emotions m.t [DISCONTINUED]

By marksboob

56.8K 1.5K 335

"Emily! Come down here! The boys have missed you!" Jackson shouted from downstairs. I lazily got up from the... More

[1] All Over Again
[2] Save me
[3] I'm sorry
[4] Barbecue
[5] Joan
[6] Aftermath
[7] Guess Who's Back?
[8] Reset
*not an update*


1K 24 17
By marksboob

Sequel Started : 13th December 2016
12 : 14 AM

So it's been two years since I joined 7Heaven. We've been on two tours so far. One in Korea and another in Europe. We haven't had the chance to have a tour in the other parts of Asia, which I really wanted.

The fans have been extremely supportive and caring towards all of us. Of course there were a lot of people who hated our guts. But we were living our dream. Their perspective of who we were could never change that.

Now onto the subject you guys probably have in mind. Mark and I.

Well, we've broken up actually. It was extremely upsetting. Even the thought of it got me into tears. But the two of us have remained friends.

It seemed like after awhile of being in a relationship, the spark was gone. There no longer was that feeling of excitement when we saw each other. It felt so underwhelming. Completely borderline.

I couldn't get over it at first. For about a few months, to be exact. I realised that I hadn't completely lost him. He was still there. As my friend. And I was okay with that.

But.. I can't deny the fact that I still care about him.

Pictures of us on the internet haunted me. But at the same time, made me feel happy. I knew deep down inside that there would always be a part of me that would always in love him. At the same time, I knew that he wasn't in love with me.

I slid on a thick cream hoodie over my blue shirt and put on a rose gold baseball cap. We were going for rehearsals at the venue for our next performance.

"Guys! Five minutes before we leave!" Lee Ann reminded, knocking on all of our doors. I tightened my shoelaces and grabbed my sling bag, heading out the door and into the living room where the Unnies were.

"Em. Don't put too much pressure on your leg, it still hasn't fully recovered." Eun Min reminded me as she pointed to my left knee.

About a month ago on our last stop on tour, I   fell down, knee-first, on one of the large ramps and a second time when I accidentally lost my balance and put all the pressure on my knee when I was supposed to squat.

This had a huge impact on my knee. Especially because I continued on with the rest of the concert before they wrapped me up and took me to a hospital. Apparently, if I had danced a little harder I would never be able to walk again.

"Don't worry, Unnie." I said, giving her a small reassuring smile. My knee was wrapped with a guard to ensure that there's still some type of type of support for my leg.

"Let's go!"

With that, we all slowly piled into our regular van and were driven to the concert's venue. This would be the last one before our two week break. I was excited to finally get some rest. I had no intentions of leaving the house. I wanted to stay home.

Soon, I felt the van come to a complete stop which meant that we had arrived. "Thank you." We thanked the driver while we all slowly got out of the car.

I put my hoodie over my head and looked down, avoiding the cameras that pointed at us. There were fans as well. I wanted to stop and sign whatever they had, but I knew I couldn't. Because it would never end.

I stepped into the indoor stadium, a cold gush of air instantly hitting me. I put down the hood and squinted my eyes a little because the cold air was going in. It took awhile to finally adjust to it.

I could see the barricades being set up. The girls made their way to the stage while I walked slowly. I got my ear-ins which were taped unto me before I hooked them over my ears, securing them.

I stepped out on stage and we began practice. We did the songs that we were going to perform on the day itself. I did the dance steps a little nervously, unsure of what was going to happen.

Then a large spotlight was shone unto the stage. I groaned and blocked my eyes, as I fell back into Luna who supported me, a little overwhelmed by how bright it was.

The lights dims down and I see Coni Oppa Heechul Oppa and Hani Unnie at the other end of the arena on the platform where the main-view camera would be. "Annyeonghaseyo." We greeted, bowing.

They smiled. I realised that they held mics. Was this all set up?

"Welcome to a new episode of Weekly Idol!" They announced, doing the pose that resembled a dab. The girls clapped while I stood there, regaining my composure. The light goes off and the normal lights are the only ones on.

"Today, we have set up for 7Heaven to perform their songs in front of a live audience." Coni said as he looked at us. There were other cameras at different angles, filming us.

"Don't worry. They are not your fans. We understand that you will be performing tomorrow." Hani says as she shoots us a smile. The girls were thankful.

I didn't really have a reaction to give. I wasn't feeling like myself.

"Here are our other guests who will be the audience for the day!" Heechul says as he lifts his cue cards.


The guys slowly piled into the standing pans. They greeted us and the three hosts. I see a friendly face, waving enthusiastically at me. I waved back.

Kai Oppa.

He was there for me while I was going through the break up with Mark. I was completely lifeless. I stayed in my room, leaving to go for showers, rehearsals and performances. I barely ate.

I came so close to dying. So close. I fainted during one of our concerts in Korea and they brought me to the hospital where they showed me how much my health had deteriorated. You could see my spine. You could see the faint outline of my ribs.

Kai was there as my best friend.

I no longer talked to my brother. He wasn't there. He didn't bother checking up on me. I knew he didn't care despite the member's constantly assuring me that he did.

"Next up, BTS!"

The guys came in with our merchandise in hand. I couldn't help but smile when Taehyung Oppa came in with a board that had my name on it. We were close ever since an interview on ASC where we took a quiz on which BTS member i'm most alike.

[A/N : *cough* totally not based on my day out with Gynty *cough* ]

He was like this elder brother who acted like he was my age. He was weird but at the same time, made me feel appreciated. Like I meant something.

"Oppa! What about our names?" Luna asked with a slight frown on her face. The girls glared playfully at him as he cheekily hid his face with the board.

"Last, but not least... Drumroll please!" Heechul requested. The girls stomped their feet and clapped their hands to resemble a drumroll.

Please don't be what I think it's going to be..


The girls clapped along with the two other boybands who were in the room. They came in and introduced themselves as usual. Unfortunately for me, they were standing right by me. I could feel their eyes digging into me.

"Before we carry on, girls introduce yourselves together and individually please." Coni Oppa says.

"Let's Fly, 7Heaven! Annyeonghaseyo, 7Heaven-inmida."

We bowed in unison before the self introductions began. I looked at the members as they were slowly given mics. I took my mic, thanking the staff member with a bow. I switched it on when it came to my part.

"Hi everybody. I'm the english speaking maknae, Emily." Just like the other introductions, the boys squirmed obnoxiously making me furrow my eyebrows a little at how noisy they were.

"Alright, let's start with our random dance segment."

The girls and I groaned a little. I knew that we were all going to mess up somehow. I sighed and asked for the temperature to be increased. The cold gushes of air gave me headaches and made me dizzy.

I put down my mic together with the others', making my way back to centre stage as they asked for us to get ready.

"7Heaven Hwaiting!" EXO shouted after Suho counted down softly in a whisper. I looked over to see them waving their hands enthusiastically with smiles on their faces.

"We have been notified that there is choreography that's meant for when you girls have your hair up and when it's down. We'll be doing the one for when your hair is down, so everyone please let down your hair." Heechul says with a laugh.

I groaned, knowing my hair was the longest out of all the members. They had their hair at shoulder length.

I looked over to them with a frown on my face. "Aigoo.. Sorry Emily." Heechul says as he notices my expression. "Em. You can do this." I heard a familiar voice said.

I looked over to see Jackson with a small smile on his face. I looked away and clenched my jaw, not wanting to give him a reaction.

"Dongsaeng. He's still your brother." Hana says as she gives me a sigh. "A brother is there for you. He wasn't there for me."

Finally, luck was on my side. The music began playing. Quickly, we all changed to our positions. We stumbled a little at the beginning but eventually found our positions and stabilised ourselves.

I looked over my shoulder to see the boys dancing together with us with amused expressions.

Thankfully, the music changed before my solo. I went to my next position and danced, huffing hair up my face to blow hair away from my vision. I could hear some laughs as I continuously did this.

I could feel the pressure on my knee as we held the squat position while waiting for the next line. I shut my eyes, holding unto my knee as I breathed heavily.

Thankfully, Eun Min messes up. I immediately fall to the ground and sit with my left leg out. Luna squats down beside me, rubbing my back. I slowly massage my knee while I wait for my turn to hit her with the toy hammer.

"I'm actually so thankful that you made a mistake. My leg was about to snap." I said into the mic that was already attached to our shirts. I heard laughter as I grabbed the toy hammer. I gently hit Eun Min's head, causing her to bring me into a hug and lift me off my feet, making all of us laugh.

Soon, after a couple more mistakes being made it was time to change the segment.

"Now it's time for us to react to their individual scenes in the teaser for their song, Helpless."

We squirmed while the scenes were played.  I covered my face at how cheesy the scenes were, making me squeal. "Omo!" The girls and I said as Tay's scene came on.

She was at a concert and the camera zoomed in to when she bit her lip and winked. "Stop!" She whined as Young Mi hit her teasingly.

I laughed and shook my head, leaning back with my arms as support.

Then came my scene.

I came into frame with a small smile as I leaned against the open door of what was supposed to be the Music Room. Then the camera that was once pointed at the actor's hands that were pressing at the keys of the piano as he sang, pointed towards me. This meant that he had realised I was here.

I stumbled and cleared my throat, standing up straight as I scratched at the back of my neck. "O-Oppa. You have an amazing voice." I said as I playfully avoided the camera's lens, acting like I was avoiding 'his' gaze.

"Oppa. By any chance.. would you like to sing a duet with me some time soon?"  I asked as I finally looked up to the lens, biting my lip with a hopeful expression on my face. "I-I like you.. I mean your voice! I like your voice." I stuttered, acting shocked and embarrassed.

The girls squealed at my scene , teasing me repeatedly. I hid my face with my arms, blocking the embarrassed look on my face. "I like you. I mean your voice." Lee Ann mocked, making everyone laugh. "Unnie." I whined, shaking my head that was covered by my sleeves.

I finally lift my face, looking at the camera with a frown as the other girls continuously teased me. "Emily! Emily!" The EXO boys squealed as if they were fangirls as they ran around the pan with their arms up. I laughed as I looked over to them, shaking my head.

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