Me, My Curves, and I {Interra...

By CoriAlston19944

206K 6.1K 469

Imagine yourself who is always being called the 'big girl' in school and everybody tease you because of your... More

Me, My Curves, and I
Jealousy Turns Tragedy
Trabalho! (Work!)
Bad Day
Daily Chat and Sophistication of Curves
In Progress
Great Gatsby, Great Christmas {Part One}
Great Gatsby, Great New Years {Part Two}
Great Gatsby, Great New Years {Part Three}
Two Months Later
What's Up, New Jersey?!
Bake, Pray, & Love {Part One}
Bake, Pray, & Love {Part Two}
Kandi's Birthday
Easter Brunch
Preach On!
The Preparation Talk
The Greatest Birthday of All {Part One}
The Greatest Birthday of All {Part Two}
The Greatest Birthday of All {Part Three}
On Our Way to Hollywood Swinging
Good Life, Good Life
Plus Size Magazine of Santa Monica
Meet the Soon-To-Be Bride & Groom
The Woman In the Picture
The Celebration of Love {Part One}
The Celebration of Love {Part Two}
The Celebration of Love {Part Four}
Her Curves With a Personality
Good News
The Return of Uncle Bernie and Aunt Vivian
The Threat
Seven Month Update
In the Dark
The First Heartbreak
Saving a Relationship
The Glue That Binds Lovers
Cynthia vs Myself
The Unexpected Day of Our Lives

The Celebration of Love {Part Three}

1K 42 2
By CoriAlston19944

Danny's POV

Right after Jaelyn's cousins Mitch and Michelle bear no malice about the bed sheets fiasco, Jaelyn's parents and my parents join all of us when three shuttle buses park outside on the parkway of the hotel. "Guys, the buses are here!" I announce to the gang and we all go outside of the hotel where we are being greeted by the hottest morning heat wave in the middle of July with today's temperature being ninety degrees Fahrenheit. I take Jaelyn's hand into mine as I wave my hand over my face to prevent the upcoming sweat on my forehead.

"Damn, it's hot!" I hear Randall complain as well as our families and friends agree behind us. "Yeah, it is a hot ass day." Jaelyn concurs, fanning at herself. I take out a portable handheld fan from the pocket of my dress shirt and pass it to Jaelyn. She looks at the fan in my hand and the corners of her mouth goes up. "Thanks, Danny." Jaelyn speaks and accepts the handheld fan I offer her.

"Aw, Danny! That is so generous of you!" I turn to face Miss Gloria, who is handing out the first paddle fan to me. "Thank you, Miss Gloria, and I have wonderful news your daughter and I want to share you, Mr. Rodriguez and my parents." I discuss and look over at Jaelyn running her hand over mine.

"Jaelyn Christina Rodriguez, is that what I think it is?" Miss Gloria questions with this incredible long gasp. "Oh, my baby's finally engaged!" Miss Gloria claps and a single stray tear falls to her cheek.

"Mom, don't cry and it's not even an engagement ring. It's a promise ring Danny gave me this morning. Well, it is a pre engagement ring." Jaelyn corrects.

"I don't care what it is. Jaelyn, I know so damn well that Danny is your soul mate for life. He is generous and he's a keeper. Keep your romantic relationship with him intertwined. No matter what; If it's good or bad, joy or sorrow, richer or poorer, in sickness or health, and laughter or tears, I can see you two getting married in the future." Miss Gloria sniffles and takes out a white tissue from her purse. Jaelyn uses her other hand to rub her mother's shoulder. "Love may have ups and downs like a roller coaster, but as long as you trust God, each other, your brothers, sisters, cousins, and us, your relationship with each other is pure love. You cannot be in love without trust, respect, honesty, commitment, and responsibilities because it would be a deception with abuse, infidelity, and lies." Miss Gloria counsels to both Jaelyn and I.

"Jaelyn Rodriguez. Danny Walker. Kendra Figueroa. Randall Walker. Trisha Walker- Millard. Jackson Millard. Michelle Rodriguez. Luke O'Sullivan. Camille Rodriguez. Brayden Moore. Kandi Rodriguez. Chris Ramirez. Vera Rodriguez. Patrick Henderson. Miguel Rodriguez. Samantha Nguyen-Rodriguez. Jerry Roberts. Brian O'Connor. The names that I just called, please be assigned to Bus A while I announce those who haven't been assigned to the next bus." The bus driver of Bus A informs. One by one passenger at a time, we get in the bus where we are absolutely blown away with the cool breeze that's coming from the air conditioner in the bus. Jaelyn takes the seat by the window and I sit beside her.

The song that is coming through the speakers is now playing "How Deep Is Your Love" by the Bee Gees. I hear something that's coming out of Jaelyn's mouth as a mumble. I listen to her by leaning close to her as she sings the lyrics of the song.

♫ How deep is your love ♫

♫ How deep is your love ♫

♫ I really mean to learn ♫

♫ 'Cause we're living in a world of fools ♫

♫ Breaking us down ♫

♫ When they all should let us be ♫
♫ We belong to you and me ♫

Before I know it, I'm singing the words to the song with her as if we're a duo of Adult Contemporary. We sing in a whisper and after singing the chorus, I beam a smile at her before I ask her, "How'd you know this song?"

"My parents had this song played at their wedding, which was in September 30, 1978." Jaelyn answers.

"How did your parents meet?" I intriguingly question.

"My Mom moved to New York City when she was just only seventeen to get herself out of Portugal because my mom's parents wanted to marry the Prince of Portugal. My Mom was a naïve teenage girl from Coimbra, Portugal and moved to a one bedroom apartment in New York City, who didn't speak English when she came to the United States. She and my Dad met in the hallways after her English speaking class ended. My Dad was like, 'How would you feel if I wanna take you out on a date tonight?' And my Mom asked Dad, 'Can you hold my gum and I'll answer that question to you?'" Jaelyn states. Hearing the story about how her parents met for the first time, her mother's quick wit makes me laugh because Jaelyn adapts some of her mother's personality traits.

"What about your parents, Danny? What were they like when they were teenagers?" Jaelyn asks me with fascination in the tone of her voice.

"My Mom used to be Miss Ohio and she and my Dad met at the diner called, the White Tower by his friends making fun of my Mom's Ohioan accent because in Ohio, some people would say, 'car warsh,' instead of, 'car wash.' And there are other sayings that my Mom used to make my Dad and his friends taunt her accent, such as; the 'a' in the words like; 'national' and 'fashion' are turned into 'nay-tional' and 'fay-shion.' On seven days a weeks, there's no 'day' in 'Sunday,' 'Monday,' 'Tuesday,' 'Wednesday,' 'Thursday,' 'Friday,' and 'Saturday.' They're replaced with; 'Sundee,' 'Mondee,' 'Tuesdee,' 'Wednesdee,' 'Thursdee,' 'Fridee,' and 'Saturdee.'" I recall the moment when my parents explain to me, Trisha, and Randall on how our parents met when I was nine, Randall was thirteen, and Trisha was seventeen.

Jaelyn begins to giggle out loud and out of nowhere, a snort comes out and about. I look at her twice, feeling shocked and surprise that my vero amore snorts. There's no problem of Jaelyn snorting while she laughs and I must shoot from the hip about the fact that her snort is indeed cute and adorable. "I use to snort when I was little along with being clumsy when I walk from the time I was four until I was fourteen years old." Jaelyn reminds.

I rest my hand over hers and intertwine our fingers, bringing her fingers to my lips, and my lips gently touch each tips of Jaelyn's fingers. Her fingers tremble and her breathing hitches, causing me to smirk.

Nine minutes later, the bus pulls over to the curb of the church and the bus driver notifies with the handheld microphone speaker, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have just arrived to your destination. Please pick up your stuff that you are responsible of carrying and having. And me, along with the three other buses, will pick you up after the wedding at sixty thirty in the evening." Our bus driver opens the door and I stand up from my seat, so Jaelyn and the women can get off the bus first.

"Thank, Danny." Jaelyn forms a smile with her teeth showing to me and picks up her handbag and her phone from her lap. "You're welcome, il mio amore." I say and Jaelyn, along with the ladies, are getting off the bus. After the ladies exit the bus, the men and I follow behind the ladies and we stop at our tracks to admire at this gigantic harp shaped window of the church that is farther from the entrance door. We all walk ahead to meet face to face with this brawny muscled man dressed in a black short sleeve tuxedo shirt and black slacks, who reminds me of a buff wrestler on WWE is approximately about six foot five with various tattoos on his forearms that includes a black mamba snake and he's standing behind the mahogany wooden pulpit, looking very reserved.

"Who are you all?" The brawny man growls lowly.

"I'm Jaelyn Rodriguez and this is my boyfriend, Danny Walker. And this is our family members and friends. Mariam invited us when we were in our hometown in New York City..." Jaelyn begins, but the bouncer cuts her off.

"Wait a minute! Did you just mentioned, 'New York City?' And Mariam invited you all here?" The bouncer doubts and narrows his eyes at us.

"Well, you could at least look for our names with your eyes and stop being so damn stubborn like you don't know!" I turn to Jaelyn, who just snaps at the bouncer and rolls her eyes with shock on my face. Curiosity begins going in my mind on why Jaelyn just talk back to him. I glance at the bouncer muttering and looking down at the book with the cap attached on the bottom of the highlighter traces the names. His mean, tough lip curl that displaying on his lips are now transfixed with astonishment. His mouth drops as wide as an O.
"Oh, now I see your names on the list! Please come on in and enjoy the wedding! My apologies, Ms. Rodriguez, and everybody else." The bouncer apologizes. The eighteen of us pass through the door and then, we enter to see the most opulent, yet alluring decorations of the wedding scene. We walk under the arch decorated with red carnation flowers and deep green leaves while some of them have spirals from the Willow leaves and branches over the champagne color drapes. Each sides of the pew have candles locked in lantern beside the light ivory aisle runner with Cecilia and Chase's monogram tatted on the aisle runner. Also, there are silk ivory ribbons with red carnations tied around the ends of the pews. The three colors consisting of white, red, and purple illuminates the church the same time as the exotic smell of Jasmine hits my nostrils fast than a motorcycle passing by me.

"Oh... my... goodness!" Jaelyn gasps. "This is a most beautiful ceremony with decorations I've ever seen in real life!" Kendra exclaims in awe.

"It looks like David Tutera just snaps his fingers like a genie so quick in a second and turns this place out!" Michelle calls out.

Myself, along with our family members and friends, agree with Michelle's opinion on the lavish wedding ceremony. "He actually planned my daughter's wedding." A womanly voice calls out with the echo reflecting her words in the quiet church. All of us turn face to face with Mariam, who we haven't seen since the night on Jaelyn's birthday two months ago. Some of us yell in fright at first, but we're extremely elated to see her. Her hair in curls stop to her armpits and she is wearing a champagne sweetheart neckline with pleats and lace accenting on her dress that pairs with sheer ¾ length sleeves and a cascading chiffon floor length skirt.

"Mariam!" Jaelyn squeals excitingly and change my direction to see Jaelyn broadening her smile wide. Mrs. Evans squeezes us one by one in a hug and after she hugs us all, she calls out, "Luis!"

After she calls the man's name, an elder man with medium caramelized tan skin and a black tuxedo along with highlights of salt and pepper on his natural black hair, appears and stands beside Mariam's side, taking her hand in his. "Luis, honey, this is Jaelyn, and this gentleman is her boyfriend, Danny." Mariam introduces her husband as he plasters a grateful smile on his face. "Hello, Jaelyn! Hello, Danny!" Luis comes forward to us and gives Jaelyn and I a firm grip of a handshake he has. "My name is Luis Evans and I am the father of the bride." Luis greets and I watch Mariam shaking our relatives' and friends' hands while she asks each individual, "What is your name?"

As soon as Luis and Mariam are done with knowing each of our names, they direct us to the fourth left section of the pews. "It is such a delight to reunite some of you from New York City! Where are the others? Are they coming?" Mariam asks and lowers her eyebrows in confusion. Her question is answered by feet shuffling and other voices are coming up from our parents and Jaelyn's cousins along with their significant others. Both Mariam and Luis turn to greet our family members and Mariam stares at Miss Gloria with a stunned expression on her face. "Gloria Lopes?!" Mrs. Evans hollers excitedly.

"Mariam Perez-Evans!" Miss Gloria squeals with glee and Miss Gloria and Mrs. Evans run to each other in addition to hugging each other.

"How'd you know our Mom?" Some of us turn to Vera inquiry to Mrs. Evans.

"Vera, this is Mariam Perez-Evans and I know her because she, along with her former cast mates of the Gothvale School District Variety Show traveled to New York City in August..."

"August 9, 1977." Both Miss Gloria and Mrs. Perez-Evans reply at the same time. "Yes! That's right! Mariam and I were with our friends from the show in New York City to do a dance special at the Central Park because we were in New York when we were in our late teens and some of them were in their early to mid twenties. Most of us would go to Studio 54 at night and get caught by our parents for trying to get into the club." Mr. Evans recalls.

"Good times, though. Good times."

"Anyway, we have to get prepared to walk our baby down the aisle, but I can't wait to catch up with you, Gloria. We have so much to talk about!" Mrs. Perez-Evans mentions and Miss Gloria replies, "Of course," before Mr. Evans and his wife exit the ceremonial venue.

Jaelyn's POV

Someone on the piano is playing scales on the piano and I take a look at a man with a gray Jheri curl and eyeglasses looking over at us as he hunches his shoulders and moves his body side to side like Ray Charles. "Ladies and gentlemen on the fourth and fifth row, I would like to play a song called, 'Down with the Swirl.'" The pianist plays an A minor with an upbeat tempo and begins.

♫ Ever since the day I was in the schoolyard ♫

♫ I saw and fell in love with the girl named Barb ♫

♫ She had the skin of a Hershey's chocolate bar ♫

♫ And she looked like a hunter that captured my heart ♫

♫ I love to see everybody of all different colors ♫

♫ Black, white, beige, tan, yellow, red, orange and brown ♫

♫ It doesn't matter what color your skin is ♫

♫ We can be down to get down ♫

♫ And we must be down with the swirl ♫

The pianist sings in his Tony Bennett-esque voice until someone walks pass by Danny and I. Looking up at the person that is gripping onto the neck of the guitar in his hand, tells the pianist something in his ear and he stops the song while the guitarist strums the strings on the guitar to play a Bachata song. A while ago after meeting Mariam and her daughter, Cecilia two months ago, I looked up on Google to search for other artists who sing Bachata music other than Mariam and I start listening to other artists of this genre of music, such as; Antony Santos, Raul Rodriguez, Aventura, Prince Royce, and Romeo Santos. And as I reminisce the songs I've listen on Pandora Radio, my knowledge of music has me remembering the song the guitarist is playing "Solo Por un Beso," by Aventura.

As soon as the guitarist strums his guitar, Cousin Michelle tells me, "Thank goodness that pianist stopped singing and I'll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom," in a whisper.

"Okay." I whisper back and watch her go out of the church.

"Is there something wrong, love?" Danny asks in worry.

"No, Danny. Cousin Michelle told me that she's going to the bathroom." I answer. I feel his arm draping over my shoulder and his hands rubs up and down on my arm before I realize most of the guests begin to fill the church in front of us and behind us. The music changes as well as the lightning in the room around the same time a minister walks down the aisle with a white bible tucked under his arm.

I watch four elder grandparents being escorted by two ushers down the aisle on the same section of pews we sit, which is the left side. All of a sudden, "The Wedding March" commences and we all stand up to not see Cecilia walking down the aisle. It's my Cousin Michelle walking the aisle. She would really make the glamorous bride by wearing a halo embellished with pearls.

"False alarm! False alarm!" I remind the minister while I wave my arms to cut the song off. The wedding anthem ceases and Cousin Michelle laughs quietly and braces her arms across her stomach while she walks back to the pew we share. "Ha, ha, ha!" Cousin Michelle chuckles. "Sounds like your wedding, Cousin Michelle." I joke and giggle the same time I bite the tip of my tongue. We sit back down on the pews and Bruno Mar's song, "Marry You" begins the same time a woman with a blonde up-do hairstyle in a beige dress is escorting with a middle aged man, who is assumed to be her husband or ex-husband prior to taking their seats on the pew.

There walks Chase in a black tuxedo suit down the aisle, following by eight groomsmen wearing navy suits and the bridesmaids are dressed in red as they are strolling slowly on the aisle runner as they both expand their smiles at the observers and the bridesmaids hold their bouquet of flowers around the height of their belly buttons. I gape at their dresses and I must say; Regardless of what my Great-Great Grandmother, Lomasi told me about fighting with people who've criticized me in the past about my ongoing weight gain when I was an adolescent and for those who've tried to knock me down to the ground, they have to realize that we gain weight for various reasons. And one of the major issues that shoots me in my heart is one of the people that I went to high school tormented me that I would never conceive because of my obese weight at four hundred and pounds at that time. Watching my brother and sisters having kids and not me having my own, makes me feel, I don't know the word, but defeated of not having biological kids. I mean, I can adopt, but what if it's because I survived a heart attack eight years ago and I'm unable to conceive? No! Those are the words of the devil that are tricking me in my mind. I am the child of God and what He has in store for me, is the reward He will deliver to me. I will believe that I will have kids someday with Danny. I am the believer of Jesus and Jesus is the believer of me. And I embrace my curves, too! Even if the day I find out that I'm pregnant someday, I'll cherish Danny, myself, and our kids someday.

"Jaelyn, il mio caramello spessore ( my thick caramel), what's wrong?" I glance at Danny, who is concerned. I don't notice that I'm crying until Danny's thumb wipes a stray tear from my eye.

"Oh, it's just the lighting." I lie and sniffle silently to prevent it from echoing in the church.

"Oh, baby." Danny says while he caresses me in his arms and we both watch the cute little boy with a curly afro that stops to his chin wearing a white shirt with black suspenders, who looks like a toddler, is carrying a pillow with two rings while he walks to Chase. And that's when I figure that the little boy is one of Chase and Cecilia's sons. Another little boy arrives with a pillow, but instead of the rings, there are thirteen coins on his pillow. What do coins have to do with the wedding? That's what I thought. Lastly, there is a little girl with cherubic cheeks just like her brothers and is wearing a sleeveless ball gown that travels to her knees, she has a halo made out of flowers crowning her head, and she's sprinkling the aisle with rose petals. While she's sprinkling the petals from her basket, she begins bending her knees and chortles out loud. "Daddy, Mommy is coming! I repeat, the bride is coming!" Their daughter declares and runs to Chase with the basket full of remaining petals left. The collection of 'awes,' takes place, including me.

"The Wedding March" begins to play... again. And everybody in the church rise up from our pews to take a glimpse at Cecilia wearing a fit and flare V neck white dress that hugs her full figured hourglass stature with drapings on the skirt of her dress while she walks arm to arm with Mr. Evans and Mariam. The sheer mantilla veil frames over Cecilia's face while she grips the bouquet with her hands as the three of them saunter down the aisle without being in a hurry to rush down the aisle. The wedding anthem ceases playing and the minister asks, "Who gives this woman to be married today?"

"We do." Mariam and Mr. Evans simultaneously respond and Mr. Evans lifts Cecilia's veil, pecking her on the cheek before she hands her bouquet to one of her bridesmaids.
"You may all be seated." The minister reminds us and we sit down on the pews.

"Dearly beloved, we have come together today, so that the Lord may seal and strengthen your love in the presence of God and this community. Christ abundantly blesses your love, He strengthens you so that you may assume the duties of marriage in mutual and lasting fidelity, and so... in the presence of this community. Romance is fun, but true love is everlasting and is something far more and it is their desire to love each other for life and that is what we are celebrating here today. A good marriage must be created. In marriage, the 'little' things are the big things. It is never being too old to hold hands. It is remembering to say, 'I love you,' at least once a day. It is never going to sleep angry. It is standing together and facing challenges. It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude towards in thoughtful ways. It is having the capacity to forgive and forget. It is giving each other an atmosphere, in which each can grow. It is a common search for the good and the beautiful. It is not only marrying the right person, it is being the right partner." The minister preaches.

I turn my head to glance at Danny with an assuring smile while he flashes a breath-taking smile that spreads across his face. Looking down at our intertwining fingers in a ball, I already know deep in my heart that my guardian angel of a great-great grandmother is keeping me in check and I haven't been involved in a physical fight with some random woman, including Cynthia for months this year. So, that's good so far. So far, so good.

Cecilia and Chase turn to face each other and they hold each other's hands.

"Chase, I need you to repeat after me."The minister tells Chase.

"I, Chase, take you, Cecilia, to be my lawfully wedded wife, my partner in life, and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will trust you and honor you. I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you faithfully and unconditionally. Through the best and the worst. Through the difficult and the easy. Whatever may come, I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold. So, I give you my life to keep." Chase vows loud and clear for the guests to hear.

"Now, it's you turn, Cecilia. Repeat after me." The minister says.

"I, Cecilia, take you, Chase, to be my lawfully wedded husband, my partner in life, and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever. I will trust you and honor you. I will laugh with you and cry with. I will love you faithfully and unconditionally. Through the best and the worst. Through the difficult and the easy. Whatever may come, I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold. So, I give you my life to keep." Cecilia promises.

"Now is the time to do the traditional lasso ceremony to honor Cecilia's half Afro-Dominican and half Mexican heritage." The minister announces as two members of their bridal party bring up two chairs. "What do they need chairs for? Are there strippers coming right now?" Cousin Michelle turns around to see if there are exotic dancers coming down the aisle, even though there aren't any dancers.

"Cousin Jaelyn, I would love to have a female version of a Magic Mike themed wedding when Luke and I get married! I'd give him a lap dance like Janet Jackson does when she performs, 'Would You Mind.' And I'd remove my white wedding dress to reveal my white latex cat suit to him- ooh! I'm catching a fever, better call the ambulance!" Cousin Michelle fans at herself. I giggle and watch Cecilia and Chase sit down on the chairs as the minister declares, "Cecilia and Chase, I invite the matron of honor and the best man to place a cord over you." The matron of honor and the best man surrounds them with an oversized chaplet rosary.

"This cord symbolizes an infinite bond of love you share that keeps your relationship strong in the face of adversity, as well as that you both are no longer two, but one in marriage. May this cord remind you to face your life together courageously and to be mutual in support of each other in carrying out your duties and responsibilities as a couple and, may your love grow stronger and bind you closer together through the years. Sheila and Todd, please step forward and remove the lasso." The minister pleads and they remove the lasso. "Thank you. Cecilia and Chase, you may now rise." The minister reminds the bride and groom as they stand up from their chairs. Sheila and Todd remove the chairs.

"Cecilia and Chase, I would ask that you always treat yourself and each other with respect and remind yourselves often of what brought you together today. Give the highest priority to the tenderness, gentleness, and kindness that your marriage deserves. When frustration and difficulty assail your marriage- as they do to every relationship at one time or another, focus on what still seems right between you, not only the part that seems wrong. This way, when clouds of trouble hide the sun in your lives and you lose sight of it for a moment, you can remember that the sun is still there. And if each of you will take the responsibility for the equality of your life together, it will be marked by abundance and happiness.

"Chase, do you take Cecilia to be your wife as you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only unto her forevermore?" "I do." Chase responds fondly.

"Cecilia, do you take Chase to be your husband as you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only unto him forevermore?" The minister repeats the previous question to Cecilia.

"I do." Cecilia sniffles.
"Where is the ring bearer?" The minister asks and the little boy chirps out, "I have the rings!" He raises the pillow for Chase to pick up the rings and he ruffles his son's hair with his hand.

"I, Chase, take thee, Cecilia, to be my wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, in joy or sorrow, and I promise my love to you. And with this ring, I take you as my wife, for as long as we shall live." Chase states as he inserts the ring through Cecilia's finger.

"I, Cecilia, take thee, Chase, to be my husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, in joy or sorrow, and I promise my love for you. And with this ring, I take you as my husband." Cecilia pledges and twists the ring around Chase's finger.

After they profess their vows to each other, it's time for their other son to deliver the thirteen arras or coins in Spanish. I already did my research on what the Dominican and Mexican wedding traditions consist of since the Evans family are like the Afro-Dominican/Mexican American Kardashian/Jenner family just like I mention before.

The couple exchange the coins and Chase proposes, "Cecilia, I give you these coins as a pledge of my dedication to you, the care of our home, and the welfare of our children." Chase offers her the coins as Cecilia replies, "I gratefully accept them and make this same pledge to you. Chase, I give you these coins as a pledge of my dedication to you, the care of our home, and the welfare of our children."

Chase accepts the coins and speaks, "I gratefully accept them and make this same pledge to you."

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, it is time to pray for the bride and groom. Please bow your heads down and pray with me." The minister administrates. We do what the minister tells us to do as he begins to pray.

"My dear friends, let us turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and pray that He will bless Cecilia and Chase united them in true marriage today. Father, you have made the union of husband and wife so holy as it symbolizes the marriage of two humans through Christ to God. Look with love upon Cecilia and Chase. Fill them both with love for each other, both honoring and respecting each other and always seeing their love as a gift to be treasured. May the commitment, which they are making be sacred not only for today, but for the rest of their lives. We ask this blessing for them in the name of Jesus. Amen."

"Amen!" We repeat in unison and I raise my head up, opening my eyes to witness the bride and groom.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The minister claims. Chase angles his head and they're lips mold into one kiss while they swathe their arms around each other. That's when I realize that the strength of realization clicks in my mind that not only does love knows no color, but love also knows no size. And love has no restrictions... Love is free and equal to all. It is one of the important remedies of life along with being a positive feeling when you feel giggly and bubbly. Love is indestructible. Again, love knows no color, shape, and size. You can't buy love at an expensive price, it is free for all.

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