Caught up with the Bad Boy {C...

By MessaBoo

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|editing process| I glare at him, "what do you want, Greyson?" He leans down so his face is level with mine... More

Before you read this book!
Chapter Two: You smell like a dirty sock.
Chapter Three: I'm the mistress? How rude.
Chapter Four: Your Wonder Women undies were mighty cute.
Chapter Five: Sam, the girl with the hot ass.
Chapter Six: Greyson Blacks face is stupid.
Chapter Seven: Every damn word.
Chapter Eight: You still harboring that crush for Blossom?
Chapter Nine: Ha! More like your in love with me.
Chapter Ten: Greyson Black, eight years old.
Chapter Eleven: 'Knocking boots' not 'slapping boots'
Chapter Twelve: The immaculate body is just a plus.
Chapter Thirteen: Happy freaking Halloween, love.
Chapter Fourteen: Pants, Black. I don't got all night.
Chapter Fifteen: You're killing me tonight, Smiles.
Chapter Sixteen: I'm a mess.
Chapter Seventeen: Maybe they had a threesome.
Chapter Eighteen: Have you been picturing him naked lately?
Important A/N: I fell in love with writing this year.
Chapter Nineteen: Tough love, lovebug.
Chapter Twenty: Please...Greysie.
Chapter Twenty One: Goodbye, Skye Hastings.
Chapter Twenty Two: You want me to run around naked?
A/N: Breaking Lincoln High
Breaking Lincoln High
Chapter Twenty Three: What did you do to a squirrel?
Chapter Twenty Four: Underwear...
Chapter Twenty Five: Something drastic.
Chapter Twenty Six: And I thought I looked gorgeous.
Chapter Twenty Seven: Oh sweet baby Jesus.
Chapter Twenty Eight: Screw this.
Important A/N
Chapter Twenty Nine: That was my way of flirting.
Before next chapter...A/N
Chapter Thirty: I won't let go.
Chapter Thirty One: December
Chapter Thirty Two: January
Chapter Thirty Three: February
Chapter Thirty Four: March
Chapter Thirty Five: Sometimes the world is a giant jackass.
Chapter Thirty Six: Backsliding is a bitch.
Chapter Thirty Seven: I will punch your manhood.
Greyson's Letter
Awesome A/N
Chapter Thirty Eight: You look like a cavewoman.
Spectacularly Important A/N
Chapter Thirty Nine: Sneaky is my middle name.
Chapter Forty: They sure were eggcellent.
Caught in a Dream (Sneak Peak)

Chapter One: Who doesn't love a poorly drawn penis tattoo?

11.8K 225 178
By MessaBoo

October 7th

"Do you see that? It's like watching a car wreck, I can't look away. She's practically drooling."

My best friend Liam Parker says in reference to Rebecca Thompson and Matt Baker. She's had a thing for him since he got into the varsity team of our school's basketball team. Let's just say that last year when Matt was in junior varsity, Rebecca didn't even know his name.

Sam Mason, my other best friend, scoffs, "it's not as bad as Stacy over there. Seriously does she look at herself before she leaves the house? I want to go up to her and ask if her mother knows that she's walking around with half of her ass hanging out."

I turn around, closing my locker in the process, and look to where they are. I can clearly see what Liam was saying about Rebecca, she's practically draping herself against his arm while he laughs with his friends and tries to subtly shake her off. Matt has never been into her, he's actually a really nice guy. Most of Cole's friends are, except for the few exceptions of the slimy scum bags that will hump anything with a pulse.

My eyes shift over to Stacy, as usual she's wearing her normal skimpy little shorts and crop top. If you can even consider that a top at all, I would consider that a bra if I were being asked.

I keep the emotions off my face when I see who she precisely is trying to show off for.


She stands offly close to him while she twirls a curled piece of her badly done bottle blonde hair around her manicured nail and giggles every few seconds even though Cole doesn't seem to be even be talking to her.

No, Cole is talking to Jace Marks one of his best friends. He's one of the nice guys like Matt.

Coles leaning against his locker with his left hand gripping the strap of his blue backpack and his right hand stuffed in the pocket of his black basketball shorts.

He must have already went to a practice this morning because a few strands of his soft brown hair falls onto his forehead. I long to swipe them away with my fingers and run my hands through his hair while he kisses down my neck.

As if he knew I was looking at him, his eyes shift over at me and stay a little longer then they should. They run down my body in a quick motion and then land back on my eyes before he ducks his chin to his chest with a small smile.

I feel a smile twitch at the sides of my mouth. That is until I hear what my friends discussion is about.

"I heard that Cole and Stacy's parents have already chosen where the wedding is going to be," Liam says while he stares over at them.

Sam, with her normal mannered scoff says, "yeah well I heard that rich people have a tendency to cheat on their wifes with the twenty year old maid."

"Cole does seem like one to go for the maids, doesn't he?"

I definitely don't feel like listening about this nonsense, especially when it involve Cole, Stacy, and marriage. Just the thought makes me want to puke.

"I don't know why it matters it's just gossip," I say while turning around just so I don't have to look at Stacy touching Coles arms as if she has any right to touch his arm.

Liam tilts his head at me, "well look who's finally making an appearance. Tell us Skye why do you look like you haven't slept for days?"

Because I wasn't sleeping last night, I was laying in bed with Cole.

"Had an english paper that was due."

He narrows his eyes at me but seems to accept it. Sam however looks like she can smell my bullshit. "We didn't have an english paper due."

Shit, shit, shit.

I shrug nonchalantly "it was an old paper I was making up. He said I could get seventy percent if I turned it in today."

She stares a minute longer making me resist the urge to squirm, after what seems like forever, she nods.

I let out a guilty sigh, I wish I could tell them about me and Cole but what would be a secret relationship be if you tell people?

I chew on my lip and look down at my feet. I know I should tell them, everyday I feel guiltier and guiltier for not telling them. I've been telling them everything since we were in second grade.

We all bonded over our hatred for The Little Mermaid, odd thing to become best friends over, but hey, we were in second grade. To say the least we have been best friends since that day and now we're all seniors in high school.

I get pulled out of my guilt ridden revelations by Liam continuously slapping my arm, "look, look, look! Gross things happening, look!"

I push him off and look in the direction he and Sam are looking. I think I might puke now.

They're kissing.


Fucking kissing!

Cole and Stacey!

I might kill someone.

Cole pushes Stacy off of him in a daze and quickly looks in my direction with pleating eyes. He starts to take a step towards me but then realizes where he is and instead looks down at his feet.

"I'm gonna go," I mutter to Liam and Sam, and turn around quickly without listening to their protests.

I can't believe this.

How dare she kiss someone else boyfriend?

Okay, she doesn't know that he's my boyfriend, but still!

My eyes start to prickle but I blink it away and continue down the hallway towards my classroom.

Six more hours and I can go home and drink copious amounts of tea and read about Chase Tallman - and his beautiful vampire ways.

Fictional boyfriends would never kiss some blonde haired, big boobed, cheerleader that has five layers of makeup on her face.

She probably has to use a whole pack of makeup wipes to just get her eyeliner off.

I hope she wipes her eye with it and gets pink eye.

I snort at my own joke.

I think I might punch Cole. He let her kiss him.

Do you think he liked it?

Oh great now I'm asking myself questions. I'm officially going cra-

I run into a wall, or more like a person, making all of my things fall to the ground.

I groan and flop down to the ground and start stuffing my books and pens back into my bag, "jesus-fuck, could you watch where you're going?"

"You're the one that wasn't paying attention to what was in front of you, maybe you should get your head out of your ass." The wall replied in an irritated tone.

I roll my eyes and stuff the last of my things in my bag and swing it over my shoulder and stand up to see who this asshole is.

Great! As if today can't get any worse. Of course I have to run into none other than Greyson Black.

I think God has a funny way of showing his appreciation for me today.

All gorgeous six something feet of Greyson stands over me, with his raven black hair, and his grey-blue eyes that look like the beginning of a storm, just his presence makes me want to punch something.

I wish Stacey was here right now. I'm sure she would be an amazing punching bag.

"I must be the luckiest person ever," I mutter sarcastically to myself. I move around him not even going to make conversation with him. That would definitely not be worth my sulking time.

"You're not even going to apologise?" He bellows from behind me.

I don't turn around and just give him a rather crude gesture, "suck my dick, Black."

I hear his laughter as I continue to walk towards my classroom. When I get there fifty percent of the kids are already there. I slink into my normal spot and put my head down on the table, lightly slamming it against the hard surface.

I just want today to be over.

First seeing Stacy kiss Cole, then having to talk to Greyson Black.

I seriously despise him, ever since he poured paint over me and said that I was his modern day Mona Lisa, in eighth grade.

Thankfully after that he has left me alone other than a few unpleasant encounters. Ones that I will not dwell on.

They will just make me even more angrier.

I feel a hand on my neck and I look up to see Blake Weber smiling down at me, "you look like you're having a rough morning. Whats going on, pretty girl?"

I sigh in relief, thank god for Blake, he's my sane friend. The one that knows how to be the most comforting.

"Just having a bad morning. Also had to talk to Greyson, and you know how unpleasant that is for anyone around."

He laughs and sits down in the seat next to me, "oh I know. You do remember that I got the backlash of his little Mona Lisa stunt."

I shudder and smile at him in apology, even though it was years ago, "truely sorry about that you know."

He laughs and takes out a pencil sticking it behind his ear, "no biggie, I love having a penis drawn on my forehead in red and purple paint."

I smile at him, "I thought it suited you. I'm still disappointed that you didn't get it permanently tattooed to your forehead. It would have really gotten you all the girls."

He smiles back at me and throws a piece of gum at me, "I'm sure thats what would happen. Who doesn't love a poorly drawn penis tattoo?"


He laughs and I continue, "that was a masterpiece. De Vinci would have been jealous."

"Yes, he's weeping in his grave that he didn't paint it first."

We both laugh as the rest of the class fills into the room. Including Cole, he walks over to his seat in the left side of the class a few rows down from me. His eyes search the room till they land on me.

He tilts his head at me with sad pleating eyes, lunch?, he mouths.

I chew on my lip but nod reluctantly. I'll have to talk to him soon enough.

Mrs. Schwimmer walks into the classroom and starts talking about the lab we we'll be doing next week, something involving iodine and something that starts with an m. I don't know I block out the whole conversation and instead try to think about what in the hell I'm going to say to Cole at lunch.


When I sit down Liam looks up and smiles, a smile full of glee and mischief.


He shakes his head at me and wiggles his eyebrows at me, "you shouldn't be telling people to suck your dick Skye. It's not very ladylike."

I roll my eyes and look over at Sam for assistance, she just shrugs and goes back to eating her apple, "how did you figure out about that?"

"It involved Greyson black, it was around the school by second period. It outshined Stacy and Cole gossip."

I shift my jaw at that and squeeze my water bottle to the point that it makes crinkling noises.

"People need to stay out of others peoples lives."

He shrugs, "why would they do that when they have others to pry in?"

"I hate humans," I mutter.

Liam and Sam are laughing right as Blake Weber and Jacob Williams sit down.

I look over at Jacob with a raised eyebrow, "what brings you here Jacob?"

He smiles, "just came to say hello."

I narrow my eyes at the goofy blonde who looks like we walked out of a Zumiez catalogue, "I don't believe you."

He laughs, "I don't care."

I groan and look away from him, really not caring to investigate him any farther. Who cares why he's here. I just have a sinking suspicion that Greyson has something to do with it. They are best friends, so it's only logical.

I look around the lunch room till my eyes land on Cole at the door, he must have been waiting for me to see him because once I do he nods his head towards the door and walks out of it.

I look back at my table and scoot my plate away, "I'm going to the library."

They all nod and I grab my bag scurrying out of the room while throwing my bag over my shoulder. I push the doors open and look back and forth before I head off towards the janitor's closet that we always meet in.

Ah. Highschool love.

I do one last quick look before opening the door slowly and stepping inside.

I instantly feel his hands on my waist, "she just kissed me. I didn't know she was going to and I didn't kiss back."

It dark in here but I can still make out the shape of his face. I push his hands off my waist, "why did she kiss you?"

He steps closer to me where I can feel his breath hitting my lips, "because she's Stacy and shes crazy."

I lean my head on his shoulder and he wraps me in his arms, "I don't like her."

He laughs lightly against my ear, "I don't either."

I wrap my arms around his muscular frame and inhale. God, I love the smell of him. Axe and blue Poweraid. His favorite flavor. "She knows that you guys aren't actually dating right?"

He kisses my shoulder, "yes, I've made it perfectly clear. I don't know why she did that today. I'm so sorry, you know I didn't kiss her back right?"

I nod, "I believe you."

"Good," he kisses up my neck and then meets his lips with mine, "you know you're my girl right?"

I nod, already breathless, and press my lips against him, desperate to feel him against me. He pushes me against the wall making a mop fall to the ground, but neither of us care right now. His tongue invades my mouth and moves in sync with mine, making me moan out his name.

"God, I love when you say my name like that."

I smile into the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck, running my fingers through his hair and tugging on it lightly making him groan into my mouth.

He pulls away giving us both time to get a breath, "you coming over to my place tonight?"

I tilt my head and smirk, "depends, what do you have in mind?"

He nips at my bottom lip with a laugh, "I was thinking something with whip cream involved."

I kiss the tip of his nose, "oh yay. I was hoping we would be having hot chocolate."

He leaves open mouthed kisses down my jaw, "you're a tease, you know that?"

"It's all part of my charm," I manage to whisper while he sucks and nips at the crook of my neck, "Cole, if you keep doing that I'm gonna get a hickey."

He stops only to say, "exactly," and then places his lips back down on the swollen spot.

I tilt my head instinctively to give him more access, "Cole we really must go. Lunch will be over soon."

He doesn't stop just moves over to the spot under my ear and does the same thing.



"We have to stop," I say while pushing him away, rather reluctantly might I add.

He pouts and continues to rub small circles on my hip bones, "you're all I think about during the day. Especially when you where stuff like this."

Shocked I look down at my baggy sweatshirt and yoga pants, "this is nothing special."

He moves his hands back to the small of my back and pulls me right up against him, "your ass looks fantastic in yoga pants and you know it. It's torture."

"Would you like me to stop wearing the yoga pants?"

He growls softly and bites on my bottom lip before pulling away and resting his forehead on mine, "never. That would be a disaster to humanity."

"Oh well, if that's the case maybe I should wear them all the time. For humanity you know."

He smiles, "you know what would really make humanity strive?"


He places his mouth right against my ear, "you wearing nothing..."

I smile, "so you think I should just walk into the school naked. For all to see?"

He leans back and looks at me thoughtfully, "you're right. That would not be a good thing. All the guys are already talking about you in the yoga pants. We don't need them talking about anything else, or I think I might explode."

"The guys are talking about me?"

He nods and rolls his eyes, "yes, and I think I might kill the next guy that says that he's going to 'do you good' they're all filthy creatures."

I snort, "says the boy that just said humanity would strive if I walked around naked."

"Lets just say that the humanity of my bedroom would strive if you were constantly naked."

I run my thumb over his bottom lip, "I'm sorry to disappoint but I don't think that will be happening. I rather like my clothes."

He nibbles on my thumb, "can we make a compromise then?"


"How about instead of naked, it's that cute little lacy black bra and panties. I rather liked those."

I tilt my head and bite my lip in mock concentration, "I think I can manage that. That is, as long as you deserve it."

He pecks my lips, "you have a wicked little mouth."

I peck his lips, "we have to go."

"I'll go first," he gives me one last kiss before he sneaks out of the closet and into the hallway while running his hand through his hair to smooth out the mess that I caused.

I bite my thumb and wait a few minutes before stepping out into the hallway right as the lunch bell rings.

I look to my right as I see a dash of black in the corner of my eye, when I look over no one's there so I shrug it off and head off to my next class.

Only three more hours till I can be in Cole's arms.


Hi guys!

Picture of Skye at the top!

Hope you're liking the story!

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