Yuri!! On ice- One Shots

Od GLEfiction

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I'll do some X readers, and some a few Victuuri oneshots. I I hope everyone enjoys! XD Viac

Yuuri x Heartbroken!Reader: What we have lost, and what we have found
Victor x BeginnerSkater!Reader
Yuuri x Victor- Our Little Skater
REQUEST BOX (Please request. Please!!!)
Neko!Yurio x Reader
Just sayin' thanks!!
Valentine's Day- Yuuri x Victor
Yurio x Reader with a cold
Yuuri x Blind!Reader- Play me a song
Happy Birthday, Yurio!!
Happy Birthday, Yurio!!- Yurio x Reader
Victor x Suicidal!Reader: Part 1 [It would be so easy]
Victor x Suicidal!Reader Part 2 [You don't know anything.]
Victor x Suicidal!Reader Part 3 [Hot chocolate]
Victor x Suicidal!Reader Part 4 [Hey, this is my fiancée!]
Yuuri x Reader- [Will you...?] YLIA crossover- Part 1
Results of the poll- IMPORTANT
Yuuri x Reader [Kiss me] YLIA crossover- Part 2
Christophe Giacometti x Reader (Don't touch- AH!)
Emil x Reader [And we danced]
Yurio x Reader: Heavy Fluff [Ya lyublyu tyebya]
Seung-gil Lee x Reader
Otabek x Pregnant!Reader
Victor x Pregnant!Reader
Yurio x Otabek- What the hell is this feeling?!
Seung Gil-Lee x Reader
Yurio x Suicidal!Reader- (So Cold)
Yurio x Reader- (Can you hear my heart beat?)
Yuuri Katsuki x Reader- (It's raining, it's pouring)
Chris x Depressed!Reader
Victor x SelfHarming!Reader- Part 1 (Shards of glass and ice skate blades)
Yurio x Reader- (Impossible?)
Victor x SelfHarming!Reader- Part 2 (A New Window)
Yurio x VolleyballPlayer!Reader- [Blond Asshole]
Phichit x Reader- Part 1 (Texting)
Christophe x Reader- (Saying Goodbye)
Yuuri x Singer!Reader- (How would you feel if I told you I loved you?)
Phichit x Reader- Part 2 (Selfies)
Yurio x Reader- (My Sister's a Fan Girl and there's a Guy in my House)
Yurio x PunkMusician!Reader- (Just a Fan Girl and a Fan Boy)
FanBoy!Yurio X Famous!Reader- (I'd take a bullet for you)
Akatsuki no Yona One Shot: Yun x Reader
Yuuri Katsuki x Reader: COLLAB WITH GEMMA (Cheater) Part 1
Victor x Blind!Yuuri- Guide me
(HALLOWEEN SPECIAL) Vampire!Chris x Reader- Bite me
Yurio x FamousSinger!Reader- Part 1 [So far away]
Yuuri X Reader: COLLAB WITH GEMMA PART 2- [Shut up and Kiss Me]
Christmas with you guys!!!
Yurio x Singer!Reader: Part 2 [London]
Otabek x Suicidal!Them!Reader

Yurio X Reader

27.7K 470 697
Od GLEfiction

You hurried through the streets of Moscow, your breath visible in the cold air. Your chest burned from taking in the cold air too quickly. You were in Moscow to see the competition to determine who would enter the Grand Prix Final for Men's figure skating. You had gone sight seeing and had lost track of time. You were supposed to meet your friend (the one you were traveling with) at a restaurant, and had to be there in five minutes for dinner. She had decided to stay back because she got cold easily while you went out to see everything Moscow had to offer.

Ever since childhood, you had avidly followed Figure Skating. During the winter Olympics you had watched with baited breath as the skaters twirled and jumped across the ice. You could skate alright, but nothing like what they could do. The skater that impressed you the most however, was Yuri Plisetsky. He was 15, and a skating prodigy. Even though you weren't from Russia, you decided you would root for Plisetsky. He had entranced you since the beginning. You had watched him last season, hugging a pillow and holding you breath, praying he'd land every jump.

Yuri Katsuki had been amazing to watch thus far as well. Last season he hadn't done so well, but this season he was a completely different skater- probably due to the fact that Victor Nikiforov was coaching him now.

You had loved to watch Victor skate just as much as Plisetsky, and was disappointed he had retired. But he seemed to really be enjoying couching Katsuki.

Your legs were burning, both from the cold and running hard. Your lungs seared from the cold air. It was snowing too, and you cold barely see as you ran. You focused on your feet, willing them to keep going. And then you crashed into something, and fell forward. You landed heavily on top of someone.

"Hey, vatch vere you're going, you clumsy idiot!" said a voice in a thick Russian accent. Your heart momentarily stopped beating.

Yuri Plisetsky.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" you gasped, rolling off of the very irritated teenager.

"Yeah, you'd better be," he said, and scowled, standing up. He stared down at you, "Ugh, do I need to help you up?"

 He grudgingly offered you his hand. You bumped into his chest, and looked up. Your faces were very close. You stepped away very quickly, face reddening. Upon looking at your face properly, Yuri's expression softened ever so slightly. His face was red, presumably from the cold.

"Are you okay?" You asked, still feeling really bad for running into him like that.

"I'm fine," Yuri said, annoyed. He paused, and glanced at you. You were still breathing kind of heavy, and your bangs fell in your face. You switched back and forth from foot to foot impatiently, wanting to get going. You would definitely be late at this point, "Stop zat, it's annoying."

You stood still.

"Are you late for somezing, or vhatever?" he asked.

"Yes, I am. I'm supposed to meet my friend-"

"My Grandpa can take you," he said, "His car is right there, he was going to drive me back to ze hotel."

Accepting rides from strangers sounded like a horrible idea. But you didn't want to be late either. And Yuri wasn't exactly a stranger. You still had like, ten blocks to go, and it was cold...

"Thank you so much," you said, and Yuri sighed in irritation and led you to his Grandpa's car. He climbed in the front passenger seat, and slammed the door. You flinched, and opened the door of the back seat, and climbed inside, and shut the door as quietly as possible.

"Who is zis?" asked Yuri's Grandpa, with the same thick Russian accent.

"It's a girl. She needs a ride to-"

"(insert name of restaurant)" You finished.

"Ah," he said, and pulled the car into the street, "Vat is your name, girl?"

"(Y/N)," you said.

"How do you know my Yuri?" he asked. You gulped.

"I met her earlier today," Yuri said. Your eyes widened in surprise, it wasn't a lie, but it made it sound like they had spent the day together. Your face felt hot.

"Here," Mr. Plisetsky said, tossing a brown paper bag to Yuri.

"Pirozhki!" Yuri exclaimed, sounding kinda excited. What's that?

"Give one to your girlfriend too," he said, and your face turned redder.

"I'm not-"

"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" Yuri yelled, angrily tossing you a pirozhki. You stared at it, and tentatively took a small bite, and then immediately devoured the rest. Delicious!

"Thank you very much," you said, gratefully. There was a chance you had spoiled your dinner, but you didn't care.

"We're here," Mr. Plisetsky said, and pulled the car to the side of the road.

"Thanks again!" you called, and jumped out of the car, running inside. You weaved through the tables, finally finding your friend, (F/N). Luckily, you weren't late.

"There you are! You look so cold, c'mon, sit down and tell me about your day," she said, and you took your seat. You breathlessly told her about your day out, speeding through the boring parts, so you could tell her in great detail about meeting Yuri Plisetsky.

"I can't believe you actually met him! This is incredible! Wow, is he hotter in person?" (F/N) asked eagerly.

"I- uh, well-" you didn't know what to say to that.

"Come on, vhere is she?!" cried a cheerful voice with a thick Russian accent.

"Vhy did you drag me in here? I don't vant to-" Yuri Plisetsky groaned.

"Zhere! Is zat her? She fits ze description!" the other voice said. You turn around to see Victor Nikiforov dragging Yuri Plisetsky and Yuri Katsuki through the tables. You made eye contact with the annoyed Russian teenager and he said, "She's right zhere, can ve go now?"

"No, ve have to eat vith zem!" Victor insisted, and came up to us, "Hello ladies, mind if we join you?"

"Not at all," you said, because (F/N) was incapable of speaking. She looked like she was about to faint. Yuri Plisetsky sat next to you, with your friend on your other side. Victor sat next to (F/N), which caused her to turn bright red, and Yuri Katsuki sat in between Victor and Plisetsky.

"So, you're Yurio's girlfriend?" Victor asked, leaning forward interestedly. 


"NO, SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" Yuri hollered.

"Yurio?" You asked, confused.

"It's Yuri Plisetsky's nickname. Since we have two Yuri's," Victor gestured to Yuri and Yurio, "We gave Yurio his nickname, it's a lot less confusing, no?"

"I suppose," you said, glancing at Yurio. He just looked annoyed.

"So, where are you two from?" Yuri asked, who had been silent up to this point. The evening wore on, and (F/N) eagerly talked with Yuri and Victor. Well, Victor got drank quite a few alcoholic beverages and got more and more affectionate with Yuri as the night went on, who turned bright red and failed at getting his coach off of him. You wondered briefly if Victor was just really drunk, or they were gay. Or both.

You and Yurio sat quietly next to each other at first, but then you asked Yurio about skating, and he started talking about triple axles and quadruple toe loops. For the first time, his eyes sparkled and he seemed passionate about what he was talking about. Somehow, you managed to get him to talk about his ice skating career, from when he started out until now. You sat and listened quietly.

"Do you skate?" he asked, probably wondering how you knew what he meant when he named the different jumps and moves.

"Yes, but not nearly as well as you. I grew up with a rink close by, so I'd go there with my friends on weekends, but I'm not that good," you explained, "But I do really enjoy it, and I've been following Professional figure skating for years. That's why I'm here, to watch you guys skate. I'll be in the audience during the Grand Prix Final, too."

"I'm glad you'll be there," Yurio said, and then his eyes widened, as though surprised by his own statement.

The two of you continued to talk. A long time passed, before you realized that it was really late and you should be getting back to the hotel. Luckily, it was only a block or so away, so you could just walk. You and (F/N) said your goodbyes and left the restaurant, only to find that the five of you were going to the same place. (F/N) rushed to help Yuri walk Victor (since he kept stumbling) along the sidewalk. You and Yurio walked side-by-side behind them, watching silently.

"Is it alright if I call you Yurio, or does it bother you?" you asked, and looked at Yurio. He thought for a moment, before looking at you rather intensely and said, "I don't mind vhen you call me zat."

"Just not other people?" you asked.

"Da, it annoys me," he said, and shrugged. The two of you went inside the hotel, and entered the elevator. (F/N), Victor, and Yuri had entered the other one, leaving the two of you alone. You stood awkwardly for a moment.

"Thank you, for tonight," you murmured, staring at your hands.

"Vat? I didn't do anyzing. My Grandpa drove us, and I vas just dragged in zhere," he said and looked at you.

"Well, I-" you stopped, staring into his eyes, you didn't quite know what to say. You had avoided making eye contact with him during dinner because it made you feel a little flustered, but now you were looking him straight in the eye. He took a step towards you, and your faces were all of a sudden very close. His blue eyes were so beautiful, you couldn't stop staring. You didn't know how long it was, maybe a few seconds, or a few hours, but it felt like blissful eternity looking into those eyes. His face got closer, and you could feel his breath blow across your face and-


The elevator door opened and you both jumped back, startled. You exited together, feeling uncomfortable.

"Well, goodnight Yurio," you said, hurrying away.

"Goodnight (Y/N)!" Yurio called after you.


"Yuri Plisetsky takes second place, and qualifies for the Grand Prix Final."

You made your way through the crowd being pushed and shoved this way that, you had  to see Yurio. You had to find him. You wanted to hug him, and tell him how wonderful he did. Talking with him last night, had stirred something in your heart, and it made you smile and feel warm inside, despite the cold room.

And then, you saw him.

You stopped.

And stared.

He turned his head and looked at you.

You ran to each other, and you threw your arms around him.

"You did wonderful!" you cried.

Yurio didn't say anything, just wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in for a kiss. All at once, your hands were in his hair and his arms brought your waist closer.

You pulled back, and said, "I think I love you, Yurio."

"I may or may not love you back," he said, and pulled you in for another kiss.

"Looks like she's his girlfriend to me," Victor said to Yuri from a few feet away.

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