War of Fate (Book 2 Completed)

By CharlotteCarol

228K 12.2K 5.9K

This is Book 2. Read Hades' Daughter before this one, if you haven't already. Scarlett's short time on earth... More

Chapter 1 - 'I know what I saw.'
Chapter 2 - 'We need to talk.'
Chapter 3 - Voices
Oh my gosh look at that challenge! He's so fluffy I'm gonna die.
Chapter 4 - 'I sleep naked, is that OK?'
Chapter 5 - 'Morning breath'
Chapter 6 - 'Make class a little more interesting'
Chapter 7 - 'What is he doing here?'
Chapter 8 - 'He obviously doesn't want you'
Chapter 9 - 'To getting drunk and making stupid decisions'
Chapter 10 - 'What's your name again?'
Chapter 11 - 'What's that smell?'
Announcement! (Radish)
Chapter 12 - 'What's up with them?'
Chapter 13 - The truth about Hunter
Chapter 14 - 'It's time for tickles!'
Chapter 15 - Party Crashers.
Chapter 16 - Tiffany's Father
Chapter 17 - Frenemies
Chapter 18 - 'A bullet won't change that'
Chapter 19 - 'I'll do anything.'
Chapter 20 - 'You now owe me'
Chapter 21 - Clive.
Chapter 22 - 'Are you a cop?'
Chapter 23 - Answers
Chapter 24 - '216'
Chapter 25 - Life Stories
Chapter 26 - 'Message failed to send'
Chapter 27 - Human to Demon
Chapter 29 - Decision Time
Chapter 30 - 'Test Date'
A Christmas In Hell (One Shot)
Chapter 31 - 'Appetizers'
Chapter 32 - Escape.
Chapter 33 - Interrogation
Chapter 1 rewrite posted
Chapter 34 - 'I was arrested ... Surprise!'
Chapter 35 - 'Dad?'
Chapter 36 - Torture
Reid's POV
Chapter 37 - 'I'm not playing your games'
Chapter 38 - Breaking the Chains
Chapter 39 - Heart Over Head
Chapter 40 - Double Trouble
Chapter 41 - Number 1 or Number 2?
Chapter 42 - Flashback
Chapter 43 - Remembering
Chapter 44 - Re-united
Chapter 45 - The Morning After
Chapter 46 - Going Home
Chapter 47 - 'It's Good to Have You Home'
Chapter 48 - Stepping Outside
Chapter 49 - Release
Reid and Hunter's POVs
Chapter 50 - Ápeiro
Chapter 51 - Alarm
Chapter 52 - Old Friend
Chapter 53 - Floodgates
Chapter 54 - Back to Normal?
Chapter 55 - 'Spill'
The Greatest Announcement Of All Time!
Just For You
I Never Expected This
Chapter 56 - 'Happy Death-day'
Free Goodies Just For The Devil's Children
Want A Secret Chapter?
Even More Free Stuff Just For You!
Hooray For Us <3
Last Day to Get the Free Book!
The Day Is HERE!!
It's Here! It's Here!
Chapter 57 - 'Forcing an Elephant into a Suitcase'
Chapter 58 - The Return of Kyle
Cover Made for Hades' Daughter
Chapter 59 - 'Party-pooper'
An Interactive Game? + Update
Giveaway on Goodreads
Christmas Short Story on Amazon
Planned Giveaway. Are you interested?
Ending to this Book Coming Soon
Chapter 60 - 'You want to taste some?'
Chapter 61 - 'It hurts, doesn't it?'

Chapter 28 - 'Welcome, to immortality'

2.3K 175 46
By CharlotteCarol

I walk past all the souls waiting to be sorted, trying to find Helen. I swing my arms as I go, feeling happy and comfort that I'm near home in a familiar place. It's safer on Earth, as you don't know who to trust down here, but knowing that I'm surrounded by my own kind, makes me feel able to take on anything Kyle, or his revolution throws at me. I study each face, getting curious looks back. I sigh, looking around, thinking she might be waiting for me out of the line. I get a glimpse of my dad talking to a couple of guards near the line to Hell. My eyes widen, looking around for somewhere to hide. My dad would kill me if he knew that I had changed someone, without telling him. I dive into the awaiting souls. Objections are shouted as I fall into them, knocking some of them over. I bring a finger up to my lips, telling them to be quiet. When they don't obey, I roll my eyes and show them my horns and fangs.

"Now, be quiet and act normal." I whisper. They quickly stop their objections, moving back and to the way they were before I broke into the line. Albeit, more agitated than before. I peek through the bodies, and look back to where my dad is standing. I watch as he finishes talking to the guards and walks towards my hiding place. I bite my lip as I look around for a distraction, trying to find a way to get him away from where I'm currently crouched down. I feel someone clutch my arm tightly.

"Thank god you're here!" Helen exclaims. I look back at her, showing her a quick smile, before turning my attention back to my dad who is getting ever closer. I nudge the souls in front of me out of the way, and find something to set alight, to divert my dad's attention for a moment. I look at the line for Hell, and an evil grin comes onto my face. They're going to hell anyway, why not kick their punishment off early? I produce fire, and create a big fire ball. When the souls around me see it, their eyes widen. Before they can react, I throw it over their heads and towards the line. Screams of agony and fear are heard, but I ignore the aftermath over by the dock leading to Hell, and focus on my dad. He quickly turns back and sees the burning souls, before shouting to the guards to put it out and get them under control. As his back is turned I grab Helen, and a soul who I can sense is meant for my line, and run out of sight of my dad. Once I am satisfied that my dad can't see us, I turn to Helen.

"Hi. You hungry?" I ask, exhaling as I push the soul towards her. She ignores me as she stalks towards the soul.

"Enjoy." I add. As Helen hasn't learnt to control herself, or her bite, instead of screams, moans fill the space. I clear my throat, feeling awkward. She eventually moves back, and turns to me.

"What now?" She asks. I motion to the soul to go, before answering.

"You'll return to your body. I'll see you back up there." I answer, walking away from her. I retrieve my phone as I walk, to text Hunter telling him to make his way back. When I'm mid text I teleport back to the top of the building, landing next to Helen's body. I sit down on the edge of the building hitting send. I hit the heels of my feet against the building repeatedly, as I swing my legs. My phone buzzes with a text, causing me to look down, but before I can see what the text is, my dad's contact photo fills the screen letting me know he is calling me. I smile, expecting his call.

"Daddy! How may I help you?" I greet.

"You can help me, by telling me where you are." He responds.

"Why? Is something wrong?" I ask pushing concern in my voice. My 'concern' is backed up with the screams of terror in the background.

"Someone has cause havoc by setting souls alight." My dad explains.

"Oh, well it can't have been me. I'm in Miami." I tell him, bringing the phone away from my ear and holding it out to the sounds of the city.

"Are you sure you haven't been down?" He asks already knowing the answer. I bring the phone back to my ear.

"Would I lie to you?" I ask.

"Did McDonald's boy cluck?" My dad responds. I roll my eyes.

"Yes... And?"

"And that's your answer, yes, you would lie to me."

"Dad, I have to go. Love you!" I call into the phone before hanging up, when I hear Helen's heart start to beat again. I push myself up onto my feet, and look down at the ground below, to see Hunter and Grant walking back to the cars. Grant looks up at me, with an excited/nervous look on his face. I wave at him, showing him a thumbs up. His shoulders fall, showing that he was afraid it wouldn't work. When I hear Helen sit up, I spin around to face her.

"Welcome, to immortality." I state widening my arms. She stretches her neck on each side, pulling a pained face.

"Ah, yes, that'll be a side effect – you'll feel sore as I snapped your neck." I explain. She stands up, and looks around.

"Wow this is amazing; I can hear and see everything clearly." She exclaims, looking around with a look of awe on her face. But soon enough, she groans bringing a hand to her head. "Maybe not, I have a headache and feel dizzy." She continues.

"You'll get used to it." I assure her. She blinks repeatedly, getting used to the light.

"Are you ready to see Grant?" I ask. She nods hesitantly, so not to aggravate her neck. She takes a couple of steps, like a foal getting used to walking. However instead of walking at a normal pace, she runs to the edge of the building, stopping short before she falls off the edge.

"You'll get used to that too." I tell her walking up beside her. She looks down, a smile coming onto her face when she sees Grant, before looking back at me.

"I can't jump that." She tells me in a scared tone.

"You can, and you will. Anyway, if you land badly you can heal." What I said makes her eyes hold even more fear. I roll my eyes.

"Don't think about it. If you don't do it, I'll push you." She still doesn't look like she's going to do it, so I take a couple of steps back before jumping off the building. I bend my knees as I land, before looking back over my shoulder at Helen. She scrunches her eyes up, before jumping after me, landing perfectly beside me.

"See." At my remark she opens her eyes, and looks around obviously happy to be alive. Her eyes fall on Grant, causing her to run at him. I chuckle and follow behind her, moving to Hunter.

"I think we should leave them to it." I tell him quietly. "Grant I'll see you back here at the same time next week." I turn to Grant, talking louder. He pulls back long enough to nod before returning to Helen's mouth. I shake my head before walking back to my car, Hunter following close behind.

"So..." Hunter starts once we are driving back to mine. "You kissed him."

Here you go my little devils!

I hope you liked it!

So, the next time I will be uploading will be on Christmas Day (if you celebrate it). Who's excited? I know I am, you're never too old to be excited for Christmas. ;) I may also have an additional part I will post along with the next expected part, a Christmas one shot. You can vote on what you want it to be about from a list (can you guess where I got the idea from?):

A Christmas in Hell (A past Christmas)

A future scene from the book (Present Christmas)

Further into the future (Future Christmas - I will not be including who she ends up with though, that would just spoil the whole book series ;))

What did you think?

What will happen next?

Thanks for reading, voting, commenting, sharing and following!

CC ;) 

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