsa hamnida...

Jaejoong starts eating. I turn to Max, who was making funny faces behind me, thinking he won the argument.

Kiki: Max... You're still hungry? Not enough food? I can prepare more meat for the bulgogi if you guys are still hungry... Just don't eat Jaejoong's food... I don't want him to go hungry...

Now it was Jaejoong's turn to look triumphant, he looked up from his bowl of ramen and threw a smirk at Max.

Max: Mianeyo nuna... Your cooking is just too nice... I couldn't resist...

Kiki: It's okay Max... I'll prepare more meat and lettuce for the bulgogi...

I got up and went to the fridge, took out more meat.

Max: Mianeyo hyung... We should have left some food for you and nuna...

Jaejoong relented on hearing Max's apology.

Jaejoong: It's okay Max... I know you love Kiki's cooking... Just don't eat my share too... Cos I want to enjoy my jagi's cooking too... It's special to me everytime she cooks for me... Even if I do have to share it with the rest of you...

Micky: *pretends to puke* Hyung... You're so mushy... I think I'm gonna puke...

Xiah: Ye... *pretends to puke too* I think my appetite's gone too...

Jaejoong: Don't eat here then...

Everyone kept quiet and resumed eating. They didn't want to be chased out for making comments on Jaejoong's mushy talk. Meanwhile, I sliced the meat and lettuce up for the bulgogi, and then brought it over to the dining table. We enjoyed the rest of the bulgogi and had a good laugh talking about what we had been doing in the past few days. The rest went back to their apartment after the meal, Micky to compose music, U-Know to check emails, Max and Xiah to battle it out on their playstation 3. Theo and Fifi went over too to hang out, giving me and Jaejoong some time alone. Jaejoong helped me clean up, and wash the dishes, while I helped dry the washed dishes.

Jaejoong yawned after he finished washing the last plate.

Kiki: Go on back and get some rest... You look really exhausted...

Jaejoong: You don't wanna spend some quality time with me?

Kiki: Well I still have work waiting for me...

Jaejoong: WHAT??!!!!

Kiki: I gotta cut a rough edit for what we filmed today...

Jaejoong's thoughts: That means she'll be watching the kissing scenes again...

Jaejoong: Can't you do it another day?

Kiki: I can't... Director wants it tomorrow...

Jaejoong: I'll keep you company then...

Kiki: But you're so tired... Go get some rest...

Jaejoong: You're tired too but you're still working... If you don't rest, I won't rest too...

Kiki: Oh alright... You can sit in then...

As I edited, I had to relive the moment again. But this time, I managed to see the clips differently. I used my overly vivid imagination to make myself believe that the girl is me. After 4 hours, I managed to finish editing it.

Kiki: Done!

I swirled around to see Jaejoong already sleeping on the chair beside me.

Kiki's thoughts: Told you to go back to rest... You're too tired to be doing this...

I went to my room and grabbed my quilt and pulled it over and placed it over him. Then I plugged in the ear phones to my computer and replayed the scenes I've just edited. As I watched, my emotions overwhelmed me, and I started crying. I've edited the scene so well that it was so moving that I was crying while I watched it. I felt a hand touch my face and wipe my tears away. I turned over, Jaejoong had woken up and was looking at me concernedly. I wiped my tears hurriedly and stopped the timeline.

Kiki: You're awake... You better go back and get some rest... You're too tired...

Jaejoong: Mianeyo...

Kiki: Why are you apologising?

Jaejoong: I made you cry again...

Kiki: You didn't...

Jaejoong: If I wasn't TVXQ's Young Woong Jaejoong, you won't even have to go through this... It's all my fault...

Kiki: Don't say that... If you weren't in TVXQ, we would never have met... And it's your dream... I don't wish that you blame yourself for pursuing your dream...

Jaejoong: But it hurts me that my dream is causing pain to the one I love...

Kiki: It's not... I wasn't crying cos you were kissing another girl... I was crying cos the scene was so moving... The way I edited it... I was overwhelmed with my own work... And the plot of course...

Jaejoong: Really?

Kiki: Ye...

He looked at me lovingly. Then he pulled my chair over to his, so that I was right in front of him.

Jaejoong: Can I have my dessert now?

Kiki: You want ice cream now? I'll go get it then...

I got up. He got up too and grabbed my shoulders.

Jaejoong: No... All I want is...

He tilted my chin up so my face looked at him, and leaned in closer to me.

Jaejoong: You...

He closed his eyes and leaned in to kiss me.


*more fanfics at

Other fan fics we've written so far...

Destined 遐想 [Completed]遐想

Serendipity 奇缘 [Completed]奇缘

Rainbow 彩虹 [Completed]彩虹

Love In The Ice [Completed]

[One-Shot] Yours Only ♥ あなたのだけ ♥ 너의 것 전용 [Completed]♥-あなたのだけ-♥-너의-것-전용

[One-Shot] Hey! Girl [Completed]

My Little Princess 나의작은공주 [Sequel to Serendipity 奇缘]

Last thing... Comments will be greatly appreciated!!!

*more smut fanfics at

Her Royal Randomness' romance smut fan fictions here:

Forever Love [Mature] [Completed]

Snow Prince [Mature] [Completed]

Darkness Eyes [Mature] [Completed]

Love in the Ice [Mature] [Completed]


素直になれなくて [Mature]素直になれなくて-mature

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