Mythology!Hetalia x Reader

By KageNoYurei

452K 11.6K 3.1K

Hetalia characters are able to transform into mythical creatures. You find out about them, some decide to kee... More

Aufhocker!Germany x Reader (part 1)
Bakeneko!Japan x Reader (part 1)
Werecat!Italy x Reader (part 1)
Thunderbird!America x Reader (part 1)
Ankou!France x Reader (part 1)
Herne the Hunter!England x Reader (part 1)
Dragon!China x Reader (part 1)
Dola!Russia x Reader (part 1)
Grim Reaper!Prussia x Reader (part 1)
Trasgo!Spain x Reader (part 1)
Lupo Mannaro!Romano x Reader (part 1)
Amarok!Canada x Reader (part 1)
Karakura!Turkey x Reader (part 1)
Chimera!Greece x Reader (part 1)
Karzełek!Poland x Reader (part 1) & IMPORTANT MESSAGE
Aitvaras!Lithuania x Reader (part 1)
Vilkacis!Latvia x Reader (part 1)
Varjuline!Estonia x Reader (part 1)
Haminja!Sweden x Reader (part 1)
Einherjar!Denmark x Reader (part 1)
Otso!Finland x Reader (part 1)
Fenrir!Norway x Reader (part 1)
Ninnir!Iceland x Reader (part 1)
Male!Koschei!Belarus x Reader (part 1)
Male!Dvorovoi!Ukraine x Reader (part 1)
Merman!Sealand x Reader (part 1)
Haetae!Korea x Reader (part 1)
Male!weretiger!Taiwan x Reader (part 1)
Naga!Thailand x Reader (part 1)
Male!phoenix!Vietnam x Reader (part 1)
Bunyip!Australia x Reader (part 1)
Taniwha!New Zealand x Reader (part 1)
Vogel Gryff!Switzerland x Reader (part 1)
Anubis!Egypt x Reader (part 1)
Vampire!Romania x Reader (part 1)
Zmajeviti!Bulgaria x Reader (part 1)
Gnome King Kyrië!Netherlands x Reader (part 1)
You decide
Púca!Ireland x Reader (part 1)
Ghillie Dhu!Scotland x Reader (part 1)
Kapre!Philippines x Reader (part 1)
Mouro!Portugal x Reader (part 1)
Rui Shi!Hong Kong x Reader (part 1)
Dragon!Wales x Reader (part 1)
Golem!Israel x Reader (part 1)
Jué Yuán!Macau x Reader (part 1)
Aufhocker!Germany x Reader (part 2)
Bakeneko!Japan x Reader (part 2)
Werecat!Italy x Reader (part 2)
New cover photo!
Special: Countries react to World's Worst Lovers poll
Thunderbird!America x Reader (part 2)
Ankou!France x Reader (part 2)
Herne the Hunter!England x Reader (part 2)
Dragon!China x Reader (part 2)
Dola!Russia x Reader (part 2)
Grim Reaper!Prussia x Reader (part 2)
Trasgo!Spain x Reader (part 2)
Lupo Mannaro!Romano x Reader (part 2)
Amarok!Canada x Reader (part 2)
Karakura!Turkey x Reader (part 2)
Chimera!Greece x Reader (part 2)
Karzełek!Poland x Reader (part 2)
Aitvaras!Lithuania x Reader (part 2)
Vilkacis!Latvia x Reader (part 2)
Varjuline!Estonia x Reader (part 2)
Haminja!Sweden x Reader (part 2)
Einherjar!Denmark x Reader (part 2)
Otso!Finland x Reader (part 2)
Fenrir!Norway x Reader (part 2)
Ninnir!Iceland x Reader (part 2)
Male!Koschei!Belarus x Reader (part 2)
Male!Dvorovoi!Ukraine x Reader (part 2)
Merman!Sealand x Reader (part 2)
Haetae!Korea x Reader (part 2)
Male!Weretiger!Taiwan x Reader (part 2)
Naga!Thailand x Reader (part 2)
Male!Phoenix!Vietnam x Reader (part 2)
Bunyip!Australia x Reader (part 2)
Taniwha!New Zealand x Reader (part 2)
Vogel Gryff!Switzerland x Reader (part 2)
Anubis!Egypt x Reader (part 2)
Vampire!Romania x Reader (part 2)
Zmajeviti!Bulgaria x Reader (part 2)
Gnome King Kyrië!Netherlands x Reader (part 2)
Puca!Ireland x Reader (part 2)
Ghillie Dhu!Scotland x Reader (part 2)
Kapre!Philippines x Reader (Part 2)
Mouro!Portugal x Reader (part 2)
Bonus! Promshot: Canada x Reader
Rui Shi!Hong Kong x Reader (part 2)
Dragon!Wales x Reader (part 2)
Golem!Israel x Reader (part 2)
Jué Yuán!Macau x Reader (part 2)
Dola!Russia x Reader (part 3) (end)
Aufhocker!Germany x Reader (part 3)
Karakura!Turkey x Reader (part 3)
Dragon!China x Reader (part 3)
Thunderbird!America x Reader (part 3)
Varjuline!Estonia x Reader (part 3)
Amarok!Canada x Reader (part 3)
Vampire!Romania x Reader (part 3)
Grim Reaper!Prussia x Reader (part 3)
Bonus! Countries React to: Penis Sizes Across Europe
Taniwha!New Zealand x Reader (part 3) (end?)
Gnome King Kyrië!Netherlands x Reader (part 3) (end)
Otso!Finland x Reader (part 3)
Fenrir!Norway x Reader (part 3)
Einherjar!Denmark x Reader (part 3)
Haminja!Sweden x Reader (part 3) (maybe end)
Aitvaras!Lithuania x Reader (part 3)
Ghillie Dhu!Scotland x Reader (part 3)
Herne the Hunter!England x Reader (part 3)
Christmas one-shot! Vote now!
Lemon continuation of Christmas one-shot?
New book for lemon continuation!
Karzełek!Poland X Reader (part 3)
Chimera!Greece x Reader (part 3)
Special: wrestler!America x Wrestler!reader
Male!Weretiger!Taiwan x Reader (part 3) (maybe end)
Rui Shi!Hong Kong x Reader (part 3) (End)
Lupo Manaro!Romano x Reader (part 3)
Golem!Isael X Reader (part 3) (end)

Bonus! Christmas One-shot! Germany x Reader

1.4K 49 3
By KageNoYurei

Okay, I'm gonna be real here. Canada won the popular vote, but he won the last one and I felt like if I did him again it'd get to be a thing and he'd win just about if not all of these special things and that's not fair to the other characters and it'd get boring for me if I only wrote about Canada and then I won't write as well and that'd be sucky of me. So I decided that for these special things, a character can only win a one-shot once, then it goes to the one with the next highest votes.

So, second place was a tie between Germany and Iceland. I flipped a coin and Germany won. So here we are.

It's Christmas morning. You wake up and are really excited because you get to spend today with your boyfriend, Ludwig. You've been together for several years and he's invited you over to his house so you can exchange gifts, so that means you'll be around Gilbert too.

Don't get you wrong, you don't hate Gilbert. It's just that Gilbert tries his absolute hardest to embarrass Ludwig in front of you and you have a feeling that today won't be an exception. Ludwig told you come over at around eleven in the morning, so that gives you some time to get ready.

You take a shower, dry your hair, decide what to wear and get some breakfast. Then you decide it's about time for you to set off to Ludwig's house. You grab your present for him and leave the house.

Ludwig's present is currently covered in wrapping paper and you're really excited for him to open it. You think he'll love it.

Once you arrive at Ludwig's house, you knock on the door and wait a little bit. The door opens to reveal your boyfriend.

"Hey!" You say with a smile.

"Hi," he responds, also smiling.

"Merry Christmas,"

"Merry Christmas." He steps to the side. "Come in."

You enter the house and make your way to their living room. You see Gilbert already there, a box on the floor next to where he's sitting.

"Hey Gilbert," you say as you hold up a hand in a short wave.

"Hey (Name)," he responds.

Ludwig enters the room after you.

"So, I got you this," you say as you hold the box to him.

"I got you somezhing too," he tells you.

"Yeah, but I wanna see you open your present! C'mon, open it!"

He smiles at how excited you are. "Alright." He sets the box down on a table and tears open the wrapping, revealing a gun case. He opens the case and his eyes go wide once he sees what's inside. It's a Browning 1903 pistol that's in amazing condition. It looks like it was just made. He picks it up and examines it.

"Vhere did you get zhis?" The blond asks you.

"My dad has a friend who's really into historical guns."

He looks at you and smiles. "Zhis is amazing. Zhank you, (Name)."

Your smile grows wider. "You're welcome, Ludwig."

"Now for mein present!" Gilbert says as he hands Ludwig a wrapped up box.

Ludwig gives him a somewhat confused look. "But you already have me a present."

"Just open it!"

Ludwig tears off the wrapping paper to reveal that it's...

A box of condoms.

"Vhat zhe hell?!" Ludwig asks his brother angrily as he blushes. "Vhy did you give me zhis?!"

"To use vizh your girlfriend, duh!" Gilbert answers like it's the obvious thing in the world.

Oh my god, Gilbert, you think to yourself. You've really gone for it this time, haven't you? While it's true that you two haven't slept together yet, you're okay with that because throughout your relationship Ludwig's needed to ease into each stage at his own pace, which is apparently slower than Gilbert's perception of how fast a relationship should develop.

"Vhat made you zhink zhis vas a good idea?!"

"C'mon, Lud. You two have been togezher for how many years now? Isn't it about time you slept vizh her?"

"Vhat ve do in our relationship is our business, not yours!"

Ludwig storms off out of the room.

You glare at Gilbert, who currently looks really surprised. "He's right, Gilbert. It's none of your concern how fast we take our relationship."

"Okay, I'm sorry," he tells you. "I didn't zhink he'd blow up like zhat."

"Apologize to him, not me."

You stand up from your seat and exit the room. You want to check on him. You walk to Ludwig's room and see his door closed.

You knock on the door. "Ludwig? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he says through the door, but his voice doesn't sound like he's fine. "Please, just leave me alone."

"Okay. I'm gonna go home, then. Have a good night, Ludwig. I love you."

You leave their house and go straight back to your own. You try not to think about what happened with Gilbert and instead do chores and stuff to keep your mind off of it. The time flies by and before you know it, it's night already.

You look out the window and see that it's snowing outside. You try to think about something else you can do, so you decide to read a book. You put on some comfy clothes that you're willing to sleep in but are really warm and sit in your living room.

After a long while of reading, you hear a knock on your door. You can hear the winds howling outside your window. You look at the clock. 10:30 at night. Who could that be at this hour? And in this weather?

You answer the door and see Ludwig standing on your doorstep. He has a large teddy bear under one of his arms and he has a determined look in his eyes.

"Oh my god!" You say in surprise. You step to the side and let Ludwig come inside, closing the door behind him. "What're you doing here?!"

He shakes off the snow on his coat and hat and kicks the remaining snow off his boots. You can feel the cold coming off of him.

"I vanted to apologize," he tells you.

"You can apologize after you're warmed up. I can feel the cold radiating from you!" You take off his coat for him, him switching the bear under his arm to the other to take off that arm of the coat, and he removes his hat and takes off his boots so he doesn't track water through your house. You both hang up his coat and hat on your coat rack.

You take him to your living room and make him sit on the couch. You get him your warmest quilt and wrap it around him.

"I'm gonna go make some tea," you tell him, the turn to go to your kitchen.

"Vait," he says as he catches you by your wrist. You look at him over your shoulder. "I vant you to hear me out first."

You turn to face him and he stands up as he lets go of your wrist.

"I'm sorry for how I acted earlier," he tells you as he looks into your eyes. "It's just zhat...vhen Gilbert said zhose zhings, it made me zhink zhat I vas taking our relationship too slow. Und zhat you might be upset because of it."

"Ludwig, it's okay," you tell him. "I understand that these things take time. You don't have to take things in our relationship to the next level if you're not ready for it. And you don't have to sleep with me if you're not ready for it."

"Und I also came because I never got to give you your present." He hands you the large stuffed bear under his arm. Its fur is very soft and you think it's cute.

"I love it," you say as you hug the bear. It's still dry and there's hardly any snow on it. "Thanks, Ludwig. But how'd you keep it so dry?"

"I carried it under mein coat vhile I vas valking. ...Und zhere's one more zhing I vant to do." Ludwig reaches into the pocket of his pants and pulls out a small box.

He opens the box and shows you a beautiful ring. The stone's in the shape of a heart and in the center of it, there's the cross he wears on his necklace. The initial sight of it was enough for you to drop the bear and put your hands over your mouth.

"(Name), ve have been togezher for a long time und I can't imagine how mein life vould be now if I never met you. Und I vant to stay vizh you for zhe rest of mein life. Vill you marry me?"

You remove your hands from your mouth, your eyes starting to tear up. "Yes," you say with a smile. "Yes, I'll marry you." You throw your arms around his neck and kiss him, closing your eyes in the process. He kisses you back as he closes his eyes and wraps his arms around your waist.

After a little bit, you two finally break he kiss for air.

"I love you, (Name)," Ludwig tells you with a smile as he rests his forehead on yours.

You smile back at him. "I love you too, Ludwig."

"Vell, I zhink I should be going."

"Oh, you're not going anywhere."

He gives you a confused look.

"Do you see how hard it's snowing?! I can't just let you go out there! You're staying here whether you like it or not."

He smiles at you. "I actually zhink zhat might not be so bad."

You get off him and grab his hand. "C'mon, let's go make that tea."

Before you can lead him into the kitchen, Ludwig takes the ring from the box it was in and puts it on your left ring finger. The both of you smile at each other and you bring him into the kitchen to make the two of you some tea.

Best Christmas ever.

Merry Christmas, everybody!

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