We're Just Living Reckless (B...

By Konnah

287K 3.5K 486

Alexandra Morgan just started dating her best friend in the world, Ben Bruce. But he wants to spend every nig... More

We're Just Living Reckless (Ben Bruce Fan Fiction)
i smell a rat.
Flash Delrium
When We First Met.
Out Run My Bullets
Party Til You Pass Out, Drink Til Your Dead
Great Choice
You Stupid Girl
Surprise, Surprise
Looking For Trouble
You Know She Can Take It
Familiar Faces
Take What You Want
Your Excused
Old Yellow Bricks
Crying Lightning
Say What?
Your So Funny
Guess Whose Coming For Dinner
I Feel A Weakness Coming On
I Don't Know How To Feel Now
I'm Glad You Came
Young Blood
Welcome Home
Take Me On A Journey
The Fuck.
Together Apart And The Same Old Same Old
Teenage Heart Throb
Doe Deer
How It Happened
Wake Up
Be Safe
Such Good Taste
Cheeky Bastard
Wanna Hangout?
Call Me
Here she is
Home is where the heart is. I guess.

Perfect Couples Make Me Sick.

8.7K 82 10
By Konnah

"Ben, be nice." We weren't even an hour into the dinner and it wasn't going good...But, it wasn't going terrible either. 

"What?I'm just saying any half minded twi-," 

I cleared my throat. 

He stared at me and sipped his flask. "What I'm trying to say, Will, is I think what I'm doing can save music." 

"Its, Mr.Morgan to you and good music died a long time ago." 

This was always a discussion my father and Ben got into. It was my mom who didn't like him mostly. Emily's boyfriend hadn't arrived and I knew she was happy we showed up early. More time for mom and dad to hate him then not notice her boyfriend messing up. 

"So, mum...How's things been going?" 

"If you visited maybe you would know."She snapped. 

I looked away and Ben stared at her. He hated the fact they didn't like him. The fact she treated me like this when I was with him made him want to punch a wall. 

"Yes?"My mum took notice of him looking at him. 

"Your so rude to her." 

"Excuse me, she's my daughter. I can do that. You have no right." 

"Still. It's rude. She just wanted to know." 


He looked at me for a second and the entire table fell quiet. My father looking away also. Looking at my mum who was glarign at him for not taking her side. 

Someone knocked on the door and Emily sprang up,"I got it!" She skipped out the room and out the terrible era.I sipped my water awkwardly and smiled as my mum looked at me.  

"Mum, Dad, this is Joshy." 

"Josh.Joshua." The guy smiled and waved small. He was a few inches taller then Emily's 5'4 and looked sweet. 

"Hello."I spoke nice and my parents did the same. Ben looked away and sipped some more. 

Josh's eyes went from my mum, my dad, then me a few seconds then finally his eyes rested on Ben. 

"Ben Bruce? Ah. Just lovely."He seemed to spat. 

"Like I wanted to see you again too." 

"Ha, trying to avoid my entire family? Aren't you nice?" 

"Uhhh."Emily looked from them to me. I shrugged then whispered,"Who?" 

"Josh Wegner. Dated both his sisters. Made em fight over me.'Member?" 

"You mean dumb and stupid?" 


"How do you two know each other?"My dad asked, My question aloud. 

"He dated my sister and cheated on her with my other one. Both twins and his lie was, he didn't know which was which. Made 'em fight over 'im.He disgusts me." 

"Join the club,"My mum mouthed. She smiled and welcomed Josh. As if Emily was her favorite now and Josh was part of the family. I sat clenching my jaw and let my hand feel for Ben's. He knew I could only take so much of my family.  

"Do't talk like that.Ben's dating Alex.She's my older sister. Their best friends, he wouldn't do that."Emily defended Ben. 

Oh yeah, I forgot. As long as Ben was nice to me, My sister didn't cross over to the dark side and hate him. 

"Hey, we shoul go in another hour or two."Ben spoke soft.  


"Album party. Last night we were too tired." 

I nodded. 

"New album?"Emily sat down Josh sitting next to her. 

"Yep. Gonna be sick." 

"I bet." 

I sat and leaned back.My mum sitting across me looking at me leaning on her right arm. 

"Uhm, yes?" 

"Alexandra, what happened?" 


"Uhm, Josh how did you meet Emily?"My dad was cutting her off.

"Long story. I worked at the library."

"Ha. Worked."Ben sipped his drink.

"As I was saying, I was working and we...I can't remember all of it."He shook his head."Oh, I'm terrible."

"Haha!Oh, hush. I was checking books out and my card failed...Again!"Emily countinued for him.

"Right, right! Ha she was practically panicking at that point for another one, I was stuck giving her a new one nd risking my job."

"i never was good at keeping things."Emily smiled.

"So, long story short I gave her the card and lot my job."

"And we went out."Emily leaned her head on his shoulder.

They were so cute. They smiled and laughed together in harmony. I adored my little sister with him. My parents obviously taken by this too smiled.

"Anyone else done?"My mum stood."Oh, sorry Josh."

"It's okay. I already ate."He smiled.

"I'll help you with the dishes mum."Emily stood.

"So Josh are you into sports?"My dad backed away from the table in his chair and stood.

"Yes sir."Josh stood and went with him in the living room.

I sat at the table with Ben and he stood."I need a smoke." He went outside and I followed.

"They make me sick."He lit a cigarette and took a drag.

"I know. Im sorry you have to deal with them."

He looked at me sideways. He groaned and kissed me. "Not your fault. I don't hate all of em. Your mum and occassionally your dad but, everything else is good."

"What about Emily and Josh?"

"Ugh, if we ever get like that shoot me."

"They aren't that bad."I laughed.

"Oh, Joshy darling what happened? Emily sweetheart you know!" He spoke flamboyant and put a hand on his hip flipping his hair.

I was dying. Laughing that is. "Sh! They could hear us."

"Over what? We have proven your family has tunnel vision."

I hit him and reached for the cigarette doing as he did. "Mhm. Let's visit your family next."

"Why? My mum already bloody loves you. My dad asks are we fucking everyday. As far as I'm concerned, your in."

"In what?" I smiled.

Ben looked at me a while then shook his head."Nothing, nevermind. Can we get going?"

I looked at the sky."Yeah, let me say bye."

"Or let em figure it out themselves." He shrugged and walked towards the way home.

I stood a bet, then nodded,

I caught up and he put his arm around my shoulder."One day, your going to tell them off. I want to be there."

"I think I already have in some ways,"

"Still, I want to hear it."

"Will that get you off?"I laughed.

He squeezed my shoulder and whispered,"More then you ever thought."

I smiled and sighed. I will finally tell my family off for being rude to Ben but,they could shove it. I loved him. We weren't like Emily and Josh. I was proud to say that but, we weren't exactly the most romantic couple in the world. I've always stopped myself from saying I loved Ben but, something told me my little sister and her adoring boyfriend would get there quicker. Maybe my family would accept that better then I saying it to Ben.

Maybe I shouldn't have visited. This visit would get to me all night. Meaning, I was going to get wasted, for sure now.

"Why are you silent suddenly?"

"No reason."

"Uh huh."He stopped infront of me and pulled my waist to him."Your thinking.Abourt something."

I nodded.




"Ben, let's go." I smiled fake and walked past him.

"Alright, but I'm just proving the one time I want to listen you don't want to talk."

I stuck my tongue out and he kissed me."I think I deserve some sort of reward.'

I stared at him. "Your joking right?"

"Nope."He put his fingers along the loops of my jeans and kissed my neck."When we get home."

'We have no home. We're fucking moochers, if we fuck right here it won't make a difference."

"Uh, yeah it would."


"I don't know genius, maybe co's were near a road with passing cars."

"That's the rush we'll get."

I rolled my eyes and kissed him biting his lip."When we get home, I'll do it anywhere you want."

He stopped and grabbed my hand running. "Come on!"

I shook my head giggling crazy. Hoping he would be too drunk to remember.

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