AngelFlare (X-Men/Marvel Fanf...

By ErzaSlayyzz

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|Second Place in Fan Fiction category of the Majestic Awards 2018| The X-Men has defeated Apocalypse and the... More

Chapter 1: Anna
Chapter 2: The Kealoah's
Chapter 3: A New Beginning
Chapter 4: Everything
Chapter 5: Dreaming of the Past
Chapter 6: Blueprints
Chapter 7: Theory
Chapter 8: Control
Chapter 9: Training
Chapter 10: The Griffin/Grin
Chapter 11: Goodbye Anna
Chapter 12: Mega AngelFlare
Chapter 13: Special Assignment
Chapter 14: Electric Torture
Chapter 15: Thanksgiving
Chapter 16: Sedative
Chapter 17: Advanced Classes
Chapter 18: Future?
Chapter 20: First Date
Chapter 21: Potential Sacrifice?
Chapter 22: Sarah Evermore
Chapter 23: Festival
Chapter 24: Became Soft
Chapter 25: Little Fairy
Chapter 26: Merry Christmas
Chapter 27: Take Over
Chapter 28: Mask Off
Chapter 29: Betrayal
Chapter 30 : Planet Sifplus (Phoenix Point of view)
Chapter 31: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 32: Mayday
Chapter 33: Formula
Chapter 34: Planet Sifplus Part 2 (Phoenix POV)
Chapter 35: 5 Hours
Chapter 36: Planet Sifplus Part 3 (Phoenix POV)
Chapter 37: Planet Sifplus Part 4 (Phoenix POV)
Chapter 38: Plan A-Z
Chapter 39: Midnight
Chapter 40: 1985 -> 2015
Chapter 41: Jubilee & Storm vs. Jeffery
Chapter 42: Who Do You Fight For?
Chapter 43: Demonic Form
Chapter 44: My Son?
Chapter 45: Derek Vs X-Men and Avengers
Chapter 46: Afterlife?
Chapter 47: Quicksilver & Magneto Vs Antione
Chapter 48: Final Phases
Chapter 49: Grin Vs Angela
Chapter 50: Can We Start Over?

Chapter 19: Bet

57 8 12
By ErzaSlayyzz


"GET IN THE CAR ORORO!" I screamed over her loud screaming.

"I DON'T WANT TO GOOOO!!!!!" Ororo said as I tried to push her into the car.

"Can you guys please stop yelling." Jean said in a calm voice.

"I don't want to go with you guys! I don't have a date so what's the point in me coming." Ororo complained.

"So when you do have a date you have something to wear! Plus it's girl time. We are in desperate need of that since Jean and Angela have dates tomorrow. We might start seeing less and less of them." Jubilee said.

"I'm done with this. Ororo!" I snapped. Ororo looked me in the eyes. "Get in the car and put your seatbelt on and don't try to escape and don't complain either." I compelled her.

Ororo stood up straight and got in the car without a fight.

"I can't believe you just did that." Jean starred at me with disbelief.

"What?" I said.

"You used your powers to make Ororo get in the car. Against her will." Jean said

"Believe me she will be thanking me at the end of this trip." I said as got in the car. "Besides you never know she might meet someone at the mall."

"True but at least let her complain a little. Her just sitting there kind of creeps me out a little." Jubilee said.

"Fine." I said and faced Ororo. "You can do what every you want."

I gave her her free will back

"I can't believe you did that to me" she said as she looked at me.

"Well if you don't want to be here that bad feel free to fly home when we reach the mall." I said as Jubilee continued to drive.

"What's the point now since I'm already in the car with you guys." Ororo leaned back into her seat.

"That's the spirit!" I said as I reached to the front of the car to turn on the radio.

"Wait is this the Dazzlers new song?" Jean asked
"Yeah sounds like it!" Jubilee said as we pulled into the parking lot of the mall.

We all became quiet as we listened to the new song. Jubilee drove around looking for a parking space. Once we found one she parked as we listened to that last few bars of the song. Once it ended we all looked at each other.

"Love it!" Jean said as we all agreed and laughed. Jubilee turned the car off.

We all got out of the car and went inside the mall.

"Okay I'm a little curious about something though." Ororo said "What's with all those glass roses?"

"Well for one they are crystal roses. Peter has been giving them to me. One for each day of the week. Monday I got a clear one, Tuesday I got a green one,Wednesday I got a pink one, yesterday I got a red one and this morning I got a black one. They have small letters engraved in them. It spelled out Angel." I explained.

"Do you think it's spelling out your name?" Jubilee asked.

"Probably." I replied.

"I think that it's so cute!" Jean said as we walked into our first store. "Maybe Peter needs to give some tips and advice to Scott."

"What if anything Peter should be getting advice from Scott." Ororo said. "You guys have been together for a while.......... Wait! What is this? Is things becoming boring for you?"

"Well let's just say that we are in a boring routine. Nothing seems interesting anymore. That's why I hope this date sparks something again." Jean said as she walked over to a rack of clothes and started looking through them.

"Wow and here I thought everything was fine in paradise." I said

"Not everything is as it seems." Jean pulled out some clothes from the rack.

"Lets brighten the mood shall we?" Ororo said.

"Well look at you! You look like you are enjoying this little trip when you didn't want to come in the first place." Jubilee said.

"Might as well enjoy it since I'm here." Ororo grabbed and outfit and went to the dressing room.

"Lets have some fun." I said as I grabbed a blue and black dress off the rack.

"Here try this one on too." Jubilee handed me a dark blue sundress with floral patterns in the chest area. Underneath the floral pattern was a white fabric to show the pattern.

"Wow you have a really good eye." I said as I took the dress from her.

"Well it's what I'm second best at. You know besides electricity." Jubilee said.

"Hahaha right." Jean said as I walked to the dressing room. "Give these to Ororo while you are at it."

"Alright." I took the outfits from Jean and went to the dressing room.

Ororo was about to walk out of her room when I handed her more outfits.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yup." I laughed at the face she made and went to my own room with the clothes.

I tried on my dresses and outfits.

"Angela...."  I heard a males voice come from outside the door.

"What the heck?" I used my powers to scan the area.

I didn't see anyone but Ororo trying on clothes.

"Ororo did you call me?" I asked as I changed into another outfit.

"No I didn't." She replied "Why?"

"Oh it's nothing." I replied as I continued to try on clothes.

"Angela........" the voice came again.

I recognized that voice.


I got dressed in my regular clothes and sat down in the chair that was in the room that was across from the mirror.

I used the mirror to see Logan.

Logan face appeared in the mirror.

Logan was brushing his teeth and choked when I appeared.

"Why did you call me?" I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"I didn't call you." He replied as he rinsed his mouth out.

"Yes you did." I replied.

"No I didn't." He said.

"Okay what were you doing besides brushing your teeth." I asked.

" I was thinking." He replied.

"What were you thinking about?" I asked.

"Well that's private." He said

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I promise it's not inappropriate." He said.

I just glared at him.

"Well maybe you did pop up." He said.

"You thought about me?" I asked.

"Not really but in a way I guess I did." He said.

"Well I just got my answer then." I said.

"Angela are you okay in there? Did the clothes strangle you or something?" Jubilee asked from outside the door.

"Oh! I'm fine I'll be out in a little bit." I said to her.

"We'll try these on too!" Jubilee threw some clothes over the door.

I took the clothes and sat them down next to the rest.

"What are you doing?" Logan asked.

"Shopping" I whispered to him.

"Wow!" He said and started laughing.

"Is there someone in there with you?" I heard Jubilee ask.

"No I'm by myself." I called out to her.

"Okay then." Jubilee said

I turned to face the mirror and glared at Logan.

"I'll see you later. This isn't over!" I whispered to Logan and stopped using my powers. The mirror returned to normal.

I tried on the new clothes. Once I finished I got dressed in my regular clothes and picked up the outfits and left the dressing room.

"Okay which ones did you like?" Ororo asked

"These." I picked out the ones I liked.

"See I told you she would like that black jacket." Ororo said to Jean.

"I need more leather jackets." I said as we paid for the clothes.

"I really want a smoothie right about now." Jean said as we left the store with our clothes.

"Lets go to the food court cause I am kind of hungry." Jubilee said as we headed to the food court.

After we ordered our food we sat down and waited for our food.

"Okay Ororo what about the guy with the black jacket?" Jubilee said.

"I'd say he is a solid 8 because he has a nice smile and eyes. Plus the girl he is with is laughing a lot. Not too much but not to little which shows that he has some type of humor and can make her really laugh for real." Ororo said.

"Nice observation." Jubilee said.

They continued to survey the guys while Jean and I went to pick up the orders.

"Have you told the Professor about what happened on Monday?" Jean asked. "You know about what you saw?"

"No. I've been trying to see what I saw again but I think it's something that I can't control and/or it might be my imagination." I said.

"Is there anything that you saw that might indicate that it's not your imagination?" Jean asked.

"Yeah possibly. There was something in my room. On my desk the crystal roses but I saw a color that I don't have and a stand for all of them and I also saw the writing. If I see that tomorrow on my date then it will confirm that what I saw wasn't my imagination and it's real." I said

"Okay. Well if it is what you saw make sure to tell me." Jean said.

"Of course why wouldn't I?" I laughed as we took the food back to the table.

"Alright Angela what do you think of the guy at 2' o'clock?" Jubilee asked me.

I looked in that direction.

"Seriously?" I laughed

"Yeah." Ororo said with a smile.

"Cute. Love the silver hair. Lovely smile and funny personality. But what really gets me is the eyes. Once they get a hold of you, you can't escape so easily. Kind, sweet and gentle. I'd say who ever gets to have him is one lucky girl." I said as I saw Peter in that direction talking to Scott. "Oh wait I'm the lucky girl."

Jean laughed as the guys noticed us in the food court. They waved at us and we waved back. After that they continued their day.

"Why didn't they come over here?" Jubilee asked.

"Maybe they are preparing for their date tomorrow." Ororo said.

"Right." Jubilee said.

"Come on let's finish our food and get going." Jean said.

"Right." Ororo said

We finished our food while talking. After we finished we went to a shoe store and got some shoes to go with the outfits. We visited a couple more stores and bought a few more items.
On the way home we stopped by the store to get soap and other stuff we needed.

"Thanks guys. Even though I didn't want to come in the first place I had fun." Ororo said as we walked into the mansion.

"Your welcome! I don't know when we will have another girls day." I said.

"Yeah cause I'm pretty sure Peter is going to keep you all to himself." Jubilee laughed as we carried our stuff up the main stairs.

"I hope that spark comes back for you." I said to Jean.

"I mean it's there but it's dull." Jean said.

"Well we can hope you get it back." Ororo said as we reached the top of the stairs.

"Alright guys I'll see you guys later for dinner." Jubilee said and walked away with Ororo.

"Angela can I tell you something?" Jean  asked as we walked to our rooms.


"I'm a little uneasy. Not because of the date tomorrow. It's something else." Jean said.

"What do you think it is?" I asked.

"I think it deals with the both of us. The Phoenix.......... she's acting out more. I don't understand at all. I think whatever that Derek guy has planned...... it's going to be complete sooner rather than later." Jean said as we reached our rooms.

"Hey. Look at me." I said. Jean looked at me. "We are going to find him and stop whatever he has planned. And once Grin is locked up for good we can relax and help you with the Phoenix. We will beat this. Whatever it is."

"I hope so." Jean said. "I'll see you later."

"Later." I watched Jean go into her room and close the door.

I walked into my room and put my stuff away. I opened my desk drawer and pulled out the crystal roses.

"I can only hope......." I said as I laid them out on top of my desk.

I turned away from my desk and sat down in the middle of my bed.

Alright time to deal with Logan.

I close my eyes and leaned back. I opened my eyes to see myself surrounded by a bunch of people partying. Is this a club? Nope just a house party. I walked around in search of Logan. A couple of people gave me weird looks.
I walked into the basement of the house to see a fighting ring.

"Hey this isn't a place for little girls." A guy slurred in my face.

"Who said I was a little girl?" I asked as I walked past him not waiting for an answer. But he followed me.

"Well aren't you a feisty one?" He asked as he followed me.

I saw Logan fighting inside the ring.

"I bet 100 dollars on the guy with the black hair." Some random person said.

"Well I bet 200 on the with the blonde hair." Another person said.

"What about you little feisty one? Who do you think I should bet on?" The guy following asked.

"Black Hair." Was all I said as I walked around the ring.

"50 on the black hair guy." I heard the guy say.

"So this is what you do in your free time?" I asked Logan.

"Gotta get money some way." He said as I handed him a cup he pointed at. "When will I actually be able to meet you in person?" Logan said as his hand went through mine.

"Well you can always come to my school." I said. "Won't be leaving campus for a while since I'm on lock down and all."

"I know, I know. But you were at the mall today?" He looked at his opponent.

"Only because my friend Jean was there.....He's strong." I said while looking at his opponent.

"But not as strong as me." Logan said with a smirk.

"To bad he favors his right knee." I said while looking at Logan.

"I noticed." He smiled.

"Good luck." I said as the bell chimed.

I backed away and watched the fight.

"Well looky here? This is the last place I expected you to be." A familiar voice said behind me. "Well. You aren't really here."

I turned to face Derek Halloway.

"You!" I said in a threatening voice.

"Fine specimen isn't he?" Derek said referring to Logan who was busy fighting.

"What are you planning?" I asked.

"Oh that's not how the game goes my pretty flower." He said as he tried to touch me only for his hand to go through me. "I crave for the time I can touch your fair skin and hear you scream again. Maybe next time I can cut you up. Momma told me to never play with knives. Look where that got her."

"I hate you." I said as a breeze blew through the room.

"I can't wait to break you and wash away your colors." He said. "Careful now don't want to destroy this house. Don't worry that guy over there isn't apart of the plan."

"I'll kill you!" I snapped at him.

"I wouldn't be the first one." He said and walked away.

I followed him out the basement and followed him outside.

Lighting struck in the sky as I followed him.

"Looks like someone is angry!" He laughed as he turned around to face me.

I touched a car and watched it fly at him. He dodged it.

"HOW DARE YOU!!!" I screamed at him.

I raised my hand and started to suffocate him.
I watched him drop to his knees trying to get air in his lungs. I approach him while he gasped.

"How does it feel to be on the receiving end of the pain? Oh what's that? I can't hear you. What's wrong? Just take a deep breath and let it out. Oh right you can't." I laughed.

"Angela!" I heard a voice from behind me. "Stop this right now!"

"Why Logan? This bastard tortured me. He deserves to die." I said as I turned to face Him.

"And I'm not saying that he doesn't. But it's not for you to decide." Logan said approaching me.

"So you want him to live and cause more problems for the world?" I asked.

"No I'm just saying that now isn't the best time." He said.

"Now is the perfect time." I said as I turned my back to him.

"It's not who you are!" Logan said.

"How do you know who I am?" I spun on him. "You don't know me at all! What I've been through and everything!"

"And Whose fault is that?" He yelled at me.

I was taken aback a little.

"Oh is that how it's going to be?" I asked.

"Yeah!" He said standing his ground.

"Okay then. At least I know who I am and know myself." I snapped without thinking.

I saw it. I hurt him bad. I saw it all over his face. I crossed a line that might take me forever to uncross.

"Logan I..."

"Save it." He said and walked away.

I lost focus and released Derek. I heard him gasping for air while I followed Logan.

"Logan! I'm sorry I don't mean to say that. It just came out. I wasn't thinking." I said walking next to him.

I felt a small prick in my arm and looked down to see nothing.

"Just Leave!" He said that with so much force that I was forced back to my room.

I sat up in my bed and looked around.

"I'm sorry to bother you. I just needed to give you your shot. You missed the earlier dose." Moira said while packing her stuff up. "Are you okay?"

"No...... I think I just lost a friend." I mumbled.

"Well only time will tell. Everything will work out." She said as she picked up her bag.
"Remember I need to see you tomorrow morning for your dose. Be on time don't want us to be late for our dates." Moira left my room.

I got up and walked over to my closet. I opened the closet door and moved my clothes aside to see the Christmas presents I bought for everyone. I saw my gift for Logan.

"I swear I will fix this before Christmas." I whispered to my self. I moved my clothes back and closed my closet.

I didn't feel like eating so I got in my bed and fell asleep.

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