Wizardess Heart: A Tamer's Be...

By Animefan446

7.3K 147 12

Long ago, there was once a group of powerful Wizards who have special abilities that no one could ever imagin... More

Character Introductions
The Ice Tamer, Keira Mitsui
Welcome Back To The Academy
First Day Of School
I Won't Be A Weakling Anymore
The Ice Wizard's Strength
Keira Will Never Be Free
Keira's Betrayal
Heading Back To Skystead Village
Skystead Village
A Fresh Start And The Return Of A Half-Brother
Suspicions Of Dark Magic
Searching For The Unicorn Spring
Keira's Dream
A Brother And Sister Reunion
I Will Come Back For You
Preparing For The Summer Break
A Warm Up For The Festival
The Magical Creatures Festival
Celebrating The Festival
Meeting Hakko Izuma
Hakko's First Day
Hakko Is A Tamer?!
Hakko And Elias Become Buddies
Danger Is Approaching
The Ice Emperor, Sora
Keira Obtains Her Mother's Weapon, Frostguard
The Ice Tamers, Sora And Keira
Keira's Training Begins
The Fortune Sage
The Cold-Hearted Tamer, Kagura Hayashi
Kagura's Past
Showdown! Tamer vs Tamer
Kagura vs Keira
The Old Tamers Village
The Fire Dragon, Ignitus and A Mother and Daugther Reunion
Father vs Daughter
The Announcement of The Magic Games
The White Dragon, Zetherth
The Mysterious Visitor
The Balance Of Power
Leon's Power And Strength
Heading Into The Fairy World
Card Battle! Hakko vs Yukino
Saving The Fairy King
Yukino Enrolls Into The Academy
Yukino's Lonely Heart
The Magic Games Begin
Card Magic Battle! Hakko vs Clara!
Showdown! Ice Tamer vs Frost Mage
Esmeralda vs Kagura!
We'll Show Them Who's Number One
Showdown! Keira vs Laura!
The Dragonsheild Guild And Gendonlune Academy Will Always Be Number 1!
We're Going Into The Team Battles!
Let The Team Battles Begin!
Twin Tamers vs Iron and Dark Mage
Hakko And Kagura vs Sapphire and Raoul
The Ice Tamers vs Dragonlord and Demonlord
No Matter What Happens! I Will Never Give Up!
My Life Has Just Gotten Exciting
Preparing For The Celebration Party
The Celebration Party
The Dragonslayer, Seiji
Irseith, The Gifted One
I Have To Be Ready For Another Attack
Seiji Knows Something That We Don't
You're Not Alone In This World
I Will Know When The Time Comes
Who will stand and Who Will Fall In This War Of Light And Darkness?
The Battle of Gendonlune
You're Half Tamer And Half Dragonlord!
I Will Lead The Tamers On The Right Path!
The Truth About The Mitsui Family
The End...For Now
Author's Note And Sequel Coming Soon!

Tower Of Sorrows

138 5 0
By Animefan446


After Keira and her father head towards the tower of sorrows, Klaus, Yukiya and Professor Schuyler defeated Keira's snow dragon. Yukiya was angry at the fact that his buddy and girlfriend has betrayed him.

"I can't believe Keira would go and do something like this! what kind of person has she become?"

Klaus placed his hand and on Yukiya's shoulder.

"Listen, Keira is not evil if that's what you're thinking, there's another reason why she's acting like this."

Rin jumped out of the bushes.

"He's right! Ivan is only forcing Keira to do this because he only wants to bring back the Tamers, he's going to try and revive the dragon of time!"

Professor Schuyler's eyes widen at this.

"Ivan is going to do what?!"

Klaus then spoke up.

"That explains how he knows so much about the dragon of time, he made Keira gather some information about the tower of sorrows and now they're going to get to the dragon of time."

Yukiya couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"So Keira is only being used? what a relief."

Yukiya's wolf came out of the bushes.

"I caught onto their scent, they shouldn't be too far."

Rin looked back at the others and she told them what Wolfy had just said.

"He said he caught onto their scent and look."

Rin looks at the entrance to the East forest and there was a trail of frost that Keira had left behind for the others.

Klaus smirked when saw the trail.

"Smart girl, let's go."

The others nodded their heads and they followed Keira's Frost trail.


Father and I made it to the tower of Sorrows by following the sound of the song of guidance. Once we got there, my eyes widen at the sight of it.

"Whoa, now that's a tall tower."

Father smirked when he saw this.

"It won't be long until the Dragon of time's power will be mine."

I looked over my shoulder and I thought to myself.

'I hope the others can follow the Frost trail I left behind, they better speed up though otherwise, it'll be too late.'

Father noticed my expression and he then asked me.

"Are you expecting someone or something to pop out of nowhere?"

I looked back at him and I shook my head for a no.

"No, I was hoping my snow dragon bought us enough time to get up there before those guys can catch up to us."

"Oh it will, besides, thanks to my training methods, you're not weak nor clumsy like you used to any more."

I smirked back at him and we then entered the tower. We walked up the stairs and it was a long way up as well. I was panting slightly and I looked upwards.

"Oh man...why did they put the dragon of time so high up in this tower?"

Father grumbled and he shouted at me.

"Be quiet and keep moving!!"

"All right! don't get grumpy!"

Father ignored my remark. When we were halfway up the stairs I felt something land on my head. 


Father turned around and I placed my hand on my head and I felt something furry.

"Father, what do have on my head?"

Father grabbed the furry creature by the tail.

"Well, how do you like that, it's a white carbuncle."

The white carbuncle hissed at my father.

"You know now that I think about it, I remember about those white Carbuncles singing along to the song of Guidance, I'll bet it means something."

"Is that so? well then, you keep a hold of it and make sure it doesn't escape."

Father tossed the white carbuncle to me and I caught it in my arms.


Father continued to walk ahead of me and I placed the white carbuncle on my shoulder and it rubbed its head on my cheek. I smiled at it and I told it.

"Behave yourself OK? my Father is kinda evil."


I shook my head and I smiled a little.

"Geez, no matter how times I try to talk to these guys I could never understand them even though we Tamers have the ability to understand other animals and magical creatures."

"It is kinda weird that we can't understand them, anyway, enough about that, let's keep moving."

I sighed at the fact he was determined to get to the dragon of time and I was also hoping that the others will get to us and soon. We finally got to the top and I collapsed onto the ground in exhaustion.

"Phew! finally! I'm exhausted! my legs feel like jelly now!"

Father shook his head and he looked at me.

"Good grief and this is exactly one of the reasons why I was the one who trained you, geez, I should have made Vincent train you so you won't get like this."

I sat up and I looked back at him.

"Well I'm perfectly fine now, anyway, is there a way to open the door?"

Father looked at the door and he spoke up.

"According to this description, it says the only way to open this door is to sing that song you heard."

I nodded my head and I stood up from the ground and the white Carbuncle jumped back onto my shoulder. I took a deep breath and I began to sing that song.


As Keira sings the song of guidance with the white Carbuncle singing along with her, the others have made it to the tower and as they were on their way up the stairs they could hear Keira singing. Yukiya spoke up when he heard Keira singing.

"That sounds like Keira!"

Klaus nods his head in agreement.

"That means we're getting close!"

Professor Schuyler nodded his head in agreement.

"Let's keep moving!"

They continued to run up the stairs as fast as they could. After Keira finished singing the song of guidance, the doors opened and Ivan grinned evilly. Keira knew that she has to do something to stop Ivan's evil plans. Ivan walked into the large room with a smirk on his face.

"Keira, get rid of that white Carbuncle we've got no use for it now." Keira nods her head and she looked at the white Carbuncle that was on her shoulder.

"Sorry, but you should get going."

The white Carbuncle nods its head and it jumps off Keira's shoulder and ran off. Keira followed her father inside the room where the dragon of time stood. Once Keira and Ivan entered the room, there it stood, the legendary dragon of time.


I was shocked at the sight I was seeing. Father smirked and he spoke up.

"Finally, the 2,000-year-old dragon is here and I will gain its powers."

I looked at Father and he was smiling like a maniac. I clenched my fists tightly and I looked over my shoulder but so far still no sign of the others. Father walked towards the dragon of time and I asked him.

"What are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to revive the dragon and once I've done that, I will make him become my familiar." I was shocked at this and I frowned a little.

"I thought you said you were going to revive him just so that you can make him help us bring back the Tamers?!"

Father smirked when I said this as he placed his hand on Dragon's face.

"True, but, with this dragon at my side I will get my revenge on the King of the dragons."

I was so shocked at what I was hearing and I thought to myself.

'So Father only brought me so he could revive the dragon and make it his familiar?! what the hell have I done...?'

I stood there and I watched how Father was looking for some ways to revive the dragon of time. Suddenly I heard Father growl under his breath.

"What's the meaning of this?!"

I was confused by his comment.

"What's wrong?"

Father glared at me and he marched over to me and he grabbed my neck.

"Tell me why can't I sense his soul?! TELL ME NOW!!!"

I placed my hands on his wrist.

"Ugh...how should I know!? ...you're the dragon expert aren't you?!"

Father frowned and he throws me against the wall leaving a dent in the wall. I felt a breeze next to me and I knew right then that we were high up and I knew I had to be careful.

I looked at my father and he was walking towards me.

"You little brat! I trained you and I taught you everything I know and yet you failed to tell me that the dragon of time's soul has moved on?!"

I was scared out of my mind and I then frowned at him.

"So what if I didn't know! I knew it was going to end in a failure anyway!"

I slowly stood up and I glared at him.

"People like you will never win! Klaus was right about one thing, shouldering that massive burden that you placed on me was never the answer, to begin with!!"

Father frowned and he then started chuckling evilly.

"You might be right about that one but in case you have forgotten you have my guild mark remember? even though you're still my daughter, you're also my important tool to destroying the Dragon King."

I looked at the mark on my shoulder and I looked back at my father.

"You're right, however, I'm no longer your tool nor your puppet to control anymore."

I opened my hand and I concentrate my flames in the palm of my hand. Father was shocked when he saw this.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting rid of this mark once and for all, I knew you were never going to give me back my freedom so, instead of waiting for you getting sick and tired of me, I will fight for my freedom and put an end to your evil schemes once and for all!"

I looked at my dark guild mark and I slammed my right palm onto my guild mark and with a sizzling like-sound, my flames burned off the dark guild mark. I flinched my pain slightly and my Father smirked evilly.

"You will fight for your freedom huh? well then, you're no more of a use to me!!"

Father was about to use one of his attack spells until someone shouted.

"Globus Flau!!"

Several fireballs appeared and then they attacked Father but he dodges them easily. I looked at the entrance and there was Klaus, Yukiya and Professor Schuyler have appeared. I smiled at them and then Yukiya came over.

"Keira are you all right?"

"Yeah, but yours and the other two's timing could have been better, though, what took you so long?!"

Klaus frowned when I saw this.

"Don't start, we ran into that Chimera and it was able to put up a fight."

"Well, whatever happened I'm glad that you guys got here in time." Father stood up and he shouted.

"Well, well, looks like I'm not the only one who tricks people easily."

I smirked at him.

"I learned from the best."

Father looked at me and the others.

"Looks like my secret is out, no point on lingering here."

Professor Schuyler then shouted.

"You're not going anywhere!!"

Professor Schuyler cast one of his capturing spells but Father used his black flames and he rose into the air. He smirked down at us and before he disappeared he shouted.

"You win this time Keira! you are no longer a member of the dark guild you are free to do as you please! however, from this day forward! you, your siblings and the DragonSheild members are my enemies!!"

Klaus tried to use the same capturing spell and I used my ice magic to stop him from getting away but it was too late he vanished into thin air as the black flames dispelled in the air.

Klaus frowned at this.

"Damn he got away."

I nodded my head in agreement and I looked at him.

"Yeah I know, that's one of my father's special abilities, like how I use my ice magic, he can make the black flames bend to his will and he can use them as teleportation as well."

Professor Schuyler looked at me and he spoke up.

"We'll find Ivan but first, you've got some explaining to do Keira."

I sighed at this and I smiled at them.

"I know, but, it's going to be a very long story."

Klaus petted my head.

"Take your time, just tell the Headmaster what you told me."

"Thanks, Prefect Klaus."

We then left the tower and we headed back to the Academy.


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