War of Fate (Book 2 Completed)

By CharlotteCarol

228K 12.2K 5.9K

This is Book 2. Read Hades' Daughter before this one, if you haven't already. Scarlett's short time on earth... More

Chapter 1 - 'I know what I saw.'
Chapter 2 - 'We need to talk.'
Chapter 3 - Voices
Oh my gosh look at that challenge! He's so fluffy I'm gonna die.
Chapter 4 - 'I sleep naked, is that OK?'
Chapter 5 - 'Morning breath'
Chapter 6 - 'Make class a little more interesting'
Chapter 7 - 'What is he doing here?'
Chapter 8 - 'He obviously doesn't want you'
Chapter 9 - 'To getting drunk and making stupid decisions'
Chapter 10 - 'What's your name again?'
Chapter 11 - 'What's that smell?'
Announcement! (Radish)
Chapter 12 - 'What's up with them?'
Chapter 13 - The truth about Hunter
Chapter 14 - 'It's time for tickles!'
Chapter 15 - Party Crashers.
Chapter 16 - Tiffany's Father
Chapter 17 - Frenemies
Chapter 18 - 'A bullet won't change that'
Chapter 19 - 'I'll do anything.'
Chapter 20 - 'You now owe me'
Chapter 21 - Clive.
Chapter 22 - 'Are you a cop?'
Chapter 23 - Answers
Chapter 24 - '216'
Chapter 25 - Life Stories
Chapter 26 - 'Message failed to send'
Chapter 27 - Human to Demon
Chapter 28 - 'Welcome, to immortality'
Chapter 29 - Decision Time
Chapter 30 - 'Test Date'
A Christmas In Hell (One Shot)
Chapter 31 - 'Appetizers'
Chapter 32 - Escape.
Chapter 33 - Interrogation
Chapter 1 rewrite posted
Chapter 34 - 'I was arrested ... Surprise!'
Chapter 35 - 'Dad?'
Chapter 36 - Torture
Reid's POV
Chapter 37 - 'I'm not playing your games'
Chapter 38 - Breaking the Chains
Chapter 40 - Double Trouble
Chapter 41 - Number 1 or Number 2?
Chapter 42 - Flashback
Chapter 43 - Remembering
Chapter 44 - Re-united
Chapter 45 - The Morning After
Chapter 46 - Going Home
Chapter 47 - 'It's Good to Have You Home'
Chapter 48 - Stepping Outside
Chapter 49 - Release
Reid and Hunter's POVs
Chapter 50 - Ápeiro
Chapter 51 - Alarm
Chapter 52 - Old Friend
Chapter 53 - Floodgates
Chapter 54 - Back to Normal?
Chapter 55 - 'Spill'
The Greatest Announcement Of All Time!
Just For You
I Never Expected This
Chapter 56 - 'Happy Death-day'
Free Goodies Just For The Devil's Children
Want A Secret Chapter?
Even More Free Stuff Just For You!
Hooray For Us <3
Last Day to Get the Free Book!
The Day Is HERE!!
It's Here! It's Here!
Chapter 57 - 'Forcing an Elephant into a Suitcase'
Chapter 58 - The Return of Kyle
Cover Made for Hades' Daughter
Chapter 59 - 'Party-pooper'
An Interactive Game? + Update
Giveaway on Goodreads
Christmas Short Story on Amazon
Planned Giveaway. Are you interested?
Ending to this Book Coming Soon
Chapter 60 - 'You want to taste some?'
Chapter 61 - 'It hurts, doesn't it?'

Chapter 39 - Heart Over Head

1.7K 125 127
By CharlotteCarol

Scar's contact photo for her dad ;) ^^ is there anything else that you want to see?

As soon as the door is open, I hear shouts from the demons who were standing guard. The second that they take to yell out about my escape gives me the advantage, so when they run at me, I'm ready for them. The first demon has obviously been turned recently because he hasn't got control over himself yet. He also seems to have no training, because he doesn't evaluate the situation properly before running at me. He leans down, extending his arms, ready to tackle me. Seeing this, I press myself up against the wall, allowing him to fly by me. Not staying still for long, I duck as a hand goes to grab me. I kick my leg out and around, taking the demon off their feet. I jump up onto my feet, and look around for the demon that missed me. He is running back towards me, this time I extend my hand, and catch him by the throat, throwing him into the wall. Not wanting to stick around, knowing reinforcements will be on their way, I run down the corridor and away from the torture, and the demons on the floor. 

I don't know where Kyle is holding me, but the building is a maze of corridors. I try to use my hearing to see which ways are clearer, but with the drug still in my system I can't hear as far or run as fast, as I usually can. I turn down yet another corridor, to find that it's a dead end. I groan, why would someone build a corridor that leads nowhere, and has no doors? I turn to go back the way I came, but find that my way is blocked by two demons. My features changing, I bend down, ready to attack. 

All of us stand still waiting for the other to make the first move. I bring my hands out to the side, fire clutching to one. I scratch my now longer and sharper nails down the wall, as I walk slowly towards the awaiting demons. Once I am halfway, I speed up. I shoot fire at one of them, before running at the other. My destination runs at me, bringing his hand up. I duck, plunging my hand up through his skin and rib cage until I have his pulsing heart in my hand. I hear the demon gasp, as I clench it tighter before ripping it out. The body slumps to the floor, as I look down at the bloody heart in my hand. I let it fall from my fingers as I turn to the alight demon, wiping his friend's blood on my pants. I grab the fire off him, throwing it behind me. Before he can react I jump up, kicking off the wall which gives me the spin I need, before I land on his shoulders. I cross my ankles, pushing my thighs closer to his neck, as I grip his head pulling it clean off. The second body in the last five minutes falls to the floor, my feet keeping me up, and his head still in my hands. 

Neither will kill them, if they are special demons, but it gives me a head start while their bodies heal themselves. I drop the head near the heart; taking a moment to appreciate the irony as they heart was over the head. Heart over head, which was why I was allowing Kyle to have control over me. I was allowing my heart to lead everything. Resolving to use my heart less to make decisions, I carry on. I wonder how long it will last.

By now, Kyle will have learnt of my escape. From now on it's all about which of us gets to their destination first. I try to teleport out of here again, but find that I go nowhere. With a sigh, I start running again.


What feels like hours go by and I still haven't found a way out. A couple of times, I feel like I have been going in circles, but it might be because everything looks the same. However on the plus side, Kyle hasn't been able to find me yet. Maybe he's lost also. After my run in with the demons, it's been quiet, so when I hear running footsteps coming towards me, I hide in a hallway off to the side, waiting for whoever it is to go past, hoping that they don't see me. I hear more footsteps, but this time coming from the other way. A gunshot cracks through the air, before two others follows. Feeling confused, I peek out of my hiding place and look to the left to see three demons on the floor, shocked I swivel my head to the right to see who the attacker was. Reid. When he sees me his shoulders fall and he runs towards me. I blink repeatedly not believing my eyes.

"That should keep them down."

"How-" I start, hundreds of questions flying through my head. How did you find me? How did you incapacitate them?

"I had help," he responds as if it answers all my questions. Suddenly, an image of Kyle transforming into Reid hits me like a ton of bricks, causing me to stumble away from him. I have another question to add to my list. How do I know it's you?

"What's wrong?" Reid asks, stepping towards me. I bring my hand up telling him to stay where he is.

"How do I know it's you?" I ask.

"What?" he asks confused.

"How do I know it's you?" I repeat.

"Um..." he starts his eyes flickering around trying to find an answer. I bite my lip, hoping for his answer to show it's the real Reid. "You wore a trash bag for our date." He finally announces. I let myself relax, walking towards him. He pulls me into a hug, allowing me push my face into the crook of his neck. I breathe in, needing his familiar scent. I sigh, when it hits me.

"Come on, we should go." He says pulling back. I nod, knowing that he's right. He grabs my hand and drags me back the way he came, his thumb rubbing over the back of my hand.

A couple of minutes later we step out into an open space. It looks like a loading bay, the bit we are stood on higher than the rest of the ground. I smile as I feel a breeze on my skin. I don't know how long I was in there but it felt like a lifetime. I relay my question to Reid.

"Two days." He replies, looking down at me. "I didn't stop looking for you." I let a smile come onto my lips, and that's probably what was on my face when I felt an arm come around my neck, and a needle jab into the back.

"Scar!" Reid shouts at me, as he's held back by his own demons.

When I next open my eyes I'm back in the room where I escaped from, alone. This time I am held on the chair with more chains, and what feels like a stronger dose of the drug from the IV. I thrash around as best I can, screaming out expletives aimed towards Kyle.

"You bastard, you better not have hurt Reid!" I scream.

Here you go my little devils! I hope you liked it!

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On Radish Chapter 40 will be free in 6 hours, Chapter 41 will be free in 7 days, and Chapter 42 will be free in 14 days!

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CC ;)

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