
By sarcastic_sass

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Hermione finds herself longing the company of the one person who'd sent her through a living hell 3 years pri... More



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By sarcastic_sass

The students filed into the Great Hall one after the other. I sat between the Headmistress and the Potions' Master. They both seemed ridiculously impatient. Had they always been that way? Minerva patted my hand soothingly, turning to face me. "Hermione, dear, you'll do fine. They'll love you."

I sighed. "That's what I'm afraid of. What if I haven't the authority to be a teacher? Have you seen the shoes I have to fill?"

She pressed her hand to her lips to keep from laughing out loud. "Yes, I suppose you have a point. I wouldn't be too concerned if I were you. You managed to keep Potter and Weasley in line for years! You'll do well."

I turned to face the Hall as the Sorting began. From the corner of my eye, I saw Snape's lips curl into a slight smile at hearing the end of our conversation. I rolled my eyes and focused my attention on the first years.


The man beside me leaned over in his seat and spoke into my ear. His warm breath causing goosebumps to rise all over my skin. "She's right, you know. You worry far too much. You'll do very well, Miss Granger."


I turned to look him in the eye and swallowed thickly. "Thank you, Professor."

He straightened in his chair. "Don't disappoint me."

Pushing my hair back from my face, I fixed my posture and looked out at the students. "I haven't the intention to."

He smirked. That was the last time I spoke to him during supper.

After the students had been excused and sent off to bed, the staff stuck around a tad longer to discuss the next few days, before making plans to meet in the staff room later that night, when everyone was done their rounds and the children were sleeping.

Snape motioned for me to follow him after he'd risen from the table. Seeing it as the logical thing to do, I quickly put down my napkin and hurried over to him, seeing as he was already halfway out the door. Once I reached his side, he offered me his arm. I took it carefully, not exactly sure what to expect. We kept walking, sending the pupils on their way, ensuring they went to the Common Rooms.

I noticed a change in his posture as he walked. Having been around him several hours a day for a month, I picked up on his mannerisms and got used to the way he did things. Something was most definitely different, however. It took me a moment to put my finger on it, but when I did, to say I was utterly impressed was an understatement. "Sir!" I exclaimed. "You're walking without your cane."

He nodded, cocking an eyebrow. "Did you really think I'd allow the students to see me incapacitated as I was?"

My face reddened. "I only meant to say that I am amazed at how quickly you've recovered. I thought you said Madam Pomfrey told you you wouldn't be able to walk on your own for quite some time still."

He dipped his head in my direction. "That is why you are by my side, Miss Granger."

I smiled softly. "In case you lose your footing."

"In a matter of speaking."

I looked down to see a young girl pulling at the hem of my dress. I excused myself for a moment and bent down to make eye contact with her. "May I help you?"

The girl had her hair done up in two French braids, tightly plaited down her back. She beamed at me and turned to poke a taller boy behind her. "My big brother was wondering who you were. They didn't present you to us."

I felt my face into a warm smile. "I'm the new Potions' Apprentice. I'll be working with Professor Snape."

She turned to the boy. "See, I told you she was a teacher, Carl!" The young witch turned back to me. "I wanted to say that you look lovely in red. It matches my tie!"

I glanced at the necktie she wore on her uniform, and sure enough, it was red and gold. The Gryffindor colours. My colours. "Why thank you, Miss..."

A voice behind me startled the pair before me. I would have been frightened too, but I'd grown accustomed to him jumping into a conversation whenever it tickled his fancy. "Mr Canary, I insist you quit spreading rumours about the new addition to Hogwarts' staff. As for you sister,"

I cut him off before he scared the small girl. "You ought to head to the Gryffindor Common Room, before someone gets angry." I leaned in to whisper. "More specifically, before Professor Snape gets mad. He can get rather grouchy."

The first year giggled and grabbed her brother's hand, taking off down the corridor. The man in question stepped toward me, and crossed his arms over his chest. "Now, Miss Granger. You know I don't appreciate being interrupted."

I looked down at the floor, my shoes had suddenly become rather interesting. "I'm sorry, Professor Snape. I was afraid you'd frighten the poor girl. She was merely curious as to who I was."

He raised an eyebrow, his lips became a tight line. "That is none of her concern. Not yet, anyway. You are to be introduced in class. As for Mr Canary, he was a slightly bigger problem."

I looked up at him curiously. "Problem, sir?"

He offered me his arm again and continued walking toward the staircase that lead to the dungeons. "Yes. He was quite interested in spreading false stories about a particular Potions' Apprentice by the name of Miss Granger. He was intent on telling his friends that the war hero was seen 'gallivanting' with the greasy git of the dungeons."

I heard the gasp leave my mouth before I could stop. "I am so terribly sorry, Professor. I never meant for my presence to have any negative effect on your reputation."

To my surprise, he chuckled at my apology. It was most certainly not the reaction I'd been expecting. "Such a strange creature, you are." Seeing my confused features, he elaborated. "You care more about the reputation of an ageing wizard who was cruel towards you for the great majority of your time at Hogwarts than you do for your own."

I helped him down the stairs, it took a bit longer than expected, though it was a miracle he was able to maintain his body weight himself at all. "I suppose I've never really cared for the rumours. Merlin knows they've been following me for years. They are simply nonsensical fables created to keep the simple-minded occupied."

He eyed me, something admiring in his eyes before it was once again masked by cold indifference, as it always was. "Well said, Miss Granger."

A blush painted my cheeks at his praise. It was something I'd have to get under control. Getting all red every time he said something wasn't helping me at all in terms of credibility. "Besides, you too are a war hero, sir. You contributed largely to Voldemort's downfall. It is something that can hardly be repaid by offering you a medal."

This time, it was he, who's cheeks slightly coloured. It appeared the confident Potions' professor wasn't used to being complimented either. That was certainly something I could use against him later on if he ever got on my case.

Merlin, he really was rubbing off on me. Only a month, and already I was thinking of blackmailing my mentor. I didn't quite like that thought. "Sickle for your thoughts?" He asked, snapping me out of my reverie.

I shrugged. "Doubt they're even worth a knut, Professor."

We strode by the Slytherin Common Room, and he eyed all the students suspiciously. He didn't even trust his own house. I wondered how he dealt with them for so long as their Head. We stopped at my chamber door. He bid me goodnight, reminded me to report to his office at 7:30 the next morning, and went across the hall to his own rooms.

I whispered my password, and slipped into the room, leaning back against the door once I'd closed it. "Mother of Morgana, that man is something else."

Deciding on a shower, I quickly stepped out of my robes, hung them in the large mahogany wardrobe, and tip-toed to the bathroom. I hurriedly hopped into the shower, saving my toes from the icy stone floor. Must remember to set down a carpet before the winter arrives.

I was nearly finished when I heard a knock at the door. I cursed under my breath, before quickly drying off with a towel and pulling on my bathrobe. I stepped into my slippers and hurried to the door, opening it just a smidge to see who was there. I couldn't have been more pleased to see the face on the other side of the heavy wooden door. "Harry!"

I pushed the door further open, allowing him to step inside. He eyed my attire questioningly. "Have I caught you at a bad time?"

I tapped my wand to my hair and it curled on its own, drying in soft waves. "I was in the shower. Have a seat in the living room, make yourself comfortable, I'll be but a minute."

With that, I ran into my bedroom and changed into my favourite flannel pyjamas. They had been a gift from Mrs Weasley one year, blue with little owls all over them. I joined my best friend in the lounge and smiled at him brightly.

He smiled back. "I've been meaning to ask how you've been doing. Unfortunately, I hadn't had the chance since the whole Ron situation. He really can be an arse at times."

I nodded in agreement. "How is he?" Although I was angry with him, I couldn't deny what I was worried about his happiness. I very nearly married the boy!

Harry shrugged. "Locked up in his office at the Ministry most of the time. He refuses to talk to me. He says I betrayed him."

I threw myself into his arms and held him close. "I'm so sorry, Harry. I never wanted this to come between the three of us."

He hugged me back. "Listen, Hermione, there's something we should discuss."

I sat back in my armchair and curled up, hugging my knees to my chest. "What's wrong?"

His face turned sombre. "It isn't really my place, but I don't want you getting hurt. You're like a sister to me."

"What is it, Harry? Is someone ill?"

He shook his head and took my hands in his. "I am fairly certain you are aware of next week's ball in honour of the school's reconstruction." I nodded, unsure where he was going with this. "Ron is said to be attending with Lavender, he's been seeing her recently."

I stood from my chair. "What?! Lavender? But, I am his fiancee, and I am the person he should be attending the ball with, especially since I work here!"

Harry shut his eyes briefly. "He thinks you fancy Snape. He's trying to make you jealous."

That was the last straw. I stalked over to the fireplace, and ripped my engagement ring off my finger, throwing it into the hearth. I summoned my wand and aimed it at the piece of jewellery, tears falling freely down my face. "Incendio! Confringo! Reducto!"

I fell to my knees before the fire, now blazing. Harry ran over to me and pulled me into his arms, trying to calm my hysteric sobs. Gods, if only my parents could see me now. Crying over a boy who never had any intention of letting me live a life of adventure. A boy who had been unfaithful. A boy I had loved.

How long I stayed crying in Harry's arms, I didn't know. I woke up the next day in my bed, heart shattered, soul broken. I dressed for the day, opting for my only black dress and robes. I had bought it shortly after the war for the grand memorial ceremony in honour of the fallen. Today, I mourned the day the love within me died. I wasn't sure I could love again. Not after something like that.

Ronald Weasley was a cad. He was jealous of the attention I was offering a man who had nearly died for the cause. He knew before he proposed that I wasn't the most affectionate of people. I'd always had trouble with that. If he wanted to be coddled, he should have disregarded our relationship completely. Merlin knew I was broken already.

I slammed the door to my chambers as a left them, crossing the hall. Pushing the classroom door open dramatically, I strode into the room, stopping before my mentor's desk.

He didn't look up from his book. "Miss Granger, I implore you to be more careful with the castle. We've only just rebuilt it." The exasperation in his voice was clear as day.

I clenched my jaw. "I'm here for the day's instructions, and nothing more. If you so wish to berate me, Professor, I expect you to speak with my supervisor."

Finally, he looked up at me and stared a moment, startled. "Rough night?"

I scoffed. "I assure you, that is hardly your concern, Professor Snape." I heard the iciness in my voice and would ordinarily regret it immediately. Yet, I felt nothing. The man before me was part of the reason I had been treated the way I had. I felt sour, and bitter, and mean. It left a bad taste in my mouth. I was so blinded by how I'd been wronged, I couldn't think clearly.

He thought a moment, weighing his words. "Merlin's beard, so much passion in such a tiny witch. How haven't you exploded yet? Where does all that energy go? Surely it isn't all wasted on Weasley, is it?"

My fists were clenched so tightly, my knuckles were turning white. First Ron, now him. I wouldn't stand for it. "I don't see how this is any of your business."

He stood and leaned his weight on his desk. "You are openly attacking me, Miss Granger. Any further, and I am certain you'd have hexed me."

Damn. That was exactly what I was thinking. Was I really that predictable?

Being the foolish girl I was, I leaned as well so that my face was directly in front of his. "That's rich, coming from you. How many years did you terrorise your students merely because the woman you loved chose to love another?"

His face turned dark and he came around his desk, coming before me. He towered over me. Merlin, had he always been so tall? He was an inch from my face, his smell potent. I could feel the air he exhaled on my skin, he was so near. His eyes flashed dangerously. For the love of chocolate frogs, what had I gotten myself into?

I could tell it took every bit of his self-control not to shake me. "You go too far, Granger. You haven't the faintest clue what I've lived through. You're lucky Potter warned me of last night's events. Otherwise, I'd have sacked you right here, right now."

Half of me quivered under his glare. He was terrifying. I had forgotten to what extent he could scare the pants off of someone. That brings me to the other half of me. Something about his fierceness and passion was so alluring, I couldn't for the life of me step away, though I knew he could very literally rip my head off at a moment's notice. The tension between us crackled like a live wire, my every muscle on edge, ready to strike.

Before I knew what was happening, he had pulled me into his arms, clutching me to his chest tightly. My fingers curled into the front of his robes, and the waterworks began once again. My knees weakened and he caught me, sitting down on the ground with me in his lap, cradling me. I felt so foolish. I couldn't even pull myself together for the sake of my job. Here I was, being held by the man who'd made my life a living hell for years. All because I couldn't handle rejection.

No. It wasn't just rejection. It was a promise that'd been broken. A promise of love, and family, and of a future. And for someone who had grown up an only child, and sent my parents away to Australia, family seemed like the perfect solution to everything, considering how the Weasleys had always been kind to me. Even that was ruined. I could never face them again. Not after what he did.

I gripped onto Snape's robes as if it were the only thing keeping me from losing my damn mind, and honestly, it probably was. He held me close, as my body shook from the emotional strain my heart was enduring. He was right, once again, how had I managed so long without exploding? I would have prided myself on that if it wasn't for the pathetic situation I was in. I didn't even know why I was so upset. I ran from him at the altar. Pretty sure that that was worse than inviting another girl to a stupid ball.

Long, slender fingers stroked my hair. "It is for that precise reason that you left him the first time. Believe me, he never had the intention of remaining faithful. He would have tried at first, but would later be distracted by younger, more emotionally available witches. Girls that would give him everything he asked for, merely because he's an almighty war hero. Your profuse intelligence and talent would have been wasted away. You would have never been happy. Now, you can be. He's offered you that chance in the cruellest way possible."

Listening to the sound of his heartbeat, steady and real, as well as the low sound of his velvet voice had soothed me somewhat. I had finally grasped the reality of the situation I was in and how inappropriately we were sitting. He stood and helped me up, sensing my unease. He released my hand and looked deep into my eyes. "Don't let it become a wasted opportunity."

With that, he pressed a kiss to my forehead, and sent me off to the Great Hall to eat before the lessons began.

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