Renegade: robin's sister

By Twelvethirty

182K 5.1K 829

What if Damian found out he had a older sister he never knew about? How will he react? Will he help her, or l... More

Renegade's p.o.v: the journey (edited)
Renegade's p.o.v: in Gotham (edited)
Damian's p.o.v:the find (edited)
Renegade's p.o.v: meet Artemis (edited)
Damian's p.o.v: the discovery (edited)
Renegade's p.o.v:mission bring back Wally
Artemis's p.o.v: Renegade meet Wally (edited)
Damian's p.o.v: the Joker (edited)
Renegade's p.o.v: meet step-brothers(edited)
Renegade's p.o.v: bonding (edited)
Damian's p.o.v: Renegade meet batman (edited)
Renegade's p.o.v:love being normal (edited)
Renegade's p.o.v: meet young justice (edited)
Renegade's p.o.v: the first mission (edited)
Renegade's five again (edited)
Renegade's p.o.v: talen material?
Renegade's p.o.v: antidote
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Renegade's p.o.v: team's five.
Renegade's p.o.v: babysitting (edited)
Nightwing's p.o.v: so cute!
By the way....
Renegade's p.o.v: lecture (edited)
Renegade's p.o.v: sleepover drama
Damian's p.o.v: at the bat cave (edited)
Renegade's p.o.v: meet dad (edited)
Renegade's p.o.v: family drama (edited)
Renegade's p.o.v: betrayal (edited)
Renegade's p.o.v: camp half blood (edited)
Renegade's p.o.v: I can what??? (edited)
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Robin's p.o.v: renegade's back
Renegade's p.o.v: oh chat! (edited)
I apologize (edited)
Which boy???
Renegade's p.o.v: parallel universe?! (edited)
Renegade's p.o.v: meet mini Jason (edited)
Damian's p.o.v: no renegade (edited)
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Renegade's p.o.v: suicide
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Ashely's p.o.v: punch line (edited)
Ash's p.o.v: masquerade ball(Edited)
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Renegade's p.o.v: memery loss
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Ash's p.o.v: ghost queen back in action(edited)
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Alpha Males (edited)
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Heading back to Camp Half Blood
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Cure at last!
The Prophecy
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Meet Emily
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Ashely's p.o.v: Haly's circus
Ice and Fire
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Dean j.r.(edited)
I've been kidnapped
Untitled Part 92
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My doppelganger
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Gotham fan fic
annoying the riddler
Why so serious?
My Turn
Freedom at Last
Nightshade's p.o.v: the proposition
One last thanks

On the run

497 16 0
By Twelvethirty

And just my luck. While running from fangirls to save my life, I probably just ended it.

You guessed it. I had just ran over Mr.D himself. To tell the truth, I honestly could care less. He barely even remembers my name starts with an A.

One time he called me Haley Allen. My only thought was this: I didn't know I was related to Barry.

"Watch where you're going , Addison Abbot. " He snapped. I dove behind him and used him as a human shield while yelling sorry.

'' What is going on? I demand respect!''He yelled as the stampede ran past him and after me. Gods help me! I need a place that is demigod proof.

Star Labs is not an option. My cousin's house? I can't even remember her last name. Plus, they live in Canada. Mount Justice? Too far away. Note to self: create a panic room for myself in which only I can enter.

I am running towards Chiron like a speeding bullet. Wait.. of course! The Aphrodite cabin! They will be able to fix it. And they are probably immune. Within no time, I had reached their cabin.

Just try for a second to imagine their surprised faces when I burst into their cabin seeking advice. If I didn't have brown hair, people would've thought I was from the Athena cabin.

"Sorry, honey. We cause love, not prevent it. " Drew spoke up with mock innocence.

"It was you! You gave the love potion to the Stoll brothers! I'll murder you!" I hiss, lunging at the girl. It took the rest of the cabin to drag me off of her. On the bright side, I ruined her outfit.

(A/n: Drew's outfit. Just instead of sneakers, imagine pink high heels)

Her shirt was in shreds. Her glasses were broken in half. A high heel had broken when she fell.

She looks like a cat attacked her. My job here is done.

The best part is Piper looks reluctant to have stopped me.

I make a break to the Athena cabin. Why do the gods hate me?

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