Hunted by the mafia, memories...

By JosxGbgX

642K 9.3K 35.2K

Sequel to Hate, love, cars and mafia together in Tokyo /Tom Kaulitz story/. Please read before reading this... More

Hunted by the mafia, memories and secrets in Rome/Tom Kaulitz story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57- Finale

Chapter 21

10.5K 170 698
By JosxGbgX

"Are you ready for this?" He asked me as I nodded my head. I took a deep breath before Hirato clenched the gun closer to him and tugged my hand. With a hard kick he burst open the door, revealing several shouts.

Just as the stream link had shown before on the computer, the room was a wine cellar of big wooden barrels for the wine to grow older. It was lit up by a couple of lights on the stonewalls. There was a pair of chairs to one side of the huge room where 3 men sat and looked ready to charge at any second.  On the other side of the room was the camera and in front of that sat Tom on the chair, with Anthony behind him looking surprised at us.

 Tom’s head whipped up as he looked at Hirato and me. Before I had any time to react, Hirato was pulled away from my clench by two men and pinned to the floor with a loud smash, his gun flying to the other side of the room. Someone grabbed my arms and dragged me backwards, sending me tripping due to the surprise.

"Get your hands off me!" I roared and saw how Hirato struggled, kicked and smashed his fists into the men who were clearly having a problem keeping him to the ground. Two of the men sitting down immediately jumped up to assist but not even Hirato could fend off 4 men.

I stared to Tom who was staring right back at me as a small groan left his lips as Anthony smacked him on the backside of his head. I clenched my jaw together and used all my force to shoot my elbow right into the diaphragm of the man holding me, sending him flying backwards in loss of air and a groan. I saw my chance and hurdled to Tom, kneeling in front of him, placing my hands on each side of his mangled face.

"Tom?!" I cried, trying to force his wary eyes to meet mine.

"Taylor no..." he muttered but let the weight of his head fall into my hand, making my tears burn in my eyes. He was so fragile and weak...

"You stupid girl!" Anthony suddenly roared as he pointed towards the camera that one of his minions ran up to and shut off.

I flinched as I saw his hand rising up in the air to gain force and then coming towards me. I clenched my eyes together, anticipating the pain until I heard a smack and no pain arriving. I opened my eyes and saw Tom had shifted his head to get the smack in my place. He groaned again as Anthony scoffed at him. My brain stopped working as I gasped and embraced Tom. He was barely conscious but still tried to take the hit.

"Tom you need to stay awake, listen to my voice" I panicked. He breathed hard as I pulled up his face, wiping some of the blood away from his lip as his eyes met mine. He looked beyond weak.   

"You shouldn’t have come" he gasped as I shook my head.

"I would’ve done it anyway, nothing could’ve stopped me" I mumbled and tried my best to give him a small smile even though the situation.  

"Tom is right though, you shouldn’t have come here..." Anthony suddenly growled and grabbed my arm, roughly pulling me away from Tom. I whimpered a little bit due to the fact that he held such a hard grip in his massive strength. It felt like he was going to crush my bones.

"Get your hands off me!" I yelled and tried to yank away but he was much stronger than I had anticipated.

He pulled me along the floor as I struggled to break free. I shot Tom a hasty look as I saw he was so tired he barely could keep his head up. I clenched my jaw together tightly. If he didn’t get medical care soon he wouldn’t make it.

"You have no idea what’s going on here, do you?" Anthony smirked as I managed to get in a good kick on his legs, making him stumble and almost fall over. He growled at me and shoved me into the hard exterior of one of the wine shelves as the air got pushed out of my lungs.

"Taylor! Are you okay?" Hirato muffled as I turned my head towards him. He couldn’t move with the 4 men hovering over him as they had tied his hands across his back as he sat across from me leaning back against a wooden barrel. I nodded to Hirato as he gave me a concerned look.

"Anthony what should we do now?"

 One of his minions walked a little closer to Anthony who looked stressed and as he tensed his knuckles tightly together.

"They are not here alone, find the others!" He ordered as the guy nodded and yelled something in Italian to his friends. Of the 5 men that were in the room, 3 of them exited to find Bill, Gustav and Georg. I still hadn’t regained my breath so my ability to shout back at him wasn’t an option just yet.

"What are you doing Anthony?" Hirato asked through clenched jaws as Anthony snapped his head to Hirato, letting a small chuckle escape his lips.

"Why have you hurt him?!" I cried out, my voice flat and raspy, barely hearable. Anthony gave me a dreary look as he looked over at Tom who had his head bent down, the only thing holding him up was his hands and legs tied on the chair. My chest ached as I realized he must have fallen unconscious.

"It was a necessary" Anthony scoffed.

"Asshole" Hirato muttered, as a soft and amused laugh left both Anthony and his two followers.

"Call me whatever you want, it was necessary for the mafia clans to see that most feared boss actually isn’t the worst in this world"he snickered as Hirato and I sent confused glances between eachother. Was this guy serious?

"You see, I invited every major mafia boss in the world to see how one of the worst members was nothing compared to me. When they saw Tom Kaulitz, the feared legend, hurt and damaged... incapable of doing anything in my hands, they would realize my potential and I should be greater feared that any man" he said.

His voice was dripping with cockiness and strength and of course, the insane attitude that he was power mad.

"You used his reputation to get power?" I shouted furious as Anthony sent me a snickering grin.

"Of course, and you ruined it by storming in here, cutting off my live streaming" he said.

In a blink of an eye he had pulled me up from the ground and shoved me into the wine shelf once again, him so close to my face I could feel his hot breaths slamming my face.

My heart was banging in my chest so heavily it was almost difficult to focus my hearing. Anthony sent me another devilish grin as his eyes shone of crazy talk. He was so full of himself that he was blind of his idea to get so much evil power. His eyes drifted along my face as I tried to sink further back, getting away from this senseless man but Anthony had me pressed firmly to the shelf, making it unable for me to move even the slightest bit.

"It’s such a shame you have your interests focused on Tom. I must admit, he has his ways. I mean it wouldn’t be for anything that he is so respected and feared by the other bosses" he spoke softly as he raised his hand and started sweeping my cheek and neck.

I shivered uncomfortably under his touch as I tried to wince away but he gripped my arm with his other hand, shoving me back as my head whipped into the shelf, making me groan out in pain.

"You would have been a prize by yourself my love" he snickered as his voice rumbled with desire. I gave him a hard glare even though my head hurt and I saw small tiny flickering stars in front of me.

"Leave me alone"I growled and swung my arm as i hit him right in the face. I anticipated him letting me go so I could defend myself but as the hit came right on his face he simply winced the slightest bit.

"I like your temper honey, I'm guessing your a wild one in the bedroom" he smiled teasingly as I growled.

"Get your filthy hands off me" I hissed and landed a hard kick on his pelvis. 

Anthony groaned in pain and I actually thought i had a chance of hurting him before i felt the hard impact of his knee right in my stomach. Gasping for air, he grabbed my face and forced his lips on mine.

I didn't have the time to even react and I whimpered as I felt his hand around my arm tightening. If his lips didn’t cover mine I would’ve screamed in pain, but now only a muffled sound erupted. I did my best to shove him away as he slowly let me go, an envious grin plastered on his face.

"YOU SHIT!" Hirato screamed from the other side of the room and tried to break loose from his ropes as the two minions punched him right across his face, silencing him. Anthony ignored him however and kept his eyes on me.

"Such sweet taste. You sure you don’t want to stay with me. I would give you everything you ever wanted. I would make you my trophy for all the bosses to see" he suggested honestly. Dear god was he for real? All that seemed to clog up his mind was to impress the other mafia bosses in the world, he didn’t seem to understand it would eventually get him killed.

"No. Never!" I shouted at him as his face tightened and his hand around my now numb arm gripped me so tightly it broke my skin and I could feel my blood pressing out.

He pushed me out of the way and pulled up his gun from his pocket as he started walking towards Tom with stern steps. On his way he stopped and put on the camera again. Realization dawned on me as I grasped what he was going to do.

"Time to finish this" he growled, walking closer towards Tom to end him.

I didn't even think, my adrenaline pumping in my veins as I immediately sprinted off and picked up my speed. I rammed into Anthony’s back as hard as I could, tackling him as he merely stumbled to the side.

With my petite size compared to his gigantic it was no surprise my hard impact hadn’t made such a big effect on him. I practically threw myself in front of Tom, shielding him from Anthony’s rage as he whipped his head up after regaining his balance and stared at me with a murderous look.

"Fine, If you want to die first, than so be it"

He raised his gun as I curled my arms around Tom who was cold and grunted very low at my embrace. I would protect him no matter what, I would like he always had protected me. He was the love of my life and if I lost him, I wouldn’t know how to live.

Clenching myself to Tom I prepared for the worst.

I heard Hirato screaming “No” before pondering footsteps reached my ears. I barely had the time to look up before 5 gunshots blasted through the surrounding. I screamed and held Tom’s unconscious head close to my chest as Anthony and his two men had fallen to the ground, dead.

"TAYLOR!"  Bill shouted as he ran up to me, holding Tom, scared senseless both to the dramatic happening and due to Tom’s injuries. I was shaking to my inner core as he gave me a sympathetic look. I glanced towards Gustav and Georg who helped Hirato break loose before they all ran up to us.

"Taylor, are you okay?" Hirato softly asked, as I looked into his comforting eyes, his fingertips grazing my cheek.

"I-I don’t k-know" I stuttered as I carefully lifted Tom’s head to see he was still unconscious. My chest tightened as I saw his brutally beaten up face.

"Tom… Tom please wake up," I whimpered, as he showed no sign to hear me.

I felt my chest tightening even more as Bill untied him and he fell over onto me. I managed to hold him up and with the help of the guys we could lift him up on Georg’s shoulder as we started to quickly exit the room.

As we rushed through the endless corridors, Hirato and Bill in the front with Georg holding Tom close behind, Gustav took my hand and pulled me after them. The chock of everything was slowly starting to sink in and I was shaking, my teeth grinding together as I held on for dear life onto Gustav’s hand. 


A/N It's Sunday! I am feeling better and THANK YOU to all of you that sent me get better wishes and everything, so sweet of you! I hope you liked the chapter, did you anticipate any of it or was it a surprise? ;D message or comment what you think! And oh i almost forgot, my fan-rate has increased over the last couple of days and people we're almost up to 90!!!!!! I love it and i thank you all so much! LOVE TO YOU! 

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