MLT1 (More Layers than One) 3...

By CrazyPens

475 30 3

To Love her would be an honest mistake. πŸ”žπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ "A Crazy Pens Productions" Written By... More

Part 1- I See Bitchez
Part 1-Guest's House Sierra POV
Part 1- My Story, Not Yours..
Part 1- Affairs
Part 1- Trusting & Careful
Part 1- Crazy or Goon
Part 1- Been Around.. excerpt
Part 1- Nothing Free
Part 1- Maybe Crazy
Part 2- Time Elapsed
Part 2- Mind Fuxks
Part 2... Ladonna POV
Part 2 -Overdose Death Pt. 2
Part 2- Awaken
Part 2-Gone To More Than This
Part 2- California Careful
Part 2- Find Her Truth
Part 2- Stand By Boys
Part 2.. Narrated
Part 3- Competition Will
Part 3- Sold It
Part 3- Secrets Live
Part 3- Narrated
Part 3- True 2 It
Part 3- Bad Karma Girl Bry POV
Part 3-Strangers
Part 3 Amber's Side
Part 3- Abandoned SZA POV
Part 3- Temporary.. Amb POV
Part 3-View ..Anthony POV
Part 3- Not Love
Part 3 -Cam .. Amb POV
Part 3- Don't... Sierra POV
Authors notes to my fans you Made it
Part 3.. Get Out
Part 3- Double Takes
Part 3 - Baby or Life
Part 3- My Moment
Part 3- Sierra
Poem she Wrote
The Session
Remember Me
You See Me

Part 1- The Present

140 5 0
By CrazyPens

Attention: Please see trailers I made for your enjoyment of this book. Warning multi functioning personality story told And watch And enjoy this beginning trailer/mini movie By: Jhene' Aiko. I needed something to identify with this book, and finally found it. Thxx for reading. All rights to videos belong to their rightful owners, and I don't own them, I do own the book.
"A Crazy Pens Productions"
In dedication to Amber, and a shooting Star.

Chapter 1.......

Amber POV-

The year is 2018, I'm sure we never imagined seeing each other again. Maybe a glimmer of hope. Sometimes you can chase a life worth living and realise you happy with who you are half way through chasing it.

There were so many devices that tore us up. Ones that he couldn't deal with, and up until several years ago I kept on dealing with. Some people find solace in relations, others in drugs, the rest in alcohol abuse, the other half in emotional abuse and responsibility.

I had done it all. Not as in a person that was nasty or a woman that you wouldn't touch. It was the pain in me I had let go of so much of my self. Let go so much there was almost nothing left. I just could not give up. I knew that the spirit was nothing to play with. But didn't know how much so until looking into my own mirror.

It was there the whole time, and it took going through seeing an end to everything I really loved to change. My ideas were just starting to blossom. My name was even better than before. No of course I hadn't changed it, yet thrown away all the bad spirits attached to it. No one would make me feel ashamed or belittle my own self ever again.

Realising looking for men was not my goal. Through often scary circumstances and a part of light that I believed God allowed for everyone to see. It was not death it was life. Something obviously I was privy too but so far away from it.

A Night at The Bar 2019

Anthony, Sierra, and Amber.........

The cold air from the outside blowing was too much for Sierra. She said,

'Anthony I'm cold why don't we just stop inside of that bar up the hill.'

It was snowing. Anthony knew she couldn't stand the cold beating against her back and agreed.

It was a little bit under a half a mile treading through the snow. The stop at the bar Was supposed to be a warm spot until Tripple A would arrive. If things couldn't get any better or worse.

- Amber -
'Is that him. Anthony. My eyes are playing tricks.'

I ran back into the dressing room big enough for three. After all I did to get here. This couldn't be happening, not now. I told Bry I didn't want to come here to sing but they insisted no one could do Anita like me. A old folks party. I agreed to show.

'Chile I thought i told you to wipe these lenses before I went up on stage.' My stylist acted as if he did not even hear me. But replied tossing a hand at me.

'They are wiped you tripping now get on up on that stage for Parker has our asses. Well mines! Yours is too fine for him to have. Shit gone yo music coming in..... Now!'

I walked back on the stage looking at Anthony's back I knew who he was. As the music played, I was supposed to be singing a classic of Anita Baker but asked the DJ to stop the music like only I could. Always the entertainer.

'Say ahh play Fool of Me Teddy. We aint did that one yet.'

Teddy looked confused but one look at my eyes now fixated on the couple ordering their drinks and food at the bar; who hadn't looked up yet he knew to start playing. It was my call not his. Parker's eyes got big. But it was too late to stop. Teddy played the music.

When my note came out Anthony turned around. There was a lady with him. Fine by me. Just as well. We don't know each other. I should have kept it like that, I'm the reason he in this shit now. I hope you can keep up, this is how I got here.

Anthony could not believe it was really me I could tell He wanted to know every detail about my life. I look amazing, so much he damn near forgot the lady, who was looking him dead in the mouth.

So was I tho, a true battle. Not of the sexiest but the heart. With this gorgeous dress ensemble and this look that was saying.

'Thank you very much y'all I made it!'

A well deserved audience approval. Anthony was blown away, he knew it was in me. It was always in me; only shocked to see that I got it back. He could tell this was a new stable me. I could tell this was a settling piece of his imaginary conquest to what love is. What it really is. Who cared now?

Everybody was applauding wanting me to sing another song.

The lady looked at Anthony, I could see her agitated. I could hear her too. Partly because I was not looking but definitely listening.


"y'all fucking no each other?" Sierra now staring at her man Anthony.

'Ugh naw naw nothing like that. A long time ago.'

He barely spoke. He murmured it. Sierra, I heard him say her name, well she excused herself to the bathroom she almost hated to use it from the look on her face, but needed to get it together. Anthony made his way to the edge of the platform I stood on.

' Amber! That's really you woman!'

One look into his eyes sent me flying backstage. He was holding a glass of Alize; he knew damn well it was my ole favorite. Now only Sierra was standing there. He was getting ready to head back to the bar, Sierra beat him too it. She eye balled this yellow colored liquid he was holding. There weren't any lies he fixed his mouth to say. He just shrugged his head and sat the glass down on the table.

Oh no I was peeking at their show from the curtains before I decided whether or not to come back out.

'Who's that for Tony? Anthony do you hear me? Yo!'

Sierra I need to call Tripple A my truck is not turning over.

Brand new fucking truck ain't this a bitch won't turn over.
I asked him in front of his girl. I had nothing to hide. Not then, and not now.


Sierra cleared her throat and eye balled both Anthony and me.

'Soo before you got here me and my man were talking about our problems. Hi I'm Sierra and you are Amber right? I heard them announce you on stage.' she said to me.

'Oh good for you.' I told her quickly.

I was not the woman Sierra thought she was. You know the type that think you won't dig in they shit! Backing up a little bit was now her goal instead of trying to make it worst. Smart.

'We popped a tire. Is there a hotel near by?' Anthony was being cute I see. Fruntin like he do these small city low down hoe-tells.

The thought made me laugh out loud. I laughed and said,

'A hotel. Sure all dumps why don't you two come to my place my man won't be back for a couple of days. And call Tripple A to meet you back at the car. I'll tell Parker. It will be safe.'

'Wowwww ugh Anthony wow how generous." We couldn't' Sierra said. I mean we not right?

She searched his face as a woman with no control looking for clarification. Better her than me.

'Ugh sure. You sure? I mean Si Sierra and me can be dropped off at a hotel if you don't mind '
Anthony replied.

Not wanting to shake his woman off in her face he did it in a subtle unknowingly way. Sierra holding herself back from her eyes enlarging. I was only being nice to my ex husband. They agreed to go to my place. My driver was on deck, but was trying to figure out the dirty glances between the two of us.

We headed out. I was fucking up inviting them to the crib. The place that Bry got for me. I'll tell you all about my man Bry later. At the same time with my driver on the side. He swore we wouldn't do this.

So all of us in my limo. The one I betray Bry in. We are headed to my house. And sometimes I think I wanted him to touch me while she is right here in the car, and my driver with the bomb dick when Bry is away kept driving and pay us no mind.

That's not how it happened though. Any of this. If Anthony loved me I would never have did half of any of this shit. What kind of joke is all of this. Temptation is a mother and mines landed me right we are in chapter 26. If you are strong, and only then can you take this long walk with me. What happened next...... Oh yea.

Hoping that she would not let on that me and Anthony were a lot more than friends. I would play it off as good as these emotions would allow.
In the meantime while I was plotting. So was Bry. I asked for this fame.

I asked for this heat. Now I'm not sure if I'll ever be the same. How could I?

For all of my readers this chapter is continued on part 26.... Enjoy... This book is told in parts of past present future and dreams during sleep hallucinations. Keep up.... Notes from yours truly the writer CrazyPens

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