Caught up with the Bad Boy {C...

By MessaBoo

299K 7.1K 2.3K

|editing process| I glare at him, "what do you want, Greyson?" He leans down so his face is level with mine... More

Before you read this book!
Chapter One: Who doesn't love a poorly drawn penis tattoo?
Chapter Two: You smell like a dirty sock.
Chapter Three: I'm the mistress? How rude.
Chapter Four: Your Wonder Women undies were mighty cute.
Chapter Five: Sam, the girl with the hot ass.
Chapter Seven: Every damn word.
Chapter Eight: You still harboring that crush for Blossom?
Chapter Nine: Ha! More like your in love with me.
Chapter Ten: Greyson Black, eight years old.
Chapter Eleven: 'Knocking boots' not 'slapping boots'
Chapter Twelve: The immaculate body is just a plus.
Chapter Thirteen: Happy freaking Halloween, love.
Chapter Fourteen: Pants, Black. I don't got all night.
Chapter Fifteen: You're killing me tonight, Smiles.
Chapter Sixteen: I'm a mess.
Chapter Seventeen: Maybe they had a threesome.
Chapter Eighteen: Have you been picturing him naked lately?
Important A/N: I fell in love with writing this year.
Chapter Nineteen: Tough love, lovebug.
Chapter Twenty: Please...Greysie.
Chapter Twenty One: Goodbye, Skye Hastings.
Chapter Twenty Two: You want me to run around naked?
A/N: Breaking Lincoln High
Breaking Lincoln High
Chapter Twenty Three: What did you do to a squirrel?
Chapter Twenty Four: Underwear...
Chapter Twenty Five: Something drastic.
Chapter Twenty Six: And I thought I looked gorgeous.
Chapter Twenty Seven: Oh sweet baby Jesus.
Chapter Twenty Eight: Screw this.
Important A/N
Chapter Twenty Nine: That was my way of flirting.
Before next chapter...A/N
Chapter Thirty: I won't let go.
Chapter Thirty One: December
Chapter Thirty Two: January
Chapter Thirty Three: February
Chapter Thirty Four: March
Chapter Thirty Five: Sometimes the world is a giant jackass.
Chapter Thirty Six: Backsliding is a bitch.
Chapter Thirty Seven: I will punch your manhood.
Greyson's Letter
Awesome A/N
Chapter Thirty Eight: You look like a cavewoman.
Spectacularly Important A/N
Chapter Thirty Nine: Sneaky is my middle name.
Chapter Forty: They sure were eggcellent.
Caught in a Dream (Sneak Peak)

Chapter Six: Greyson Blacks face is stupid.

7.1K 163 53
By MessaBoo

This chapter is dedicated to infiniteoceans-  for understanding how wonderful and overwhelming this is. (:

October 10th

"Where are we going?"

He glances over at me with a grin but doesn't answer.

"How did you even get me out of class?"

He takes a sharp left turn with a sigh and a shake of his head, "you can never leave well enough alone, can you?"

I cross my arms and throw my feet up onto his dash, "what do you think, Black? Now answer my questions."

He runs his free hand through his hair, "I said that your gynecologist called and your test results were back. And that it was urgent you came before the burning started."

I sit up straight and stare at him in disbelief, "please tell me you did not just say what I think you did."

He smirks, "what would you like me to say? That I didn't get a weird look from Becca Fizpatrick when I said that you have been a naughty girl?" I punch his shoulder making him jump, "Ow! Women I'm driving, keep your animal instincts for the bedroom."

"Greyson Aleksander Black, I might just kill you."

He rolls his eyes at the use of his middle name, hes always hated it, and stops the car at what looks like a abandoned alley way. He turns to me and grins, "fair enough, but lets hold on that shall we?" He looks me up and down, I'm wearing a pair of yoga pants and a loose fitting sweatshirt that says 'Worlds Best Dad' on it. "Your sweatshirt is stupid," Greyson says with a unamused expression pointed at my sweatshirt.

I shrug, unaffected, "your face is stupid."

He blows out a small laugh, "you've always been one with comebacks."

I smile cheekily at him, "maybe I should get a sweatshirt with the phrase, 'Worlds Best Comebacker' oh wait no, 'Best at Comebacks and Greyson Blacks face is stupid' I think that ones the most accurate."

He flicks my nose, "its a good thing you have a cute face. Your humor will never get you far."

I scoff, "I'm hilarious. Ask anyone."

He rolls his eyes, "hurry up." He opens up his door and walks to the trunk. I get out and follow him, he digs through his loose clothes and random littered items. He hands me a carton of eggs, "you'll be handling the eggs," he picks up a two spray paint cans; one purple, and the other black, "and I'll handle the spray paint."

He closes the trunk with a grin at me and starts walking down the alley way. I look down at the carton of eggs and then back up at his retreating figure. With a start I run after him, "Greyson...what are we doing?"

I get next to him and he just glances at me and keeps his fast stride, "well theres this car here thats been pissing me off lately."

I grab his arm making him stop because frankly I'm extremely confused, "what the hell are we about to do?"

He sighs, "its simple really. Theres been a car here that has not been moved or cleaned in a few months. Frankly I'm over it. So were giving it a makeover."

I laugh thinking that hes joking but when he just stares at me I stop, "your not kidding."

He lifts an eyebrow, "no. Its hidious."

"Not about how uncleaned the car is, you asswipe. About redecorating it."

He smirks slightly, "why love. Don't you know me well enough to know that I never joke about things like this."

I shake my head, "Greyson thats vandalism."

He turns, pulling his arm out of my reach, and starts back to the end of the alley way. I run after him, "I'm not doing this with you."

He stops abruptly making me bump into his chest. He grabs my shoulders to center me, "you are doing this with me actually. But don't worry, no one has touched this car in months, I'm sure no one will catch us. But incase they do," he leans down so his breath caresses my ear, "its a good thing you wore something you can run in."

I shove his away, "I never said I would do illegal acts with you, Black."

He rolls his eyes, "I dont remember you saying that." When he sees that I'm not ammused he grabs my wrist and starts to pull me towards the car, "come on Smiles, it will be fun."


"Don't forget that I have connections with the maintaince crew that have access to the schools sound system. With the push of a button you and Coles secret relationship will be on blast."

Oh I want to kick him. But I know its true. Tayler Finkler does the morning annoucements every day and just last month I saw Taylor and Greyson snuggiling up in the schools library. It was gross and I threw a book at his head. He wasn't to happy.

He stops infront of a dirty red beat up Honda with a smug grin on his face. Were still in the alley but if someone was to drive by on the main road they would definitly see us. This is risky. I don't want to do this.

But I have no other choice.

"I hate you."

He smirks at me, "love you too Smiles. Now you ready for this?"


He pops the cap of the purple spray can and shakes it, "well better get ready."

I reluctantly open up the eggs, "this is a really bad idea, Greyson."

He tilts his head and grabs an egg putting one in my hand before picking up my hand with his and throwing it at the car with me. It splatters on the broken windsheild in a blast of pink paint.

"They're filled with paint?" I ask in disbelief.

He nods with a small smile, "all different colors, love."

That was actually really fun. I look up and down the alley way before throwing another one with a laugh. Greyson goes and starts spray painting big lines along the side.





In no time were both laughing and I've completely forgotten that I'm doing something illegal right now.


I look up mid throw with wide eyes. A guy, rouchly the size of the abominal snowman, is running down the alley way towards us with angry eyes.

And I just stand there.

"Shit," Greyson says from somewhere next to me. I don't realize I'm being pulled before I hear Greyson talking in my ear, "Skyler. Run!"

The fog finally clears and I find myself running hand and hand with Greyson towards the car. My heart is beating so fast and for some unknowable reason I feel more alive then I've ever felt. I actually feel myself smiling.

I look back to see the guy still chasing after us but I also catch what Greyson had been writing.


We stumbling to his car and hurry to get inside and drive away.

I try to catch my breath while Greyson swirves and turns to get away from our distruction.

"Well that was...interesting," Greyson says after about five minutes of the only sounding being our heavy breathing.

I don't know what comes over me, I just laugh, a full on buckle over hold your stomach laugh.

"Are you going insane?"

"Why is it...that...whenever I'm with you...I find myself in trouble?" I gasp out between laughs.

"All part of the charm, Smiles."

I just know hes smirking. I look over at him when I get myself under control. I was right, he has a proud smirk plastered on his face. I realize that were parked outside of our houses. That was fast.

I look over to see that Rowan and my mom are both not home and we still have atleast four hours left of school so I can't go over to Coles.

I unbuckle and turn towards Greyson, "your a bastard you know that?"

He nods and rolls his eyes, "yes, and you hate me for putting you through that."

I nod with a smug smirk, "I guess you do have a brain."

He glares at me and opens up his door stepping out with the casual grace of a lion I follow his lead and grab my bag and start to head towards my house.

"You want some food or something?"

I turn around to see Greyson leaning over the hood of his car with his arms crossed.

"You still got that old playsation?"

He twirls his keys around his finger, "yup."

I walk to his door without looking back, "well get ready to get your ass beat, Black."

He comes and unlocks the door, "don't get too cocky yet. I've been practicing."

I walk into the fimilar living room. It look the same from the last time I was in here. A jolt of suprise run through me when I realize its almost been four years. Back then this house was as much my house as mine was. That was atleast till Greyson and I just started ignoring each other except for a few sly glares and unpleaseant incounters.

Let me get this straight, Greyson and I were never friends. It was just him and Rowan were so close and I didn't want to be left out.

So whenever Rowan would come here, it would be him and Greyson against me. But I didn't really mind it. I got to be with my big brother.

Plus, ill never admit it to him, but I used to have a tinsy winsy crush on Greyson when I was in sixth grade. He had just gotten his braces off and grew two inches and I was done for. That is until he came and poured a bucket of mud ontop of me in my bed.

Lets just say that crush only lasted for a week and a half and then I was back to dispising Greyson Black. And I haven't stopped since.

So seeing the dark brown couch with the tear on the left cushion and the dark black scratched coffee table brings me a nostalgic feeling. I spent so many afternoons laying on that couch telling Greyson to get his fat self off of me before I made him regret the day he lived.

He never did, if you were wondering. He would just keep tickiling me until his mom came in and would scold him or make a comment that would make him blush.

I always did a little victory dance when Greyson would blush, it was such a rare occasion.

"Are you staring at me for my incredibly good looks or just because youve forgotten how to human?"

I jump out of my memories to realize that I was in fact staring at Greyson, and his smug smirk, "I'm gonna go with the forgetting how to human option. The first one isn't plausible."

He scoffs as he throws his jacket on the couch and walks into the kitchen. I take up a spot on the couch and throw off my jacket as well. Greyson throws a bag of pretzels at me and flops down next to me and hands me a Dr. Pepper as he opens his.

I open up the pretzels and pull my legs up into a cris cross and nibble on the prezel.

"What do you want to play?" Greyson asks as he sets his drink on the coffee table and stands up walking to the tv to get the game set up. I throw a pretzel at his head and he glares at me.

"What do you think? Need for Speed: V-Rally 2."

He groans, "your such a loser, why not Nascar 2000?"

I throw another pretzel at him but he catches it with his mouth with a trumphant smirk. I roll my eyes, "because you asked me what I wanted to play. So that's what were gonna play."

"You're annoying," he mumbles as he turns around and sets up the game.

"And you're an imbecal."

He comes and tosses me a controller, "you better get ready, love. Don't need you crying again when I win."

"That was because you kicked me in the ankle!"

He laughs, "I couldn't let Rowan see me loose to his sister."

The play screen comes up, "yes. Wouldn't it be tragic if someone saw that you were a sore loser."

"I was not a sore loser," he grubles as the game starts.

I scoff as I push his shoulder with mine as I drive my car in front of his and take lead, "you once locked yourself in your room when I won you against Nascar."

"Thats because you cheated," he says in an annoyed voice as he slams his car against mine.

"I did no such thing!" I take the lead again and make another lap. One left.

He scoffs and pushes his whole body against mine trying to make me swirve. His classic move. "You were sneaky, but I know you cheated."

I roll my eyes and pass the finish line, throwing my hands up in the arm. I smirk over at him, "you gonna go lock yourself in your room?"

He rolls his eyes but I see the smile twistching at the side of his lips, "I declare a rematch, Smiles."

"I got all day, Black."


"Well look who it is?"

Greyson and I both jump and turn away from our game to see Amy, Greysons mom, standing in the entry the way of the living room with a grocery bag in her hand and a pleasant smile on her lips.

"Hi, Mrs. Black."

She rolls her eyes and sets the bag in the kitchen, "no need for that dear. I've been telling you for years to call me Amy."

I pause the game and stand up walking over to the kitchen, Greyson however stays on the couch and throws a pretzel into his mouth, "it feels weird." I say to Amy when I go and sit on one of the bar stools at the island in the kitchen.

She starts putting away the groceries, "nothing weird about it dear. It's my name."

Greyson comes and hops up on the counter next to me, "mom. Did you get the things I asked you for?"

She hands him a stack of plain white clothes and paint, "yes I did. Now Skyler, how are you dear? It feels like ages since I've seen you in this house."

I look curiously at whats in Greysons hands before looking over at Amy, "I've been good."

She nods, "how lovely. It gave me quite a start when I saw you on my couch playing those ridiculous games again. Just like old times, all that was needed was Greyson throwing a fit."

Greyson rolls his eyes and I smile at her, "a couple more seconds and he would have. He hasn't won one yet. I think it was getting to his ego."

"My ego is quite intact, thank you. Also I will have you know that I was letting you win."

Amy smirks over at me, "looks like hes still a sore loser."

He hops down from the counter while I laugh and points at his mom, "your supposed to be on my side mom. Were blood."

She smiles lovingly at her son, "yes. But I do miss our Skye here so I will have to agree with her."

He scoffs dramatically and walks away, most likely to his room, Amy watches as he leaves and then turns back to me.

"It is good to see you around here, Skye."

I wave my hand dismissively, "I'm just next door."

She nods, "but you never come over anymore."

I shrug, "I only came over when Rowan came over here."

She sighs, "I just miss it thats all. Make sure to come over more often, alright?"

I nod, even though I doubt it will happen.

I look towards the way to Greysons room and then catch a glimps of ouside. I stand up fast making Amy jump.

"I have to go," I say in a rush while I grab my bag.

"Stay for dinner," Amy says from behind me. I turn around and smile at her as politely as possible.

"I really can't. Maybe some other time."

She looks at me confused, "is everything alright?"

I take a glance out the window and nod, "yeah. Yeah. I just - ah gotta go. Alright thank you for everything."

I start to walk to the front door when Greyson walks back into the living room. He looks at me, "you not gonna stay for another round?"

I open up the door, "no, uh - I really must be going. Its dark out and Rowan is probably wondering where I am."

He raises an eyebrow, "you know you live next door right?"

I laugh nervously, "yes. Thats right I do. But I have to go."

He walks over to me, "what is going on with you? Your acting like more of a lunitic then usual."

I take a step out of the door, "I'm acting normal."

He narrows his eyes at me and then tilts his head to look behind me and realization dawns on his face, "nervous to have pretty boy seeing you come out of my house?"

I groan in frustration. Yes, that exactly what I don't want. Why is he even here? On my street?

I put my hand on Greysons chest, "Bye Greyson."

He rolls his eyes and steps back into his house, "Goodbye, Skyler."

He slams the door in my face and even though I can tell he's mad at me I breath a sigh of relief. Hopefully Cole didn't see who's I was just with.

Not like we were doing anything we shouldn't have been, but still. Cole and him hate each other.

I grip the strap of my bag run over to my lawn throwing it down before running across the street to Coles car.

I knock on the window and he rolls it down.

"What are you doing here?"

His hair is its usual mess of brown and his zipup sweatshirt is only half zipped up and hes not wearing a shirt under it. His sports bag is in the passenger seat next to an empty bottle of Gatorade.

"I came to see if you were okay."

I shake my head in confusion and lean into his window with my arms crossed, "what are you talking about?"

He runs his hand through his hair, "there was a rumor going around today something about a doctors appointment. Some people were mentioning burning...?"

I groan in frustration, "I'm gonna kill him."

"Kill who? Whats going on Skye?"

I rub my eyes, "nothing. Its a stupid rumor I'm fine. I didn't even go to the doctors."

His eyes widen, "well should you have?"

I laugh and shake my head, "no! No. I'm okay."

He grabs my chin with his thumb and finger, "good. You had me freaking out."

I swipe the falling hairs off of his forehead, "no reason to."

"Why did you leave?"

I shake my head, "long story."

"Care to enlighten me?"

I shake my head and look back in the direction of my house, "later."

He runs his fingers along my cheek, "come on lets go to my place."

"You go I'll be there in an hour. I have to go talk to Rowan."

He starts up his car, "you better be in my bed in an hour."

I smile, "you better have taken a shower."

He glares at me playfully and I step back towards my house as he drives off. I quickly run back to my yard and pick up my bag and go to the house.

I step into the kitchen, after throwing my bag on the the couch, to see mom and Rowan baking cookies.

"Smells good."

They both look up with smiles. Mom takes a spoon out of the drawer and takes a big scoop out of the cookie dough and hands it to me, already knowing what that I was going to do that. I take the spoon with a smile of thanks and jump up onto the counter next to Rowan.

He looks over at me with a sly smile, "where have you been?"

I chew on a chocolate chip and swing my legs, "Greysons."

He chuckles, "I know."

I roll my eyes, 'then why did you ask?"

"Hoping you would lie so I could catch you."

I lick the spoon clean, "sorry to disappoint big brother."

He sighs, "its alright. Mom's got some even better news."

I lean over so I can see her. She smiles at me, "we're going and having dinner tomorrow with Greyson and Amy."


"Because she said it was so nice seeing you over there."

I hop down from the counter, "doesn't mean I want to keep going over there. I see enough of his face."

She waves her cookie covered hand at me while I walk up to my room, "you will be going and you will be on your best behavior."

I roll my eyes playfully and kiss her on the cheek, "alright fine. I'm gonna go over to Liam's for the night I'll see you tomorrow."

Rowan rolls his eyes, "be safe."

"Bye loser."


"So what happened today?"

I lay down next to Cole and snuggle into the crook of his neck.

"I just had to deal with something...its nothing important."

He runs his fingers through my hair, "Greyson was gone all day too."

I chew on my lip. How am I going to get through this, " I had to do something with him. Get ready for this dinner we have to go to tomorrow."

That's logical right?

"What dinner?"

"I guess we're going over there tomorrow night. Just like old times..."

Cole sighs, "old times...right."

I look up at him with my chin against his chest, "what's going on with you? Are you okay?"

He licks his bottom lip and looks up to the ceiling, "just a lot on my mind, I guess."

"You sure?"

He nods and kisses my forehead, "yeah, babe."

I run my hand up his chest and rub the subtle stubble on his chin.

" broke up with your fake girlfriend today?"

He laughs, "I couldn't deal with it anymore. She was to clingy."

"What does that mean for us?"

He looks at me with confused eyes, "what do you mean? We stay like we have been."

"But...I mean, well. Now that you don't have Stacy...what if we, you know?"

He raises an eyebrow, "you know?"

I sit up and cross my legs with my hands in my lap, "what if we stop having this be a secret. Be able to hold hands in public."

"I thought you said you didn't want people to know?"

I play with the bottom of Cole's shirt I'm wearing, "I know. At first I did. But now, I don't know. I think it would be nice to not have to hide it from my bestfriends."

Cole sits up and crosses his legs so our knees are touching. He makes little small circles on my thigh.

"I don't think we should."

I continue to not look at him, "why not?"

"Because...then we have to deal with everyone wanting to know what's going on and just a whole lot of drama that you wouldn't want to deal with."

I look up to see Cole running his hand through his hair.

"I think it would be worth the drama."

I do. I really do. Because then I could tell Sam and Liam. I wouldn't have to deal with Greyson blackmailing me. I could kiss him, hold him, and talk to him out in public.

Why wouldn't that be worth the drama?

Unless he doesn't want to do it because...he's embarrassed.

I knew at the beginning he was, and I was okay with that. But now, when I think I might be falling in love with him, I don't want to be hiding in the dark.

"I don't think so Skye."

I push his hand away and pull my knees to my chest.

"Is it because you don't want to be seen with me?"

He shakes his head, "of course not babe."

"Then why not?"

He takes my hand and intertwines our fingers, "because I don't like people prying into my personal life. And right now, I need to be focusing on basketball. Not what stupid people are thinking about my relationship with you. You're my girlfriend, and I care about you. A lot. But can't we just for now forget about this? Until everything cools down."

I sigh and pull my hand out of his. "Okay, fine."

I grab the blanket and pull it over to lay down on my side and close my eyes.

"Skye don't be that way."

I snuggle deeper into the bed, my back towards Cole, "I'm just tired."

He moves my hair to the side and kissed the crook of my neck, "everything will be okay...sleep good."

I don't think everything will be okay.



Picture of Stacy Renolds at the top!

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