The Girl From Down The Road (...

By Aialia05

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You know the story. Girl loves 1D. Girl meets 1D. Girl falls in love with the guy of her dreams. But what if... More

Brothers and Plane Fares
Airports and Buckets
Dates and One Direction
Hospitals and concerts
Bowling and Kissing
Phones and Niall
Jess and Parks
Surprises and swimming
Drugs and Sleepovers
Jobs and Results
Slaps and Pasts
Talks and Singstar
Harry and Weirdness
Hiding and Finding
Sam and Truth
Presents and Things
Tears and Heartaches
Work and Other things
Louis and Betrayal
Realizations and Singing
Break-ups and Get-backs
Gifts and French Girls
Torture and Plans
Rohypnol and Guns
Death and Sadness
Grief and All His Friends
Wheel-chairs and Liam
Memories and Feelings
Evan and Knives
Orbs and Phone Calls
Packing and Falling Over
Flying and Crying
Meeting and Landing
French Concerts and Hills So Steep That You Need People To Carry You
Something different...DON'T KILL ME!
Jewellery Shops and Shoulder Stuff
Calls and Pain
Envelopes and Ropes (final chapter)

Shots and A whole lot more tears

74 5 7
By Aialia05

Sam P.O.V













The tears fell as soon as they came. Josh had been shot.

His body lay limp and dead, like Andie and Katherine's.

Evan shot my phone, ending the call we'd just been in with Louis.

"Why would you kill your test subject?" I asked, angry tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Because three is too many, and someone had to die, and it wasn't going to be you." He replied with gritted teeth.

"Well, then why not Jess?"

"Because we know about her baby, Josh told us before you guys were kidnapped."

"Why do you need my legs to be working? You caused them to be paralyzed, if I remember correctly."

"You can't exactly have an entity inside you and not be able to walk. They may take up your soul, but they need a proper working body to hide inside in."

"When can we get out of here?"

That was one question too many. The reply just happened to be another smack to the face.

"You ask too many questions, princess."

"You don't reply to many, dickhead."

Evan clicked the gun into place and aimed at me.

"I can and will shoot you."

"Go ahead, I dare you, you need me more than I need you." I glared at him, daring to shoot me. He wouldn't kill his test subject. He's kept me alive this long, so if he wanted to kill me, he would've done it ages ago. So why now?

Before I could say anything else, he lowered his gun.

"Didn't think so."

"Now now, don't get ahead of yourself princess. The only reason why I didn't shoot you is because we, *sigh* I, need you."

I could only look at him in shock, as my mouth hung open.

"Evan, you don't seriously have feelings left for me, do you?"

He left the room without a moments notice and slammed the door, making Jess and I jump.

I looked over at Jess, who looked terrified. She didn't know what to do. Neither did I.

"Jess, are you okay?" I asked, quivering from when Evan slapped me.

"I-I don't know. My insides feel they're falling, er, inside."

Stuttering. Oh no. I knew what was going to happen, and I had to stop it. Fast.

Before I knew it, she was losing breath and crying and screaming.

Panic attack.

"JESS! Jess, listen to me. Focus on my voice, okay?" She looked over at me, nodding.

"Alright, great. This is going to pass, okay? Remember when we had all those sleepovers before I left?"

More screaming and crying.

"Remember those times where we would use hair chalk and chalk each other's hair?" Nodding from Jess. A sign. KEEP GOING!

"And we'd do it listening to Little Mix or One Direction. Then we'd talk about how managements ruining everything." Sniffles and whimpers. Cue another nod from Jess. I couldn't stop there, the attack hadn't passed yet.

"Remember our mini jamming sessions? You'd play guitar and we'd both sing. Jeez, I was terrible, but you were amazing." A small laugh. Alright, she's not good, but she's better.

"S-S-Sam, remember our J-Just Dance 4 sessions? Dayum, we could d-d-dance." Laughing from both of us. At least she could talk now.

"Jess, how are you feeling?"

"Better, th-thanks."

"Anytime." I smiled over at her.

Jess inhaled deeply and exhaled.

"That was weird, I haven't had one of those in a long time." Jess confessed.

"It's alright Jess, they happen at the worst of times." I replied, my smile turning into a half smile.

I remember how she used to get them really bad when I used to live in New Zealand. We would just be sleeping, then all of a sudden, BOOM! Screaming and crying.

I used to calm her down with singing and reminding her of memories with her friends and family.

It normally worked, and also lots of hugs. Because hugs are great. Hugs are fantabulous.

I decided to study Jess, just to see how she was doing.

She didn't have a bump yet, but there was still a human being grown inside her.

It was dark to see, but you could tell that she had circles under her eyes from sleep deprivation.

She was pale and her hair had lost its colour.

But she was surviving. Which was great because, well, surviving, woo.

Next thing I knew, Evan came back in with a knife.

"What now?" I rolled my eyes, as I asked him.

"We're getting you to walk again."

Cue the evil grin.

I was in for so much shit.







Louis P.O.V







The car ride to the airport couldn't have been more slow. The traffic was horrendous, and we had to stop off for gas, thanks to Harry.

"What? You want a way to get home when we get back or not?" He had said. We didn't argue with him.

We got there just in time for boarding the plane.

The security lane took up so much time. You'd think that even with the sunglasses, hats and jackets that we would be noticed.

Haha nope.

We got past security without a problem and sprinted to the boarding gate.

"Attention: the CHI286 flight to China has been delayed for another 30 minutes"

"ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!" Niall yelled, making a few heads turn our way.

"Niall, now isn't the time for fans to come looking our way." Zayn soothed.

"Sorry, but we ran and drove all this way, and now the plane's 30 minutes late. What if we don't get there in time? What if we're too late?" Niall panicked.

"Niall, stop with the 'what if's and focus on the 'what is's." Harry said, ruffling Niall's head.

Niall took a breath in and exhaled, letting his built up panic go.

"Alright, let's get some food. I'm hungry." He started making his way to the closest McDonalds. We followed behind him, hoping not to get noticed in the next half hour.

We ordered our meals and tried to find a place to sit. Everywhere was occupied. 

"Ugh, now what?" Harry sighed. Just as he sighed, a group of seven had just started leaving their booth. How very conveinent.

"Bet I can beat you to the booth without causing havoc." Liam challenged me.

"You're on." I replied quickly, and started making my way around. 

I started to walk around the tables slowly, but fast enough that I could be in front of Liam. He was weaving through the middle, before he got stopped by a booth right in front of him. Ha, stupid.

I was still on the outside of the tables, so I weaved through people and tables until I got to the booth while Liam was groaning.

"You're a cheater!" He exclaimed in a baby voice. I couldn't not smile at that.

"You're the one who ran into the booth," I replied in a higher voice that made Liam laugh. The boys came with our food. 

"Both of you shut up and eat," Niall said with his mouth full of food. 

















SO I'M SORRY FOR THE LONG HIATUS! It's been a long while, and I haven't found anything that gave me motavation to write. Writers block, sorry. Also, I've been busy.

Like, not an excuse busy, but really REALLY busy. I'm sorry. 

I apologise for the longest hiatus for this story. Shit's happened and writing was the last thing I wanted to do. 

I love all of you (: 

The song is All of The Stars by Ed Sheeran. Best song (: 


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