We're Just Living Reckless (B...

By Konnah

287K 3.5K 486

Alexandra Morgan just started dating her best friend in the world, Ben Bruce. But he wants to spend every nig... More

We're Just Living Reckless (Ben Bruce Fan Fiction)
i smell a rat.
Flash Delrium
When We First Met.
Out Run My Bullets
Perfect Couples Make Me Sick.
Party Til You Pass Out, Drink Til Your Dead
Great Choice
You Stupid Girl
Surprise, Surprise
Looking For Trouble
Familiar Faces
Take What You Want
Your Excused
Old Yellow Bricks
Crying Lightning
Say What?
Your So Funny
Guess Whose Coming For Dinner
I Feel A Weakness Coming On
I Don't Know How To Feel Now
I'm Glad You Came
Young Blood
Welcome Home
Take Me On A Journey
The Fuck.
Together Apart And The Same Old Same Old
Teenage Heart Throb
Doe Deer
How It Happened
Wake Up
Be Safe
Such Good Taste
Cheeky Bastard
Wanna Hangout?
Call Me
Here she is
Home is where the heart is. I guess.

You Know She Can Take It

7.9K 91 10
By Konnah

*Another Flashback. When everyone was introduced to one another*

Alexs POV:

"You should come to a party Danny and I are having."Ben muttered into the phone.

"Why would I do that?"I teased, the phone between my cheek and shoulder. I was painting my nails, a girlie choice Id never done.

"Cos I'm gonna be there. Duh."

I rolled my eyes."That sounds horrible."

He sighed.

"But if its Dannys then sure."I blew on my left hand taking my phone in my right hand."When is it?"


"Tonight?"I said in disbelief.

"Yeah. Getting drinks now. Ill pick you up."

I sighed."Why the hell not?"

"Give me 20 minutes."

"Can do captain."

"Don't ever say that..."

"Whatever."I hung up and went to the living room."Mum." She was sewing new curtains."Hm?"

"Can I go to a party at Dannys?"

"I'm sorry.What Alex?" She was talking to someone on the landline.

"Uhm. Party? Dannys?"

"Yeah.Yeah. Wait who else?"

"James. Ben I think..."I mummbled the last part.

She sighed."Sure. Be back before curfew."

"That's in what another hour?"

She was frustrated now."Alex, I'm talking. Be home soon."

"Yeah. Yeah."

She countinued and I went in my room putting light blue skinnies on, a James Dean tank top on, and grey jacket.I brushed my hair a bit and sat by my window for any sign of Ben. A few minutes passed and a crap car stopped infront. I automatically unlocked my window. Curfew my ass. Squinting, I saw Dannys pale face inside the car and went out in the living room."Mum I'm going."

She just nodded and finished talking on the phone.

"Move."I opened the door and pushed Danny over. There sat myself, Danny, and Ben.

"God. You got dressed up just for me."Ben leaned over to look at me. He winked. I smirked."Oh, please."

Ben started driving and we got to Dannys house. It wasn't much of a party. His mum and dad were there. Just a few other guys besides James and them."Wow. Amazing party."

"I know. Its an orgy actually. Mrs.Worsnop said she'll take mouth and you take anal."Ben winked.

I flicked him off and got out."He told you we're having a party?Danny laughed."We're just staying here playing video games and shit. Dunno why he asked you to come."

I shrugged. Looking at Ben pulling drinks out the trunk. Wow. They were being lazy they had sodas and juice. "Hey, get James to get off his ass and help."

"I heard you. Damn." James walked out shirtless in trousers."Oh, hi Alex."

"Hello."I smiled.

"Hello."Ben mocked. I punched his shoulder and walked with him inside.

"Ben, how much do we owe you?" A woman asked.

"Don't worry about it. Danny will pay for it."He smiledn handing her a few

"Oh, is this your girlfriend? A bet young isn't she?"

I laughed."No ma'am, I'm just an unfortunate friend."

She nodded."Well, I'm Danny's mum."

"I'm Alexandra."

She smiled and went to scold Danny for not telling her a girl was coming over.

I smiled and sat down. I felt awkward. Two other guys sat on the other side of the room playing play station. One extremely tall and skinny with shaggy curly hair. He was so focused on winning. The other one leaning over everytime he almost crashed, with brown hair and a face that reminded me of a teddy bear.

"Ladies? I bought a girl."Ben sat next to me stretcing his arm going around me.

They both looked up and the taller one said,"Hi. I'm Cameron."


"Fuck you. Call me Cam."He said over Ben.

The other one just stared.

"Sam? What you never seen a girl?"Ben said obnoxiously.

He snapped out of it and looked at his hands."I'm Sam. Uhm. 'Cuse me."He stood walking by us putting the controlled in my hands. His palms were wet. "Midnight club? Come on? Passed this game in a week."I said sitting next to Cam.

"What? I bet you never had a real race."He laughed nudgeing my side. This guy was cool. The other one had me worried though.

Sams POV:

I went in the bathroom and splashed water on my face. Id seen girls plenty of times butn she was really gorgeous. I hadn't even turn the sink off when Ben came in."Hey."

"Oh. Hey." I turned it off and reached for a towel.

He went and leaned against the sink."So, Alexandra. Seems pretty cool right?"

Alexandra. That's a pretty name. God that thought made me sick, but it was true."Aleaxandra? Uh. Yeah."

I wiped my hands off and he countinued."Do you think she's hot?"

"Me?" I lifted both my eye brows."A little why?"

"Stay away from her." Ben turned to leave.

"What? Why? She's not yours."

"Not yet. Stay away from her. In fact. Don't even talk to her. Ill kick your ass."

I scoffed."Oh really?"

He was in my face."Yes really. Try me Sam. She's mine. Back off."

I clenched my jaw and looked away.

"Well now that we're done here. Love you."He said in a joking way and walked out.

What the fuck? She isn't his. Atleast I don't think so? Maybe? Fuck. I'm confused.

I walked out the bathroom and into the living room. Cam, Alex, and James sat racing each other while Danny texted hims girlfriend and Ben sat behind Alex.

"Jerkoff."Alex leaned on James with her shoulder.

"Aha. Looksing, eh?"

"No! Would've won if you hadn't used the damn nitro."She stuck her tongue out. She looked at me a second then asked,"Did you want your spot back?"Ben gave me a look.'Try me'

I shook my head and walked out.

Alexs POV:

"Well then."I was skeptical. He was a bet rude.

"Oh, he's pissy all of a sudden."Danny stated.

"Probably pissed Alex is here."Ben sighed.

"Yeah. He's used to just us."

"You'll have to excuse him."Cam nodded.

I shrugged."No worries."

"Hell get over it."

"Even if he doesn't. Suck it up."Ben laughed.*

"Well tonight was fun."

"Yeah.I think Sam hets me. But, Camerons cool."

"Who gives a shit?"

"I do obviously..."I looked away.It was 2am. My curfew was at 10. Holy shit, I'm dead."See you whenever?"

"Yeah. Your bedroom window unlocked?"

"Of course." I smiled.

Ben smiled down at me and looked up."Sam hates you."


"Yeah.Just hates you."


"Says you remind him of his mum."

"What a prick."I yawned. I was tired."Oh well."

"Tomorrow we're going to the zoo. Come hang."Ben stretched and turned to walk away but looked back at me."I need my goodnight kiss."

I snorted "Okay.Ill bend over and you can kiss my ass."

"Stop being cheeky."He said flat.

I was laughing from his sudden lameness."Go away."

"I will. Night Alex."

"Night."He kissed my cheek and left. I went into my bedroom through the unlocked window.

Sam didn't like me? Well the others do I think...All that matters.

I stripped and slipped into bed.Hopefully no one heard us outside.

Guess I'm seeing the guys again tomorrow? Wonder if Sams there...why am I wondering this?

***sorry.I'm writing all this on my phone. I'm not home so my updats will be like a trillion times longer:ooooo ahaha everyone liking it so far???(:

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