Scornful Revenge

By Snakehipping-Tom

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In the sequel to Temptation, Alice and Tom are happily married with their two children and a third on the way... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thiry-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Eight

672 19 4
By Snakehipping-Tom

 Alice and Tom sat down on the bed as he held the envelope in his hands. His fingers ran over the paper as Alice took a few deep breaths before biting down on her lip.

"Do we open it together or does one see before the other?" Alice asked.

"I think together is best."

Tom moved closer to Alice and sat beside her. Alice then placed her hand on the envelope and the two held their breaths as they flipped open the envelope. They pulled out the piece of paper and looked at one another before folding it open.

"Do you want it to be a girl?" Tom asked.

"No matter what the gender is... I'll be pleased." Alice replied.

The two shared a sweet kiss before turning to look down at the paper. As they opened it, their breaths hitched in their throats as they read the word written out by their doctor: boy.

Tom found himself smiling brightly as he stared down at the paper.

"A boy. We're having a boy." He spoke quietly.

Alice bit down on her lip as she tried to hold back her tears, laying her hand on her belly.

"We're having a boy." She giggled in response.

The two laughed together as Tom wrapped his arms around Alice. The two then laid back against the mattress as Tom kissed her several times. Alice placed her hands on his chest, pulling him back. Tom licked his lips as he gazed into her eyes, smiling softly.

"Are you happy?" Tom asked.

"I am so utterly happy." Alice beamed.

She then grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him into another kiss. She then gasped feeling the cool touch of his fingers graze over the skin of her belly. He caressed it gently, looking down at it as he pulled back.

"Hello there, little guy. We're very excited to meet you." Tom whispered.

Alice beamed with joy as she watched Tom. Whenever she listened to him speak to the baby, she couldn't help but smile. It made her excited to see how Tom would speak to their baby once it was born. She knew he would be an amazing father.

Tom then pressed a kiss to her belly before laying his head just above her bump. Alice ran her fingers through his hair, noting its length.

"You ever think of cutting your hair soon?" She inquired.

"I think I want to grow it out a bit more. Same as the beard." Tom replied.

"I wonder what will happen if you have a beard when the baby is born and when you shave it, the baby won't recognize you."

"What makes you think he won't recognize me?" Tom raised his brow, chuckling lightly.

Alice went to respond but stopped herself. He. Tom furrowed his brow seeing the tears well in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" He pressed his hands into the mattress, sitting up.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong."

"Then why are you crying?"

"I'm just... I'm just so happy."

Tom chuckled as he laid a kiss to her lips before standing from the bed as Alice sat back up on the edge of it.

"Now, we're going to have to think of names for this little guy." Tom remarked.



Alice looked up at Tom and did her best to smile as he furrowed his brow.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He asked.

"I am. I'm just tired."

"Then let's go to bed."

The two got under the covers as Tom turned off the lights. Tom wrapped his arms around Alice, pulling her to his side. She rested her head against his chest, feeling his fingers stroke up and down her back.

"Merry Christmas, darling."

"Merry Christmas, Tom."
That morning, Tom woke up to find Alice sitting on the edge of the bed. He narrowed his eyes as they adjusted to the light in the room, hearing Alice's voice come out in hushed whispers.

"Seems as though you are the early bird this morning." Tom commented.

Alice turned her head to face him and chuckled softly.

"I guess I am."

"Alice, you're not alright. Tell me what's wrong."

"I can't."


"I just can't. Please drop it." She whimpered.

"Okay. I will."

Alice took in a shaky breath as she stood from the bed and exited the room to make her way to the bathroom. Tom got out of bed and followed after her, hearing the water running. He knocked on the door and opened it to find her undressing. She sighed as Tom began to undress himself and the two got into the shower together. They washed each other's hair and bodies with Tom taking extra time over her belly and breasts with the loofa. Her breasts had felt heavier in his hands and Alice moaned softly as he massaged the flesh. He pressed a few kisses to the curve of her neck before pulling away and rinsing off her body.

As they stepped out of the shower, Tom took his time as he ran the towel over her skin. He then applied cream to her body, watching as she'd giggle when he'd run over a sensitive spot. When he had finished, Tom placed his hands on her waist and felt her bump press against his abdomen. Alice smiled up at him and got on her tip-toes to kiss him.

"Thank you." She whispered against his lips as she pulled away.

"You know, we could name him Phillip... as an alternate to..." Tom trailed off.

Alice exhaled sharply as she grinned.

"I'll think about it."

The two then changed into their clothes and headed into the living room. They heard Diana in the kitchen cooking as they walked over to the tree to look at all the presents Diana had left under it last night as well as the ones they brought over on the drive. Tom then entered the kitchen to help Diana as Alice sat down on the loveseat, staring at the presents.

Tom handed Diana the ingredients as she turned on some music to listen to as she cooked.

"How is she doing?" Diana inquired.

"She's alright. I know she said she's moved on but I think she's having some trouble with it."
"I wouldn't blame her, Tom. You got pregnant only a year or so after the accident. To lose a child is horrible, especially when you wanted it as much as she did. Give her time and allow her to feel sad. I know you're one to always help someone, but try and keep yourself from helping her too much."

"Mum, she's my wife. I have to help her."

"We all know you both lost a child... but she was the one carrying it. She was the one who had to miscarry. She was the one who suffered the most."

"You don't think I suffered?" Tom snapped, trying his best to keep his voice down.

"I'm not saying you didn't. I know you did, Tom, but that child was a part of her and she lost it. She lost a part of herself that night. If she said she's ready to move on, let her move on in her own time," Diana explained. "I can't even begin to imagine how fearful she must be carrying this one."

"It's a boy." Tom said softly.


"We're having a boy."

"That's wonderful! A grandson." Diana beamed.

Tom then glanced back out into the living room and sighed seeing Alice sitting so still on the loveseat.

"How was it for you after dad died?" Tom asked.

"You know how it was. You saw me."
"But I didn't experience it the way you dealt with the loss. What was it like?"
"I simply lost the other half of myself. You knew how much I loved your father. To this day, on the anniversary of his death, it still hurts. To know that he's buried in another country and that I may never pay my respects again... it hurts. But I don't regret leaving to the States for you. I knew that with your father gone, I had to do my best to take care of you and make sure you turned out alright. I needed to move on for you. I couldn't while away the days in bed, leaving you to fend for yourself. What kind of a mother would I have been if I did that? When I was told the news, I felt as though someone had ripped my heart from my chest and stomped on it. For months, I couldn't believe he was gone. I'd cry myself to sleep every night. I had no energy when I woke up. But I still had you. I got up in the morning for you. Yes, it still hurts to know he's no longer with us, but I've gotten past it. It took some time but I got there eventually. Everyone deals with loss differently."

"I could've prevented it."

"It happened, Tom. The accident happened and it's done. You can't blame yourself for what happened. You have a bright future to look forward to with Alice and your son. You'll see that, in time, Alice will be back to her normal self again." Diana told him.

Tom nodded his head as he went back to helping Diana. Once breakfast was made, Diana walked into the living room as Tom set the kitchen table.

"Alice? Breakfast is ready." Diana spoke.

She watched as Alice slowly turned her head away from the window.

"It started to snow." Alice replied.

"It has! I don't think it's snowed on Christmas day in some time now."

Alice stood from the sofa and walked with Diana into the kitchen. Once they had eaten, they then walked back into the living room and began opening one another's presents. Diana pushed a few of her gifts towards them and Alice chuckled seeing the large one that came up to her thigh as she stood.

"I really am wondering what this could be." Alice chuckled.

"Why don't you both open it and find out?" Diana smiled.

Tom and Alice ripped the wrapping off of the present and were taken aback at the gift. It had been a crib and Tom furrowed his brow as he looked up at his mom.

"I know things have been a bit tight so I thought I'd get you two started on your baby shopping." Diana told them.

"Diana, you shouldn't have." Alice spoke.

"Please, it's no problem. Open the others."

Alice hurriedly opened her other gifts to find that Diana had bought them not only a crib but a changing table, high chair, car seat and a few toys. Tom wrapped his arm around Alice as they looked over the gifts.

"Thank you so much." Alice smiled through her tears.

"This means so much to us, mum." Tom chuckled.

When their visit was over, Tom and Alice returned home, realizing that they needed to start getting ready for the baby. They assembled the crib and pushed it up against the wall of their bedroom. They went out to buy baby supplies, food, clothes, and toys. They bought a small dresser just for the baby items. Anything one could imagine a baby would need, they went out and bought. On New Year's Eve, Tom and Alice decided to host her friends. When they entered the space, they noted how much smaller it felt seeing all the baby items everywhere.

"Where's Alice?" Jamie asked.

"She's still getting ready. Sit down and enjoy some of the snacks. I'll go get her." Tom replied.

He walked down the hall and entered their bedroom to find Alice gripping onto the crib. He warily made his way over to her and laid his hand against her lower back.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm just... this crib doesn't feel right."
"What do you mean?" Tom scoffed.

"It's not supposed to be his."

Tom inhaled sharply and licked his lips as he let his hand slide down her back to rest at his side.

"Who else's would it be, Alice? This is his crib. Early in the morning, when he's screaming bloody murder, we'll walk over to this crib and find him in it," Tom explained. "Come on, now. They're all waiting and we have to tell them the news about him."
Alice took a moment to gather herself before nodding her head. They walked out into the living room and announced to them their news that they were having a boy. Jamie and Cory began debating on what names would be best.

"We thought Phillip might be nice." Alice spoke up.

"I'm not sure about Phillip anymore." Tom chuckled lightly.

"Oh. You're not?"

"It felt nice in the moment but after thinking about it, I'm not so sure." Tom explained.

"Well, you have a few more months to decide on a name. Nothing's set in stone." Pierre commented.

As the next few months flew by, the impending anniversary of the accident was a few days away. Alice was lounging in the apartment as Tom was in the middle of a rehearsal for his play. As the hours went by, Alice started to feel an ache in her lower back that would come and go every so often. To try and help it, she laid down on the couch watching some T.V. but the ache kept coming back. During one of the pains, Alice laid her hand on her belly and noted how tense the skin felt. She then began recording when the pains came and when they stopped. Alice then started walking around the apartment, recording the pains. After some time, they felt a bit stronger and Alice laid her hands on her belly, moaning softly. She then felt a slight wetness pool between her legs. She rushed to the bathroom and pulled down her pants to see that they were wet and there were a few spots of blood. Alice felt her chest tighten as she breathed heavily, trying to calm herself down. She pulled her pants back up and went for her phone in the living room. She dialed Tom's phone and waited.

Tom was on the stage of the auditorium relaying his blocking to the students, unaware of his phone vibrating in his bag as the sound of actors warming up as well as rehearsing lines echoed throughout the space.

Alice rang him a few more times before giving up and calling Diana. When she picked up, Alice let out a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?" Diana asked.

"I think I'm in labor. I don't know. There's these pains in my back and I saw some blood in my underwear. I don't know what's happening and I'm scared." Alice spoke breathlessly.

"It's alright, Alice. Calm down. I'll be right over and we'll go to the hospital. Do you have your bag ready?"


"Okay, that's good. Take everything you think you'll need and get yourself ready. I'll be there shortly."

"Diana... thank you." Alice said softly.

"No need for thanks, love."
After several minutes, Diana came knocking at the door and before she could knock a second time, Alice opened the door in her coat with her hospital bag over her shoulder. Diana smiled softly as she took Alice's hand in hers.

"Let's go have a baby."

On the way to the hospital, Alice called Esther and Pierre, letting them know that she might be in labor and to meet her with Jamie and Cory at the hospital. Once they were there, Alice felt a contraction as Diana was parking the car.

"It's going to be alright. Breathe. That's it." Diana spoke calmly.

"How are you so calm?" Alice gasped.

"Because I know you need me to be."

When it had ended, the two entered and made their way to the maternity wing. Alice checked in and was brought to a private room. There, she changed into her hospital gown and got hooked up to several monitors as Diana sat down next to her.

"Good afternoon, Alice and T-"

Alice's doctor stopped herself seeing Diana sitting beside her.

"This is Tom's mother, Diana." Alice grinned.

The two greeted one another and the doctor checked the monitors and the baby's heart rate. She then checked Alice's cervix.

"You're dilated about two centimeters. I'll be back in another hour to see how much you've progressed."

The doctor left the room and Alice turned on her side to face Diana.

"Can you call him?"


Diana pulled out her phone and dialed Tom's number. Within a matter of seconds, Tom picked up.

"Hey, mum! I just finished rehearsal." Tom answered.

"I don't mean to alarm you, but Alice is currently in labor and we're at the hospital. She's brought everything she needs so you don't have to stop by the apartment."

"She's in labor? Oh, shit, I'll be right there!" Tom spoke before hanging up.

When Tom arrived at the hospital and went to the desk to find out where she was, he had entered her room to find everyone there. Alice was in the middle of a contraction and moaned as she wiggled her hips on the bed. Diana quietly got everyone out of the room to give them some space. Tom took Diana's seat and smiled brightly as he reached for Alice's hand.

"Why didn't you call me?"

"I did." Alice replied, moving her hand away from his.


"You were in the middle of rehearsal so you probably didn't hear it."

"I'm sorry, baby. I should have had it in my pocket knowing you were due any day. Fuck, I'm sorry." Tom furrowed his brow.

"It's alright. You're here now."

Alice turned her head to look at him and smiled.

"That's right. I'm here and I'm not leaving you," Tom said quietly. "Just to think that when we leave here, we'll be leaving with something extra."

The two laughed together as Alice playfully rolled her eyes.

"Our baby. We're finally going to meet him." Alice beamed.

"Are you excited?"

"I am. I really am."

Tom felt his heart soar seeing the light slowly begin to return to her eyes.

"So am I, love."

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